Ember.js: sending actions to components? - ember.js

I have a mixin for Ember components, named in-view, the job of which is to request that that the element be brought in view. It is provided an attribute whose value is an piece of content to be brought into view, and if that attribute matches the component's content then I call scrollIntoView or the equivalent. The code looks something like this:
// calling template
{{#each items as |item|}}
{{my-item content=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
// mixins/in-view.js
scrollIntoView() {
if (this.get('content') === this.get('inViewItem'))
// components/my-item/component.js
import InView from 'mixins/in-view';
export default Ember.Component.extend(InView,
This works fine. The question I have arises when I want to change the item in view. I can have the in-view mixin observe the inviewItem attribute:
and this also works, but seems like a bit of a code smell.
In addition, my actual code structure is that there is a controller which knows which item is supposed to be in view, and then its template calls a my-item-list component which displays the scrollable div containing the item list, and that in turn calls the my-item component. This means I have to pass the inViewItem attribute from the controller down through two levels, as in
// resource/controller.js
inViewItem: something
// resource/template.js
{{my-item-list items=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
// components/my-item-list/template.js
{{#each items as |item|}}
{{my-item content=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
I could avoid this by having the my-item template hard-wired to access the inViewItem attribute on the controller:
scrollIntoView() {
if (this.get('content') === this.get('controller.inViewItem'))
but that's another code smell; I don't want to build this kind of dependency on a specific controller field into the mixin. Instead I could possibly pass the component the name of the controller attribute to watch, but this seems unduly clumsy, and it's tricky to observe an attribute whose name is variable. More importantly, I don't think this will work when controllers go away in 2.0.
What I want essentially is a way to "ping" or somehow send a message to a template. I know that in principle this violates the DDAU principle, but in this particular case what I need is exactly to somehow send an "action down"--an action telling the component to adjust itself to bring itself into view.
Of course, I could give up on the entire idea of the in-view mixin and simply have the controller dig down into the generated HTML to find the item to bring into view and issue the scrollIntoView on it directly. However, this seems to violate some principle of separation of concerns; the my-item template would no longer be in complete control of itself.
What is the recommended design pattern for this kind of case?

The solution here is to go the opposite direction that you have. Your component here is a localized scope, and the pain you are feeling is that your localized scope needs to access and mutate global state (the app's scroll position).
Some people use a scroll-service for keeping track of and mutating state, I've used several variations on that myself.
It sounds though like you're dealing with a scrollable list, perhaps a div, and that what item is in view isn't merely a function of page state, but programmatically may change. For instance, a new item has been inserted and you want to scroll the new item into view.
A plugin like jquery.scrollTo or similar (collectively "scroller") would be better for that than simply jumping to the new position as it preserves the user's contextual awareness to where they are on page.
With a scrollable div or list or similar, you might choose to have your top level component control scroll state. The scroll state is still localized in this case, but instead of being localized to each item it's been localized to the scrollable region as a whole, which is where it better belongs.
There are a number of patterns for list items to register themselves with a parent list-component. In a robust scenario, I might do so, but a quick and not very dirty approach is to do something wherein on didInsertElement the new child emits an action to the parent containing it's context, which the parent then uses to check if it's the active item and if so triggers the scrollTo.


