I just started getting the error on 8/19/2015: Execution of request failed: https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/emailsettings/2.0/myDomain/myUser/imap
The program has been running fine before 8/19.
The users are all new users and it fails on most of them, but a few do work.
I tried on a couple of accounts that have been around a while and it worked.
I double checked that the "Disable POP and IMAP access for all users." is not checked. I am not sure what to do.
The error happens on the RetrieveImap(userID).
OAuth2Parameters oA2Parm;
if (gCredential.RequestAccessTokenAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken.None).Result) {
oA2Parm = new OAuth2Parameters() {
AccessToken = gCredential.Token.AccessToken
} else {
eMsgImap = #"Error. setIMapTrue: can't get Access Token.";
return eMsgImap;
GoogleMailSettingsService gEmailSettingService;
AppsExtendedEntry ee;
GOAuth2RequestFactory rf = new GOAuth2RequestFactory("apps", "gMail APIs", oA2Parm);
gEmailSettingService = new GoogleMailSettingsService(gDomain, "gMail API");
while ....
ee = gEmailSettingService.RetrieveImap(userID);
I’m attempting to test Accept Hosted payment page(redirect-method) with my sandbox. For this, I’m using the GetAnAcceptPaymentPage from the Java sample code application to generate a token string for a payment, specified the autoLoginId and transactionKey for my sandbox, and setting $1.00 as the amount. I’m then posting the returned token string to https://test.authorize.net/payment/payment with a “token” form element containing that string. This much appears to be working, and I do get a payment page showing the $1.00 amount. However, no matter what values I enter onto that payment page, pressing the “Pay” button just shows “The transaction has been declined.” in red text at the bottom of the form. I’ve confirmed that my sandbox is set to “Live” mode, and have looked at the following link to use what I believe should be valid values for testing: https://developer.authorize.net/hello_world/testing_guide/. I'm hoping someone can tell me why I can't get any result other than "The transaction has been declined".
public String getTokenValue() {
MerchantAuthenticationType merchantAuthenticationType = new MerchantAuthenticationType();
// Create the payment transaction request
TransactionRequestType txnRequest = new TransactionRequestType();
txnRequest.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1.00).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING));
OrderExType order = new OrderExType();
CustomerProfilePaymentType cpp = new CustomerProfilePaymentType();
SettingType setting1 = new SettingType();
setting1.setSettingValue("{\"text\": \"Proceed\"}");
SettingType setting2 = new SettingType();
setting2.setSettingValue("{\"show\": false}");
SettingType setting3 = new SettingType();
setting3.setSettingValue("{\"cardCodeRequired\": true}");
SettingType setting4 = new SettingType();
setting4.setSettingValue("{\"url\": \"http://example.com/abc\"}");
ArrayOfSetting alist = new ArrayOfSetting();
GetHostedPaymentPageRequest apiRequest = new GetHostedPaymentPageRequest();
GetHostedPaymentPageController controller = new GetHostedPaymentPageController(apiRequest);
GetHostedPaymentPageResponse response = new GetHostedPaymentPageResponse();
response = controller.getApiResponse();
if (response != null) {
if (response.getMessages().getResultCode() == MessageTypeEnum.OK) {
} else {
System.out.println("Failed to get hosted payment page: " + response.getMessages().getResultCode());
return response.getToken();
>>> order.setInvoiceNumber("2");
Set the invoice number to a different value than 2, this value is used in Sandbox to trigger decline for testing purposes.
My question is about a strange behavious I notice both on my iPhone device and the codenameone simulator (NetBeans).
I invoke the following code below which calls a google web service to provide a list of food places around a GPS coordinate:
The web service that is called is as follows (KEY OBSCURED):
Each result contains the next page token and thus, the second call (for the subsequent page) is as follows:
public static byte[] getWSResponseData(String urlString, boolean usePost)
ConnectionRequest r = new ConnectionRequest();
InfiniteProgress prog = new InfiniteProgress();
Dialog dlg = prog.showInifiniteBlocking();
catch (InterruptedException ex)
byte[] responseData = r.getResponseData();
return responseData;
public static void getLocationsList(double lat, double lng)
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
byte[] responseData = getWSResponseData(finalURL,false);
result = Result.fromContent(parser.parseJSON(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(responseData))));
String venueNames[] = result.getAsStringArray("/results/name");
nextToken = result.getAsString("/next_page_token");
if ( nextToken == null || nextToken.equals(""))
done = true;
finalURL = completeURL + "&pagetoken=" + nextToken;
This code works fine with the sleep timer, but when I remove the Thread.sleep, only the first page gets called.
Any help would be appreciated.
Using the debugger does not help as this is a timing issue and the issue does not occur when using the debugger.
