Install python modules on MAMP - python-2.7

I am trying to install the oauth2 python module on MAMP but am not sure how to do it properly. I have tried using pip install but it installs the package in the root system and not in MAMP directory. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks.


Linux python django site-packages not recognized in envelope

I have tried to create envelope on my linux pop os system using miniconda. When I activate it, I can install packages using pip, but when I run my django instance it doesn't find the modules.
If I type which python is shows the miniconda path correctly. I can look in the site-packages folder and see the packages installed.
I've tried installing django-anymail and corsheaders and they are both not being found. It does find my locally installed apps.
If I use the command line and open python and then import, it does not recognize my modules installed in the virtual envelope either. I thought it was a problem with conda, so I also created an envelope using python's native method: python3 -m venv
I have the same problem with it finding pip install site-packages.
Is there a command I can run to show all available packages?
I hadn't realized I had aliased my python. Now it is working.

Cascade dependencies when add python packages to my app libraries

I'm trying to add python packages to my Choregraphe app because some packages that are installed by default with python 2.7 aren't in python embedded in Choregraphe.
I want to add urllib3 and certifi to my app to be able to sen HTTPS requests and verify SSL certificates.
So I added a lib folder to my app with the necessary packages, it works fine for urllib3 but to verify SSL certificates I got a cascade of dependencies so I don't manage to do what I want.
Does anyone know if there is a way to access manually the default python version accessible by my Robot so that I can send my request with these packages ?
Thanks in advance !
If you're running this on a Pepper with NAOqi 2.5, pip is installed on the robot; though you'll need to upgrade it:
pip install --user --upgrade pip
and then you can run
/home/nao/.local/bin/pip install --user urllib3 certifi
Then you don't need to package those files in your choregraphe package.
It won't work on the virtual robot (but then you can just add the real path of those libraries to sys.path), and it means you'll have to do this procedure yourself if you want to install your app on a new robot, which can be a hassle.

Installing EWSWrapper?

How to install ewswrapper for python off of their site on a windows, (sadly), 64 bit machine with python 2.7.
The Link to the site is here.
Thank you for your help.
The generally recommended way to install python packages is using a package manager like pip or (gasp) easy_install. However, there are a few exceptions like this one.
On Windows, there may be a pre-built package for you to download. In this case, the link is
You'll need to unzip the file with 7zip, and place the resulting directory in your site-packages path. You can locate your system's site-packages path by looking at this SO answer: How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?
Additionally, EWSWrapper will require a few dependencies that you should be able to get in pip.
pip.exe install python-ntlm suds
If you don't have pip, you can install it: How do I install pip on Windows?
Just so you know, this isn't the normal way a package is installed. Perhaps someone should let them know...

How to install Django on different version of PYTHON?

I have two python versions 2.6 and 3.0. I want to install django1.3 in python3.0's site-package directory and my default python setting is on 2.6. I also added path /usr/local/bin/python3.0 and /usr/local/bin/python3.0 into .bashrc file.
Please help me.
Django is not compatible with Python 3. You must install it in the 2.X branch.
However, what you want to achive will be easier done using virtualenv:
easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv project --python=python2.6
source project/bin/activate
pip install django
Django doesn't yet work with python3.0. So it is better you install it on the python2.6 dist-packages folder.
That said, if you had python2.7 and wanted to install django on python 2.7, while the better approach is to use virtualenv, a simple solution is to:
python2.7 install
easy_install2.7 django
/path/to/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/pip install django
easy_install virtualenv
pip install django
Sudo pip install django
Seemed to work for me!
by using pip install django --> it installs the latest version of django.

How to reinstall PIL on mac OS X Snow Leopard

I have been for hours on this. I needed to get jpeglib and PIL reinstalled.
I installed jpeg lib from, please tell me if that's right.
I still have to reinstall PIL. I installed Fink, for apt-get, but still am not clear how to uninstall completely PIL before installing it.
And then installation, do i do apt-get install py-pil only? I see different instructions here and here. Which way should I go? I also can't figure out, does sudo python install reinstall python 2.6, or it just installs whichever thing i am in the directory of? However:
[petarpetrov#/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL]$ sudo python install
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
thanks in advance
Don't muck about with fink. That uses a completely separate install of Python and all its dependencies. It really won't help with your actual problem.
Secondly, you're trying to run things from inside site-packages - this is wrong. Go back to the directory where you downloaded PIL (or download it again, if you don't still have it) and run sudo python install.
And no, it won't reinstall Python - it uses python to run the setup of the directory you're in.