Is operator void*() conversion still part of C++ library? - c++

Consider this program:
#include <iostream>
int main()
delete std::cout;
AFAIK the conversion function operator void* () const has been removed from C++11. So, this program should fail in compilation on a C++11 compiler. Ya, its true that both g++ 4.8.1 & 4.9.2 gives diagnosis (in the form of warning that deleting void* is undefined & that's also the good thing). But shouldn't this program fail in compilation because removal of that conversion function due to which all stream object could be implicitly converted to void* in C++98 & C++03?. Is this bug? It seems bit surprising that they still not have implemented this change.
I've tried this program in g++ 4.9.2(that supports C++14) but it gives warning not compiler error. Ideone compiler gives me an error as expected. (See live demo here)

It has nothing to do with the compiler, its a library issue. libstdc++ has lots of incompatibilities with C++11, of which this is just one. They are making breaking changes in 5 and up though iirc.
In short, it's neither a bug nor a compiler issue.

This is a bug in the standard library (if you view it as an implementation of the C++11/14 standard library rather than C++98/03).
It's sort of a compiler issue as well though. Specifically, removing the conversion to void * depends on adding a conversion directly to bool--but that, in turn, depends on adding "contextual conversion" to the compiler.
gcc 4.8 did implement a form of contextual conversion, but not the form that was accepted into the standard. Although the specific changes to contextual conversion wouldn't directly impact this use of contextual conversion, it does point to the fact that the definition of contextual conversion was still being tweaked as these compilers were being written.
The sequence in which things (at least normally) happen is that first the specification is solidified. Then the compiler implements it. Then the standard library puts it to use.
In this case the specification was still changing fairly shortly before the compiler was released. Therefore, the standard library didn't (and practically speaking, couldn't) use it.
By the time of 4.9, the specification was solid, and the compiler implemented the final version of contextual conversion, but it hadn't been around long enough to be put to use in the standard library yet.


Is casting a function return to void an "old-style-cast" or not?

Coverity has complained that various function calls in our codebase are not checking the return value.
Unchecked return value (CHECKED_RETURN)3. check_return: Calling Append
without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 73 out of 78
In the past, we would have simply resolved this issue (after double-checking that the return value really was not important) by casting the return to void (as discussed here):
However, we are moving towards enabling all warnings, and treating warnings as errors, so I'm a little concerned that the above code will generate an old-style-cast diagnostic. If that's the case, I will need to modify our code to the considerably uglier format:
static_cast<void>( Foo.Append(bar) );
However, both gcc and clang seem to be able to compile this code (the first form) without complaining. So I suppose the final form of my question is this: Is casting a function return to void considered an exception to the rule as far as C-style casts are concerned? Or do I need to double check my code and see if the lines in question aren't actually being included in those builds?
It's fine.
(void) f(x);
is always equivalent to a static_cast as per [expr.static.cast]/6:
Any expression can be explicitly converted to type cv void, in which case it becomes a discarded-value expression.
Converting the result of a function to void is the way to make an expression a discard-value-expression. Now, the C++ way should be static_cast<void>(...)but (void) ... is an idiom (and is shorter).
Since the latter is well-defined and really common in codebases, gcc1 and clang2 made it not trigger Wold-style-cast.
It's well-defined, recognized by major compilers. It's fine.
1) g++ documentation --- 3.5 Options Controlling C++ Dialect
-Wold-style-cast (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
Warn if an old-style (C-style) cast to a non-void type is used within a C++ program. The new-style casts (dynamic_cast, static_cast, reinterpret_cast, and const_cast) are less vulnerable to unintended effects and much easier to search for.
2) not documented

What's a quick simple bit of code to verify a given C++ compiler is reading source as C++11?

I think my compiler understands C++11, but maybe not. Instead of trying it on existing messes of source code which are buggy anyway, is there some simple "hello world" level snippet of source code I can try to compile, which if it does compile without error, proves the compiler is reading it as C++11?
Try this one,
auto f = [](){};
or write some code with rvalue reference.
Shortest thing possible:
Is's a lambda-expression without argument list.
The Problem is that compiler usually don't support a new standard completely from the start. Meaning, they may support one c++11 feature, but not another.
However, as far as c++11 is concerned, I think VC++ is the only major compiler that doesn't fully support it, even though you may have to enable the c++11 mode manually. For g++ you e.g. have to supply the compiler flag -std=c++11 (or -std=gnu++11) - the same holds true for newer versions like c++14).

Visual Studio 2012 compiler alternative on Linux?

