Non-persistent formatting of streams - c++

What's the best way (if any) to format std::*stream output in localized manner, so that formatting changes in one location won't affect the use of that stream in other locations?
That is, I'd like to set format of the stream for a single statement, not for the remaining lifetime of the stream.
The following is just a rationale for asking the above question.
Suppose you print intensity in default floating point format:
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Intensity = " << intensity << "; ";
Then print coordinates with fixed 2 digits precision:
oss << "Point = (" << fixed << setprecision(2) << pt.x << ", " << pt.y << "); ";
then, 20 lines later, print ray direction in the same fixed 2 digits format:
oss << "Direction = (" << dir.x << ", " << dir.y << "); ";
A few months later add printing of luminosity in default floating point format somewhere between printing pt and printing dir:
oss << "Luminosity = " << lum << "; ";
Oops, lum will be printed in fixed 2 digits precision because you changed oss format 20 lines before, when printing pt. Now you have to recall what you've changed in oss and rewind it for printing lum.
Moreover, after fixing format for lum you'd get another problem: dir won't be printed in fixed 2 digits anymore...
Therefore I'd like to be able to format streams locally to avoid unnecessary dependencies.

You can simply save and restore stream format flags (see std::iosbase::flags()):
fmtflags oldflags = oss.flags();
// change current format flags
oss.flags(oldflags); // <<< restore to former state
If you don't like it straight forward as mentioned above, you could also use a proxy:
class local_ostream {
friend template<typename T>
local_ostream& operator<<(local_ostream& los, const& T value) {
los.os_ << value;
return los;
local_ostream(std::ostream& os) : os_(os), oldflags_(os.flags()) {
~local_ostream() {
std::ostream& os_;
std::iosbase::fmtflags oldflags_;
And use as follows:
{ local_ostream los(oss);
los << "Point = (" << fixed << setprecision(2) << pt.x << ", " << pt.y << "); ";
} // previous formatting state is restored here


How to emit a list separated by commas in YAML

I have a 9 3x3 matrix of all zeroes. I am trying to output it in row major form so that it will look like.
covariance: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
I have tried
out1 << YAML::Key << "covariance";
out1 << YAML::Literal<< covariance[0][0]<< "," << covariance[0][1]... etc.
But i get :
covariance: 0
",": 0
what am I doing wrong?
note: I DO NOT want [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]. I would like it without the brackets
Build a string up, and then print it out:
std::stringstream value;
for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
value << covariance[0][i];
if (i + 1 < N) {
value << ",";
YAML::Emitter out;
out << YAML::BeginMap;
out << YAML::Key << "covariance" << YAML::Value << value.str();
out << YAML::EndMap;
The point is that the value you're printing isn't a YAML list, it's just a plain string that happens to look a little bit like YAML. So you can't use
yaml-cpp to format it for you; you need to do that yourself.

Setting precision of floating point number

Hello guys I am new in C++
I am trying to write the function to calculate the second moment of inertia and set the precision with 3 decimal places.
In the output does not apply the 3 decimal places in the first call but the following 4 calls does applied. Here is my codes , please help me find the error and if possible please explain some details thank you very much !
double beamMoment(double b, double h) //the function that calculating the second moment of inertia
double I; //variables b=base, h=height, I= second moment of inertia
I = b * (pow(h, 3.0) / 12); // formular of the second momeent of inertia
ofs << "b=" << b << "," << "h=" << h << "," << "I=" << I << setprecision(3) << fixed << endl;
ofs << endl;
return I;
int main()
beamMoment(33, 66);
beamMoment(44, 88);
beamMoment(26, 51);
beamMoment(7, 19);
return 0;
The output in my text file is as follow :
You have to set stream precision before printing a number.
ofs << 5.5555 << setprecision(3) << endl; // prints "5.5555"
ofs << setprecision(3) << 5.5555 << endl; // prints "5.555"
Stream operators << and >> are, in fact, methods that can be chained. Let's say we have a piece of example java code like:
In C++, if we'd use stream operators, it'd look like:
dog << walk << stopByTheTree << pee;
Operations on dog objects are executed from left to right, and the direction of "arrows" doesn't matter. These method names are just syntactic sugar.
Look here for more details.

std::cout gives different output from qDebug

I am using Qt, and I have an unsigned char *bytePointer and want to print out a number-value of the current byte. Below is my code, which is meant to give the int-value and the hex-value of the continuous bytes that I receive from a machine attached to the computer:
int byteHex=0;
byteHex = (int)*bytePointer;
qDebug << "\n int: " //this is the main issue here.
<< *bytePointer;
std::cout << " (hex: "
<< std::hex
<< byteHex
<< ")\n";
This gives perfect results, and I get actual numbers, however this code is going into an API and I don't want to use Qt-only functions, such as qDebug. So when I try this:
int byteHex=0;
byteHex = (int)*bytePointer;
std::cout << "\n int: " //I changed qDebug to std::cout
<< *bytePointer;
std::cout << " (hex: "
<< std::hex
<< byteHex
<< ")\n";
The output does give the hex-values perfectly, however the int-values return symbols (like ☺, └, §, to list a few).
My question is: How do I get std::cout to give the same output as qDebug?
EDIT: for some reason the symbols only occur with a certain Qt setting. I have no idea why it happened but it's fixed now.
As others pointed out in comment, you change the outputting to hex, but you do not actually set it back here:
std::cout << " (hex: "
<< std::hex
<< byteHex
<< ")\n";
You will need to apply this afterwards:
std::cout << std::dec;
Standard output streams will output any character type as a character, not a numeric value. To output the numeric value, convert to a non-character integer type:
std::cout << int(*bytePointer);