architecture question - using sub routes vs components

I am trying to build a UI with left side bar having filters and right side having actual filtered data.
For loading data into the dynamic part of the UI(right side), which approach is considered better in terms of code quality and app performance ?
Use sub routes (for dynamic part of the UI)
Use separate components that load their own data (for dynamic part of
the UI)
There is not a direct correct answer for that; you can use both ways but here is a few things to consider and in the end I generally prefer to use sub-routes due to the following:
Waiting for UI to load: In case you are using separate components to load their own data; then you need to handle the loading state of the components. What I mean is; if you simply use sub-routes; then model hooks (model, beforeModel, etc.) will wait for the promises to be solved before displaying the data. If you simply provide a loading template (see the guide for details) it will be displayed by default. In case you use components, you might need to deal with displaying an overlay/spinner to give a better UX.
Error Handling: Similarly like loading state management; Ember has already built in support for error handling during route hook methods. You will need to deal with that on your own if you prefer components to make the remote calls. (See guide for details)
Application State: Ember is SPA framework; it is common practice to synchronize application state with the URL. If you use sub-routes; you can simply make use of the query parameters (see the guide for details) and you will be able to share the URL with others and the application will load with the same state. It is a little bit trickier to do the same with components; you still need to use query parameters within the routes and pass the parameters to the components to do that.
Use of component hook methods: If you intend to use the components then you will most likely need to use component hook methods to open the application with default filter values. This means you will need to make some remote call to the server within one or more of init, willRender, didReceiveAttrs component hook methods. I personally do not like remote calling within those methods; because I feel like this should better be done within routes and data should be passed to the components; but this is my personal taste of coding that you should approach the case differently and this is perfectly fine.
Data down, actions up keeps components flexible
In your specific example, I'll propose a third option: separate components that emit actions, have their data loaded by the route's controller, and never manipulate their passed parameters directly in alignment with DDAU.
I would have one component, search-filter searchParams=searchParams onFilterChange=(action 'filterChanged'), for the search filter and another component that is search-results data=searchResults to display the data.
Let's look at the search filter first. Using actions provides you with maximum flexibility since the search filter simply emits some sort of search object on change. Your controller action would look like:
actions: {
this.set('searchParams', searchParams);
//make the search and then update `searchResults`
which means your search-filter component would aggregate all of the search filter fields into a single search object that's used as the lone parameter of the onFilterChange.
You may think now, "well, why not just do the searching from within the component?" You can, but doing so in a DRY way would mean that on load, you first pass params to the component, a default search is made on didInsertElement which emits a result in an action, which updates the searchResults value. I find this control flow to not be the most obvious. Furthermore, you'd probably need to emit an onSearchError callback, and then potentially other actions / helper options if the act of searching / what search filter params can be applied together ever becomes conditionally dependent on the page in the app.
A component that takes in a search object and emits an action every time a search filter field changes is dead simple to reason about. Since the searchParams are one-way bound, any route that uses this component in it's template can control whether a field field updates (by optionally preventing the updating of searchParams in an invalid case) or whether the search ever fires based of validation rules that may differ between routes. Plus, theres no mocking of dependencies during unit testing.
Think twice before using subroutes
For the subroutes part of your question, I've found deeply nested routes to almost always be an antipattern. By deeply, I mean beyond app->first-child->second child where the first child is a sort of menu like structure that controls the changing between the different displays at the second child level by simple {{link-to}} helpers. If I have to share state between parents and children, I create a first-child-routes-shared-state service rather than doing the modelFor or controllerFor song and dance.
You must also consider when debating using children route vs handlebars {{if}} {{else}} sections whether the back button behavior should return to the previous step or return to the route before you entered the whole section. In a Wire transfer wizard that goes from create -> review -> complete, should I really be able to press the back button from complete to review after already having made the payment?
In the searchFilter + displayData case, they're always in the same route for me. If the search values need to be persistent on URL refresh, I opt for query params.
Lastly, note well that just because /users/:id/profile implies nesting, you can also just use this.route('user-profile', { 'path' : 'users/:id/profile' }) and avoid the nesting altogether.

What is the best way for all instances of an Ember component to share a variable?

