Eliom client to client messaging - Eref scope issue - ocaml

I have been trying to gain a better understanding of the Eliom functionality for communication lately and to do so I tried to build a simple web page that allows users to send messages to each other.
The web page works fine if I log in as one user via Firefox and a second user via Chrome. But when I log in two different users in the same browser and try to send a message from one user to the other (i.e. from one tab to another tab), any message sent is displayed on all tabs, not the intended recipient's tab only.
I believe that I may have some issues with the chosen scope for erefs or where I am setting/getting the scope and erefs (toplevel vs. service definition).
I am trying to correct my mistake so that two users can be logged into two different tabs of the same browser and send messages back and forth to each other and the messages are only displayed on the correct users tabs.
Note: Some of this code is taken from the Eliom site tutorial at:
My .eliom file:
(* Example website login: localhost:8080/?user_num=1 *)
open Eliom_lib
open Eliom_content
open Html5
open Html5.F
open Eliom_registration
open Eliom_parameter
module Channel_example_app =
Eliom_registration.App (
let application_name = "channel_example"
let main_service =
Eliom_service.App.service ~path:[] ~get_params:(string "user_num") ()
let new_message_action =
~post_params:(string "from_user_id" ** string "to_user_id" ** string "msg") ()
(* Set the scope used by all erefs *)
let eref_scope = Eliom_common.default_process_scope
(* Create a channel eref *)
let channel_ref =
(fun () ->
let (s, notify) = Lwt_stream.create () in
let c = Eliom_comet.Channel.create s in
(c, notify)
(* Reactive string eref *)
let react_string_ref =
(fun () ->
let (client_string, send_client_string) :
(string React.E.t * (?step:React.step -> string -> unit) ) =
React.E.create ()
(client_string, send_client_string)
(* Reactive string to display the users session group *)
let react_session_group_ref =
(fun () ->
let (session_group_string, send_session_group_string) :
(string React.E.t * (?step:React.step -> string -> unit) ) =
React.E.create ()
(session_group_string, send_session_group_string)
(* Reactive string to display the users session group size *)
let react_session_group_size_ref =
(fun () ->
let (session_group_size_string, send_session_group_size_string) :
(string React.E.t * (?step:React.step -> string -> unit) ) =
React.E.create ()
(session_group_size_string, send_session_group_size_string)
(* Send a message from one client to another *)
let notify from_user_id to_user_id s =
(* Get the session group state for the user *)
let state =
Eliom_state.Ext.volatile_data_group_state ~scope:Eliom_common.default_group_scope to_user_id in
(* Iterate on all sessions from the group *)
Eliom_state.Ext.iter_volatile_sub_states ~state
(fun state ->
(* Iterate on all client process states in the session *)
Eliom_state.Ext.iter_volatile_sub_states ~state
(fun state ->
let (_, notify) = Eliom_reference.Volatile.Ext.get state channel_ref in
notify (Some ("Hello from " ^ from_user_id ^ "! You are user " ^ to_user_id ^ "\n\n" ^ s))
(* Action for a client to send a message *)
let () =
(fun () (from_user_id, (to_user_id, msg)) ->
Lwt.return ## notify from_user_id to_user_id msg
(* Post form for one user to send a message to another user *)
let client_message_form =
Eliom_content.Html5.F.post_form ~service:new_message_action ~port:8080
fun (from_user_id, (to_user_id, msg)) ->
[p [pcdata "To:"];
string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:to_user_id ();
p [pcdata "From:"];
string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:from_user_id ();
p [pcdata "Send a message here:"];
string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:msg ();
button ~button_type:`Submit [pcdata "Send Message"]
let () =
(fun user_num () ->
(* Set the session group to which the erefs belong *)
let (channel, _) = Eliom_reference.Volatile.get channel_ref in
let my_client_string, my_send_client_string = Eliom_reference.Volatile.get react_string_ref in
let my_send_client_string' =
server_function Json.t<string> (fun s -> Lwt.return ## my_send_client_string s)
let c_down = Eliom_react.Down.of_react my_client_string in
(* When a message is received on the channel, push it as a reactive event *)
let _ =
(fun () ->
Lwt_stream.iter (fun (s : string) -> ignore ## %my_send_client_string' s) %channel
let my_session_group =
~secure:true ()
| None -> "No session group"
| Some sg -> sg
let my_session_group_size =
~secure:true ()
| None -> "0"
| Some gs -> string_of_int gs
Eliom_content.Html5.F.(body [
h2 [pcdata ("Your are logged in as user " ^ user_num)];
client_message_form ();
p [pcdata "Your message is:"];
C.node {{R.pcdata (React.S.hold "No message yet" %c_down)}};
p [pcdata ("I am a part of the session group named " ^ my_session_group)];
p [pcdata ("My session group size is " ^ my_session_group_size)]

