Inline const function - c++

As inline function will replace the actual call from code, what is the use of calling inline function as const.
Inline void adddata() const {...}

An inline function is one which can be defined in each translation unit, and must be defined separately in each translation unit where it is called. It is also a completely non binding suggestion to the compiler that you think the function should be inline. The compiler is free to actually inline or not inline any of your functions, whether or not they are declared inline.
const means that the object the function is a method of will tend not to be visibly modified by the function call. There are exceptions to this, it is always possible to modify if you try hard enough, but in general const is a promise to the caller that you won't.
Using them together means nothing additional to their individual meanings. They are essentially unrelated.


inline this function, does make sense?

I have the next member function:
template <typename T>
inline T Foo::Read(const DWORD addr) const // Passing by value.
T buffer;
ReadProcessMemory(m_processHandle, (LPVOID)addr, &buffer, sizeof(T), NULL);
return buffer;
If I'm not wrong, when the compiler inlines a function, it avoids calling the function and put the code of the called function into the caller function.
So in the caller function (assuming an integer return type) I would want something like:
ReadProcessMemory(m_processHandle, (LPVOID)addr, &bufferOfTheCaller, sizeof(int), NULL);
I have three questions about this:
1) What would happen with the variable that we return from the function?
Isn't the declaration of the variable buffer performed in run time?
2) In this case ReadProcessMemory is a huge function from the WinAPI, should the compiler still able to inline this function?
3) What is the difference between leaving the member function defined inside the class definition and declare it with the keyword inline outside the class definition? If I want to use inline keyword, Do I have to put the inlined function in the same file .h or?
It's important to note that the inline keyword has nothing to do with inlining calls to the function. All it does is allow the function to be defined in multiple translation units, as long as all of the definitions are the same.
What the inline keyword does is let you define a function in a header file that will be included in multiple translation units. This may give the compiler a better opportunity to inline call to that function, since it has the full definition available in multiple translation units, but it is not a command or even a hint that you want the compiler to do so. The compiler will decide on its own if it should or shouldn't inline a call to any given function. There are compiler-specific extensions that you can use if you do want to force calls to a function to be inlined, but that is not what the inline keyword does.
With that out of the way, I'll add that the compiler inlining a function call doesn't change the rules of C++ at all. It isn't a textual replacement, like a preprocessor macro. The compiler will figure out how to insert the logic from the called function into the caller. At that point, things like C++ variables don't really exist. If your call looks something like this:
int someValue = myFoo.Read(someAddress);
then the compiler can easily transform that into something like this:
int someValue;
ReadProcessMemory(myFoo.m_processHandle, (LPVOID)someAddress, &someValue, sizeof(int), NULL);
due to the as-if rule. Both of those snippets result in the same observable behavior, so the compiler can freely transform between them.
What would happen with the variable that we return from the function?
It will be destroyed, because the return value was discarded by the function call expression.
Isn't the declaration of the variable buffer performed in run time?
Declarations happen at compile time.
In this case ReadProcessMemory is a huge function from the WinAPI, should the compiler still able to inline this function?
If the compiler knows the definition of the function, then it could expand it inline. Whether it should, or whether it will do so depend on many factors. Size of a function is a heuristic that may affect the choice that the compiler makes.
What is the difference between leaving the member function defined inside the class definition and declare it with the keyword inline outside the class definition?
In one case the definition is inside the class and in the other case it is outside. There is no other difference.
If I want to use inline keyword, Do I have to put the inlined function in the same file .h or?
If you want to define a member function inline, but want to define it outside of the class definition, then you must declare the function inline within the class definition - except a function template, which is implicitly inline.
If you want to define the member function within the class definition, then you don't need to explicitly declare it inline; it will be so implicitly.
If you want to not define the function inline, then you must define the function outside the class definition and must not use the inline keyword.
If I'm not wrong, when the compiler inlines a function, it avoids calling the function and put the code of the called function into the caller function.
Yes, but inline has little to do with that.
1) What would happen with the variable that we return from the function? Isn't the declaration of the variable buffer performed in run time?
The compiler, inlining or not, will have to reserve some space for buffer, typically on the stack.
In other words, there is no bufferOfTheCaller. If your function is inlined, buffer will be in the caller's stack frame; otherwise, it will be put in the callee's stack frame.
2) In this case ReadProcessMemory is a huge function from the WinAPI, should the compiler still able to inline this function?
It does not matter how big the implementation of ReadProcessMemory is, your code just performs a function call to it, which is tiny. An optimizing compiler is likely to inline your function.
3) What is the difference between leaving the member function defined inside the class definition and declare it with the keyword inline outside the class definition?
No difference.
If I want to use inline keyword, Do I have to put the inlined function in the same file .h or?
The inline keyword is not about inlining. If you want to put the definition of a function in a header file, you will likely need inline to prevent redefinition errors.

