Quaternion rotation to latitude/longitude - c++

I have a quaternion representing the orientation of a sphere (an Earth globe). From the quaternion I wish to derive a latitude/longitude. I can visualize in my mind the process, but am weak with the math (matrices/quaternions) and not much better with the code (still learning OpenGL/GLM). How can I achieve this? This is for use in OpenGL using c++ and the GLM library.
Long Version
I am making a mapping program based on a globe of the Earth - not unlike Google Earth, but for a customized purpose that GE cannot be adapted to.
I'm doing this in C++ using OpenGL with the GLM library.
I have successfully coded the sphere and am using a quaternion directly to represent it's orientation. No Euler angles involved. I can rotate the globe using mouse motions thus rotating the globe on arbitrary axes depending on the current viewpoint and orientation.
However, I would like to get a latitude and longitude of a point on the sphere, not only for the user, but for some internal program use as well.
I can visualize that this MUST be possible. Imagine a sphere in world space with no rotations applied. Assuming OpenGL's right hand rule, the north pole points up the Y axis with the equator parallel on the X/Z plane. The latitude/longitude up the Y axis is thus 90N and something else E/W (degenerate). The prime meridian would be on the +Z axis.
If the globe/sphere is rotated arbitrarily the globe's north pole is now somewhere else. This point can be mapped to a latitude/longitude of the original sphere before rotation. Imagine two overlaying spheres, one the globe which is rotated, and the other a fixed reference.
(Actually, it would be in reverse. The latitude/longitude I seek is the point on the rotated sphere that correlates to the north pole of the unrotated reference sphere)
In my mind it seems that somehow I should be able to get the vector of the Earth globe's orientation axis from it's quaternion and compare it to that of the unrotated sphere. But I just can't seem to grok how to do that. (I guess I still don't fully understand mats and quats and have only blundered into my success so far)
I'm hoping to achieve this without needing a crash course in the deep math. I'm looking for a solution/understanding/guidance from the point of view of being able to use the GLM library to achieve my goal. Ideally a code sample with some general explanation. I learn best from example.
FYI, in my code the rotation of the globe/sphere is totally independent of the camera (which does use Euler angles) so it can be moved independently. So I can't use anything from the camera to determine this.

Maybe you could try to follow that link (ie. use boost ;) ) from that thread Longitude / Latitude to quaternion and then deduct the inverse of that conversion.
Or you could also go add a step by converting your quaternion into Euler angle?


Interchange the of origin of a 3D plane

I am working on a fiducial marker system (like Aruco) to obtain a 3d pose of markers (3d coordinates (x, y, z) and the roll, pitch, yaw of the marker) with respect to the camera. The overall setup is as shown in the figure.
Right now, for some reason, I am getting the pose representation of camera with respect to the marker (Thus, considering marker as an origin). But for my purpose, I want the pose representation of the marker, with respect to the camera. I cannot make changes in the way I am getting the pose, and I must use an external transformation. Currently, I using C++ Eigen library.
From what I have read so far, I have to do a rotation around the yaw (z) axis and then translate the obtained pose by the translation vector (x,y,z). But I am not sure how to represent this in Eigen. I tried to define my pose as Affine3f but I am not getting correct results.
Can anyone help me? Thanks!
If you are using ArUco, this might answer your questions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59754199/8371691
However, if you are using some other marker system, the most robust way is to construct the attitude matrix and take inverse.
It is not clear how you represent your pose, but whether you use Euler angles or quaternion, it can be easily converted into an attitude matrix, R.
Then, the inverse transformation is simply taking inverse of R.
But given the nature of the configuration space that R belongs to, the inverse of R is also the transpose of R, which is computationally less expensive.
In Eigen, it's simply R.transpose().
If you are using ArUco with OpenCV, you can simply use built-in Rodrigues function.
But, if you are using ArUco, rvec is actually the rotation of the marker with respect to the camera frame.