The problem came from using the notify function which loops through all tabs. I used the Hashtable / Weak Hashtable structure from Eliom Base App and it corrected all the communication issues. The key was altering the notify function as follows:
let notify ?(notforme = false) ~id ~to_user ~msg =
Lwt.async (fun () ->
(fun (userid_o, ((_, _, send_e) as nn)) (beg : unit Lwt.t) ->
if notforme && nn == Eliom_reference.Volatile.get notif_e
then Lwt.return ()
lwt () = beg in
let content = if Some to_user = userid_o then Some msg else None in
match content with
| Some content -> send_e (id, content); Lwt.return ()
| None -> Lwt.return ()
id (Lwt.return ()))


OCaml Reading from file and perform some validation

can you help me out, i made this program to get an output from some .txt file like this :
#load "str.cma"
let f_test = "/home/test.txt" ;;
Recursive Reading function
let read_lines f_test : string list =
if Sys.file_exists (f_test) then
let ic = open_in f_test in
let try_read () =
try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None in
let rec loop acc = match try_read () with
| Some s -> loop (s :: acc)
| None -> close_in_noerr ic; List.rev acc in
loop []
with e ->
close_in_noerr ic;
(*Using Records*)
type user =
name : string;
age : int;
country : string;
Function to separated info in list
let rec splitinfo ?(sep=":") l = match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (Str.split (Str.regexp ":") x)::splitinfo xs;;
Function to get users position
let get_user l:user =
let age = int_of_string (List.nth l 1) in
let user_name = List.nth l 0 in
name = user_name;
age = age ;
country = List.nth l 2;
Function to check some parameter is valid
let par1 u: int =
if (u.age = 3) then
Reporting function
let report_statistics list_users =
let child = ref 0 in
let teenager = ref 0 in
let adult = ref 0 in print_string (" ----- -- Stats -- ----- \n" ) ;
List.iter (
fun user_l -> (
match user_l with
| [] -> print_string("> no user <\n")
| _ ->
let user = get_user user_l in
if (par1 user = 1) then (
print_string (" "^ user.name ^" --> Child \n" ) ;
child := !child + 1;
print_string (" "^ user.name ^" --> Other \n" );
) list_users;
print_string ("------- List ---- ");
print_string ("Child " );
print_string ("Teenager ") ;
print_string ("Adult ");
The program compile but doesn't output any result ...
What am i missing ?
I kept the function to check parameters simple so i can understand it better but can't figure it out why it isn't outputing any result
Can you help me out here ?
Thanks in advance :)
The code as given defines some functions such as read_lines and report_statistics. But there are no calls to these functions.
If there is no other OCaml source involved, this is probably your problem. You need to call the functions.
It is fairly customary to have a "main" function that does the work of an OCaml program, and then (this is key) you have to actually call the main function:
let main () =
(* Call the functions that do the work of the program *)
let () = main ()
I have many times forgotten this last line and then nothing happens when I run the program.

Once I select the word, how it can be instantaneously displayed in the label?

