Only lists and tuples may be used in a list field Validation Error - django

Hi I am implementing test cases for my models.
I am using Mongoengine0.9.0 + Django 1.8
class Project(Document):
# commented waiting for org-group to get finalize
project_name = StringField()
org_group = ListField(ReferenceField(OrganizationGroup, required=False))
class ProjectSerializer(DocumentSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Project
depth = 1 file
def setUp(self):
# Every test needs access to the request factory.
self.factory = RequestFactory()
self.user = User.objects.create_user(
username='jacob', email='', password='top_secret')
def test_post_put_project(self):
Ensure we can create new clients in mongo database.
org_group = str((test_utility.create_organization_group(self)).id)
url = '/project-management/project/'
data = {
"project_name": "googer",
"org_group": [org_group],
##import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
factory = APIRequestFactory()
user = User.objects.get(username='jacob')
view = views.ProjectList.as_view()
# Make an authenticated request to the view...
request =, data=data,)
force_authenticate(request, user=user)
response = view(request)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
When I am running test cases I am getting this error
(Only lists and tuples may be used in a list field: ['org_group'])
The complete Stack Trace is
ValidationError: Got a ValidationError when calling Project.objects.create().
This may be because request data satisfies serializer validations but not Mongoengine`s.
You may need to check consistency between Project and ProjectSerializer.
If that is not the case, please open a ticket regarding this issue on
Original exception was: ValidationError (Project:None) (Only lists and tuples may be used in a list field: ['org_group'])
Not getting why we cant pass object like this.
Same thing when I am posting as an request to same method It is working for me but test cases it is failing

The tests should be running using multipart/form-data, which means that they don't support lists or nested data.
You can override this with the format argument, which I'm guessing you probably want to set to json. Most likely your front-end is using JSON, or a parser which supports lists, which explains why you are not seeing this.


How to properly send data from APIClient in Django (rest_framework) for a POST request

I've encountered some strange behavior in a Django unittest. Specifically, I'm using the APIClient module from rest_framework.test to simulate GET/POST requests from a unittest.
The issue occurs when updating/creating a new object in the Django ORM via a POST request (see the code below):
def test_something(self):
data = {
"name": 'unit testing',
"data": {}
response ='save_model'), data=data, format='json')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
#api_view(['GET', 'POST'])
def save_model(request):
obj, created = MyModel.objects.update_or_create(
return JsonResponse({
The error i receive when running the test case:
Error binding parameter 1 - probably unsupported type
Based on other stack posts involving this error, i would assume i have a type issue for the second parameter (the data field). However when the same exact data is used to store an object in Django shell, it works every time. Additionally, when the request is made from the client (with the same data) the request succeeds every time.
If i print the data in the unittest request i get the following:
(, u'{}')
(, u'unit testing')
Model code is below:
class MyModel(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
user_id = models.ForeignKey(AUTH_USER_MODEL)
data = JSONField()
So i thought this might be a unicode issue. But once again, storing the object with unicode data in the shell works just fine. One subtle difference to note, the django unittest will create a new test db for the models, whereas running in the shell does not.
Im out of answers, so if someone can shed some light on what's occuring here, that would be amazing.

Django test Client can only login once?

Our team is currently writing tests for our application. I am currently writing code to acces the views. These views are behind a login-screen, so our test first have to login and than peform the rest of the test. I've run into a very strange error. Basically My tests can only login once.
As you can see in the example below, both classes are doing the exact same thing, yet only one of them succeeds with the login, the other gives a '302 doest not equal 200' assertion error.
If I comment out the bottom one, the one at the top works, and vice versa.
Code that is testing different views also doesnt work, unless I comment out all other tests.
It doesnt matter if I login like shown below, or use a different variant (like self.client.login(username='test', password='password')).
Me and my team have no idea why Django is behaving this way and what we are doing wrong. Its almost as if the connection remains open and we would have to add code to close it. But the django-documentation doesnt mention any of this. DOes anyone know what we are doing wrong?
class FunctieListView_tests(TestCase):
"""Function listview only shows the data for the current_user / tenant"""
def setUp(self):
self.tenant = get_tenant()
self.function = get_function(self.tenant)
self.client = Client(HTTP_HOST='')
self.user = get_user(self.tenant)
def test_correct_function_context(self):
# Test if the view is only displaying the correct context data, {
'username': self.user.username,
'password': 'password'
}, HTTP_HOST='')
response = self.client.get(reverse('functie_list'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertTrue(response.context['functie_templates'] != None)
class FunctieListView_2_tests(TestCase):
"""Role Listview only shows the data for the current_user / tenant"""
def setUp(self):
self.tenant = get_tenant()
self.function = get_function(self.tenant)
self.client = Client(HTTP_HOST='')
self.user = get_user(self.tenant)
def test_correct_function_context_second(self):
# Test if the view is only displaying the correct context data, {
'username': self.user.username,
'password': 'password'
}, HTTP_HOST='')
response = self.client.get(reverse('functie_list'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertTrue(response.context['functie_templates'] != None)
The users, tenants and functions are defined in a seperate utils file like so:
def get_user(tenant, name='test'):
u = User.objects.create_user(name, '{}#test.test'.format(name), 'password')
u.profile.tenant = tenant
u.profile.tenant_role = generis.models.TENANT_OWNER
return u
def get_function(tenant):
userfunction = UserFunction.objects.create(name='test_functie', linked_tenant=tenant)
return userfunction
def get_tenant(slug_var='tc'):
f = elearning.models.FontStyle(font='foobar')
c = elearning.models.ColorScheme(name='foobar', title='foo', text='fleeb', background='juice', block_background='schleem', box='plumbus')
t = elearning.models.Tenant(name='tc', slug=slug_var, default_font_style=f, default_color_scheme=c)
return t
My guess is that it happens because you are instantiating the Client yourself in setUp. Although it looks fine the outcome is obviously different from the regular behavior. I never had problems with login using the preinitialized self.client of django.test.TestCase.
Looking at django.test.client.Client, it says in the inline documentation:
Client objects are stateful - they will retain cookie (and thus session) details for the lifetime of the Client instance.
and a still existing cookie would explain the behavior you describe.
I cannot find HTTP_HOST in, so I'm not sure whether you are really using that Client class at all. If you need access to a live server instance during tests, you could use Django's LiveServerTestCase.