How can I format user input into a neat table for output in C++

I am having problems with getting this table to line up correctly, this is a cout statement from my table. My problem is how can I format different things in one line without it messing up the next entry in the line. For example, when I use setprecision(2) for my goldweight, the goldvalue gets messed up and gives me a weird number like 5656e+02
cout << " Value Analysis" <<endl;
cout << "Gold: " << setw(6) << "" <<goldweight<< " Oz # "<<costgold<<"
("<<setw(1)<< ""<<carats<<" Carats) $"<<goldvalue<<endl;
Yes, setw(), setprecision(), etc will mess up stuff.
What you can do is to use temporary std::ostringstream.
#include <sstream>
std::ostringstream oss_goldweight ;
std::ostringstream oss_goldvalue ;
std::ostringstream oss_goldcarats ;
oss_goldweight << setw(6) << goldweight ;
oss_goldvalue << setprecision(2) << goldvalue ;
oss_goldcarats << setw(1) << carats ;
and then use oss_goldxyz variables instead of raw values.
you need to reset it for the next input, like if you already set a precision, then you set it back (unset)
std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::floatfield );

Faster Alternative to std::ofstream

I generate a set of data files. As the files are supposed to be readable, they text files (opposed to binary files).
To output information to my files, I used very comfortable std::ofstream object.
In the beginning, when the data to be exported was smaller, the time needed to write to the files was not noticeable. However, as the information to be exported has accumulated, it takes now around 5 minutes to generate them.
As I started being bothered by waiting, my question is obvious: Is there any faster alternative to std::ofstream, please? In case there is faster alternative, will it be worth of rewritting my application? In other words, could the time saved be +50%? Thank you.
I was asked to show you my code that generates the above files, so here you are - the most time consuming loop:
ofstream fout;,ios::out);
fout << "#include \"StdAfx.h\"" << endl;
fout << "#include \"Debug.h\"" << endl;
fout << "#include \"glm.hpp\"" << endl;
fout << "#include \"" << strngCollectiveHeaderFileName.substr( strngCollectiveHeaderFileName.rfind(TEXT("\\")) + 1) << "\"" << endl << endl;
fout << "using namespace glm;" << endl << endl << endl;
for (unsigned int nSprite = 0; nSprite < vpTilesetSprites.size(); nSprite++ )
for(unsigned int nFrameSet = 0; nFrameSet < vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets.size(); nFrameSet++)
// display index definition
fout << "// Index Definition: " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetLongDescription() << "\n";
string strngIndexSignature = strngIndexDefinitionSignature;
strngIndexSignature.replace(strngIndexSignature.find(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")), strlen(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")), TEXT("a") + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->GetObjectName() + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetFrameSetName() + TEXT("IndexData") );
strngIndexSignature.replace(strngIndexSignature.find(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strlen(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strngCollectiveArrayClassName );
fout << strngIndexSignature << "[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};\t\t" << "// " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetShortDescription() << ": Index Definition\n\n";
// display vertex definition
fout << "// Vertex Definition: " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetLongDescription() << "\n";
string strngVertexSignature = strngVertexDefinitionSignature;
strngVertexSignature.replace(strngVertexSignature.find(TEXT("#aVertexArrayName#")), strlen(TEXT("#aVertexArrayName#")), TEXT("a") + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->GetObjectName() + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetFrameSetName() + TEXT("VertexData") );
strngVertexSignature.replace(strngVertexSignature.find(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strlen(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strngCollectiveArrayClassName );
fout << strngVertexSignature << "[" << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetFramesCount() << "] =\n";
fout << "{\n";
for (int nFrameNo = 0; nFrameNo < vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetFramesCount(); nFrameNo++)
fout << "\t" << "{{ vec4(" << fixed << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vPosition.fx << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vPosition.fy << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vPosition.fz << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vPosition.fw << "f), vec2(" << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vTextureUV.fu << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[0].vTextureUV.fv << "f) }, // " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetShortDescription() << " vertex 1: vec4(x, y, z, w), vec2(u, v) \n";
fout << "\t" << " { vec4(" << fixed << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vPosition.fx << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vPosition.fy << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vPosition.fz << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vPosition.fw << "f), vec2(" << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vTextureUV.fu << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[1].vTextureUV.fv << "f) }, // " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetShortDescription() << " vertex 2: vec4(x, y, z, w), vec2(u, v) \n";
fout << "\t" << " { vec4(" << fixed << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vPosition.fx << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vPosition.fy << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vPosition.fz << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vPosition.fw << "f), vec2(" << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vTextureUV.fu << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[2].vTextureUV.fv << "f) }, // " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetShortDescription() << " vertex 3: vec4(x, y, z, w), vec2(u, v) \n";
