How to store daily builds in Amazon S3 cost-effectively? - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to make a daily build machine using EC2 and store the daily releases in S3.
The releases are complete disk images so they are very bloated(300+MB total, 95% OS kernel/RFS/libraries, 5% actual software). And they change very little across time.
Ideally, with good compression, the storage cost should be close to O(t), t for time.
But if I simply add those files to S3 every day, with version number as part of file name, or with the same file name each time but with the S3 bucket versioned, the cost would be O(t^2).
Because according to this, all versions takes space and I'm charged for the space a new version takes ever since a new version is created.
Glacier is cheaper but still O(t^2).
Any suggestions?

Basically what you're looking for is an incremental file-level backup. (i.e. only backup things that change) and rebuild the current state by using a full backup and applying the deltas (i.e. increments).
If you need to use the latest image you probably need to do incremental + keep latest image. You also probably want to do full backups from time to time to reduce the time it takes to rebuild from incremental (and you are going to need to keep some sort of metadata associated with the backups).
So to sum it up: what you are describing is possible, you just need to do extra work apart from just pushing the image. Presumably you have a build process that generates the image an the extra steps can be inserted between generation and upload. The restore process is going to be more complicated than currently.
To get you started look at binary diff tools like bsdiff/bspatch or xdelta. You could generate the delta and back up only the delta. The image is also compressed so if you diff the compressed versions you will not get very far, so you probably want to diff the uncompressed file. Another way to look at it is to do the diff before generating an image and picking up only files that changed (probably more complex)


Can S3 ListObjectsV2 return the keys sorted newest to oldest?

I have AWS S3 buckets with hundreds of top-level prefixes (folders). Each prefix contains somewhere between five thousand and a few million files in each prefix - most growing at rate of 10-100k per year. 99% of the time, all I care about are the newest 1-2000 or so in each folder...
Using ListObjectV2 returns me 1000 files and that is the max (setting "MaxKeys" to a higher value still truncates the list at 1000). This would be reasonably fine, however (per the documentation) it's returning me the file list in ascending alphabetical order (which, given my keys/filenames have the date in them effectively results in a oldest->newest sort) ... which is considerably less useful than if it returned me the NEWEST files (or reverse-alphabetical).
One option is to do a continuation allowing me to pull the entire prefix, then use the tail end of the entire array of keys as needed... but that would be (most importantly) slow for large 'folders'. A prefix with 2 million files would require 2,000 separate API calls, just to get the newest few-hundred filenames. (not to mention the costs incurred by pulling the entire bucket list even though I'm only really interested in the newest 1-2000 files.)
Is there a way to have the ListObjectV2 call (or any other s3 call) give me the list of the newest (or reverse-alphabetical) files? New files come in every few minutes - and the most important file is THE most recent file, so doing an S3 Inventory doesn't seem like it would do the trick.
(or, perhaps, a call that gives me filenames in a created-by date range...?)
Using javascript - but I'm sure every language has more-or-less the same features when it comes to trying to list objects from an S3 bucket.
Edit: weird idea: If AWS doesn't offer a 'sort' option on a basic API call for one of it's most popular services... Would it make sense to document all the filenames/keys in a dynamo table and query that instead?
No. The ListObjectsV2() will always return up to 1000 objects alphabetically in the requested Prefix.
You could use Amazon S3 Inventory, which can provide a daily or weekly CSV file listing all objects.
If you need real-time or fairly fast access to a list of all available objects, your other option would be to trigger an AWS Lambda function whenever objects are created/deleted. The Lambda function would store/update information in a database (eg DynamoDB) that can provide very fast access to the list of objects. You would need to code this solution.

