AWS services appropriate for concurrent access to a resource - amazon-web-services

I'm designing a system where a cluster of EC2 instances do some computing and then update a large file continually. What would be ideal is if I could have the file in S3, and have all the instances take turns writing to it one at a time, performing calculations while they wait.
As it stands if 2 instances PUT to S3 at the same time, 1 will simply override the other.
How can I solve this concurrency issue?

AWS has a preview service called EFS ( that is an NFS4 that can be shared among EC2 instances. But such service alone does not solve your problem as you may still have concurrency issues. Consider having something more sophisticated such as exploiting "embarrassingly parallel processing" such as having N processes creating N file chunks and finally having a single file joining all pieces together when everything is done.

As it is Amazon states that if you receive a success code then your S3 object is committed. Amazon also adds that there wouldn't be any dirty writes or overlapping inconsistency - you would read either of a fully committed write.
If you need more control you might be able to do it application like implementing a critical section.
It certainly makes sense to enable versioning the bucket so that you get to maintain all the writes and later you can specify which version as the latest.
You can also leverage the life cycle rules delete ( keep deleting ) the last n version to save cost.


Suitability of app with long running tasks for AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions

I have an application on an AWS EC2 instance that runs once daily. The application fetches some files from a web service, parses the files line by line, updates a database, updates S3 files based on changes in the database, sends notification emails to customers as well as a few other tasks.
This is a series of logical tasks that must take place in sequence, although some of the tasks can be thought of as sub-tasks that can be executed in parallel. All tasks are a combination of Perl scripts and Java programs, with a single Perl script acting as the manager that executes each in turn. Some tasks can take as long as 45 minutes to complete, and the whole process can take up to 3 hours in total.
I'd like to make this whole process serverless. My initial idea was to use AWS Lambda, whereby each task would execute as a Lambda function, until I discovered Lambda functions impose a 5 minute execution timeout. It seems like the AWS Step Functions service is actually a better fit for my use case, but my understanding is that this service is backed by Lambda, so the tasks will still have the 5 min execution limitation.
(I'm also aware that I would have to re-write my Perl scripts to a language supported by Lambda).
I assume that I can work around the execution time limit by refactoring my code into smaller functions that will guarantee to complete in under 5 minutes. In my particular situation though, this seems inefficient.
Currently the database update task processes lines from a file one at a time. For this to work with Lambda, a Lambda function would need to handle only a single line from the file (or a very small number of lines) in order to guarantee not spilling over 5 minutes execution time. This would involve opening and closing a connection with the database on every invocation of the Lambda function. Also, each line processed should result in an entry written to a file, to be stored in S3. Right now, I just keep a file handle in memory and write the file to S3 when all lines are processed, but with Lambda I would need to keep reading the file, updating it and writing it back to S3.
What I'm asking is:
Is my use case a bad fit for AWS Lambda and/or AWS Step Functions?
Have I misunderstood how these services work?
Is there another AWS service that would be a better fit for my use case?
After further research, I think AWS Batch might be a good idea.
What you want are called Activity Workers. Tl;dr: You register "activities" and each gets an ARN. Then you can put that ARN in the resource field of Task states and then you run some code (the "worker") somewhere (in a Lambda, on EC2, in your basement, wherever) that polls for tasks identified by that ARN, then calls back to report success or failure. Activity Workers can run for up to a year.
Step-by-step details at the AWS docs
In response to RTF's comment, here's a deeper dive: Suppose you have code to color turtles in So what you do is call the CreateActivity API - see - giving the name "ColorTurtles" and it'll give you back an ARN, a string beginning arn:aws... Then in your state machine you make a Task state with that ARN as the value of the resource field. Then you add code to to poll the service with - whenever a machine you're running gets to that task, it'll go look for activity workers polling. It'll give your polling worker the input for the task, then you process the input and generate some output, and call SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure. All these are just REST HTTP calls, so you can run them anywhere and I mean anywhere; in a Lambda, on an EC2 instance, or on some computer anywhere on the Internet.
So to answer your questions:
1) Yeah, if you've got something that'll run for around 45 minutes, whilst you could engineer it with Lambda/Step functions you're probably better off getting a EC2 micro instance.
2)Nope you've pretty much got it.
3) As above you want to go with EC2 for this, there's a good article on using Data Pipelines to start / stop an EC2 instance here that way by starting instance only when you need it the cost(if any) is negligible.
I have jobs that run in this fashion normally you can get away with with a t2.micro instance which is free tier eligible.
You can also run your perl scripts on an EC2 instance so no need to rewrite them!
I will start with that it seems you are looking for workflow solutions on AWS. SWF and Step functions are the two most popular ones. Steps function is more recent offering and encouraged by AWS more than SWF.
SWF has native capability to handle long-running tasks, the downside is that you have to provide your own execution environment for deciders (can't use lambda).
With step functions, you can do this in two different ways. One of the approaches is suggested by Tim in his answer. There is an alternative way to achieve the same which is using job poller in step functions. Job pollers have the ability to call (poll) your resource and find out if the task is done and if not you can send execution in wait mode for the specified time. As mentioned above maximum execution time allowed currently for any workflow is 1 year. In case you have tasks which may take longer than 1 year, you can't use step functions in its current form.