Need help understanding the Perspective-Three-Point

I'm following this explanation on the P3P problem and have a few questions.
In the heading labeled Section 1 they project the image plane points onto a unit sphere. I'm not sure why they do this, is this to simulate a camera lens? I know in OpenCV, we first compute the intrinsics of the camera and factor it into solvePnP. Is this unit sphere serving a similar purpose?
Also in Section 1, where did $u^{'}_x$, $u^{'}_y$, and $u^{'}_z$ come from, and what are they? If we are projecting onto a 2D plane then why do we need the third component? I know the standard answer is "because homogenous coordinates" but I can't seem to find an explanation as to why we use them or what they really are.
Also in Section 1 what does "normalize using L2 norm" mean, and what did this step accomplish?
I'm hoping if I understand Section 1, I can understand the notation in the following sections.
Here are some hints
The projection onto the unit sphere has nothing to do with the camera lens. It is just a mathematical transformation intended to simplify the P3P equation system (whose solutions we are trying to compute).
$u'_x$ and $u'_y$ are the coordinates of $(u,v) - P$ (here $P=(c_x, c_y)$), normalized by the focal distances $f_x$ and $f_y$. The subtraction of the camera optical center $P$ is a translation of the origin to this point. The introduction of the $z$ coordinate $u'_z=1$ moves the 2D point $(u'_x, u'_y)$ to the 3D plane defined by the equation $z=1$ (the 3D plane parallel to the $xy$ plane). Note that by moving points to the plane $z=1$, you now can better visualize of them as the intersections of 3D lines that pass thru $P$ and them. In other words, these points become the projections onto a 2D plane of 3D points located somewhere on those lines (well, not merely "somewhere" but at the focal distance, which has now been "normalized" to 1 after dividing by $f_x$ and $f_y$). Again, all transformations intended to solve the equations.
The so called $L2$ norm is nothing but the usual distance that comes from the Pithagoras Theorem ($a^2 + b^2 = c^2$), only that it's being used to measure distances between points in the 3D space.

opengl matrix rotation quaternions

Im trying to do a simple rotation of a cube about the x and y axis:
I want to always rotate the cube over the x axis by an amount x
and rotate the cube over the yaxis by an amount y independent of the x axis rotation
first i naively did :
but that first rotates over x then rotates over y
i want to rotate over the y independently of the x access.
I started looking into quaternions, so i tried :
Quaternion Rotation1;
Rotation1.createFromAxisAngle(0,1, 0, globalRotateY);
Quaternion Rotation2;
Rotation2.createFromAxisAngle(1,0, 0, globalRotateX);
GLfloat Matrix[16];
Quaternion q=Rotation2 * Rotation1;
that just does almost exactly what was accomplished doing 2 consecutive glRotates ...so i think im missing a step or 2.
is quaternions the way to go or should i be using something different? AND if quaternions are the way to go what steps can i add to make the cube rotate independently of each axis.
i think someone else has the same issue:
Rotating OpenGL scene in 2 axes
I got this to work correctly using quaternions: Im sure there are other ways, but afeter some reseatch , this worked perfectly for me. I posted a similar version on another forum. http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=280859&#Post280859
first create the quaternion representation of the angles of change x/y
then each frame multiply the changing angles quaternions to an accumulating quaternion , then finally convert that quaternion to matrix form to multiply the current matrix. Here is the main code of the loop:
Quaternion3D Rotation1=Quaternion3DMakeWithAxisAndAngle(Vector3DMake(-1.0f,0,0), DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(globalRotateX));
Quaternion3D Rotation2=Quaternion3DMakeWithAxisAndAngle(Vector3DMake(0.0f,-1.0f,0), DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(globalRotateY));
Matrix3D Mat;
Quaternion3DMultiply(&QAccum, &Rotation1);
Quaternion3DMultiply(&QAccum, &Rotation2);
Matrix3DSetUsingQuaternion3D(Mat, QAccum);
then draw cube
It would help a lot if you could give a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to do and how the results you are getting differ from the results you want. But in general using Euler angles for rotation has some problems, as combining rotations can result in unintuitive behavior (and in the worst case losing a degree of freedom.)
Quaternion slerp might be the way to go for you if you can find a single axis and a single angle that represent the rotation you want. But doing successive rotations around the X and Y axis using quaternions won't help you avoid the problems inherent in composing Euler rotations.
The post you link to seems to involve another problem though. The poster seems to have been translating his object and then doing his rotations, when he should have been rotating first and then translating.
It is not clear what you want to achieve. Perhaps you should think about some points and where you want them to rotate to -- e.g. vertex (1,1,1) should map to (0,1,0). Then, from that information, you can calculate the required rotation.
Quaternions are generally used to interpolate between two rotational 'positions'. So step one is identifying your start and end 'positions', which you don't have yet. Once you have that, you use quaternions to interpolate. It doesn't sound like you have any time-varying aspect here.
Your problem is not the gimbal lock. And effectively, there is no reason why your quaternion version would work better than your matrix (glRotate) version because the quaternions you are using are mathematically identical to your rotation matrices.
If what you want is a mouse control, you probably want to check out arcballs.

