Creating a Callback Function in a C++ Library - c++

I want to create a library that holds multiple objects and takes care of them. However, if certain things happen to the objects then I want to be able to perform additional actions in the project that uses the library.
The following is a brief example of what I want to do:
// Library:
class LibraryClass {
bool Init() { /* Blah. */ }
void Shutdown() { /* Blah blah. */ }
void Update() {
for( int i( 0); i < m_objects.size(); ++i) {
bool somethingHappened = m_objects[i].Update();
if( somethingHappened)
CallBackFunctionToMainProject( &m_objects[i]);
std::vector<Objects> m_objects;
// Project that uses the library:
class Program {
void Run() {
m_libClass = new LibraryClass();
while( true) {
delete m_libClass;
LibraryClass* m_libClass;
void CallBackFunctionToMainProject( Object* obj) {
// Do stuff.
So as you can see, I want the library to call the function that's declared in the main project, however I also want it to not complain if the function hasn't been declared in the main project.
Is it possible for me to do this? And if so, how? (If possible, I'd like to avoid the option of passing variables through to the library, such as a function pointer).

There are possible options but will have to pass/set something to the library to callback on.
Pass a function pointer from the main program (you've mentioned it).
Define an interface class in the library, which the main program will implement and pass it to the library (more elegant).
Register a function pointer or interface object some place where the library can access (just a level of indirection than passing directly)
Hope it helps.


Static Virtual Functions

Okay, so I know that static virtual functions don't exist for several reasons. I do believe, however, I have found a situation in which something mimicking them may be useful. As part of a group project for a class we must design a scripting core for a game engine. In order to keep things decoupled we want a class to be able to register its metatables (functions, members, etc) with the LuaState. Also, I could be way off here as this is my first time trying to implement anything of the sort.
So, in order to keep things generic we have an IScriptStateManager interface that contains pure virtual functions to register objects with the scripting languages global state, perform init and shutdown features, and has a couple other functions for DoFile and DoString. Then we have a LuaStateManager class that implements the functionality of this interface.
Now, in order to allow most game objects to be created in script without knowing about them ahead of time we also created an IScriptObject interface. If you want an object to be represented by the scripting system it should implement this interface. This interface includes a method that contains a method called register that derived classes can implement and will set up there metatables. So everything looks like this:
bool LuaStateManager::Register(IScriptObject* obj)
if (obj has not already been registered with global state)
return true;
return false;
I'm sure you can see the problem. First and foremost we need and actual instantiation to register an object. Because of this we may be calling this function multiple times for a particular type of object, only to have it return true the first time and false every other time. While the overhead of this is minimal, it's a dead giveaway that something is wrong with the design.
So the issue arises. In this particular case we need the functionality of both a static method and a virtual method. Granted we could simply manually add static methods to each class and then call those once, but this couples objects to the scripting system. Any tips or help would be most welcome. Thanks
Provide access to the functionality of IScriptStateManager through a set of functions in an API class or a namespace.
namespace ScriptStateManagerAPI
// Function to register the active ScriptStateManager.
void setActiveScriptStateManager(IScriptStateManager* scriptStateManager);
// Function to register a ScriptObject.
bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj);
class IScriptStateManager
virtual bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj) = 0;
#include <IScriptStateManager.h>
namespace ScriptStateManagerAPI
static IScriptStateManager* activeScriptStateManager = nullptr;
void setActiveScripStatetManager(IScriptStateManager* scriptStateManager)
activeScriptStateManager = scriptStateManager;
bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj)
if ( activeScriptStateManager )
return activeScriptStateManager->registerScriptObject(obj);
// Deal with lack of an active IScriptStateManager.
return false;
#include <IScriptStateManager.h>
class LuaScriptManager : public IScriptStateManager
virtual bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj);
// Helper class in anonymous namespace to register a LuaScriptManager as
// the active IScriptStateManager at start up time.
struct Initializer
// Construct an Initializer at start up time.
static Initializer initializer;
// Register a LuaScriptManager as the acive ScriptStateManager.
ScriptStateAPI::setActiveScriptStateManager(new LuaScriptManager());
bool LuaScriptManager::registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj)
if (obj has not already been registered with global state)
return true;
return false;
You can use another ScriptStateManager in your application. Then you have to choose whether you can have only one ScriptStateManager at a time or not. If your application needs more than one ScriptStateManager at a time, you can change the static data as well as the interface in ScriptStateManagerAPI
namespace ScriptStateManagerAPI
// Function to register an active ScriptStateManager.
void registerActiveScriptStateManager(IScriptStateManager* scriptStateManager);
// Function to register a ScriptObject.
bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj);
#include <IScriptStateManager.h>
namespace ScriptStateManagerAPI
static std::set<IScriptStateManager*> activeScriptStateManagers;
void registerActiveScripStatetManager(IScriptStateManager* scriptStateManager)
bool registerScriptObject(IScriptObject* obj)
// Figure out how to manage the return the values of each
// activeScriptManager.
for ( auto activeScriptManager, activeScriptStateManagers)
return true; //????

