How to use msilib.OpenDatabase() in python - python-2.7

Im trying to use msi library to read some specifc informations in the database of msi file by using the function openDatabase
My code is:
db = msilib.OpenDatabase(msiFile, MSIDBOPEN_READONLY)
view = db.OpenView("SELECT Key, Name, Value FROM Registry")
while True:
record = view.Fetch()
But I got an error:
NameError: global name 'MSIDBOPEN_READONLY' is not defined


Oracle Connection with SQLAPI++

I'm trying to connect my c++ code with oracle using SQLAPI++ but it gives me the error
TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
My code is like so:
con.Connect( "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=192.168.1.XXX) (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = SERVICE_NAME )))", "UsrName", "Password", SA_Oracle_Client );
if I only use the same code but the username and password are equal to nothing like this:
con.Connect( "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=192.168.1.XXX) (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = SERVICE_NAME )))", "", "", SA_Oracle_Client );
the compiler gives me an ORA-01017: Invalid username / password; connection refused\n error.
You may give instant client syntax a try:
[//]host[:port][/service name]
This I've used with SQLAPI++ successfully.
The string you've used is expected to occur in tnsnames.ora and you refer to this entry via a so called tnsname. If you can't change the tnsnames.ora stored in Oracle installation you're using then you can instruct the Oracle API to pick the file up form another location by defining the environmanet varable TNS_ADMIN. Set this to a directory were your own tnsnames.ora file exists.

Read Excel file from Memory in Django

I am trying to read an excel file from memory in django but keep getting the following error:
NotImplementedError: formatting_info=True not yet implemented
Here's the code:
from pyexcel_xls import get_data
def processdocument(file):
print("file", file)
data = get_data(file)
return 1
when I am reading the same file from the local storage it works perfectly
data = get_data(r"C:\Users\Rahul Sharma\Downloads\Sample PFEP (2).xlsx")
I had a workaound solution in mind i.e. to save the uploaded file temporary in django os and then pass its URL to the function.
Can I do that?

Python 2.x unicode & pymssql

I want to upload a string in unicode to my sql server. I'm using python 2.7.6, sqlalchemy-migrate 0.7.2, pymssql 2.1.2.
But when I saved my object I got an OperationalError from sqlalchemy
OperationalError: (OperationalError) (105, "Unclosed quotation mark
after the character string '\xd8\xa3\xd8\xb3\xd8\xb1\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1
\xac\xd9\x87 - \xd9\x81\xd9\x82\xd8\xb7 \xd9\x84\xd8\xaf\xd9\x89\xd9
\x85\xd8\xad\xd9\x84\xd8\xa7\xd8\xaa \xd9\x88\xd8\xac\xd9\x88\xd9\x87
\xe2\x9c\x8e '.DB-Lib error message 105, severity 15:\nGeneral SQL
Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server\n") 'INSERT INTO...
With more detail I'm guesssing is from my Description value :
...\u0648\u062c\u0648\u0647 \u270e \U0001f38'}
I saw a big U and not u, the character is the gift unicode just before, the "\u270e" works well and show a pencil. I strongly thing is because of the 8 values versus 4 for others.
But how to prevent this error ?
The column description inside of my DB is a nvarchar(2000)
I'm using Using flask restful reqparse to parse the argument create sync the object from the DB and save it :

Writing between between characters in a text file?

I have a module that i want to write into. I'm having several problems. One of which locating a string within the file. Currently I open the file, then use a for line in (filename), then do an if to determine if it finds a string, and all of that works. However before (it is commented out now) i tried to determine what position it was at using tell(). However this gave me an incorrect position, giving me 1118 i believe, instead of 660 something. So i determined the position manually to use seek.
However the second problem was, if i write to this file at the position in the file, it just overwrites all the data from thereon. I would want to insert the data instead of overwriting it.
Unless i insert a string equal in character length where i want the write to happen, it will just override most of the if statements and things like that below.
Is there any way to naively do this?
Here is the file i want to write into
# Filename:
# Created By: Gregory Smith
# Description: A script containing a library of user created curves
# Purpose: A library to store names of all the user curves, and deletes curves
# if specified to do so
import os
import maya.cmds as mc
import module_locator
my_path = module_locator.module_path()
def usercurve_lib(fbxfile=None, remove=None):
"""All control/curve objects created by user
Keyword Arguments:
fbxfile -- (string) name of fbx file to import
remove -- (boolean) will remove an entry from the library and delete the
associated fbx file
curves_dict = {
if remove is None:
return curves_dict
elif not remove:
name = mc.file(curves_dict[fbxfile], typ='FBX', i=1,
iv=True, pmt=False)
return name[0]
except RuntimeError:
return None
os.remove('%s\%s.fbx' %(my_path, fbxfile))
return '%s.fbx' %(fbxfile)
except OSError:
print 'File %s does not exist.' %(fbxfile)
return None
This is the code below that i'm running in a module called (this is not the complete code, and 'my_path' is just the path of the current directory is being run in)
def create_entry(self, crv):
"""Exports user curve to user data directory and adds entry into
Keyword Arguments:
crv -- (PyNode) the object to export
# set settings
mel.eval('FBXExportFileVersion "FBX201400"')
mel.eval('FBXExportInputConnections -v 0')
mc.file('%s\userdat\%s.fbx' %(my_path, str(crv)), force=True, options='',
typ='FBX export', pr=True, es=True)
with open('%s\userdat\\' %(my_path), 'r+') as usercrvs:
for line in usercrvs:
if line.strip() == '#crvstart':
#linepos = usercrvs.tell()
#linepos = int(linepos), 0), 0)
usercrvs.write("\n "+str(crv)+" : '%s\%s' %(my_path, '"+
This will give me this result below:
# Filename:
# Created By: Gregory Smith
# Description: A script containing a library of user created curves
# Purpose: A library to store names of all the user curves, and deletes curves
# if specified to do so
import os
import maya.cmds as mc
import module_locator
my_path = module_locator.module_path()
def usercurve_lib(fbxfile=None, remove=None):
"""All control/curve objects created by user
Keyword Arguments:
fbxfile -- (string) name of fbx file to import
remove -- (boolean) will remove an entry from the library and delete the
associated fbx file
curves_dict = {
loop_crv : '%s\%s' %(my_path, 'loop_crv.fbx') return curves_dict
elif not remove:
name = mc.file(curves_dict[fbxfile], typ='FBX', i=1,
iv=True, pmt=False)
return name[0]
except RuntimeError:
return None
os.remove('%s\%s.fbx' %(my_path, fbxfile))
return '%s.fbx' %(fbxfile)
except OSError:
print 'File %s does not exist.' %(fbxfile)
return None
In short: on most operating systems you can not insert into files without rewriting if the lengths are not the same.
Have a look at a long discussion here: Why can we not insert into files without the additional writes? (I neither mean append, nor over-write)

How to 'enable extension hstore'

I enabled hstore using the below code.
class SetupHstore < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
def self.down
Once I migrated the file 'enable_extension hstore' line appeared in schema file.
But when I used the same code in another system i got an error like
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR: type "hstore" does not exist
By droping that schema and migrating it also i tried to enable it but still its not working.