3d geometry: how to align an object to a vector

i have an object in 3d space that i want to align according to a vector.
i already got the Y-rotation out by doing an atan2 on the x and z component of the vector. but i would also like to have an X-rotation to make the object look downwards or upwards.
imagine a plane that does it's pitch yaw roll, just without the roll.
i am using openGL to set the rotations so i will need an Y-angle and an X-angle.
I would not use Euler angles, but rather a Euler axis/angle. For that matter, this is what Opengl glRotate uses as input.
If all you want is to map a vector to another vector, there are an infinite number of rotations to do that. For the shortest one, (the one with the smallest angle of rotation), you can use the vector found by the cross product of your from and to unit vectors.
axis = from X to
from there, the angle of rotation can be found from from.to = cos(theta) (assuming unit vectors)
theta = arccos(from.to)
glRotate(axis, theta) will then transform from to to.
But as I said, this is only one of many rotations that can do the job. You need a full referencial to define better how you want the transform done.
You should use some form of quaternion interpolation (Spherical Linear Interpolation) to animate your object going from its current orientation to this new orientation.
If you store the orientations using Quaternions (vector space math), then you can get the shortest path between two orientations very easily. For a great article, please read Understanding Slerp, Then Not Using It.
If you use Euler angles, you will be subject to gimbal lock and some really weird edge cases.
Actually...take a look at this article. It describes Euler Angles which I believe is what you want here.

Finding Rotation Angles between 3d points

I am writing a program that will draw a solid along the curve of a spline. I am using visual studio 2005, and writing in C++ for OpenGL. I'm using FLTK to open my windows (fast and light toolkit).
I currently have an algorithm that will draw a Cardinal Cubic Spline, given a set of control points, by breaking the intervals between the points up into subintervals and drawing linesegments between these sub points. The number of subintervals is variable.
The line drawing code works wonderfully, and basically works as follows: I generate a set of points along the spline curve using the spline equation and store them in an array (as a special datastructure called Pnt3f, where the coordinates are 3 floats and there are some handy functions such as distance, length, dot and crossproduct). Then i have a single loop that iterates through the array of points and draws them as so:
for(pt = 0; pt<=numsubsegements ; ++pt) {
As stated, this code works great. Now what i want to do is, instead of drawing a line, I want to extrude a solid. My current exploration is using a 'cylinder' quadric to create a tube along the line. This is a bit trickier, as I have to orient openGL in the direction i want to draw the cylinder. My idea is to do this:
Push the current matrix,
translate to the first control point
rotate to face the next point
draw a cylinder (length = distance between the points)
Pop the matrix
My problem is getting the angles between the points. I only need yaw and pitch, roll isnt important. I know take the arc-cosine of the dot product of the two points divided by the magnitude of both points, will return the angle between them, but this is not something i can feed to OpenGL to rotate with. I've tried doing this in 2d, using the XZ plane to get x rotation, and making the points vectors from the origin, but it does not return the correct angle.
My current approach is much simpler. For each plane of rotation (X and Y), find the angle by:
arc-cosine( (difference in 'x' values)/distance between the points)
the 'x' value depends on how your set your plane up, though for my calculations I always use world x.
Barring a few issues of it making it draw in the correct quadrant that I havent worked out yet, I want to get advice to see if this was a good implementation, or to see if someone knew a better way.
You are correct in forming two vectors from the three points in two adjacent line segments and then using the arccosine of the dot product to get the angle between them. To make use of this angle you need to determine the axis around which the rotation should occur. Take the cross product of the same two vectors to get this axis. You can then build a transformation matrix using this axis-angle or pass it as parameters to glRotate.
A few notes:
first of all, this:
for(pt = 0; pt<=numsubsegements ; ++pt) {
is not a good way to draw anything. You MUST have one glEnd() for every single glBegin(). you probably want to get the glBegin() out of the loop. the fact that this works is pure luck.
second thing
My current exploration is using a
'cylinder' quadric to create a tube
along the line
This will not work as you expect. the 'cylinder' quadric has a flat top base and a flat bottom base. Even if you success in making the correct rotations according to the spline the edges of the flat tops are going to pop out of the volume of your intended tube and it will not be smooth. You can try it in 2D with just a pen and a paper. Try to draw a smooth tube using only shorter tubes with a flat bases. This is impossible.
Third, to your actual question, The definitive tool for such rotations are quaternions. Its a bit complex to explain in this scope but you can find plentyful information anywhere you look.
If you'd have used QT instead of FLTK you could have also used libQGLViewer. It has an integrated Quaternion class which would save you the implementation. If you still have a choice I strongly recommend moving to QT.
Have you considered gluLookAt? Put your control point as the eye point, the next point as the reference point, and make the up vector perpendicular to the difference between the two.