C++: Optimizations made on wrapped methods that are trivial

When I write wrapper classes, a lot of the methods take the following form:
class Wrapper{
vec3 getPos(){ return m_position.get(); }
void setPos(vec3 pos){ m_position.set(pos); }
ThingGettingWrapped m_position;
I was curious however, will getPos() and setPos() incur overhead, or are modern compilers smart enough to optimize the delegation away so wrapper.set/get() is equivalent to wrapper.m_thingWrapped.set/get()?
(I know the methods are inlined in my example, but assume they are not explicitly inlined and defined separately)
An optimizer can expand the call inline in which case there is no overhead for the extra call.
A wrapper like that can incur overhead if the call is not expanded inline.
Optimizers of modern compilers do inline expansion.
assume they are not explicitly inlined and defined separately
There will be (small) overhead unless the optimizer can expand the call inline. You can guarantee the ability to inline by calling the function in the same translation unit where it was defined. Defining the function inline - like you did in your example - enables and enforces this for all translation units because inline functions are defined in all of them. Another way to allow inline expansion across translation units is LTO.
A function is not required to be inline in order for it to be expandable inline and an optimizer is not required to inline-expand all calls to inline functions. A function that is inline will always be expandable inline. A function that is not inline may be expandable in some case, but not always.
These functions will get inlined by the compiler as long as some simple rules are followed:
They are not virtual (they aren't in your case, but could be in some other place) - compiler often can't inline virtual functions - because it would render the whole idea of virtual functions useless.
The actual implementation of the function is available to the compiler during the compilation of the source calling getPos. Again, it would not be possible to compile the example code, but you could declare getPos and setPos as member functions without giving them a body in the class, in which case the compiler won't (necessarily) be able to inline them. [1]
[1] Compilers that support Link Time Optimisation (LTO) or Whole Program Optimisation as some compiler vendors like to call it can inline functions even if the source is not available - this is because final code-generation isn't done until later, so a half-compiled version of the source is stored in the object file. In my experience, LTO is not used for most projects.

