I'll explain what I am trying to achieve first in case there is a better way than what I have wrote. I am trying to get a list of users (but in below example I am only querying one user to test the script) who have an Exchange plan set to disabled.
The filter I need to apply is on the licenses.servicestatus object. If you run and output of this object your get:
ServicePlan ProvisioningStatus
----------- ------------------
INTUNE_O365 PendingActivation
What I need is the query to return true if it finds "disabled" in the provisioningstatus column and a matching "exchange" wildcard in the serviceplan column.
My script below does not do this, instead it returns true if it finds disabled and exchange in ANY order, IE it will always return true as long as disabled and Exchange are anywhere in the table, not where they both match on one row. This is as close as I can get as to what I want.
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com"| ? {"disabled" -in $_.licenses.servicestatus.provisioningstatus -and ($_.licenses.servicestatus| Out-String| ? {$_ -like "*exchange*"})}
I can see where I am going wrong, I just don't know how to fix it. The script is effectively running two separate searches rather than combining them together.
Also Note the reason I am using out-string is because the table above does not output serviceplan as a string.
If there is a better way of doing this then please advise otherwise I just need to know how to match two conditions in an array from the same row.
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com" |
ForEach-Object {
if( ($_.licenses.serviceplan.tostring() -match 'Exchange') -and ($_.licenses.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled') )
examining your code :
"disabled" -in $_.licenses.servicestatus.provisioningstatus
wont work because
$_.licenses is an object with 2 properties Servicestatus & Provisioningstatus
so you can either use $_.licenses.servicestatus or $_.licenses.provisioningstatus not both together like $_.licenses.servicestatus.provisioningstatus because there is no such property.
Also -in is used to check if a value is contained in an array not suitable for what you are doing.
Your question got me to think about using Test-Any which i read about in an article written by #JaredPar. The basic idea is to evaluate if any item in an array of objects have a set of matching conditions.
I have put it into a module like this.
function Test-Any {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $ObjectToTest)
begin {
$any = $false
process {
if (-not $any -and (& $EvaluateCondition $ObjectToTest)) {
$any = $true
end {
function Test-All {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $ObjectToTest)
begin {
$all = $true
process {
if ($all -and ((& $EvaluateCondition $ObjectToTest) -eq $false)) {
$all = $false
end {
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-Any, Test-All
Now as you might have noticed there is also a Test-All function. This is not used for this sample but may come in handy.
Now you can solve your task like this.
Notice i have replaced the call to Get-msoluser with some proper test data.
Import-Module AllAny
$testdata = #(
(new-object psobject -Property #{ServicePlan="ExchangePlan";licenses = new-object psobject -Property #{ProvisioningStatus="Disabled"}}),
(new-object psobject -Property #{ServicePlan="SomeOtherPlan";licenses = new-object psobject -Property #{ProvisioningStatus="Enabled"}}))
$userProp = $testdata #Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com"
if ($userProp | Test-Any {$Args.serviceplan -match "Exchange" -and $Args.licenses.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled'})
echo "Do your thing!"
Hope that it makes sense.
I managed to fix this myself:
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com" | ? {$_.licenses.servicestatus| Out-String | ? {$_ -like "*exchange*disabled*"}}
This is fairly old, but here's a slightly neater solution I came up with, given the limitations of Azure queries.
First, create a list of the users that at least include the criteria you need to match on
$users = Get-Msoluser -EnabledFilter EnabledOnly |
Where { ($_.licenses.serviceplan.tostring() -match 'Exchange') `
-and ($_.licenses.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled') }
What you get is users that have both "Exchange" and "Disabled" somewhere within their Licenses attribute, but they may not be on the same row.
Just be cautious if you are looking for "unlicensed" users, because licenses can be reassigned. Here I'm using Get-AzureADUser and the AssignedPlans property instead. This user has been licensed for SfB twice, but one is still valid.