fout << "\t" << " { vec4(" << fixed << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vPosition.fx << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vPosition.fy << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vPosition.fz << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vPosition.fw << "f), vec2(" << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vTextureUV.fu << "f, " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->vpFrames[nFrameNo]->aVertices[3].vTextureUV.fv << "f) }}, // " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetShortDescription() << " vertex 4: vec4(x, y, z, w), vec2(u, v) \n\n";
fout << "};\n\n\n\n";
If you don't want to use C file I/O then you can give a try to; FastFormat. Look at the comparison for more info.
How are vpTilesetSprites and vpTilesetSprites[nSprite] stored? Are they implemented with lists or arrays? There is a lot of indexed access to them, and if they are list-like structures, you'll spend a lot of extra time following needless pointers. Ed S.'s comment is right: giving the long indexed temporary variables and linebreaks could make it easier to read, and maybe faster, too:
fout << "// Index Definition: " << vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetLongDescription() << "\n";
string strngIndexSignature = strngIndexDefinitionSignature;
strngIndexSignature.replace(strngIndexSignature.find(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")), strlen(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")), TEXT("a") + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->GetObjectName() + vpTilesetSprites[nSprite]->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet]->GetFrameSetName() + TEXT("IndexData") );
strngIndexSignature.replace(strngIndexSignature.find(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strlen(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strngCollectiveArrayClassName );
string idxsig = strngIndexDefinitionSignature;
sprite sp = vpTilesetSprites[nSprite];
frameset fs = sp->vpFrameSets[nFrameSet];
fout << "// Index Definition: " << fs->GetLongDescription() << "\n";
idxsig.replace(idxsig.find(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")), strlen(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#")),
TEXT("a") + sp->GetObjectName() + fs->getFrameSetName() + TEXT("IndexData"));
idxsig.replace(idxsig.find(TEXT("#ClassName#")), strlen(TEXT("#ClassName#")),
But, the much bigger problem is how you're using strings as templates; you're looking for a given text string (and computing the length of your needle string every single time you need it!) over and over again.
Consider this: You're performing the find and replace operations nSprite * nFrameSet times. Each time through, this loop:
makes a copy of strngIndexDefinitionSignature
creates four temporary string objects when concatenating static and dynamic strings
compute strlen(TEXT("#ClassName#"))
compute strlen(TEXT("#aIndexArrayName#"))
find start point of both
replace both texts with new texts
And that's just the first four lines of your loop.
Can you replace your strngIndexDefinitionSignature with a format string? I assume it currently looks like this:
"flubber #aIndexArrayName# { blubber } #ClassName# blorp"
If you re-write it like this:
"flubber a %s%sIndexData { blubber } %s blorp"
Then your two find and replace lines can be replaced with:
sprintf(out, index_def_sig, sp->GetObjectName(), fs->getFrameSetName(),
This would remove two find() operations, two replace() operations, creating and destroying four temporary string objects, a string duplicate that was promptly over-written with two replace() calls, and two strlen() operations that return the same result every time (but aren't actually needed anyway).
You can then output your string with << as usual. Or, you can change sprintf(3) to fprintf(3), and avoid even the temporary C string.
Assuming you do it in large enough chunks, calling write() directly might be faster; that said, it's more likely that your biggest bottleneck doesn't have anything directly to do with std::ofstream. The most obvious thing is to make sure you aren't using std::endl (because flushing the stream frequently will kill performance). Beyond that, I would suggest profiling your app to see where it's actually spending the time.
The performance of ostream is probably not your actual issue; I suggest using a profiler to determine where your real bottlenecks are. If ostream turns out to be your actual problem, you can drop down to <cstdio> and use fprintf(FILE*, const char*, ...) for formatted output to a file handle.
The best answer will depend on what sort of text you are generating, and how you are generating it. C++ streams can be slow, but that mostly is because they can also do a lot more for you, such as locale-dependent formatting, and so on.
You may find speed ups with streams by bypassing some of the formatting (eg. ostream::write), or by writing characters directly to a streambuf instead (streambuf::sputn). Sometimes increasing the buffer size on the relevant streambuf helps (via streambuf::pubsetbuf).
If this isn't good enough, you might want to try C-style stdio files, eg fopen, fprintf, etc. It takes a little while to get used to the way the text is formatted if you're not used to that method but the performance is usually pretty good.
For the absolute top performance you usually have to go to OS-specific routines. Sometimes the direct low-level file routines are significantly better than the C stdio, but sometimes not - for example, I've seen some people say WriteFile on Win32 is the fastest method on Windows, whereas some Google hits report it as being slower than stdio. Another approach might be a memory-mapped file, eg. mmap + msync - this essentially uses your system memory as the disk and writes the actual data to disk in large blocks, which is likely to be near optimal. However you run the risk of losing all the data if you incur a crash half way for some reason, which may or may not be a problem for you.