Replicated caching solutions compatible with AWS

My use case is as follow:
We have about 500 servers running in an autoscaling EC2 cluster that need to access the same configuration data (layed out in a key/value fashion) several million times per second.
The configuration data isn't very large (1 or 2 GBs) and doesn't change much (a few dozen updates/deletes/inserts per minute during peak time).
Latency is critical for us, so the data needs to be replicated and kept in memory on every single instance running our application.
Eventual consistency is fine. However we need to make sure that every update will be propagated at some point. (knowing that the servers can be shutdown at any time)
The update propagation across the servers should be reliable and easy to setup (we can't have static IPs for our servers, or we don't wanna go the route of "faking" multicast on AWS etc...)
Here are the solutions we've explored in the past:
Using regular java maps and use our custom built system to propagate updates across the cluster. (obviously, it doesn't scale that well)
Using EhCache and its replication feature. But setting it up on EC2 is very painful and somehow unreliable.
Here are the solutions we're thinking of trying out:
Apache Ignite ( with a REPLICATED strategy.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map feature. (
Apache Geode on every application node. (
I would like to know if each of those solutions would work for our use case. And eventually, what issues I'm likely to face with each of them.
Here is what I found so far:
Hazelcast's Replicated Map is somehow recent and still a bit unreliable (async updates can be lost in case of scaling down)
It seems like Geode became "stable" fairly recently (even though it's supposedly in development since the early 2000s)
Ignite looks like it could be a good fit, but I'm not too sure how their S3 discovery based system will work out if we keep adding / removing node regularly.
Geode should work for your use case. You should be able to use a Geode Replicated region on each node. You can choose to do synchronous OR asynchronous replication. In case of failures, the replicated region gets an initial copy of the data from an existing member in the system, while making sure that no in-flight operations are lost.
In terms of configuration, you will have to start a couple/few member discovery processes (Geode locators) and point each member to these locators. (We recommend that you start one locator/AZ and use 3 AZs to protect against network partitioning).
Geode/GemFire has been stable for a while; powering low latency high scalability requirements for reservation systems at Indian and Chinese railways among other users for a very long time.
Disclosure: I am a committer on Geode.
Ignite provides native AWS integration for discovery over S3 storage: It solves main issue - you don't need to change configuration when instances are restarted. In a nutshell, any nodes that successfully joins topology writes its coordinates to a bucket (and removes them when fails or leaves). When you start a new node, it reads this bucket and connects to one the listed addresses.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map will not work for your use-case. Note that it is a map that is replicated across all it's nodes not on the client nodes/servers. Also, as you said, it is not fully reliable yet.
Here is the Hazelcast solution:
Create a Hazelcast cluster with a set of nodes depending upon the size of data.
Create a Distributed map(IMap) and tweak the count & eviction configurations based on size/number of key/value pairs. The data gets partitioned across all the nodes.
Setup Backup count based on how critical the data is and how much time it takes to pull the data from the actual source(DB/Files). Distributed maps have 1 backup by default.
In the client side, setup a NearCache and attach it to the Distributed map. This NearCache will hold the Key/Value pair in the local/client side itself. So the get operations would end up in milliseconds.
Things to consider with NearCache solution:
The first get operation would be slower as it has to go through network to get the data from cluster.
Cache invalidation is not fully reliable as there will be a delay in synchronization with the cluster and may end reading stale data. Again, this is same case across all the cache solutions.
It is client's responsibility to setup timeout and invalidation of Nearcache entries. So that the future pulls would get fresh data from cluster. This depends on how often the data gets refreshed or value is replaced for a key.