How to pass a Function pointer without exposing class details

I'm creating a library that needs to allow the user to set a callback function.
The interface of this library is as below:
// Viewer Class Interface Exposed to user
#include "dataType_1.h"
#include "dataType_2.h"
class Viewer
void SetCallbackFuntion( dataType_1* (Func) (dataType_2* ) );
dataType_1* (*CallbackFunction) (dataType_2* );
In a typical usage, the user needs to access an object of dataType_3 within the callback.
However, this object is only known only to his program, like below.
// User usage
#include "Viewer.h"
#include "dataType_3.h"
// Global Declaration needed
dataType_3* objectDataType3;
dataType_1* aFunction( dataType_2* a)
// An operation on object of type dataType_3
Viewer* myViewer;
myViewer->SetCallbackFunction( &aFunction );
My Question is as follows:
How do I avoid using an ugly global variable for objectDataType3 ?
(objectDataType3 is part of libraryFoo and all the other objects dataType_1, dataType_2 & Viewer are part of libraryFooBar) Hence I would like them to remain as separate as possible.
Don't use C in C++.
Use an interface to represent the fact you want a notification.
If you want objects of type dataType_3 to be notified of an event that happens in the viewer then just make this type implement the interface then you can register the object directly with the viewer for notification.
// The interface
// Very close to your function pointer definition.
class Listener
public: virtual dataType_1* notify(dataType_2* param) = 0;
// Updated viewer to use the interface defineition rather than a pointer.
// Note: In the old days of C when you registered a callback you normally
// also registered some data that was passed to the callback
// (see pthread_create for example)
class Viewer
// Set (or Add) a listener.
void SetNotifier(Listener* l) { listener = l; }
// Now you can just inform all objects that are listening
// directly via the interface. (remember to check for NULL listener)
void NotifyList(dataType_2* data) { if (listener) { listener->notify(data); }
Listener* listener;
int main()
dataType_3 objectDataType3; // must implement the Listener interface
Viewer viewer;
Use Boost.Function:
class Viewer
void SetCallbackFuntion(boost::function<datatype_1* (dataType_2*)> func);
boost::function<datatype_1* (dataType_2*)> CallbackFunction;
Then use Boost.Bind to pass the member function pointer together with your object as the function.
If you don't want or can't use boost, the typical pattern around callback functions like this is that you can pass a "user data" value (mostly declared as void*) when registering the callback. This value is then passed to the callback function.
The usage then looks like this:
dataType_1* aFunction( dataType_2* a, void* user_ptr )
// Cast user_ptr to datatype_3
// We know it works because we passed it during set callback
datatype_3* objectDataType3 = reinterpret_cast<datatype_3*>(user_ptr);
// An operation on object of type dataType_3
Viewer* myViewer;
dataType_3 objectDataType3; // No longer needs to be global
myViewer->SetCallbackFunction( &aFunction, &objectDataType3 );
The implementation on the other side only requires to save the void* along with the function pointer:
class Viewer
void SetCallbackFuntion( dataType_1* (Func) (dataType_2*, void*), void* user_ptr );
dataType_1* (*CallbackFunction) (dataType_2*, void*);
void* user_ptr;
boost::/std:: function is the solution here. You can bind member functions to them, and in addition functors and lambdas, if you have a lambda compiler.
struct local {
datatype3* object;
local(datatype3* ptr)
: object(ptr) {}
void operator()() {
boost::function<void()> func;
func = local(object);
func(); // calls object->func() by magic.
Something like this is simple to do:
class Callback
virtual operator()()=0;
template<class T>
class ClassCallback
T* _classPtr;
typedef void(T::*fncb)();
fncb _cbProc;
ClassCallback(T* classPtr,fncb cbProc):_classPtr(classPtr),_cbProc(cbProc){}
virtual operator()(){
Your Viewer class would take a callback, and call it using the easy syntax:
class Viewer
void SetCallbackFuntion( Callback* );
void OnCallCallback(){
Some other class would register the callback with the viewer by using the ClassCallback template specialization:
// User usage
#include "Viewer.h"
#include "dataType_3.h"
Viewer* myViewer;
dataType_3 objectDataType3;
myViewer->SetCallbackFunction( new ClassCallback<dataType_3>(&objectDataType3,&dataType_3::DoSomething));
You're asking several questions mixed up in here and this is going to cause you lots of confusion in your answers.
I'm going to focus on your issue with dataType_3.
You state:
I would like to avoid declaring or
including dataType_3 in my library as
it has huge dependencies.
What you need to do is make an interface class for dataType_3 that gives the operations -- the footprint -- of dataType_3 without defining everything in it. You'll find tips on how to do that in this article (among other places). This will allow you to comfortably include a header that gives the footprint for dataType_3 without bringing in all of its dependencies. (If you've got dependencies in the public API you may have to reuse that trick for all of those as well. This can get tedious, but this is the price of having a poorly-designed API.)
Once you've got that, instead of passing in a function for callback consider having your "callback" instead be a class implementing a known interface. There are several advantages to doing this which you can find in the literature, but for your specific example there's a further advantage. You can inherit that interface complete with an instantiated dataType_3 object in the base class. This means that you only have to #include the dataType_3 interface specification and then use the dataType_3 instance provided for you by the "callback" framework.
If you have the option of forcing some form of constraints on Viewer, I would simply template that, i.e.
template <typename CallBackType>
class Viewer
void SetCallbackFunctor(CallBackType& callback) { _callee = callback; }
void OnCallback()
if (_callee) (*_callee)(...);
// I like references, but you can use pointers
boost::optional<CallBackType&> _callee;
Then in your dataType_3 implement the operator() to do as needed, to use.
int main(void)
dataType_3 objectDataType3;
// IMHO, I would construct with the objectDataType3, rather than separate method
// if you did that, you can hold a direct reference rather than pointer or boost::optional!
Viewer<dataType_3> viewer;
No need for other interfaces, void* etc.