AssignedTimestamp CapabilityStatus Service ServicePlanId
----------------- ---------------- ------- -------------
2019-12-05 03:46:34 Enabled MicrosoftCommunicationsOnline 3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40
2019-09-26 07:16:48 Deleted MicrosoftCommunicationsOnline 4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7
After doing the first pass to populate the $users list, to get users where you have at least row that has an Exchange & Disabled value, check each user's Licenses attribute with a Where statement on both properties. The following dumps the UPN into $licensedUsers for later export.
$licensedUsers = #()
$users | Foreach {
$u = $_
if ($u.licenses | where { ($_.serviceplan.tostring() -match 'Exchange') `
-and ($_.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Disabled') }) {
$licensedUsers += $u.userPrincipalName
#if you want more properties in the report, create a PSCustomObject here instead
If you only wanted to get the users that don't have any valid Exchange licenses at all, you'd want to reverse the logic to find accounts where all the licences are not enabled.
if (-not ($u.licenses | where { ($_.serviceplan.tostring() -match 'Exchange') `
-and ($_.ProvisioningStatus -eq 'Enabled')) })
There are a couple of things to do this in one line (as far as I can tell):
Use nested Where-Objects to check each object down the tree
No need to convert ServicePlan to a string if you use the 'servicename' property underneath it
So I think this should meet the original posters' requirements in a single command:
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com" | Where-Object { $_.Licenses.ServiceStatus | Where-Object { $_.ServicePlan.ServiceName -like "*exchange*" -and $_.ProvisioningStatus -eq "Disabled" } }
Or for a shorter command:
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "exampleuser#dom.com" | ? { $_.Licenses.ServiceStatus | ? { $_.ServicePlan.ServiceName -like "*exchange*" -and $_.ProvisioningStatus -eq "Disabled" } }
I am trying to compare data to multiple sources and then give me a report of the errors. Due to the changing nature of exceptions, I wanted to build an exception table in csv format that I can change on the fly.
I am going to give the data the best I can and show you what I'm trying to achieve and show you where I'm coming into problems.
The exceptions list holds the prefix to different types of accounts:
Exceptions List
So if my Account was BND123 then I may have an account called FQBND123 or QBND123 I want to be able to add to this list if one of the teams decides they need to make a JQ account or anything like that in the future.
This is an example of Inventoryreport.csv I'm looking to parse:
Safe Target system user name
HUMAN_P123456 root
HUMAN_P789123 FQ789123
So I am looking to compare target system username to the safe name, and if the leading account is in the exception list, it passes it up, and if it does not, then it throws it as an error.
So in the case of the data above the 2 rows would throw an error below.
HUMAN_P123456 root
Root for obvious reason and the KLMNO account because of the trailing 1.
The problem I am getting is that it is saying everything is an error. If I hand type it in to the loop everything is fine.
I had the exceptions in a foreach loop too inside the one for the inventory, but it keep looping over the same results and still spitting out everything.
Hopefully this is an OK explanation, I'm sure I'm making this harder than it needs to be.
$loc = $scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$D = $loc + "\Exceptions\Exceptions.csv"
$E = $loc + "\Import\InventoryReport.csv"
$exceptions = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $D
$inventory = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $E
$list2 = 'Inventory Report Exceptions'
$list3 = 'Target system user name'
$DO = $loc + "\Report\Inventory Report Errors" + "$((Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy')).CSV"
$time = (Get-Date).ToString()
foreach ($item in $inventory) {
$input1 = $item.Safe -replace "HUMAN_"
$input4 = $item.Safe -replace "HUMAN_P"
$input2 = $item.$list3
$input3 = $item.Safe
if ($input2 -eq ($exceptions.$list2 + $input1) -or $input2 -eq ($exceptions.$list2 + $input4)) {
else {
$newitem = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Safe = $input1
Owner = $input2
}| Export-CSV -LiteralPath $DO -NoTypeInformation -append
Your question is a bit long and not very clear...
Let's look if I got it right:
I shortened the exceptions list to a regular expression anchored at begin
simulate the inventory.csv with a here string
append a column Pass to that
iterate the entries comparing the split'ed values for equality and save in the new col.