I switched to Linux a few days ago and I'm stuck on porting my project. For some reason, no matter if I'm using clang++ or gcc 4.8, the compiler complaints about using a atomic with a vector from the GLM-Library (something like that: atomic<glm::vec3>). I tried to set -std=c++11 and -std=gnu++11, which gcc doesn't accept and g++/clang++ don't care about. I know that it's not my code, because it worked on Windows with Visual Studio 2012.
So now my question is, if there is a good alternative to the VS2012 compiler, so that my code gets to work? I also thought to try gcc 4.9, but I really have no idea how to get that.
clang error message:
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../include/c++/4.8/atomic|166|error: exception specification of explicitly defaulted default constructor does not match the calculated one|
g++ error message:
/usr/include/c++/4.8/atomic|167|error: function ‘std::atomic<_Tp>::atomic() [with _Tp = glm::detail::tvec3<float>]’ defaulted on its first declaration with an exception-specification that differs from the implicit declaration ‘std::atomic<glm::detail::tvec3<float> >::atomic()’|
glm::vec3 is a typedef to some specialization of tvec<float, T>. tvec has a user-provided assignment operator, so it is not trivially copyable and therefore cannot be used with std::atomic. The code compiles with VS2012 because Microsoft's standard library implementation doesn't diagnose instantiations of std::atomic<T> for non-TriviallyCopyable T. As with any undefined behavior, the fact that it compiles does not imply that it works.
std::atomic<glm::vec3> // sizeof(...) == 12
This specialization does not exist. There are only specialization of bool, integral types and pointer types provided by the STL. Either you have to specialize it on your own, or have to use another solution for your specific problem. Please note, that std::atomic<glm::vec3> may not be TriviallyCopyable on your platform (because of the size it may nowhere be trivially copyable). This means, that a mutex is used to synchronize this. For a vector I am really sure, that there is no way to trivially copy it. So you may use a pair of vector and mutex instead.

Why do streams still convert to pointers in C++11?

The canonical way to read lines from a text file is:
std::fstream fs("/tmp/myfile.txt");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(line, fs)) {
(no, it is not while (!fs.eof()) { getline(line, fs); doThingsWith(line); }!)
This works beacuse std::getline returns the stream argument by reference, and because:
in C++03, streams convert to void*, via an operator void*() const in std::basic_ios, evaluating to the null pointer value when the fail error flag is set;
see [C++03: 27.4.4] & [C++03:]
in C++11, streams convert to bool, via an explicit operator bool() const in std::basic_ios, evaluating to false when the fail error flag is set
see [C++11:] & [C++11:]
In C++03 this mechanism means the following is possible:
std::cout << std::cout;
It correctly results in some arbitrary pointer value being output to the standard out stream.
However, despite operator void*() const having been removed in C++11, this also compiles and runs for me in GCC 4.7.0 in C++11 mode.
How is this still possible in C++11? Is there some other mechanism at work that I'm unaware of? Or is it simply an implementation "oddity"?
I'm reasonably certain this is not allowed/can't happen in a conforming implementation of C++11.
The problem, of course, is that right now, most implementations are working on conforming, but aren't there completely yet. At a guess, for many vendors, this particular update is a fairly low priority. It improves error checking, but does little (or nothing) to enable new techniques, add new features, improve run-time efficiency, etc. This lets the compiler catch the error you've cited (some_stream << some_other_stream) but doesn't really make a whole lot of difference otherwise.
If I were in charge of updating a standard library for C++11, I think this would be a fairly low priority. There are other changes that are probably as easy (if not easier) to incorporate, and likely to make a much bigger difference to most programmers.
To use one of the examples you gave, if I were in charge of updating the VC++ standard library to take advantage of the compiler features added in the November CTP, my top priority would probably be to add constructors to the standard container types to accept initialization_lists. These are fairly easy to add (I'd guess one person could probably add and test them in under a week) and make quite an obvious, visible difference in what a programmer can do.
As late as GCC 4.6.2, the libstdc++ code for basic_ios is evidently still C++03-like.
I'd simply put this down to "they haven't gotten around to it yet".
By contrast, the libc++ (LLVM's stdlib implementation) trunk already uses operator bool().
This was a missed mini-feature buried in a pre-existing header. There are probably lots of missing error of omission and commission in pre-2011 components.
Really, if anyone comes up with things like this in gcc then it would do a world of good to go to Bugzilla and make a bug report. It may be a low priority bug but if you start a paper trail
I'll go out on a limb and extend this idea to all the other C++ compilers: clang, Visual Studio,etc.
This will make C++ a better place.
P.S. I entered a bug in Bugzilla.

Compiler chosing prefix ++ when postfix is missing - who says?

When you define a prefix operator++ for your user defined type and you don't provide a postfix version, the compiler (in Visual C++ at least) will use the PREFIX version when your code calls the missing POSTFIX version.
At least it will give you a warning. But, my question is: Why doesn't it just give you an error for the undefined member function?
I have seen this first hand, and have seen it mentioned in another post and elsewhere, but I cannot find this in the actual C++ standard. My second and third questions are... Is it in the standard somewhere? Is this a Microsoft-specific handing of the situation?
Actually, In this case the MSVC behaves much more intelligently than GCC.
This is a MSVC compiler extension and the C++ standard explicitly allows for such an behavior.
C++ Standard:
Section 1.4/8:
A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
In this case, MSVC appropriately diagnoses the problem that the postfix is not available and it specifically defines warnings,
Compiler Warning (level 1) C4620
Compiler Warning (level 1) C4621
Also, it provides you a facility to disable the MSVC specific extensions by using /Za. Overall, I would say this is one of the instances where MSVC actually behaves better than GCC.
It should be a Microsoft specific extension. Because, at least g++ is strict about prefix and postfix operators. Here is the demo link.
With integers, ++i is different from i++. For exampe i=5, y = ++i - y will be 6; y=i++ - y will be 5. Other types should function in the same manner. Therefore the behaviour differs between postfix and prefix.
It is a Microsoft thing and in my opinion the compilers implementation is incorrect.