model_mommy - user to assignment relationship

I'm finally setting up testing for my Django app, but I'm having difficulties getting started. I'm using model_mommy to create dynamic data for my tests, but have the following problem:
The view I'm testing is supposed to show me all the assignments a particular user has to complete. To test this, I want to create 500 assignments, log into the app and check if they are shown. So far I have the following test cases:
class TestLogin(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client()
user = User.objects.create(username='sam')
def test_login(self):
self.client.login(username='sam', password='samspassword')
response = self.client.get('/')
print (response.content)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
class TestShowAssignments(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
user_recipe = Recipe(User, username='sam', password="samspassword")
self.assignment = Recipe(Assignment,
coders = related(user_recipe))
self.assignments = self.assignment.make(_quantity=500)
def test_assignments(self):
The first test passes fine and does what it should: TestLogin logs the user in and shows his account page.
The trouble starts with TestShowAssignments, which creates 500 assignments but if I look at the assignments with print (self.assignments[0].coders), I get auth.User.None. So it doesn't add the user I defined as a relation to the assignments. What might be important here is that the coders field in the model is a m2m field, which I tried to address by using related, but that doesn't seem to work.
What also doesn't work is logging in: if I use the same code I use for logging in during TestLogin in TestShowAssignments, I can't log in and see the user page.
So, my question: How do I use model_mommy to create Assignments and add them to a specific user, so that I can log in as that user and see if the assignments are displayed properly?
Do you want 500 Assignments that all have User "sam" as a single entry in the 'coders' field? If so, try:
from model_mommy import mommy
class TestShowAssignments(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user = mommy.make(User, username='sam', password='samspassword')
self.assignments = mommy.make(Assigment, coders=[self.user], _quantity=500)

mongoengine know when to delete document

New to django. I'm doing my best to implement CRUD using Django, mongodb, and mongoengine. I'm able to query the database and render my page with the correct information from the database. I'm also able to change some document fields using javascript and do an Ajax POST back to the original Django View class with the correct csrf token.
The data payload I'm sending back and forth is a list of each Document Model (VirtualPageModel) serialized to json (each element contains ObjectId string along with the other specific fields from the Model.)
This is where it starts getting murky. In order to update the original document in my View Class post function I do an additional query using the object id and loop through the dictionary items, setting the respective fields each time. I then call save and any new data is pushed to the Mongo collection correctly.
I'm not sure if what I'm doing to update existing documents is correct or in the spirit of django's abstracted database operations. The deeper I get the more I feel like I'm not using some fundamental facility earlier on (provided by either django or mongoengine) and because of this I'm having to make things up further downstream.
The way my code is now I would not be able to create a new document (although that's easy enough to fix). However what I'm really curious about is how I would know when to delete a document which existed in the initial query, but was removed by the user/javascript code? Am I overthinking things and the contents of my POST should contain a list of ObjectIds to delete (sounds like a security risk although this would be an internal tool.)
I was assuming that my View Class might maintain either the original document objects (or simply ObjectIds) it queried and I could do my comparisions off of that set, but I can't seem to get that information to persist (as a class variable in VolumeSplitterView) from its inception to when I received the POST at the end.
I would appreciate if anyone could take a look at my code. It really seems like the "ease of use" facilities of Django start to break when paired with Mongo and/or a sufficiently complex Model schema which needs to be directly available to javascript as opposed to simple Forms.
I was going to use this dev work to become django battle-hardened in order to tackle a future app which will be much more complicated and important. I can hack on this thing all day and make it functional, but what I'm really interested in is anyone's experience in using Django + MongoDB + MongoEngine to implement CRUD on a Database Schema which is not vary Form-centric (think more nested metadata).
Thanks. uses mongoengine Field types.
class MongoEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, VirtualPageModel):
data_dict = (o.to_mongo()).to_dict()
if isinstance(data_dict.get('_id'), ObjectId):
data_dict.update({'_id': str(data_dict.get('_id'))})
return data_dict
return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
class SubTypeModel(EmbeddedDocument):
filename = StringField(max_length=200, required=True)
page_num = IntField(required=True)
class VirtualPageModel(Document):
volume = StringField(max_length=200, required=True)
start_physical_page_num = IntField()
physical_pages = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(SubTypeModel),
error_msg = ListField(StringField(),
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
print('In save: {}'.format(kwargs))
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k == 'physical_pages':
self.physical_pages = []
for a_page in v:
tmp_pp = SubTypeModel()
for p_k, p_v in a_page.items():
setattr(tmp_pp, p_k, p_v)
setattr(self, k, v)
return super(VirtualPageModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs) My attempt at a view
class VolumeSplitterView(View):
#initial = {'key': 'value'}
template_name = 'click_model/index.html'
vol = None
start = 0
end = 20
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.vol = self.kwargs.get('vol', None)
records = self.get_records()
records = records[self.start:self.end]
vp_json_list = []
img_filepaths = []
for vp in records:
vp_json = json.dumps(vp, cls=MongoEncoder)
for pp in vp.physical_pages:
filepath = get_file_path(vp, pp.filename)
data_dict = {
'img_filepaths': img_filepaths,
'vp_json_list': vp_json_list
return render_to_response(self.template_name,
{'data_dict': data_dict},
def get_records(self):
return VirtualPageModel.objects(volume=self.vol)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.is_ajax:
vp_dict_list = json.loads(request.POST.get('data', []))
for vp_dict in vp_dict_list:
o_id = vp_dict.pop('_id')
original_doc = VirtualPageModel.objects.get(id=o_id)
except Exception:

