Amazon Elasticache Failover - amazon-web-services

We have been using AWS Elasticache for about 6 months now without any issues. Every night we have a Java app that runs which will flush DB 0 of our redis cache and then repopulate it with updated data. However we had 3 instances between July 31 and August 5 where our DB was successfully flushed and then we were not able to write the new data to the database.
We were getting the following exception in our application:
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: READONLY You can't
write against a read only slave.
When we look at the cache events in Elasticache we can see
Failover from master node prod-redis-001 to replica node
prod-redis-002 completed
We have not been able to diagnose the issue and since the app was running fine for the past 6 months I am wondering if it is something related to a recent Elasticache release that was done on the 30th of June.
We have always been writing to our master node and we only have 1 replica node.
If someone could offer any insight it would be much appreciated.
EDIT: This seems to be an intermittent problem. Some days it will fail other days it runs fine.

We have been in contact with AWS support for the past few weeks and this is what we have found.
Most Redis requests are synchronous including the flush so it will block all other requests. In our case we are actually flushing 19m keys and it takes more then 30 seconds.
Elasticache performs a health check periodically and since the flush is running the health check will be blocked, thus causing a failover.
We have been asking the support team how often the health check is performed so we can get an idea of why our flush is only causing a failover 3-4 times a week. The best answer we can get is "We think its every 30 seconds". However our flush consistently takes more then 30 seconds and doesn't consistently fail.
They said that they may implement the ability to configure the timing of the health check however they said this would not be done anytime soon.
The best advice they could give us is:
1) Create a completely new cluster for loading the new data on, and
instead of flushing the previous cluster, re-point your application(s)
to the new cluster, and remove the old one.
2) If the data that you are flushing is an update version of the data,
consider not flushing, but updating and overwriting new keys?
3) Instead of flushing the data, set the expiry of the items to be
when you would normally flush, and let the keys be reclaimed (possibly
with a random time to avoid thundering herd issues), and then reload
the data.
Hope this helps :)

Currently for Redis versions from 6.2 AWS ElastiCache has a new feature of thread monitoring. So the health check doesn't happen in the same thread as all other actions of Redis. Redis can continue to proceed a long command / lua script, but will still considered healthy. Because of this new feature failovers should happen less.


flink readCSV thrown back with " waiting for connection from pool"

We are using Flink 1.9.0 Dataset API to read CSV files from Amazon S3 Bucket. Facing connection pool timeout most of the times.
Following are the configurations at Flink level
Reading 19708 objects from s3 in a single go, as we need to apply the logic on top of whole data set. Lets take an eg: Imagine have 20 source folders eg( AAA, BBB, CCC ) with multiple subfolders (AAA/4May2020/../../1.csv,AAA/4May2020/../../2.csv, AAA/3May2020/../../1.csv ,AAA/3May2020/../../2.csv ....), for the read to happen, before calling the readCSV, the logic scan folders and pick the one only with latest date folder and pass that for read. For the read operation we use parallelism as "5". But when the execution graph is formed all 20 Sources comes together.
Running on Kube-Aws with around 10
Task Managers hosted under "m5.4X large machine". Task Manager
docker is allocated with "8" cores and "50GB" memory.
Following were tried to address the issue, but no luck so far. Really need some pointers and help to address this
Enabled the Flink retry mechanism with failover as "region", sometimes with retries it gets through. But even with retry it fails intermittently.
Revisited the core-site.xml as per AWS Site:
Also could anyone help with the following questions
Is there anyway to check if the HTTP connections opened by readCSV
are closed
Any pointers to understand how dataset ReadCSV operates
will help.
Any way to introduce a wait mechanisms before the
Any better way to address this issue

How to fix CloudRun error 'The request was aborted because there was no available instance'

I'm using managed CloudRun to deploy a container with concurrency=1. Once deployed, I'm firing four long-running requests in parallel.
Most of the time, all works fine -- But occasionally, I'm facing 500's from one of the nodes within a few seconds; logs only provide the error message provided in the subject.
Using retry with exponential back-off did not improve the situation; the retries also end up with 500s. StackDriver logs also do not provide further information.
Potentially relevant gcloud beta run deploy arguments:
--memory 2Gi --concurrency 1 --timeout 8m --platform managed
What does the error message mean exactly -- and how can I solve the issue?
This error message can appear when the infrastructure didn't scale fast enough to catch up with the traffic spike. Infrastructure only keeps a request in the queue for a certain amount of time (about 10s) then aborts it.
This usually happens when:
traffic suddenly largely increase
cold start time is long
request time is long
We also faced this issue when traffic suddenly increased during business hours. The issue is usually caused by a sudden increase in traffic and a longer instance start time to accommodate incoming requests. One way to handle this is by keeping warm-up instances always running i.e. configuring --min-instances parameters in the cloud run deploy command. Another and recommended way is to reduce the service cold start time (which is difficult to achieve in some languages like Java and Python)
I also experiment the problem. Easy to reproduce. I have a fibonacci container that process in 6s fibo(45). I use Hey to perform 200 requests. And I set my Cloud Run concurrency to 1.
Over 200 requests I have 8 similar errors. In my case: sudden traffic spike and long processing time. (Short cold start for me, it's in Go)
I was able to resolve this on my service by raising the max autoscaling container count from 2 to 10. There really should be no reason that 2 would be even close to too low for the traffic, but I suspect something about the Cloud Run internals were tying up to 2 containers somehow.
Setting the Max Retry Attempts to anything but zero will remedy this, as it did for me.