Implicit inline virtual function implemented in header

Writing a function in a .h file and its implementation right after (implicit inline), while using the virtual keyword:
virtual void g(){cout<<"is Inline?"};
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is implemented in the .h?
Is this considered to be an inline?
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is implemented in the .h?
No. virtual and inline are completely independent concepts.
virtual means that the function to call is chosen, at run-time if necessary, according to the dynamic type of the object it's invoked on.
inline means that you're allowed to define the function in more than one translation unit, and must define it in any translation unit that uses it. This is necessary (for some compilers) to allow the function to be inlined, but does not force all calls to be inlined. In particular, virtual calls usually won't be inlined (unless the dynamic type can be determined at compile time), so virtual will certainly retain its meaning here.
Is this considered to be an inline?
Yes, but (as mentioned above) that does not mean that all calls will be inlined.
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is
implemented in the .h?
Nope. No reason to feel so. Header file is preprocessed and copy-pasted wherever it's included. So ultimately it's as good as implementing your g() in whatever .cpp file.
Is this considered to be an inline?
Yes. But here the inline doesn't mean usual interpretation of replacing function call with its content. virtual function resolution happens at runtime, so that can definitely not be inlined in that (macro style) way.
It means, that compiler guarantees to generate only 1 definition for all translation (.cpp file) units. Thus linker will not complain about multiple definition errors.
If you declare your function virtual, it is virtual, period. But, since virtual functions are usually selected at runtime, usually the compiler will not be able to inline them. If you call the function on an object, the compiler may inline it, since the call can be resolved at compile time. But it won't be able to inline a call through a reference or pointer, since it cannot resolve the dynamic type at compile time.
Take into account that neither the inline keyword not the implicit inlining here are mandatory for the compiler; they are just suggestions. But the virtual keyword is mandatory.

Inline functions in c++ - conditions

Under What condition an inline function ceases to be an inline function and acts as any other function?
The Myth:
inline is just a suggestion which a compiler may or may not abide to. A good compiler will anyways do what needs to be done.
The Truth:
inline usually indicates to the implementation that inline substitution of the function body at the point of call is to be preferred to the usual function call mechanism. An implementation is not required to perform this inline substitution at the point of call; however, even if this inline substitution is omitted, the other rules(especially w.r.t One Definition Rule) for inline are followed.
Under What condition an inline function ceases to be an inline function and acts as any other function?
Given the quoted fact there is a deeper context to this question.
When you declare a function as static inline function, the function acts like any other static function and the keyword inline has no importance anymore, it becomes redundant.
The static keyword on the function forces the inline function to have an internal linkage.(inline functions have external linkage)
Each instance of such a function is treated as a separate function(address of each function is different) and each instance of these functions have their own copies of static local variables & string literals(an inline function has only one copy of these ).
It's at the discretion of the compiler.
But some cases just can't be inlined, like:
Recursive functions
Functions whose address is referenced somewhere
Virtual functions (there are some exceptions thought)
That depends on the compiler optimization.
Different compilers have different rules to make the code more efficient. But if you declare a function as inline, the compiler tends to respect your decision as long as none of it's rules says different.
Remember that the compiler can change completely the execution path of a method. For example, consider the next situation:
int MyClass::getValue()
return someVariable;
At compile time, there is little difference between declaring this kind of function as inline or not. Probably the compiler will make the attribute partially public and code:
So it's more an aesthetical decision in most cases.

Why are class member functions inlined?