## Q:\Test\2018\11\02\SO_53109141.ps1
$Inventory = #"
Safe,Target system user name
"# | ConvertFrom-Csv
#$Exception = [regex]'^(FQ|Q|HQ|E)'
$Exception = [RegEx]("^("+((Import-Csv .\exceptions.csv).'Exceptions List' -join '|')+")")
$Fail = $Inventory | Select-Object *,Pass | ForEach-Object {
if ( ($_.Safe -split '_P?')[1] -ne ($_.'Target system user name' -split $Exeption)[2]){
Safe = ($_.Safe -split '_')[1]
Owner= $_.'Target system user name'
$Fail | Export-Csv '.\new.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Sample output:
Safe Target system user name Pass
---- ----------------------- ----
HUMAN_P123456 root False
HUMAN_P789123 FQ789123 True
EDIT you can read in the exception from a file:
> import-csv .\exceptions.csv
Exceptions List
And build a RegEx from the content:
$Exception = [RegEx]("^("+((Import-Csv .\exceptions.csv).'Exceptions List' -join '|')+")")
I'm pretty new to Pester so please bear with me. We're trying to make tests for a very large script that does some active directory queries and validates data. I've simplified it a bit to the following example:
Param (
$AllOUusers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $OU
$GroupMemberUsers = foreach ($G in $Groups) {
Get-ADGroupMember $G -Recursive | Get-ADUser -Properties whenCreated
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
$Params = #{
OU = 'OU=users,DC=contoso,DC=com'
Groups = 'Group1', 'Group2'
Describe 'test' {
Mock Get-ADGroupMember {
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'Member1'}
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'Member2'}
Mock Get-ADUser {
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User1'}
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User2'}
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User3'}
Mock Get-ADUser {
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User4'}
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User5'}
} -ParameterFilter {$identity -eq 'User1'}
."$here\$sut" #Params
it 'test 1' {
($AllOUusers | Measure-Object).Count | Should -BeExactly 3
it 'test 2' {
($GroupMemberUsers | Measure-Object).Count | Should -BeExactly 2
'User4', 'User5' | Should -BeIn $GroupMemberUsers.SamAccountName
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Identity'.
In the case above we're trying to collect in the first place all user accounts in a specific OU and afterwards all the members of a specific security group. When we have the members we use the Get-ADUser CmdLet again to get more details for these specific members.
The end goal is to have a Mock for the first Get-ADUser that returns all the user accounts, and a second Mock of Get-ADUser that only returns a specific set of user accounts based on group membership (or simulated group membership).
System details
PowerShell 5.1
Pester 4.1.1.
Windows server 2012 R1
AD Module
It seems like the error you're seeing is occurring because the users you create in your Mock of Get-ADGroupMember aren't being mapped to/accepted by the Identity parameter because it accepts pipeline input ByValue and expects an ADUser type object.
You can work around that by using New-MockObject to create the specific object type you need. Here's an alternative option for your Mock of Get-ADGroupMember:
Mock Get-ADGroupMember {
1..2 | ForEach-Object {
$User = New-MockObject -Type Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser
$User.SamAccountName = "Member$_"
I've used a ForEach as a quick way to return the 2 users you were returning before, with the value you were setting but as actual ADUser objects.
This doesn't actually make your -ParameterFilter on the second Get-ADUser work however. That seems to be again because the User is an object but you're comparing it to a string, it doesn't evaluate as true.
One possible workaround for this (that I think works somewhat for your specific use case) is not to check for a specific value of $Identity but just to check if it has any value:
Mock Get-ADUser {
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User4'}
[PSCustomObject]#{SamAccountName = 'User5'}
} -ParameterFilter { $identity }
This causes your 2nd Mock to always be called for the 2nd Get-ADUser in your script as that's the only one that gets piped an Identity value. This isn't exactly what you were trying to achieve, but I figure might help a little.
In SSRS web interface, after clicking on a report and going to Manage --> Caching if a report is configured to "Always run this report against pregenerated snapshots" there is a Cache snapshots section with an option "Create cache snapshots on a schedule"
I have been messing around with PowerShell and trying to create a scriptthe finds all of the reports where this option is set, and output the schedule.