Cloud composer tasks fail without reason or logs

I run Airflow in a managed Cloud-composer environment (version 1.9.0), whic runs on a Kubernetes 1.10.9-gke.5 cluster.
All my DAGs run daily at 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM. But sometime in the morning, I see a few Tasks failed without a reason during the night.
When checking the log using the UI - I see no log and I see no log either when I check the log folder in the GCS bucket
In the instance details, it reads "Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled" but the dependency is the dagrun itself.
Although the DAG is set with 5 retries and an email message it does not look as if any retry took place and I haven't received an email about the failure.
I usually just clear the task instance and it run successfully on the first try.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Empty logs often means the Airflow worker pod was evicted (i.e., it died before it could flush logs to GCS), which is usually due to an out of memory condition. If you go to your GKE cluster (the one under Composer's hood) you will probably see that there is indeed a evicted pod (GKE > Workloads > "airflow-worker").
You will probably see in "Tasks Instances" that said tasks have no Start Date nor Job Id or worker (Hostname) assigned, which, added to no logs, is a proof of the death of the pod.
Since this normally happens in highly parallelised DAGs, a way to avoid this is to reduce the worker concurrency or use a better machine.
EDIT: I filed this Feature Request on your behalf to get emails in case of failure, even if the pod was evicted.

Celery/SQS task retry gone haywire - how to get rid of it?

We've got Celery/SQS set up for asynchronous task management. We're running Django for our framework. We have a celery task that has a self.retry() in it. Max_retries is set to 15. The retry is happening with an exponential backoff and takes 182 hours to complete all 15 retries.
Last week, this task went haywire, I think due to a bug in our code not properly handling a service outage. It resulted in exponential creation (retrying?) of the same celery task. It eventually used up all available memory and the worker crashed. Restarting the worker results in another crash a couple hours later, since all those tasks (and their retries) keep retrying and spawning new retries until we run out of memory again. Ultimately we ended up with nearly 600k tasks created!
We need our workers to ignore all the tasks with a specific celery GUID. Ideally we could just get rid of them for good. I was going to use revoke() but, per documentation (, this is only implemented for Redis and RabbitMQ, not SQS. Furthermore, when I go to the SQS service in the AWS console, it's showing zero messages in flight so it's not like I can just flush it.
Is there a way to delete or revoke a specific message from SQS using the Celery task ID? Or is there another way to fix this problem? Obviously we need to fix our code so we don't get into this situation again, but first we need to get our worker up and running because without it our website has reduced functionality. Thanks!

Elasticsearch percolation dead slow on AWS EC2

Recently we switched our cluster to EC2 and everything is working great... except percolation :(
We use Elasticsearch 2.2.0.
To reindex (and percolate) our data we use a separate EC2 c3.8xlarge instance (32 cores, 60GB, 2 x 160 GB SSD) and tell our index to include only this node in allocation.
Because we'll distribute it amongst the rest of the nodes later, we use 10 shards, no replicas (just for indexing and percolation).
There are about 22 million documents in the index and 15.000 percolators. The index is a tad smaller than 11GB (and so easily fits into memory).
About 16 php processes talk to the REST API doing multi percolate requests with 200 requests in each (we made it smaller because of the performance, it was 1000 per request before).
One percolation request (a real one, tapped off of the php processes running) is taking around 2m20s under load (of the 16 php processes). That would've been ok if one of the resources on the EC2 was maxed out but that's the strange thing (see stats output here but also seen on htop, iotop and iostat): load, cpu, memory, heap, io; everything is well (very well) within limits. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of resources but still, percolation performance is bad.
When we back off the php processes and try the percolate request again, it comes out at around 15s. Just to be clear: I don't have a problem with a 2min+ multi percolate request. As long as I know that one of the resources is fully utilized (and I can act upon it by giving it more of what it wants).
So, ok, it's not the usual suspects, let's try different stuff:
To rule out network, coordination, etc issues we also did the same request from the node itself (enabling the client) with the same pressure from the php processes: no change
We upped the processors configuration in elasticsearch.yml and restarted the node to fake our way to a higher usage of resources: no change.
We tried tweaking the percolate and get pool size and queue size: no change.
When we looked at the hot threads, we DiscovereUsageTrackingQueryCachingPolicy was coming up a lot so we did as suggested in this issue: no change.
Maybe it's the amount of replicas, seeing Elasticsearch uses those to do searches as well? We upped it to 3 and used more EC2 to spread them out: no change.
To determine if we could actually use all resources on EC2, we did stress tests and everything seemed fine, getting it to loads of over 40. Also IO, memory, etc showed no issues under high strain.
It could still be the batch size. Under load we tried a batch of just one percolator in a multi percolate request, directly on the data & client node (dedicated to this index) and found that it used 1m50s. When we tried a batch of 200 percolators (still in one multi percolate request) it used 2m02s (which fits roughly with the 15s result of earlier, without pressure).
This last point might be interesting! It seems that it's stuck somewhere for a loooong time and then goes through the percolate phase quite smoothly.
Can anyone make anything out of this? Anything we have missed? We can provide more data if needed.
Have a look at the thread on the Elastic Discuss forum to see the solution.
Use multiple nodes on one big server to get better resource utilization.