Debugging of Chromecast - casting

I have implemented an Android application, which is for playing movies via GoogleCast. Everything works fine, but I need to enable a Chrome Remote Debugger.
I found an article here. I proceeded step by step according to instructions in this article, but I can see nothing in console.
IP address of my Chromecast is In Chrome, I go to The page is displayed and it looks like this:
I click on link Remote Debugging (AppEngine) and then I see the console. I type cast.receiver.logger.setLevelValue(cast.receiver.LoggerLevel.DEBUG); to this console.
According to instructions in article mentioned above, that's all and now it should work, but I can see anything in console.
Could you tell me, please, what I am doing wrong? Thank you.

In your URL bar, there should be a shield icon towards the right side. Click on that and enable scripts.


Typing 'a' in the search bar in AWS Systems Manager Session Manager console makes everything disappear

Whenever I type the character a in the search bar on the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager console, the whole console goes white and everything gets disappeared. I have to refresh the page to make everything appear again.
I think it is a bug and needs to be fixed or am I the only one who experiences this?
I believe you are correct. I also get the same behavior, and when it happens I see this error in the web console (Chrome Developer Tools):
So that seems to confirm that there is a code problem at least at this moment.

Unable to enable AWS Amplify Admin UI

I'm currently finding myself unable to enable the Admin UI. It was enabled before and now does not seem to work.
When I looked at my backends I see this.
Image of Amplify backend environment with a button to enable admin UI.
I then clicked the switch to turn on the Admin UI as shown below.
Image of the Admin UI enable screen.
I clicked it and it says it's enabling in a popup here, before saying it succeeded in another popup here.
I thought this was originally something wrong with my project but it's happening on my other amplify project - is the Amplify Admin UI down for some reason?
P.S. I was going to post this on server fault as this post says but there was no tag for Amplify on here.
Sorry this is not an answer, I cannot make comment so I have to write here.
I wasted a whole day by meeting the exactly the same issue.
At the same time, I tried to run Amplify pull --appid --envName several times, it always stuck there.
Amazon status page shows everything is fine now but I cannot believe it.
I also posted a question here but it seems nobody answered it.
I hope this issue was discovered by more people and Amazon finally can fix it, I believe it's not a problem on our side.
The issue was resolved as shown in this ticket I opened.
Have you tried selecting the environment and then clicking Open Admin UI?
I also wasnt able to login clicking in the URL and with my credentials, but clicking there worked.

Web sites stop opening - why?

My internet connection behaves in a weird way.
At some point, websites stop opening (I am using Chrome), but the tray icon (Wi-Fi or Lan) indicates that everything is alright, and the TroubleShoot Diagnostics tool tells this as well.
One thing to notice is that when I enter Google search requests at, then it provides me with search results. However, when clicking on any of the search results, then websites do not open.
Sometimes, internet gets "frozen" in this way when I open a Jupyter notebook, which also stops working (which is strange, since it uses localhost at
ping does not show any problems as well, and the file 'hosts' also looks OK (there is the line ' localhost').
What could be the reason and how else I could trace the problem?
Update: here is the screenshot of the Chrome's development tools (Network tab)
All three error are ERR_TIME_OUT
Sounds like you may have blocked some site/sites with Chrome. You can verify by using a different browser and trying out sites that you can't get to in Chrome.
Another good troubleshooting method is to use Chrome Developer Tools. On Mac, the shortcut is Command+Option+I. Open the developer tools and go to a site that's not working. You should see a bunch of error messages in the console (if the console is not shown, press Esc). Also, go to the 'Network' tab and check if any of the requests are in red.
If the red request status says 'blocked' then open the console back up (Esc button) and click the 3 dots in the top left corner of the console pane. Select 'Request Blocking' and deselect the checkbox that says 'Enable request blocking'
Another possibility is that you've disabled cookies on certain sites. In that case, in the navigation bar, go to chrome://settings/cookies and remove any entries from 'Sites that can never use cookies'

Postman - How to see request with headers and body data with variables substituted

I am using the Postman Chrome plugin to invoke HTTP requests for software testing. I use the Environments feature with Environment and Global Variables to substitute variables in my requests headers and body.
The variable substitution is working correctly (I can tell as the responses from the HTTP Server indicate that).
However, I would like to be able to see the Request Header and Body values AFTER the variables have been substituted. How can I do that?
As of now, Postman comes with its own "Console." Click the terminal-like icon on the bottom left to open the console. Send a request, and you can inspect the request from within Postman's console.
Update 2018-12-12 - Chrome App v Chrome Plugin - Most recent updates at top
With the deprecation of the Postman Chrome App, assuming that you are now using the Postman Native App, the options are now:
Hover over variables with mouse
Generate "Code" button/link
Postman Console
See below for full details on each option.
Personally, I still go for 2) Generate "Code" button/link as it allows me to see the variables without actually having to send.
Demo Request
Demo Environment
1) Hover over variables with mouse
2) Generate "Code" button/link
3) Postman Console
Update: 2016-06-03
Whilst the method described above does work, in practice, I now normally use the "Generate Code" link on the Postman Request screen. The generated code, no matter what code language you choose, contains the substituted variables. Hitting the "Generate Code" link is just faster, additionally, you can see the substituted variables without actually making the request.
Original Answer below
To see the substituted variables in the Headers and Body, you need to use Chrome Developer tools. To enable Chrome Developer Tools from within Postman do the following, as per
I have copied the instructions from the link above in case the link gets broken in the future:
Type chrome://flags inside your Chrome URL window
Search for “packed” or try to find the “Enable debugging for packed apps”
Enable the setting
Restart Chrome
You can access the Developer Tools window by right clicking anywhere
inside Postman and selecting “inspect element”. You can also go to
chrome://inspect/#apps and then click “inspect” just below
requester.html under the Postman heading.
Once enabled, you can use the Network Tools tab for even more
information on your requests or the console while writing test
scripts. If something goes wrong with your test scripts, it’ll show up
If, like me, you are still using the browser version (which will be deprecated soon), have you tried the "Code" button?
This should generate a snippet which contains the entire request Postman is firing. You can even choose the language for the snippet. I find it quite handy when I need to debug stuff.
Hope this helps.
I'd like to add complementary information:
In postman app you may use the "request" object to see your subsituted input data. (refer to in paragraph "Request/response related properties",
console.log("header : " + request.headers["Content-Type"]);
console.log("body : " +;
console.log("url : " + request.url);
I didn't test for header substitution but it works for url and body.
You can easily check the content of requests and responses with help of the postman console.
Here is a nice short video explanation How to debug postman request explained.
You can see below the snippet of how the log will show data.
You can check above video for learning how to log custom information.
On web version, if you click code tab on the right, code snippet will appear with multiple language and format choices.
Even though they are separate windows but the request you send from Postman, it's details should be available in network tab of developer tools.
Just make sure you are not sending any other http traffic during that time, just for clarity.

Windows Phone app crashes when navigating back from a task

Some pages in my app allow users to click a hyperlink to launch the external browser via a WebBrowserHelper.
I'm carefully saving the app state in OnNavigatedFrom and restoring it in OnNavigatedTo, but when the user navigates back from the web browser into my app, the app hangs, then crashes.
I've carefully followed the great blog post on the Windows Team Blog, but can also reproduce the bug using the provided code there (just add a WebBrowserTask to one of the button click events on the DetailsPage; or in fact a send SMS task).
Can anyone else confirm this bug, or perhaps point out something special that needs to be done to overcome it?
Whoops! Yes it turns out in most cases you just need to resume the debugger to have the app come back to life.
However in my case there is also a bug in my own code. As usual.