Also when I put some print statements into the code
while (!done)
String nextToken = null;
System.out.println("Total Number of entries returned: " + itemCount);
I get the following output:
Total Number of entries returned: 20
Using the network monitor I see that the response to the second WS call returns:
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "INVALID_REQUEST"
Which is strange as when I cut and paste the WS URL into my browser, it works fine...
Second Run (WITH SLEEP):
Total Number of entries returned: 60
Well it seems to be a google API issue as indicated here:
Paging on Google Places API returns status INVALID_REQUEST
I still could not get it to work by changing the WS URL with a random parameter as they suggested, but I will keep trying and post something here if I get it to work. For now I will just keep a 2 second delay between the calls which seems to work.
Well gave up on using the google WS for this and switched to Yelp, works very well:
I have an Amazon EC2 with Linux Instance set up and running for my Java Web Application to consume REST requests. The problem is that I am trying to use Google Cloud Vision in this application to recognize violence/nudity in users pictures.
Accessing the EC2 in my Terminal, I set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS by the following command, which I found in the documentation:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<my_json_path.json>
Here comes my first problem: When I restart my server, and ran 'echo $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' the variable is gone. Ok, I set it to the bash_profile and bashrc and now it is ok.
But, when I ran my application, consuming the above code, to get the adult and violence status of my picture, I got the following error:
java.io.IOException: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials for more information.
My code is the following:
if(SafeSearchDetection.isSafe(user.getId())) {
throw new SQLException("Failed to Update");
} else {
throw new IOException("Explicit Content");
SafeSearchDetection.isSafe(int idUser):
String path = IMAGES_PATH + idUser + ".jpg";
try {
mAdultMedicalViolence = detectSafeSearch(path);
if(mAdultMedicalViolence.get(0) > 3)
return false;
else if(mAdultMedicalViolence.get(1) > 3)
return false;
else if(mAdultMedicalViolence.get(2) > 3)
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
detectSafeSearch(String path):
List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<AnnotateImageRequest>();
ArrayList<Integer> adultMedicalViolence = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ByteString imgBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(path));
Image img = Image.newBuilder().setContent(imgBytes).build();
Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.SAFE_SEARCH_DETECTION).build();
AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().addFeatures(feat).setImage(img).build();
ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create();
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();
for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
if (res.hasError()) {
System.out.println("Error: "+res.getError().getMessage()+"\n");
return null;
SafeSearchAnnotation annotation = res.getSafeSearchAnnotation();
for(int content : adultMedicalViolence)
System.out.println(content + "\n");
return adultMedicalViolence;
My REST application was built above a Tomcat8. After no success running the command:
I realize that my problem was in the Environment Variables to Tomcat installation. To correct this, I just created a new file setenv.sh in my /bin with the content:
And it worked!
I am trying to create device pool for a project using AWS DeviceFarm sdk in C#. I use the following command:
var createDevicePoolResponse = client.CreateDevicePool (new CreateDevicePoolRequest {
Name = "CustomDevicePool",
ProjectArn = projectArn,
Rules = new List<Rule> {
new Rule {
Attribute = DeviceAttribute.ARN,
Operator = RuleOperator.EQUALS_TO,
Value = "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:577DC08D6B964346B86610CFF090CD59"
It thinks for about a minute then I receive the following exception:
Error making request with Error Code InternalFailure and Http Status
Code InternalServerError. No further error information was returned by
the service.
ProjectArn is valid. I also tried different rules and get the same error every time.
Figured it out. Value needs to be surrounded with square brackets like so
var createDevicePoolResponse = client.CreateDevicePool (new CreateDevicePoolRequest {
Name = "CustomDevicePool",
ProjectArn = projectArn,
Rules = new List<Rule> {
new Rule {
Attribute = DeviceAttribute.ARN,
Operator = RuleOperator.IN,
Value = "[\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:D45C750161314335924CE0B9B7D2558E\"]"
Using the SQL Server Reporting Services Web Service, how can I determine the permissions of a particular domain user for a particular report? The user in question is not the user that is accessing the Web Service.
I am accessing the Web Service using a domain service account (lets say MYDOMAIN\SSRSAdmin) that has full permissions in SSRS. I would like to programmatically find the permissions of a domain user (lets say MYDOMAIN\JimBob) for a particular report.
The GetPermissions() method on the Web Service will return a list of permissions that the current user has (MYDOMAIN\SSRSAdmin), but that is not what I'm looking for. How can I get this same list of permissions for MYDOMAIN\JimBob? I will not have the user's domain password, so using their credentials to call the GetPermissions() method is not an option. I am however accessing this from an account that has full permissions, so I would think that theoretically the information should be available to it.