Nested Classes C++ static inner methods (Xml parsing and trying to populate vector with values)

So this is what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to use a sax parser to parse some XML. it looks like I need to call all their methods as statics. So if I want to pass a value back from say startElement it is static void startElement. Which brings me to my example code. I have been pulling my hair on how to update a value in a Nesting class from a static member function.
I have looked at several things such as defining OuterClass * oc; then trying to reference oc->allRecords, but since it is a static method inside, it fails. I am sure I am doing something wrong architecturally, so any feedback on what would be the right way to do this would be a great help. Thanks.
class Attribute {
string AttributeName;
string AttributeValue;
typedef shared_ptr<Attribute> AttributePtr;
class AttributeSet {
vector<AttributePtr> Attributes;
typedef shared_ptr<AttributeSet> AttributeSetPtr;
class OuterClass {
public :
vector<AttributeSetPtr> allRecords;
class InnerClass {
static mymethod1() {
// I need to be able to set attributes here :
// This would be the characters method for sax parsing
// What is the right way to Attributes.push_back(new Attribute(Name,Value));
static mymethod2() {
// I also need to be able to add Records here :
// This would be the endElement for sax parsing
// What is the right way to allRecords.push_back(AttributeSet);
xmlSAXHandler saxHandler;
memset(&saxHandler, 0, sizeof(saxHandler));
saxHandler.initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC;
saxHandler.endElementsNs = &InnerClass::method2;
saxHandler.characters = &InnerClass::method1;
InnerClass innerXmlParsingClass
xmlSaxUserParseMemory( &saxHandler, &innerXmlParsingClass, xmlString, xmlString.length());
Your mistake is using an inner class (are you coming from Java?).
I don't know what you believe you are are achieving with an inner class, but it won't work. Don't use inner classes in C++ unless you really know what it does (for inner classes, protected and private members of the outer classes are seen as if they were public).
Now, as the solution to your problem, I guess it depends on the implementation you're using (I used once Apache's Xerces SAX, but I know Microsoft offers its own SAX implementation, and that there should be a lot other alternatives, so...)
After the comment, I found the following tutorial:
I must say that, coming from Java to C++, and using a C API, you have a kind of courage...
If you are not familiar enough with function pointers, and C in general, using libxml2 will be a challenge. Be sure that in the end, you will understand those notions... Note that C have a way to handle the data that C++, Java or C# developers associate to this. The C way is to pass a pointer to your data (the user data) to a function, and when the callback is called, it passes back this pointer, typed as a void *. You must then cast it back to its right type, and voilà, you have your this back.
Anyway, reading the doc, I see that when you parse the file, you'll call the following C function:
int xmlSAXUserParseFile( xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
void * user_data,
const char * filename);
the user_data part is the one that interest you because it enables you to have a context. So, wrapping this function in a C++ class, you could have something like:
// MySaxBase.hpp
class MySaxBase
public :
MySaxBase() ;
int parseFile(const std::string & p_filename) ;
virtual void startDocument() ;
virtual void endDocument() ;
private :
static void do_startDocument(void *p_user_data) ;
static void do_endDocument(void *p_user_data) ;
xmlSAXHandler m_sax ;
// MySaxBase.cpp
extern "C"