I have this script that iterates over each report with "Execution Type" of "Snapshot", but I believe I'm calling the wrong method (GetCacheOptions), as all it returns is False for each item:
$webServiceUrl = 'http://myReportServer.domain.com/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx?WSDL'
$rs = New-WebServiceProxy -Class 'RS' -Namespace 'RS' -Uri $webServiceUrl -UseDefaultCredential
$reports = $rs.ListChildren("/Some Folder", $true) | Where-Object { $_.TypeName -eq "Report" }
$schedDef = New-Object RS.ScheduleDefinition
$expDef = New-Object RS.ExpirationDefinition
foreach ($report in $reports) {
$execType = $rs.GetExecutionOptions($report.Path, [ref]$schedDef.Item)
if($execType -eq "Snapshot") {
$rs.GetCacheOptions($report.Path, [ref]$expDef.Item)
Does anyone know what method needs to be called to get this information and how to call this method (i.e. what parameters needs to be supplied)?
Per guidance from accepted answer, I was able to make some edits (below) and I'm not getting the schedule information I desire:
foreach ($report in $reports) {
$execResult = $rs.GetExecutionOptions($report.Path,
if ($execResult -eq "Snapshot") {
if($ScheduleDefinitionOrReference.Item -is [RS.DailyRecurrence]) {
Write-Host "$($report.Name):" -f Green
Write-Host "`tSchedule Information:" -f Yellow
Write-Host "`t`tEvery $($ScheduleDefinitionOrReference.Item.Daysinterval) Day(s)"
Write-Host "`t`tStart Time: $($ScheduleDefinitionOrReference.StartDateTime)`n"
You can use ReportingService2010.GetItemHistoryOptions and pass the ItemPath, and out bool KeepExecutionSnapshots, and out ScheduleDefinitionOrReference to the method.
ScheduleDefinitionOrReference will contain the ScheduleDefinition if you check Create cache snapshots on a schedule, otherwise its value will be NoSchedule.
$svcUrl = 'http://the-host-name/ReportServer/reportservice2010.asmx'
$svc = New-WebServiceProxy -Class 'RS' -Namespace 'RS' -Uri $svcUrl -UseDefaultCredential
$reports = $svc.ListChildren("/", $true) | Where-Object { $_.TypeName -eq "Report" }
$KeepExecutionSnapshots = $false
$ScheduleDefinitionOrReference = New-Object RS.ScheduleDefinitionOrReference
foreach ($report in $reports) {
I am looking to change a registry value based on a value found within its child key in powershell-v4.0. Please see the below diagram.
- scripts
- {ID}
+ ScriptState = 0 #This is the value I am looking to change
- properties
+ {ID},E = 'Activated' #based on the values of these registry values
+ {ID},V = 'Hard Drive' #based on the values of these registry values
+ = Value
- = Key
All of the IDs are randomly generated, and I am having trouble looping through/getting a list of the randomly generated key IDs. Once I am able to loop through those key IDs then the rest should be fairly easy.
Below is the current script I am using that attempts to locate and filter the child keys (changing parent's parent's key value not yet implemented).
Get-ChildItem -Path $key -rec | foreach {
Get-ChildItem -Path $_.PSPath -rec } | foreach {
$CurrentKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PsPath) } |
select-string "REGEX TO FIND VALUES" -input $CurrentKey -AllMatches |
foreach {($_.matches)| select-object Value
Get-ChildItem -Path $key -rec | foreach {
Get-ChildItem -Path $_.PSPath -rec | foreach {
$CurrentKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PsPath)
if ($CurrentKey -match "REGEX TO FIND VALUES") {
Neither of the above scripts produces any results and I'm hoping that someone can explain why they are not giving any result or point me towards a code that will accomplish the objective stated above.
Once you've done a Get-ChildItem -Recurse on the parent, you don't need to do an additional -Recurse on the ChildItem. All of the ChildItems are already in memory and ready to be used in your pipeline. I'm not sure if the below will help but this is how I'd go about finding a value somewhere in a list of keys.
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
#Any Get-ChildItem with -Recurse will get all items underneath it, both childitems and their childitems.
