Beginner tutorial for Sitecore8 developer [closed] - sitecore

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I come from an ASP.Net (no mvc knowledge) background and would like to learn Sitecore 8 development.
Looking for basic step-by-step tutorials to build a site. But its hard finding them online. Some are for lower versions and the official site has articles on individual topics.
Kindly point me to any such articles that will help me learn the basics of building a Site for Sitecore8.
Thank you.
Here is a tutorial I've written, which will help beginners learn Sitecore development, by building a sample website:

There is plenty of information regarding Sitecore in the internet for a quick start. I would recommend just few of them:
You will need to understand how to create pages, how data templates work and presentation details like layouts and renderings and other fundamentals
You will also need to find out some architecture basics about Sitecore, like content management and delivery servers and databases used for that (core, master, web). What is publishing and how it works, and why is it important.
Also it would be very benefocious to understand Experience Editor (previously called Page Editor) and what are the particularities of creating pages to support it; as well as the advantages it brings to business users.
There are also some differences in MVC approach you need to understand before doing Sitecore with MVC. You need to understand View Renderings and Controller Renderings, as well as how the routing works in Sitecore MVC.
There are other aspects of Sitecore you may need to understand: workflows, caching, indexing, pipelines, events, sitecore security model etc. Generally, speaking, the question you asked is to wide even to answer that by sharing the links. But those I quoted is enough to start
There are many YouTube channels that may be much more helpful for the beginner:
Also, if you budget allow that, you may consider to take official training courses - they are quite helpful for the beginners.

The basics of building a Sitecore site are very similar from earlier versions of Sitecore. If you haven't been on the Sitecore training, I recommend doing that as it will teach you the main basics.
These are some good basic tutorials - although they are older, they are still valid.
Also the docs at can help you with Sitecore 8 details.


Is there a way to review a Rmarkdown document in a collaborative way? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am working remotely with some colleagues on a Rmarkdown document, and I would like to make a simple review of the file (especially the comment part and not the code), and then send it back to others with my reviews embeded in the document, like a word document review or a kind of Overleaf review. I have made some research on the topic, but I didn't find something that feet my needs as explained. Please, Is there a way to add some review in a Rmakdown document and sent it back (either online or not)?
Take a look at Etherpad
Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time.
Or, better: StackEdit
With StackEdit, you can share collaborative workspaces, thanks to the Google Drive synchronization mechanism. If two collaborators are working on the same file at the same time, StackEdit takes care of merging the changes.
Or, even better: HackMD
HackMD is a realtime, multiplatform collaborative markdown note editor.
This means that you can write notes with other people on your desktop, tablet or even on the phone.
I suggest you considering trackdown
trackdown is an R package that offers a simple answer to collaborative writing and editing of R Markdown (or Sweave) documents. With trackdown, the local .Rmd (or .Rnw) file is uploaded as plain-text in Google Drive where, thanks to the easily readable Markdown (or LaTeX) syntax and the well-known online interface offered by Google Docs, collaborators can easily contribute to the writing and editing of the narrative part of the document. After integrating all authors’ contributions, the final document can be downloaded and rendered locally.
You can find more details at this answer or in the package documentation

I’m an iOS developer and want to learn Ionic 2, what should I do first? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm an iOS developer who have been using objective-c for two years.
Now situation is that I should build a shopping mall app in three months and it should be a hybrid app.
I googled for a while and everything tell me that Ionic 2 is the way I should go.
Problem is that I know nothing about JS, AngularJS, and node.js.
I know basic HTML and CSS.
Here's my plan.
Learn basic JS(ES6 or Typescript?) for half month.
Learn AngularJS for half month.
Learn node.js for half month.
Build app for one and half month.
The app I should make is not very complicated and not a huge project either.
If I build the app with native iOS code, it will take about a month.
My question is
Do you guys think the above plan is realizable?
If my plan looks wrong, then where should I start from?
I hope somebody who has similar background as mine would guide me, however, anyone please advice me.
Well, this is a tough question to answer, since it might be very individual.
You will certainly need to learn and gain some HTML and CSS skills since they define the way your app will look like.
However, Ionic 2 is based on Angular 2 which uses TypeScript as the main "language".
I added "" since TypeScript is a type-based language, which is actually very similar to Java or other OOP languages in it's syntax, and is transpiled into javascript.
In my opinion, in contrary to Angular 1.x, Angular 2 is much easier to learn and implement. The official tutorial is great.
The main disadventage though is that it is a pretty new platform (and the community is relatively small but growing).
Altough it is based on TypeScript, I do advice you to gain some basic JS skills, since you might find yourself need them at some point.
Regarding node.js - choosing Ionic as your front-end technlogy does not restrict you to work with JS based server-side platform.
It is a pretty quick platform to implement and learn, but if you are familiar with other server-side platforms you are free to work with them, since Angular 2 consumes RESTful services.
I would deffinetly start from playing around with Angular 2.0, only when you feel comfortable enough, you can move to Ionic.