void do_startDocument(void *p_user_data)
// this static method will convert the p_user_data into
// the this pointer...
MySaxBase * saxBase = static_cast<MySaxBase *>(p_user_data) ;
// ...and call the right virtual method
saxBase->startDocument() ;
void do_endDocument(void *p_user_data)
// this static method will convert the p_user_data into
// the this pointer...
MySaxBase * saxBase = static_cast<MySaxBase *>(p_user_data) ;
// ...and call the right virtual method
saxBase->endDocument() ;
} // extern "C"
// the m_sax structure must be set to zero to NULL all its
// pointers to functions
memset(&m_sax, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler)) ;
// Now, we initialize some pointers to the static method we
// want to be called
this->m_sax.startDocument = do_startDocument ;
this->m_sax.endDocument = do_endDocument ;
int MySaxBase::parseFile(const std::string & p_filename)
// the important thing, here, is the this pointer, passed as
// a user_data parameter
return xmlSAXUserParseFile(&m_sax, this, p_filename.c_str()) ;
void MySaxBase::startDocument()
// The document started. Override this method to
// actually do something
void MySaxBase::endDocument()
// The document ended. Override this method to
// actually do something
I did not test this, and I never used libxml2, but I guess the code must be Ok, and this should be enough for you to continue on your own: Just add the methods you want to support, initialize the sax handler with the relevant function pointers, and you'll have your class complete.
The MySaxBase::startDocument and MySaxBase::endDocument methods are virtual just for you to derive from MySaxBase and then override those methods.
Edit 2
I'll reproduce here Steve Jessop's excellent comment:
+1. One tiny quibble - I don't think that static member functions are guaranteed by the C++ standard to have C linkage / calling convention, but to use them as a callback from a C API, that's what they need. I don't specifically know what implementations it makes a difference, but for safety do_startDocument should be a free function declared with extern "C". On the same subject: a Java programmer may not realise you have make sure that the function can't throw an exception (because C doesn't have them). So you'd normally want to see a try/catch(...) in the wrapper function. – Steve Jessop
Following this, and after reading Johannes Schaub - litb (who else?) no less excellent answer at static vs extern "C"/"C++" , I modified the code to make do_startDocument and do_endDocument real C functions (i.e. wrapped in an extern "C" block). This usually is not important (I never encountered this kind of problem), but, better safe than sorry.
Your basic problem is that static methods are not per-instance, so there is no this pointer. You somehow need to get a OuterClass* passed to mymethod1 and mymethod2.
If you show us how mymethod1 and mymethod2 are called, we can help you further.
If it's simply called by you someplace where you have a OuterClass object, then your solution is simple:
class OuterClass
// ...
static void mymethod1(OuterClass* oc)
oc->all_records.push_back( something );
void some_func()
OuterClass oc;
Since you updated your question here is how you should do this:
class OuterClass {
vector<AttributeSetPtr> allRecords;
void characters(const xmlChar* ch, int len)
// do here whatever you want
allRecords.push_back(bla bla);
static void static_characters(void* ctx, const xmlChar* ch, int len) {
// retrieve this pointer from ctx
static_cast<OuterClass*>(ctx)->characters(ch, len);
saxHandler.characters = &OuterClass::static_characters;
OuterClass outerClass;
xmlSaxUserParseMemory(&saxHandler, static_cast<void*>(&outerClass), xmlString, xmlString.length());