Convert POST to PUT with Tastypie

Full Disclosure: Cross posted to Tastypie Google Group
I have a situation where I have limited control over what is being sent to my api. Essentially there are two webservices that I need to be able to accept POST data from. Both use plain POST actions with urlencoded data (basic form submission essentially).
Thinking about it in "curl" terms it's like:
curl --data "id=1&foo=2" http://path/to/api
My problem is that I can't update records using POST. So I need to adjust the model resource (I believe) such that if an ID is specified, the POST acts as a PUT instead of a POST.
class urlencodeSerializer(Serializer):
formats = ['json', 'jsonp', 'xml', 'yaml', 'html', 'plist', 'urlencoded']
content_types = {
'json': 'application/json',
'jsonp': 'text/javascript',
'xml': 'application/xml',
'yaml': 'text/yaml',
'html': 'text/html',
'plist': 'application/x-plist',
'urlencoded': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
# cheating
def to_urlencoded(self,content):
# this comes from an old patch on github, it was never implemented
def from_urlencoded(self, data,options=None):
""" handles basic formencoded url posts """
qs = dict((k, v if len(v)>1 else v[0] )
for k, v in urlparse.parse_qs(data).iteritems())
return qs
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Foo.objects.all() # "id" = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
resource_name = 'foo'
authorization = Authorization() # only temporary, I know.
serializer = urlencodeSerializer()
foo_resource = FooResource
In #tastypie on Freenode, Ghost[], suggested that I overwrite post_list() by creating a function in the model resource like so, however, I have not been successful in using this as yet.
def post_list(self, request, **kwargs):
if request.POST.get('id'):
return self.put_detail(request,**kwargs)
return super(YourResource, self).post_list(request,**kwargs)
Unfortunately this method isn't working for me. I'm hoping the larger community could provide some guidance or a solution for this problem.
Note: I cannot overwrite the headers that come from the client (as per:
I had a similar problem on user creation where I wasn't able to check if the record already existed. I ended up creating a custom validation method which validated if the user didn't exist in which case post would work fine. If the user did exist I updated the record from the validation method. The api still returns a 400 response but the record is updated. It feels a bit hacky but...
from tastypie.validation import Validation
class MyValidation(Validation):
def is_valid(self, bundle, request=None):
errors = {}
#if this dict is empty validation passes.
my_foo = foo.objects.filter(id=1)
if not len(my_foo) == 0: #if object exists
foo[0].foo = 'bar' #so existing object updated
errors['status'] = 'object updated' #this will be returned in the api response
return errors
#so errors is empty if object does not exist and validation passes. Otherwise object
#updated and response notifies you of this
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Foo.objects.all() # "id" = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
validation = MyValidation()
With Cathal's recommendation I was able to utilize a validation function to update the records I needed. While this does not return a valid code... it works.
from tastypie.validation import Validation
import string # wrapping in int() doesn't work
class Validator(Validation):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
def is_valid(self,bundle,request=None):
if string.atoi(['id']) in Foo.objects.values_list('id',flat=True):
# ... update code here
return {}
Make sure you specify the validation = Validator() in the ModelResource meta.