open Tk;;
let top = openTk ()
let _ = Wm.title_set top "Listbox 2"
let v = Textvariable.create ();;
Textvariable.set v " ? " ;;
let l = Label.create ~textvariable:v
~background:(`Color "#FDF1B8")
~foreground:(`Color "#0F056B")
let mylist = Listbox.create
~background:(`Color "#FF7F00")
~foreground:(`Color "#3F2204")
~selectbackground:(`Color "#BEF574")
~selectforeground:(`Color "#095228")
let some_composers = ["Mozart";"Chopin";
let _ = Listbox.insert
let b = Button.create ~text:"Show selected composer"
~command:(fun () ->
let n = match (List.hd (Listbox.curselection mylist)) with
| `Num y -> y
| _ -> failwith "No Selection"
Textvariable.set v (List.nth some_composers n)
with _ -> (print_endline "No Selection"; flush stdout)
let bq = Button.create ~text:"Quit"
~command:(fun () ->
print_endline "Bye."; flush stdout; closeTk ())
pack [l];;
pack [mylist];;
pack [b];;
pack [bq];;
let _ = Printexc.print mainLoop ()
The above code is very simple. It allows to select a particular musician in the listbox, press the button under the listbox, then the name of the musician is displayed in the label at the top of the window.
Instead of using a button, I would like to remove the button, and when I select the name of the musician, it will be instantaneously display in the label above the windows.
Is there a right way to do that?
open Tk;;
let top = openTk ()
let _ = Wm.title_set top "Listbox 2"
let v = Textvariable.create ();;
Textvariable.set v " ? " ;;
let mylist = Listbox.create
~background:(`Color "#FF7F00")
~foreground:(`Color "#3F2204")
~selectbackground:(`Color "#BEF574")
~selectforeground:(`Color "#095228")
let some_composers = ["Mozart";"Chopin";
let _ = Listbox.insert
let n = List.hd (Listbox.curselection mylist) in
Textvariable.set v (List.nth some_composers n);
let l = Label.create
~textvariable:(Textvariable.get mylist)
~background:(`Color "#FDF1B8")
~foreground:(`Color "#0F056B")
let bq = Button.create ~text:"Quit"
~command:(fun () ->
print_endline "Bye."; flush stdout; closeTk ())
pack [l];;
pack [mylist];;
pack [bq];;
let _ = Printexc.print mainLoop ()
I only have time for a quick answer at the moment, but maybe this will help.
The default handlers for a listbox aren't going to do what you want, they just change the appearance of the item that you click on. But you can establish any desired handling for a button click using the bind function.
The tk bind function is used to specify what should happen when an event occurs in the user interface. What you want to do is to specify something that happens when button 1 (say) is clicked in the listbox. I don't have labltk installed on my system, so I can't try out this code, but it would be something roughly like this:
bind ~events: [`ButtonPressDetail 1] ~action: myhandler listbox
Before this (of course) you need to define myhandler to insert the desired text.
This code works for me. Note that you want to bind to the button release event (so that the selection has already happened).
open Tk
let some_composers =
["Mozart"; "Chopin"; "Beethoven"; "Verdi"; "Bizet"]
let main () =
let top = openTk () in
Wm.title_set top "Listbox 2";
let v = Textvariable.create () in
Textvariable.set v "?";
let l =
~textvariable: v
~background: (`Color "#FDF1B8")
~foreground: (`Color "#0F056B")
let mylist =
~selectmode: `Single
~background: (`Color "#FF7F00")
~foreground: (`Color "#3F2204")
~selectbackground:(`Color "#BEF574")
~selectforeground:(`Color "#095228")
Listbox.insert ~index: `End ~texts: some_composers mylist;
let set_composer ev =
match Listbox.curselection mylist with
| [] -> () (* Not really possible *)
| index :: _ ->
Textvariable.set v (Listbox.get mylist index)
bind ~events: [`ButtonReleaseDetail 1]
~action: set_composer
let bq = Button.create
~text: "Quit"
(fun () ->
print_endline "Bye.";
flush stdout;
closeTk ())
pack [l];
pack [mylist];
pack [bq];
Printexc.print mainLoop ()
let () = main ()
When I run it like this I see the behavior you want:
$ labltk m.ml
I hope this is helpful.

Creating a Chat Server

I am creating a chat server in the Ocaml language using lwt. What I want it to be able to do is prompt the user to enter a nickname, store the nickname, and then output that the user has joined the chat.
I have already tried implementing my own code, as shown below.
let sessions = ref [("",Lwt_io.null)]
(* + obtain initial nick(name),
+ add (nick,outp) to !sessions, and
+ announce join to other users *)
let handle_login nr (inp,outp) =
Lwt_io.printl "Enter initial nick:" >>= (* Print a welcome message to outp *)
fun () -> Lwt_io.read_line inp >>= (* Read the user's nick from inp *)
fun s -> Lwt.return (nr := s); (* Assign the new value to nr *)
sessions := List.concat nr (* Adds nr to sessions *)
send_all nr "<joined>" >>= (* Inform the other users that the user joined *)
fun () -> Lwt.return ()
let rec send_all sender msg = Lwt.return ()
let chat_server _ (inp,outp) =
let nick = ref "" in
let _ = handle_login nick in (* Calls handle_login with nick *)
let rec main_loop () =
Lwt_io.read_line inp >>= handle_input nick outp >>= main_loop in
Lwt.catch main_loop (fun e -> handle_error e !nick inp outp)
open Lwt.Infix
let port = if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then int_of_string (Sys.argv.(1)) else 16384
let s = Lwt_io.establish_server_with_client_address (Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_any, port)) ChatServer.chat_server
let _ = Lwt_main.run (fst (Lwt.wait ()))
let _ = s >>= Lwt_io.shutdown_server (* never executes; you might want to use it in utop, though *)
The result should be that when running the program, it will:
print a welcome message to outp,
read the nick from inp,
assign the new value to nr
Add nr to sessions
Announce that the user has joined.
Right now, it compiles, but does not output anything.