Segfaults with singletons

// Non singleton
class MyLogManager
void write(message) {Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage(message);}
class Utils : public singleton<Utils>
MyLogManager *handle;
MyLogManager& getHandle { return *handle; }
namespace someNamespace
MyLogManager &Log() { return Utils::get_mutable_instance().getHandle(); }
int main()
someNamespace::Log().write("Starting game initializating...");
In this code I'm using boost's singleton (from serialization) and calling Ogre's log manager (it's singleton-type too).
The program fails at any trying to do something with Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr() object with code
User program stopped by signal (SIGSEGV)
I checked that getSingletonPtr() returns address 0x000
But using code Utils::get_mutable_instance().getHandle().write("foo") works good in another part of program. What's wrong could be there with calling singletons?
Real version of Utils class:
class Utils : public singleton<Utils>
ConfigManager *configHandlePtr;
LogManager *logHandlePtr;
configHandlePtr = new ConfigManager();
string engineLog = configHandle().getValue<string>("engine.logFilename", "Engine.log");
logHandlePtr = new LogManager(engineLog);
delete configHandlePtr;
delete logHandlePtr;
ConfigManager &configHandle() const { return *configHandlePtr; }
LogManager &logHandle() const { return *logHandlePtr; }
And here is the real code of LogManager class:
class LogManager
string mDefaultPath;
LogManager(const string &logPath = "Engine.log") :
mDefaultPath(logPath) { }
void write(const string &message, const string logFile = "")
string workPath = mDefaultPath;
Ogre::LogManager *logHandle = Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr(); // [logHandle=0x000]
Ogre::Log *log2Handle = logHandle->getLog(workPath); // [SEGFAULT]
I have a static library (there is my engine code) and the main own programm which links static this library. When I call my config handle (which doesn't use Ogre) everything is okay! There is also resourceManager, it uses Ogre too. And it fails like logManager. Both this managers uses Ogre's singleton. Maybe it's impossible to call it from another library?
It feels like you have typical "static initialization order fiasco" - your Utils instance created before one (or both) of other singletons.
Try change Utils::configHandle() to something like this:
ConfigManager &configHandle() const {
static std::auto_ptr<ConfigManager> configHandlePtr(0);
if (!configHandlePtr.get()) {
configHandlePtr.reset(new ConfigManager());
// init configHandlePtr like you want
return *configHandlePtr;
I don't know Boost's singleton, but I notice some strange things in your 'Utils' class.
First of all, getHandle returns a reference to handle, but handle is a local variable that goes out of scope if you leave the method, so the reference to it will also be invalid.
Second, you didn't initialize handle in the getHandle method.
Are you sure your Ogre LogManager is correctly initialized?
Or maybe with your libraries you have one instance of the singleton in each library and only the one in your main program is correctly initialized?
In this case you have to declare the singletons in your libraries as "extern" but I'm not sure it applies to statically linked libraries.

C++: static function wrapper that routes to member function?