EC2 spark master instance size

I intend to setup spark cluster on EC2. How much resources spark master instance actually needs? Since master is not involved in processing any of the tasks can it be the smallest EC2 instance?
This obviously depends on what kinds of jobs you're planning to run, how big is the cluster etc, so in that sense the advice to simply try different configurations is good. However, in my purely personal experience the driver instance should be at least at the level of the slave instances. This is mainly due to two reasons.
First of all, there are times when you need the result of the job in a single place. Maybe you just don't want to spend time combining files, maybe you need the results in some specific order which would be hard to achieve in a distributed way etc. but this means the driver should be able to hold all the data (as rdd.collect gathers the results to the driver instance).
Second of all, many of the shuffle-based operations seem to require a lot of memory from the driver. I'm not exactly sure about the details of why this happens (if anyone knows, please do share) but I can't count the number of times I've seen reduceyKey causing an out of memory error from the driver.
Edit: I have assumed you were using Spark's spark-ec2 script, which I believe does install the NameNode in the master instance. If the NameNode is not installed at the master intance, however, my answer has no validity as correctly pointed by #DemetriKots in the comments.
Although the master instance is not involved in data processing, it plays a major role during the management of the workload and resource allocation, e.g (all info is taken from the sources):
The NameNode is the centerpiece of an HDFS file system. It keeps the directory tree of all files in the file system, and tracks where across the cluster the file data is kept. It does not store the data of these files itself.
Client applications talk to the NameNode whenever they wish to locate a file, or when they want to add/copy/move/delete a file. The NameNode responds the successful requests by returning a list of relevant DataNode servers where the data lives.
This (look for Hardware Recommendations for Hadoop on the left index) Hortonworks document specifies some recommendations for the master instance in a Hadoop cluster. While it might not be adequate for the slave instances (due to Spark's memory usage), I would say it can be useful in the case of the master instance in a Spark cluster.