Recommended example applications written in Ember.js [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which recent, public, medium-sized Ember.js applications do you recommend for learning about usage patterns by reading its implementations?
I'd recommend the Travis CI project - it uses Ember on the client side and Rail 3 on the server. While it doesn't use the latest Ember features it has very good foundations. You'll find the client-side code in a separate repo travis-web.
I also found reading through #ebryn's "New Twitter" helpful although it is older (Sproutcore 2) and smaller/simpler than Travis CI.
Update: Ember has gone through a number of big changes leading up to their 1.0 release so a lot of older example apps use deprecated APIs and are no longer representative of best practices. A new example to check out is Discourse ( a large webapp built by Jeff Atwood and Robin Ward. Also, check out #trek's Ember Todos, a version of TodoMVC with a touch more process (
I recommend the ToDoMVC project, which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today. Now ToDO MVC ember.js example adapts ember.js 1.0.rc1.
The website:
The source:
Emberwatch has an Open Source Category with a list of interesting projects.
I recommend the great to start with authentication.
And also it from smashing magazine
a good exercise is to put those apps to work in that has the current releases

Are there any alternatives to OData? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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OData is used by Netflix and in many of Microsoft's products (servers: CRM, Sharepoint, SQL Server; clients: Excel).
While OData is interesting, it has it's own set of benefits and trade-offs.
I've designed and build a custom search engine for internal use. Many developers are using the search engine for reporting and lists, replacing the reports and custom search/filter functionality in each line of business app with this search engine.
I have a decent system to allow querying/filtering in my search engine. It's all url driven so it's easy to use.
At this point, I want to add a little bit more functionality to the URL "command line". OData is a tempting choice because we use a lot of Microsoft tech already. It also has standard language for filters with Boolean logic, etc.
Are there any other legitimate standards based REST frameworks like OData that I should look at?
I'm not sure I need the full OData stack for what I'm doing. My simple query string based filtering is working very well at this point. Just want to conduct some due diligence so I can make an informed decision.
What I'm looking for is more of a framework for creating my search API. Lucene/Solr use a url syntax as does OData. Lucene/Solr aren't exactly what I'm looking for and are too complex for my scenario. However, they have a well defined url api.
I'm looking for any other well define url-based api examples. I want to see the "prior art" for defining a query/search syntax based on a url and query string parameters.
While some will certainly argue, rolling your own is certainly an option; provided you can release a consumable schema and syntax or API library. Given that you carefully research the current standards landscape and borrow from established (albeit unfitting) implementations, you (and supporters) could be inclined to produce a new or extended standard; perhaps one that solves an unsolved problem.
However, obligatory:
After some research it appears that no, there is not really a good alternative to OData at this point.
I'm saying this based on the features of Odata. Hopefully we'll see an alternative at some point.
Facebook is developing GraphQL. Data can be queried using JSON queries:
user(id: 3500401) {
profilePicture(size: 50) {
At the moment it is not usable. According to the Changelog they plan to release it as a kind of specification.
Here is another whitepaper
Google is pushing for GData, which seems feature crippled.
If you are looking for a web compliant search mechanism, I suggest looking at Open Search

Django and NoSQL, any ready-to-use library? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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So far Django has good integration with several RDBMS. NoSQL, schema-less and document-oriented DBMS are picking up. What's the status of integration those on-trend and fashionable DBMSes with Django? Are there any production-ready or at least ready-to-use libraries for Django?
So far I have these at hand:
Pre 1.0, django ORM underwent a major queryset re-factor. One of the reasons for this was "This re-factor enables us to support non relational backends".
The official support I think is definitely on the cards; but I think there were more pressing matters for 1.1 and 1.2(now in beta).
However, there are of course several independent efforts to use non relational databases with django, including, but not limited to the following:
Django-nonrel by Waldemar, who made django work on the appengine using the appengine patch.
Using django with mongo db, by Kevin Fricovsky:
Using django with couch db, an old post, by Eric:
Neo4j- the Java graph database (on the other end of the NoSQL spectrum)- also has initial support.
I've spent quite a while fleshing this support out and moving to a remote protocol. You can see the results on GitHub.
Until there is official Django support of a MongoDB back-end, for auto-admin, etc. (wouldn't that be so great). I would take a look at mongokit, which is a thin wrapper over pymongo. There's a few alternatives, but mongokit has comprehensive documentation and is under active development.