I've tried all sorts of design approaches to solve this problem, but I just can't seem to get it right.
I need to expose some static functions to use as callback function to a C lib. However, I want the actual implementation to be non-static, so I can use virtual functions and reuse code in a base class. Such as:
class Callbacks {
static void MyCallBack() { impl->MyCallBackImpl(); }
class CallbackImplBase {
virtual void MyCallBackImpl() = 0;
However I try to solve this (Singleton, composition by letting Callbacks be contained in the implementor class, etc) I end up in a dead-end (impl usually ends up pointing to the base class, not the derived one).
I wonder if it is at all possible or if I'm stuck with creating some sort of helper functions instead of using inheritance?
Problem 1:
Though it may look and seem to work on your setup this is not guaranteed to work as the C++ ABI is not defined. So technically you can not use C++ static member functions as functions pointers to be used by C code.
Problem 2:
All C callacks (that I know of) allow you to pass user data back as a void*. You can use this as the pointer to your object that has the virtual method. BUT You must make sure you use dynamic_cast<>() to the base class (the one with the virtual method used in the callback) before it is converted into the void* otherwise the pointer at the other end may not be interpreted correctly (especially if there is multiple inheritance involved).
Problem 3:
Exceptions: C is not designed to work with exceptions (especially old C libraries with callbacks). So don't expect exceptions that escape your callback to provide anything meaningful to the caller (they are more likely to result in application termination).
What you need to do is use extern "C" function as the callback that calls the virtual method on an object of know type and throws away all exceptions.
An example for the C pthread routines
#include <iostream>
extern "C" void* start_thread(void* data);
class Work
virtual ~Work() {}
virtual void doWork() = 0;
* To be used as a callback for C code this MUST be declared as
* with extern "C" linkage to make sure the calling code can
* correctly call it
void* start_thread(void* data)
* Use reinterpret_cast<>() because the only thing you know
* that you can do is cast back to a Work* pointer.
Work* work = reinterpret_cast<Work*>(data);
// Never let an exception escape a callback.
// As you are being called back from C code this would probably result
// in program termination as the C ABI does not know how to cope with
// exceptions and thus would not be able to unwind the call stack.
// An exception is if the C code had been built with a C++ compiler
// But if like pthread this is an existing C lib you are unlikely to get
// the results you expect.
return NULL;
class PrintWork: public Work
virtual void doWork()
std::cout << "Hi \n";
int main()
pthread_t thread;
PrintWork printer;
* Use dynamic_cast<>() here because you must make sure that
* the underlying routine receives a Work* pointer
* As it is working with a void* there is no way for the compiler
* to do this intrinsically so you must do it manually at this end
int check = pthread_create(&thread,NULL,start_thread,dynamic_cast<Work*>(&printer));
if (check == 0)
void* result;
It's possible. Perhaps there's a problem on how you're initializing the concrete implementation?
In fact, I remember one library that does something very similar to this. You might find it usefull to take a look at libxml++ source code. It's built on top of libxml, which is a C library.
libxml++ uses a struct of static functions to handle the callbacks. For customization, the design allows the user to provide (through virtual functions) his/her own implementations to which the callbacks are then forwarded. I guess this is pretty much your situation.
Something like the below. The singleton is in class Callback, the Instance member will return a statically allocated reference to a CallbackImpl class. This is a singleton because the reference will only be initialised once when the function is first called. Also, it must be a reference or a pointer otherwise the virtual function will not work.
class CallbackImplBase
virtual void MyCallBackImpl() = 0;
class CallbackImpl : public CallbackImplBase
void MyCallBackImpl()
std::cout << "MyCallBackImpl" << std::endl;
class Callback
static CallbackImplBase & Instance()
static CallbackImpl instance;
return instance;
static void MyCallBack()
extern "C" void MyCallBack()
Are any of the parameters passed to the callback function user defined? Is there any way you can attach a user defined value to data passed to these callbacks? I remember when I implemented a wrapper library for Win32 windows I used SetWindowLong() to attach a this pointer to the window handle which could be later retrieved in the callback function. Basically, you need to pack the this pointer somewhere so that you can retrieve it when the callback gets fired.
int field0;
int field1;
int field2;
Callback* ptr;
registerCallback( Callback::StaticCallbackFunc, &myCallbackData, ... );
void Callback::StaticCallbackFunc( CALLBACKDATA* pData )
Callback* pCallback = pMyData->ptr;