Running application on a cluster

I have my processing done using two console applications (Stage-estimate, Stage-step), each application processes files on disk, files are organized into folders. Each folder represents one step of processing which is considered completed when all files are estimated.
As an example lets consider that we are at Step 0 and the folder 0 contains the following files:
Folder 0 contains:
We have the data files, now we need to estimate them, we run Stage-estimate application 1000 times that result with the following directory structure:
Folder 0 contains:
Step 0 is now complete we have all the data/estimate pairs. In order to switch to Step 1 we run Stage-step application 1000 times on every data/estimate pair files and it results with new set of 1000 *.data files into folder 1. After Stage-step application completed, we have a folder 1 with the same structure as we had on Step 0:
Folder 1 contains:
From now on the process repeats until it is canceled.
The Problem
Application Stage-estimate does some pretty heavy calculations it consumes 99% of overall processing power compared to Stage-step application.
I was planing to use AWS in order to speed the things up. I don't want to start inventing special batch files that would call my applications the way described above, I know that there is special software that does some high-lifting at scheduling processes and other cluster related stuff.
I was never dealing with cluster computing, off top of my head I see that application is parallelized really nice and it fits into AWS infrastructure. On the other hand I'm complete newbie in the world of cluster-computing and I don't know where to start from. I was dealing with AWS however nothing related to cluster computing, I don't know how to organize the flow I've described and how to make it run efficiently, so I would appreciate if you point me in right direction or provide some links on demos / best practices.
Thank you in advance!
Based on your comment, you can put all your jobs from stage 0 into a queue and start to process it. You can also have a logic what checks if you have only a few jobs left and tries to add new jobs from stage 1. This would speed up a bit your calculation, gives you better resource usage, but it's optional and makes your system more complex.
I suggest you to use SQS ( Or SWF) for storing the jobs, S3 for storing the files and an autoscaling group of spot instances for worker nodes.
Unfortunately Lambda doesn't support C++ at the moment. ( Node.js and Java is supported.)
AWS supports several concepts which you may consider:
Decoupling: You can use SQS (Simple Queue Service) for job queuing, which gives you a redundant and fault tolerant job queue. You can have a fleet of worker instances, which are requesting jobs form the queue, running them and if they are finished, deleting the job from the queue. If the instances hangs/crashes during the execution of the job, after the timeout period the job goes back to the queue and an other instance will execute it again.
Other service is the SWF ( Simple Workflow Service). This service internally uses SQS queues, with this service, you may need less script to glue your entire workflow together.
Redundant storage: I would definitely use AWS S3 for storage, because it's cheap and redundant. After the first read, I don't think you need any advanced (file system like) feature. ( for example locking.)
Spot instances: For the worker nodes, I would use Spot instances which are much cheaper. The only issue with them if you need a really fast answer for your task all the time. ( If you generating daily reports, spot instances are perfect solution.)
+1: You may use AWS Lambda function to run your jobs. You can trigger your lambda function based on S3 events. For example you uploaded a new *.data file. However Lambda functions cannot run too long. But if you are able to use lambda function, then all your environment will contains only S3 buckets and lambda function. Both of them are AWS managed service, so your system would be extremely flexible, fault tolerant. I can't say any exact details about pricing, but I assume it would be cheaper then running EC2 instances.
Summary: If you can run your estimations parallel, AWS gives you a lots of power and speed. (for a good money) especially if your load is changing during the day.
A good source: White Paper on ‘Cloud Architectures’ and Best Practices of Amazon S3, EC2, SimpleDB, SQS

Transferring lots of small files between EC2 and Amazon S3

I'm building a browser game and I have a lot of small files that need to be transfered between my EC2 instancce and S3 when players perform some key actions.
Although transferring a single big file is fairly fast, transferring multiple small files is extremely slow. I'm using Amazon's PHP SDK.
Is there a way to overcome this weakness in S3? Thanks.
It looks like combining the two solutions below is the way to go.
If this transfer has to be made from EC2 instance to S3 then may be you can try using s3fuse , which will basically mount your s3 drive to storage volume of EC2 instance.
The performance of S3 is not constant and can be quite slow sometimes. If you need real-time performance for a shared object I would take a look at the AWS memcached service although I have not used it.
How exactly are you uploading files? is there a multithreaded method in the SDK? I'm asking because I've had to implement my own method for downloading stuff faster than the SDK.
Do you need to read those files right away? how many events do you have per second, do you need them ordered?
My first thought would be to make a local buffer that uploads batches every once in a while.
Then, if that's too slow, I'd store them in a fast buffer first, instead of S3, and flush it every once in a while. My choices would be simple stuff like SQS or Redis. SQS has theoretically unlimited throughput for random queues and 300 batches per second (1 batch = 1..10 messages = 0..256kb) for FIFO queues - which you can further increase.
Then you have streams, Lambda and whatever.