Lwt and Cohttp: `Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, "read", "")`

I have simple HTTP server in Ocaml with Cohttp and Lwt. When I run wrk the application crashes around 50% of the time as soon as wrk finishes. I imagine the crash is triggered by the unexpected tear-down of the connection.
I see the following error on the console:
Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, "read", "")
Raised by primitive operation at file "src/unix/lwt_bytes.ml", line 130, characters 42-84
Called from file "src/unix/lwt_unix.ml", line 489, characters 13-24
Is there anyway to prevent this?
My full source-code is:
(* server_test.ml *)
open Unix
open Lwt
open Cohttp
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
open Yojson
open Yojson.Basic.Util
open Core.Std
type create = {
username: string;
email: string;
password: string;
} [##deriving yojson]
let insert coll doc =
let _id = Core.Std.Uuid.to_string (Uuid.create ()) in
let uri = Uri.make ~scheme:"http" ~host:"" ~port:5984 ~path:(coll ^ "/" ^ _id) () in
Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.put ~body:(Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string (Yojson.Safe.to_string doc)) uri
>|= fun (r, _) -> Code.code_of_status ## Response.status r
let callback _conn req body =
body |> Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string
>>= (fun body ->
let mc = Yojson.Safe.from_string body |> create_of_yojson in
match mc with
| Ok c ->
insert "users" (create_to_yojson c)
>>= fun status -> print_endline ## string_of_int status;
Server.respond_string ~status:(`Code status) ~body:(string_of_int status) ()
| _ -> Server.respond_string ~status:`OK ~body: "Not OK" ())
let timeit _conn req body =
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
callback _conn req body
fun result ->
let finish = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Lwt_io.printlf "Execution time took %fms" ((finish -. start) *. 1000.0)
>|= fun _ -> result
let server =
Server.create ~mode:(`TCP (`Port 8000)) (Server.make timeit ())
let () = ignore (Lwt_main.run server)
The error you're seeing is from an unhanded exception raised when the client disconnects unexpectedly. The relevant exception is handed to Lwt's async exception hook (http://ocsigen.org/lwt/2.6.0/api/Lwt#VALasync_exception_hook) which, by Lwt's default, prints a backtrace and exits the program with an exit code of 2.
There is an ongoing discussion about this on the cohttp github issue tracker: https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp/issues/511
In short, if you define a custom exception handler for Lwt's async/"background" threads then you can capture and ignore/log/handle the client errors. Add something like the following before you start your cohttp server:
Lwt.async_exception_hook := (function
| Unix.Unix_error (error, func, arg) ->
Logs.warn (fun m ->
m "Client connection error %s: %s(%S)"
(Unix.error_message error) func arg
| exn -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "Unhandled exception: %a" Fmt.exn exn)
Taken from https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp/issues/511#issuecomment-258510531 and using the logs library to log the event: http://erratique.ch/software/logs

Little Lwt Port Scanner Not Working

I'm trying to write a small Lwt (and batteries) port scanner to better
understand Lwt however I'm getting a strange exception whenever I try to scan
too many ports at a time with scan_ports_range. I'm suspecting my mechanism
for keeping a maximum number of connections open is not working...
Exception: Unix.Unix_error (Batteries.Unix.EMFILE, "socket","").
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/home/(censored)/.opam/4.00.1/lib/utop: Too many open files")
(Which also crashes utop btw)
Code is below. To trigger the error evaluate:
scan_ports_range ~host:"" (1000,2000)
Any critique/suggestions for my lwt style is also welcome since I've
only started learning it.
open Lwt
let addr_parts addr =
let (host, port) = String.split addr ":" in (host, int_of_string port)
let addr ~host ~port =
lwt entry = Lwt_unix.gethostbyname host in
if Array.length entry.Unix.h_addr_list = 0 then begin
failwith (Printf.sprintf "no address found for host %S\n" host)
return (Unix.ADDR_INET (entry.Unix.h_addr_list.(0), port))
let test_connection ?(timeout=1.0) addr =
let fd = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let connect_close =
(Lwt_unix.connect fd addr) >>= (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd) in
(pick [connect_close ; Lwt_unix.timeout timeout])
>>= (fun () -> return true)
with _ -> return false
let scan_ports ~host ~ports =
ports |> Lwt_list.map_p (fun port ->
lwt adr = addr ~host ~port in
test_connection adr >>= (fun res -> return (res,port)) )
>>= (fun l -> return ( l |> List.filter_map ( function
| false, _ -> None | true, port -> Some(port) ) ) )
let scan_ports_range ?(max_open=20) ~host (a, b) =
let rec loop acc enum =
match Enum.peek enum with
| None -> acc |> List.concat |> List.rev |> return
| Some _ ->
let ports = enum |> Enum.take max_open |> List.of_enum in
let open_ports = scan_ports ~host ~ports in
open_ports >>= (fun l -> loop (l::acc) enum )
in loop [] (a--b)
As a wild guess, I think you need to force the closing of the socket in case of timeout, so the cullprint might be:
pick [connect_close ; Lwt_unix.timeout timeout]
Here is the corrected code according to Thomas.
let test_connection ?(timeout=1.0) addr =
let fd = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let connect_close =
(Lwt_unix.connect fd addr) >>= (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd) in
(pick [connect_close ; Lwt_unix.timeout timeout])
>>= (fun () -> return true)
with _ -> (Lwt_unix.close fd) >>= (fun () -> return false)