I think my question has been asked here before, I did read them but still little confused and therefore asking to make it clear.
The C++ standard says all member functions defined inside class definition are inline
I have also heard that compiler can ignore inlining of a function. Will that be true in the above case or it will be always inlined if defined inside class definition?
Also, what was the reason behind this design, making all functions defined inside class definition inline? And what inlining has to do with source and header files?
Update: So one should always define their functions outside class if not to be inlined, right?
Update 2 by JohnB: Two functions declared inside class definition could never call each other as they would have to each contain the whole body of the other function. What will happen in this case? (Already answered by Emilio Garavaglia)
Confusion arises because inline has two effects:
It tells the compiler that the function code can be expanded where the function is called, instead of effectively being called.
It tells the compiler that the function definition can be repeated.
Point 1. is "archaic" in the sense that the compiler can in fact do what it likes in order to optimize code. It will always "inline" machine code if it can and find convenient to do and it will never do that if it cannot.
Point 2. is the actual meaning of the term: if you define (specify the body) a function in the header, since a header can be included in more sources, you must tell the compiler to inform the linker about the definition duplicates, so that they can be merged.
Now, by the language specification, free functions (not defined in class bodies) are by default not defined as inline, so defining in a header a thing like
void myfunc()
if the header is included in more sources, then linked in a same output, the linker will report a multiple definition error, hence the need to define it as
inline void fn()
For class members, the default is the opposite: if you just declare them, they will not be inlined. If you define them, they will be inline.
So a header should look like
//header file
class myclass
void fn1()
{} //defined into the class, so inlined by default
void fn2();
inline void myclass::fn2()
{} //defined outside the class, so explicit inline is needed
And if myclass::fn2() definition goes into a proper source, must lose the inline keyword.
The inline keyword has for a function 2 meanings:
Code replacement: Wherever inline function is invoked, don't generate a function call for it but simply place the contents of the function
at the place of its call (this is something similar to macro
replacement, but type safe)
One definition rule: Don't generate multiple definition for a inline function, only generate a single definition common for all (exception: static functions)
The 1st terminology ("Code replacement"), is simply a request to the compiler. which can be ignored as compiler is better to judge whether to put the text or a function call. (for example, virtual functions or recursive functions cannot be inlined).
The 2nd terminology ("One definition rule") is guaranteed to happen by any conforming compiler. This will generate only 1 definition for all translation units. This facility eases coder's work sometimes, as for smaller function one may not want to put its definition in .cpp file (e.g. getters, setters).
Moreover, for template function which are header only constructs, this effect is mandatory. Thus template functions are inline by default.
class A {
void setMember (int i) { m_i = i; }
In this example mostly compiler would suffice both terminologies
class A {
inline virtual ~A () = 0;
A::~A() {}
Here compiler can only suffice the 2nd requirement.
The only reason to make the method function inline is if you define it in the header.
If you define a method function in a header, and you do not put inline keyword, and you include the header in several header or source files, you would get multiple definition of the method.
c++11 standard in 9.3/2 Member functions [class.mfct] tells :
A member function may be defined (8.4) in its class definition, in which case it is an inline member function (7.1.2) ...
When the definition is inside the class, it is treated as if it were declared inline, because it is assumed that class definitions live in header files that are used from more than one translation unit, so any non-inline definitions here would violate the One Definition Rule.
The compiler is, as always, free to inline whatever it thinks as long as it takes care that functions that are either explicitly or implicitly inline will not lead to linker errors. How it does that is left open by the language spec -- inlining the function of course works, but it is also acceptable to demote the symbol visibility or rename the symbol to a translation unit specific name (as if the function were in an anonymous namespace), or (as most of them do) communicate to the linker that multiple copies of that function may exist and that it should discard all but one of them.
So, in short, it is not treated any different from functions that are explicitly declared inline.
The compiler can ignore inlining if specified by the inline keyword. If the method implementation is present inside the class definition, that's a different thing, and can't be ignored. (well it can, but that makes the compiler non-conforming)
The reason behind the desing - I'm assuming a mechanism was needed where you can actually force the compiler to actually inline your functions, since the inline keyword doesn't mandate it. But in general, inline method definition is done only in cases like getter and setter methods, or some trivial 2-liners. And templates, but that's a different issue.
Inlining has to do with headers and source files in that the definition of the function must be visible to the compiler so it knows how to actually inline the call. It's more difficult to inline a function defined in an implementation file than one defined in a header.
EDIT: On a side note, the paragraph the op is reffering to is
A function defined within a class definition is a inline function [...].
Apparently, there are some difference between an inline function and inline substitution. The first is a property of a function, that doesn't only include inline substitution, the second means that the function body is actually pasted where it is called.
So the function can be inlined but not have its body pasted instead of being called.
the two things you reffer to are different aspects and not to be confused with.
1) The C++ standard says all member functions defined inside class definition are inline
2) I have also heard that compiler can ignore inlining of a function
1) is when you define the member functions inside the class declaration itself. ie: in the header files. for that you do not have to provide any keyword( ie: inline)
2) You can specify a function as inline by explicitly using the inline keyword. this is actually a request to the compiler. the compiler may or may not make the function inline according to some rules of optimization.