Facebook iOS SDK 4.6 still ask for facebook login by safari even already login in device settings->facebook - facebook-login

I'm using Facebook SDK 4.6 and compile my iOS app with XCode7beta5. The app will use Facebook account details to signin our iOS app. However, even already login in device settings->facebook. The login api in Facebook SDK still ask for facebook login by safari (happen in iOS8.4.1 or iOS9beta5 once my iOS app using Facebook SDK 4.6 compile with XCode7beta5). My previous iOS app version that using an older Facebook SDK version could work properly (i.e. able to use login in device settings->facebook)
Besides, I already follow steps in https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/ios9 to setup my iOS app to use Facebook SDK 4.6.
Anything I missed? Please help.

Here is the answer:
Facebook Login does not return to App with Xcode 7 iOS 9
It seems that in SDK 4.6 Facebook prefer to open Safari View Controller by default than the Facebook App...


How to login in RingCentral softphone in ipad ios in developer sandbox mode

I have installed RingCentral Softphone in my ipad.
How to login in softphone in ipad ios in developer sandbox mode. I tried to check different options, but unable to find one
In Mac Os, I can switch to Sandbox via Cmd+F2 keys... but in iPad not finding solution
I still think in iOS, it may not be possible for sandbox mode as it doesn't support.. RingCentral Phone mobile app does not support sandbox mode.
I can get this reference: https://forums.developers.ringcentral.com/questions/1289/is-it-possible-to-use-sandbox-account-with-ios-app.html

can't upgrade api version of my facebook developer app

I am trying to upgrade the api version of my facebook developer app by API Upgrade Tool
and I am getting following message:
Your app hasn't made enough calls to the Graph API to show any info,
or there are no changes for the methods you selected between v2.0 and
How can I upgrade my facebook app's api version?

Linkedin Sign In doesnt work on Apple devices using Javascript SDK

I have used Javascript SDK method for sign in my application, and it works on all devices and browsers expect for the Apple devices.
However, on Apple Devices auth modal opens and when I click on sign In it redirects to the previous page
How can i sign my Apple Apps using Javascript SDK
You can't. The LinkedIn JavaScript SDK is not compatible with iOS 5+.
You will need to use Rest API to Sign In on LinkedIn if you want to do it with JavaScript.

Facebook Graph API: Can't get all friends of a user with a graph v1.0 (old) facebook app

We have a facebook app which surely with open graph 1.0 (app created before May 1th, 2014, and can be switch to v1.0 with graph API explorer). The problem is, we can't get all friends from user from /me/friends - the API just behaved like 2.0 - return friends who also install this facebook app.
We heard rumors that if someone (app administrator) once call the open graph API v2.0, it will be switch to v2.0 and never come back. Is this true?
Thanks to lgy, we created these facebook apps before April 30th 2014 but didn't activate them (login/etc.), so they were switch to v2.0 by facebook.

Can users completely new to our iOS app still login with Facebook Graph API v1.0 if we specify v1.0 in the SDK as directed by Facebook?

We know how to call Facebook Graph API v1.0 and are calling it in the iOS SDK (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading) but new users are getting treated as though they're signing up with v2.0.
We know that once a user logs in via Graph API v2.0, there is no going back to v1.0 for that individual user (http://code-worrier.com/blog/changes-in-facebook-graph-api-2-dot-0/) but does anyone know if all new users to your app will automatically login through v2.0 and only previous users can login v1.0? We're using the Facebook iOS SDK v3.14.
Thanks so much.
New users signing up for your application since 4/30/2014 will return app-scoped id's. The version you use in the URL for the API request won't change that.
Here's what we found out: you can still log into / use the old version of the Facebook API (v1.0). The issue is the API version that gets called by your app depends on the Facebook iOS SDK version you are using in your app. So if you want to jump back to pre-v2.0 Facebook API, you need to be using an old version of the Facebook iOS SDK (3.13.1 and previous). They are all found here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/downloads
Keep in mind, Facebook is forcing developers to upgrade to v2.0 by April 30th of 2015. But, if you have a v2.0 headache now that you don't want to fix right away, this a decent band-aid solution. In our app, we upgraded the Facebook iOS SDK to get compliant with Apple's IDFA regulations, not knowing we were upgrading to v2.0 of the Facebook API. Since our app uses some features no longer available in v2.0, this was a huge issue.
Any users that may have signed up for your app while you were using v2.0 may need to delete app related info on Facebook so that they can log in fresh when you jump back to v1.0. This will allow you to get real Facebook user IDs and not app scoped user IDs.
The last small hurdle is that Apple is now rejecting many, if not all, apps that use the IDFA. All Facebook SDKs that use v1.0 use the IDFA (to my knowledge). The only way around it is to tell Apple that you are using it, but that it is attributed to a previously served advertisement (you do this on iTunes connect). See this article here: http://www.adexchanger.com/mobile/apple-throws-a-bone-to-app-marketers-blesses-idfa-for-attribution/
Again, this is not necessarily a 'proper' solution, but if you don't have the bandwidth / resources to fix your v2.0 issues right now, it can definitely help. Just make sure to get back to v2.0 before April 30, 2015.