$regKeySet = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall -Recurse
foreach($childKey in $regKeySet)
Write-Debug -Message "Processing registry key $($childKey.Name)"
#You can pick any property you want, the -ErrorAction is set here to SilentlyContinue to cover the instances
#where the specific childitem does not contain the property you are looking for, the errors are typically non-terminating but it cleans up the red.
$publisherInfo = Get-ItemProperty $childKey.Name -Name Publisher -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($publisherInfo.Publisher -ieq 'Microsoft Corporation')
#Do stuff here, you mention doing something to the parent, this is easily accomplished by
#just referecning the $childKey that is in this loop. If the publisher equals something you can then manipulate any property of the parent you would like.
Write-Host "Found the publisher I wanted: $($publisherInfo.Publisher)." -ForegroundColor Green
I am running into a bit of trouble. I am trying to do a POST-request with PowerShell. The problem is that the request-body uses the same key (you can upload multiple images), multiple times, so I can't build a hashtable to send the request. So the requestbody looks like this:
name value
image 1.jpg
image 2.jpg
subject this is the subject
message this is a message
A user with a similar problem (but not the same context) asked this before, and got as a response to use a List with KeyValuePair class. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/5308691/4225082
I cannot seem to create this. I found this https://bensonxion.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/using-key-value-pairs-in-powershell-2/
They use $testDictionary=New-Object “System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[System.String],[System.String]]”
to make the dictionary, but this doesn't translate to a list.
I managed to create (what I think is needed) by using $r = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Generic.KeyvaluePair[string,string]]"
and created a key by using $s = New-Object “System.Collections.Generic.KeyvaluePair[string,string]", but I can't set the values of that key.
I also tried creating a FormObject, but you also can't use the same key multiple times.
What is the best and/or easiest way to do this?
I am going to answer my own question. Because of the research, I managed to use better search terms, and found someone with exactly the same problem:
Does Invoke-WebRequest support arrays as POST form parameters?
I got rid of a bug (?) by changing [HttpWebResponse] to [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] and added the -WebSession parameter. I only needed it for the cookie, so I implemented that and didn't bother about the other stuff, it might need some tweaking for someone else!
This seemed to work at first glance, BUT for elements with the same key, it created an array, which messed up the order of the requestbody. Without the right order, the website won't accept it.
I messed around a bit more, and now I edited it to make use of multidimensional arrays.
So I ended up with this (all credits to the original writer!):
function Invoke-WebRequestEdit
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][System.Uri] $Uri,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][System.Object] $Body,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession] $WebSession
# Extend as necessary to match the signature of Invoke-WebRequest to fit your needs.
# If not posting a NameValueCollection, just call the native Invoke-WebRequest.
if ($Body -eq $null -or $body.GetType().BaseType -ne [Array]) {
Invoke-WebRequest #PsBoundParameters
$params = "";
$i = 0;
$j = $body.Count;
$first = $true;
foreach ($array in $body){
if (!$first) {
$params += "&";
} else {
$first = $false;
$params += [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($array[0]) + "=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($array[1]);
$b = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($params);
# Use HttpWebRequest instead of Invoke-WebRequest, because the latter doesn't support arrays in POST params.
$req = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($Uri);
$req.Method = "POST";
$req.ContentLength = $params.Length;
$req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$req.CookieContainer = $WebSession.Cookies
$str = $req.GetRequestStream();
$str.Write($b, 0, $b.Length);
[System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $res = $req.GetResponse();
$str = $res.GetResponseStream();
$rdr = New-Object -TypeName "System.IO.StreamReader" -ArgumentList ($str);
$content = $rdr.ReadToEnd();
# Build a return object that's similar to a Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject
$ret = New-Object -TypeName "System.Object";
$ret | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "BaseResponse" -Value $res;
$ret | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Content" -Value $content;
$ret | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "StatusCode" -Value ([int] $res.StatusCode);
$ret | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "StatusDescription" -Value $res.StatusDescription;
return $ret;
The $body parameter is made like this:
$form+= ,#("value1",'somevalue')
$form+=,#("value2", 'somevalue')
Everything looks good now. It still doesn't work, but my original version with unique keys also doesn't work anymore, so there's probably something else going wrong.