Could not allocate a new page for database ‘TEMPDB’ because of insufficient disk space in filegroup ‘DEFAULT’

ETL developer reports they have been trying to run our weekly and daily processes on ADW consistently. While for the most part they are executing without exception, I am now getting this error:
“Could not allocate a new page for database ‘TEMPDB’ because of insufficient disk space in filegroup ‘DEFAULT’. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.”
Is there a limit on TEMPDB space associated with the DWU setting?
The database is limited to 100TB (per the portal) and not full.
Azure SQL Data Warehouse does allocate space for a tempdb, at around 399 GB per 100 DWU. Reference here.
What DWU are you using at the moment? Consider temporarily raising your DWU aka service objective or refactoring your job to be less dependent on tempdb. Lower it when your batch process is finished.
It might also be worth checking your workload for anything like cartesian products, excessive sorting, over-dependency on temp tables etc to see if any optimisation can be done.
Have a look at the Explain Plans for your code, and see whether you have a lot more data movement going on than you expect. If you find that one query does moved a lot more into Q tables, you can probably tune it to avoid the data movement (which may mean redesigning tables to distribute in a different key).

Is there any possibility that deleted data can be recovered back in SAS?

I am working on production environment. Last day accidentally I made changes to Master dataset permanently while trying to get the sample out of it in work directory. Unfortunately they don't have any backup for this data.
I wanted to execute this:
Data work.facttable;
Set Master.facttable(obs=10);
instead of this, accidentally I executed the following:
data Master.facttable;
set Master.facttable(obs=10);
You can clearly see what sort of blunder it was!
Facttable has been building up nearly from 2 long years and it is of 250GB and has millions of rows. Now it has 10 rows and is of 128kb :(
I am very much worried how to recover the data back. It is crucial for the business teams. I have no idea how to proceed to get it back.
I know that SAS doesn't support any rollback options or recovery process. We don't use Audit trail method also.
I am just wondering if there is any way that still we can get the data back in spite of all these.
Details: Dataset is assigned on SPDE Engine. I checked the data files(.dpf) but all were disappeared except yesterday's data file which is of 128kb
You appear to have exhausted most of the simple options already:
Restore from external/OS-level backup
Restore from previous generation via the gennum= data set option (only available if the genmax option was set to 1+ when creating the dataset).
Restore from SAS audit trail
I think that leaves you with just 2 options:
Rebuild the dataset from the underlying source(s), if you still have them.
Engage the services of a professional data recovery company, who might be able to recover some or all of the deleted files, depending on the complexity of your storage environment, and how much of the original 250GB has since been overwritten.
Either way, it sounds as though this may prove to have been an expensive mistake.

What is the most efficient way to store time series in Riak with heavy reads

My current approach:
I have one domain class - Application
Each application in my system is stored in "applications" bucket under APPLICATION_KEY key
Apart from application metadata stored in this bucket, each application has its own bucket called "time_metrics/APPLICATION_KEY" where I store time series in a way:
KEY - timestamp / VALUE - some attributes
My concern is efficiency of queries made over specific time window for given application. Currently to get time series from some specific time window and eventually make some reductions I have to make map/reduce over whole "time_metric/APPLICATION_KEY" bucket, which what I have found is not the recommended use case for Riak Map/Reduce.
My question: what would be the best db structure for this kind of a system and how efficiently query it.
Adding onto #macintux's answer.
Basho has had a few customers that have used riak for time series metrics.
Boundary has a nice tech talk about how they use Riak with their network monitoring software. They rollup data into different chunks of time (1m, 5m, 15m) for analysis.
They also have a series of blog posts about lessons learned while implementing this system.
Kivra also has a good slide deck about how they use timeseries data with riak.
You could roll up your data into some sort of arbitrary time length, then read the range you need by issuing regular K/V gets, and then reconstruct the larger picture / reduce in your application.
If you have spare computing power and you know in advance what keys you need, you certainly can use Riak's MapReduce, but often retrieving the keys and running your processing on the client will be as fast (and won't strain your cluster).
Some general ideas:
Roll up your data into larger blocks
If you're concerned about losing data if your client crashes while buffering it, you can always store the data as it arrives
Similar idea: store the data as it arrives, then retrieve it and roll it up at certain intervals
You can automatically expire data once you're confident it is being reliably stored in larger blocks, using either the Bitcask or Memory backends
Memory backend is quite useful (RAM permitting) for any data that only needs to be stored for a limited period of time
Related: don't be afraid to store multiple copies of your data to make reading/reporting easier later
Multiple chunks of time (5- and 15-minute blocks, for example)
Multiple report formats
Having said all that, if you're doing straight key/value requests (it's ideal to always be able to compute the keys you need, rather than doing indexing or searching), Riak can support very heavy traffic loads, so I wouldn't recommend spending too much time creating alternative storage mechanisms unless you know you're going to face latency problems.