SSRS gets the NT groups from the users' NT login token. This is why when you are added to a new group, you are expected to log out and back in. The same applies to most Windows checks (SQL Server, shares, NTFS etc).
If you know the NT group(s)...
You can query the ReportServer database directly. I've lifted this almost directly out of one of our reports which we use to check folder security (C.Type = 1). Filter on U.UserName.
ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C WITH (NOLOCK) --Parent
ReportServer.dbo.Policies P WITH (NOLOCK) ON C.PolicyID = P.PolicyID
ReportServer.dbo.PolicyUserRole PUR WITH (NOLOCK) ON P.PolicyID = PUR.PolicyID
ReportServer.dbo.Users U WITH (NOLOCK) ON PUR.UserID = U.UserID
ReportServer.dbo.Roles R WITH (NOLOCK) ON PUR.RoleID = R.RoleID
C.Type = 1
look into "GetPolicies Method" you can see at the following link.
Hopefully this will get you started. I use it when copying Folder structure, and Reports from an old server to a new server when I want to 'migrate' my SSRS items from the Source to the Destination Server. It is a a Method to Get the Security Policies for an item on one server, and then set the Security Policies for an identical item on another server, after I have copied the item from the Source Server to the Destination Server. You have to set your own Source and Destination Server Names.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols; //<=== required for SoapException
namespace SSRS_WebServices_Utility
internal static class TEST
internal static void GetPoliciesForAnItem_from_Source_ThenSetThePolicyForTheItem_on_Destination(string itemPath)
string sSourceServer = "SOURCE-ServerName";
Source_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010 sourceRS = new Source_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010();
sourceRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
sourceRS.Url = #"http://" + sSourceServer + "/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx";
string sDestinationServer = "DESTINATION-ServerName";
Destination_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010 DestinationRS = new Destination_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010();
DestinationRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
DestinationRS.Url = #"http://" + sDestinationServer + "/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx";
Boolean val = true;
Source_ReportService2010.Policy[] curPolicy = null;
Destination_ReportService2010.Policy[] newPolicy = null;
curPolicy = new Source_ReportService2010.Policy[1];
curPolicy = sourceRS.GetPolicies(itemPath, out val); //e.g. of itemPath: "/B2W/001_OLD_PuertoRicoReport"
//DestinationRS.SetPolicies(itemPath, newPolicy);
int iCounter = 0;
//int iMax = curPolicy.Length;
newPolicy = new Destination_ReportService2010.Policy[curPolicy.Length];
foreach (Source_ReportService2010.Policy p in curPolicy)
//create the Policy
Destination_ReportService2010.Policy pNew = new Destination_ReportService2010.Policy();
pNew.GroupUserName = p.GroupUserName;
pNew.GroupUserName = p.GroupUserName;
Destination_ReportService2010.Role rNew = new Destination_ReportService2010.Role();
rNew.Description = p.Roles[0].Description;
rNew.Name = p.Roles[0].Name;
//create the Role, which is part of the Policy
pNew.Roles = new Destination_ReportService2010.Role[1];
newPolicy[iCounter] = pNew;
iCounter += 1;
DestinationRS.SetPolicies(itemPath, newPolicy);
catch (SoapException ex)
Debug.Print("SoapException: " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Debug.Print("NON-SoapException: " + Ex.Message);
if (sourceRS != null)
if (DestinationRS != null)
To invoke it use the following:
Where you have to put your own SSRS Folder Name and Report Name, i.e. the Path to the item.
In fact I use a method that loops through all the items in the Destination folder that then calls the method like this:
internal static void CopyTheSecurityPolicyFromSourceToDestinationForAllItems_2010()
string sDestinationServer = "DESTINATION-ServerName";
Destination_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010 DestinationRS = new Destination_ReportService2010.ReportingService2010();
DestinationRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
DestinationRS.Url = #"http://" + sDestinationServer + "/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx";
// Return a list of catalog items in the report server database
Destination_ReportService2010.CatalogItem[] items = DestinationRS.ListChildren("/", true);
// For each FOLDER, debug Print some properties
foreach (Destination_ReportService2010.CatalogItem ci in items)
Debug.Print("Object Name: " + ci.Name);
Debug.Print("Object Type: " + ci.TypeName);
Debug.Print("Object Path: " + ci.Path);
Debug.Print("Object Description: " + ci.Description);
Debug.Print("Object ID: " + ci.ID);
catch (SoapException e)
Debug.Print("SoapException START----------------------------------------------------");
Debug.Print("SoapException END----------------------------------------------------");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Print("ERROR START----------------------------------------------------");
Debug.Print("ERROR END----------------------------------------------------");