I have an Ember component which is essentially a panel. There can be multiple instances of this panel on a page, but only one can be "active" at any given time. Each instance of the component must be aware if any of the other panels become "active" so they can remove their "active" state. I would really rather not move the JavaScript to make this happen to a parent component. Instead, I would like to keep it within this component. In Angular, I used to use a static variable to do this. What is best way to do this in Ember?
I would really rather not move the JavaScript to make this happen to a
parent component
Do you want to avoid having the parent component dealing with anything related to panel "activity"? If so, why?* If not:
Ember automatically gives each component's tag (unless it's a tagless component) an id that is accessible from the js code as elementId. You could create a property activePanelId on the parent component and pass it to all panels: {{pa-nel activePanelId=activePanelId}} and then check in each panel
{{#if (eq elementId activePanelId)}}
{{!whatever is different on the active panel}}
or use it in the js code:
isActive: Ember.computed('activePanelId', function() {
return this.get('activePanelId')===this.get('elementId');
If the panel becomes active by an action related to itself (e.g. clicking on it), just set activePanelId to the elementId in the respective action - since the property activePanelId exists only once on the parent component, all other panels to which it is passed will take note.
If using the elementId feels to hacky, you might as well give each panel a distinct name and store the activePanelName in the calling component.
*If you really do not want the property in the parent component, you could move it to a service that you then inject into the panel components, but I cannot yet imagine a good reason for preferring that.
#arne.b 's anwser sums it pretty well, the best way of handling component's state with common parent data, but if you are dead serious about not using a parent component there is kind of way to get it done.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
sharedObject: {},
sharedArray: [],
In the above component you can use sharedObject or sharedArray to exchange state with multiple instances of the component. Any changes in the object or array will be reflected to all the instances of the same component.
A sample Ember twiddle.

How to create a link-to drop-down in Ember.js

I have an application where we'd like to use a <select> element to control which object is loaded in a detail route.
If this were a normal <ul>, like if I were using bootstrap's drop-down, using the #link-to helper would be perfect here, because I could use the active class to always automatically select the item that is loaded in the child route.
With a select element it's a little different. I'll probably need to write a view, I'm okay with that, but it occurs to me that parents aren't supposed to know about their children in ember, so how does a parent view get access to know which child view is currently selected?
Even a link to how the link-to helper is implemented could be helpful here.
If I'm interpreting this correctly, you're looking to change the URL when the <select> option changes.
With a combination of transitionToRoute, observes, and currentPath you can achieve this using the built in Ember.Select view class.
Here's a JSbin that might help:
parents aren't supposed to know about their children in ember
Where does this come from?
I'm not 100% sure of what you want to accomplish, but you probably want to use one of this: Ember.ArrayController or Ember.CollectionView.
With either of those you can have control over children objects.

How can I have a component inherit several attributes from the controller?

New to Ember.js.
I'm trying to create robust components that will delegate to the controller for various attributes. I know that I can bind individual attributes like this, but it seems verbose.
{{#my-component attr1=attr1 attr2=attr2}}
It seems like it might be a common case to want to delegate everything to the controller. Is there a recommended pattern for doing so?
Your example code would be considered the correct way.
You could technically pass in a single object (possibly composed from the controller), but I would recommend against that. A component shouldn't really know much about where the data is coming from as attr1 could be a model property and attr2 could be a property of the view which doing some sort of computation. By passing in the single object you limit the flexibility of the component.
In addition to flexibility I tend to prefer the long argument list as it is clear what your component accepts; even if it is a bit more verbose. If your component is taking a huge list of arguments it may be a sign that the component is trying to do too much and you may want to break it down into smaller components.
App.MyComponentComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
attr1: function() {
return this.get('targetObject.attr1');
attr2: function() {
return this.get('targetObject.attr2');
From Ember docs:
"If the component is currently inserted into the DOM of a parent view, this property will point to the controller of the parent view."
Use with caution.

Ember classNameBindings not being called for the sample program

I am facing issue with class name bindings. Here is the jsfiddle code for the same. Logging the number of times binding is called. It is never called when the property is changed.
You appear to have a couple of issues here. Primarily, if you want properties to be recalculated when the contents of an array change, you cannot just depend on the array property itself - it will only fire a change when it is set to a different array. If you depend on myArray.#each instead, your property will be recalculated when the contents change as well.
Next, your template containing the span isn't rendering because you're providing an empty view template in your handlebars view declaration. Change your "HTML" to:
{{view App.contact}}
and your span will appear.
Finally, running Ember.run.sync() does not appear to be enough here. I am not as clear on the reason behind this but...computed properties only update when read (versus observers that update immediately). I would hypothesize that since your computed property is only used by the view and the view may only update on a subsequent run through the JS event loop, your computed property is recalculated only once for all your changes to "subordinates". Change your code to use timeouts and it'll work fine.
Here's a jsfiddle with all of my proposed changes.