How to compare 2 volumes and list modified files?

I have 2 hard-disk volumes(one is a backup image of the other), I want to compare the volumes and list all the modified files, so that the user can select the ones he/she wants to roll-back.
Currently I'm recursing through the new volume and comparing each file's time-stamps to the old volume's files (if they are int the old volume). Obviously this is a blunder approach. It's time consuming and wrong!
Is there an efficient way to do it?
- I'm using FindFirstFile and likes to recurse the volume, and gather info of each file (not very slow, just a few minutes).
- I'm using Volume Shadow Copy to backup.
- The backup-volume is remote so I cannot continuously monitor the actual volume.
Part of this depends upon how the two volumes are duplicated; if they are 'true' copies from the file system's point of view (e.g. shadow copies or other block-level copies), you can do a few tricky little things with respect to USN, which is the general technology others are suggesting you look into. You might want to look at an API like FSCTL_READ_FILE_USN_DATA, for example. That API will let you compare two different copies of a file (again, assuming they are the same file with the same file reference number from block-level backups). If you wanted to be largely stateless, this and similar APIs would help you a lot here. My algorithm would look something like this:
foreach( file in backup_volume ) {
file_still_exists = try_open_by_id( modified_volume )
if (file_still_exists) {
usn_result = compare_usn_values_of_files( file, file_in_modified_volume )
if (usn_result == equal_to) {
// file hasn't changed at all
} else {
// file has changed (somehow)
} else {
// file was deleted (possibly deleted and recreated)
// we still don't know about files new in modified_volume
All of that said, my experience leads me to believe that this will be more complicated than my off-the-cuff explanation hints at. This might be a good starting place, though.
If the volumes are not block-level copies of one another, then it will be very difficult to compare USN numbers and file IDs, if not impossible. Instead, you may very well be going by file name, which will be difficult if not impossible to do without opening every file (times can be modified by apps, sizes and times can be out of date in the findfirst/next queries, and you have to handle deleted-then-recreated cases, rename cases, etc.).
So knowing how much control you have over the environment is pretty important.
Instead of waiting until after changes have happened, and then scanning the whole disk to find the (usually few) files that have changed, I'd set up a program to use ReadDirectoryChangesW to monitor changes as they happen. This will let you build a list of files with a minimum of fuss and bother.
Assuming you're not comparing each file on the new volume to every file in the snapshot, that's the only way you can do it. How are you going to find which files aren't modified without looking at all of them?
I am not a Windows programmer.
However shouldn't u have stat function to retrieve the modified time of a file.
Sort the files based on mod time.
The files having mod time greater than your last backup time are the ones of your interest.
For the first time u can iterate over the back up volume to figure out the max mod time and created time from your interested set.
I am assuming the directories of interest don't get modified in the backup volume.
Without knowing more details about what you're trying to do here, it's hard to say. However, some tips about what I think you're trying to achieve:
If you're only concerned about NTFS volumes, I suggest looking into the USN / change journal API's. They have been around since 2000. This way, after the initial inventory you can only look at changes from that point on. A good starting point for this, though a very old article is here:
Also, utilizing USN API's, you could omit the hash step and just record information from the journal yourself (this will become more clear when/if you look into said APIs)
The first time through comparing a drive's contents, utilize a hash such as SHA-1 or MD5.
Store hashes and other such information in a database of some sort. For example, SQLite3. Note that this can take up a huge amount of space itself. A quick look at my audio folder with 40k+ files would result in ~750 megs of MD5 information.