How to use django migrate without confirmation - django

I am using django 1.8.
When using Django's migrate command, user confirmation is needed when a model as been deleted. The --noinput parameter can avoid user confirmation, but then migration does not remove models.
How can I use migrate in a script, and remove old models?
And, I know, it can be dangerous.

This is incorrect - --noinput still runs all migrations, including those which remove models.


Django migrate fails when creating new table

We are fairly new to Django. We we have an app and a model. We'd like to add an 'Category' object to our model. We did that, and then ran 'python makemigrations'.
We then deploy our code to a server running the older code, and run 'python migrate'. This throws 2 pages of exceptions, finishing with 'django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'reporting.contact_category' doesn't exist")'
This seems to be looking at our If we comment out Category from our model, and all references to it, the migration succeeds.
I thought that the point of migrations is to make the database match what the model expects, but this seems to require that the model match the database before the migration.
We clearly are doing something wrong, but what?
I believe you skipped some migration in the server, so now you are missing some tables (I have been in that situation. Ensure migrations directories are on your .gitignore. You CAN NOT check in migrations files, you have to run makemigrations on the server). This can be solved by tracing back up to the point the database and models files match, but it is a risky process if it is your production database, so you should make a full backup before proceeding, and try the process on a different computer before.
This would be my advice:
Delete migration files from the server.
Comment the models that rise the error.
Set the server's migration history to the point the
database is, using python makemigrations and python migrate --fake-initial (this will update the migration files without actually attempting to modify the database).
Uncomment the models that raise the error.
Run python makemigrations and python migrate.
If, after you comment the models that raise the exception, you get a different exception, you have to keep on commenting and attempting again. Once a migrations succeeds, you can uncomment all commented models and make an actual migration.
Remember to run python makemigrations if you made changes to the then run python makemigrations
Both commands must be run on the same server with the same database

rerun migrations on django 1.8

I've got a Zinnia install in my django 1.8 python 3.4 app that is throwing errors. I'm wondering if something changed in the model from when I intially ran the migration. However, I can't see to figure out how to start over and run the migration fresh.
These are the warnings I see when I try to do a makemigrations
zinnia.Entry.categories: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.
zinnia.Entry.related: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.
No changes detected
I see documentation on squashmigrations makemigrations and migrate. Is there a best practice way to remove migrations and start over fresh?
One way is to drop the db.
If you're using postgres,
then simply login to postgres account and dropdb <db> and run migration again.
Another way is to flush the db.
You can do this by ./manage flush which will flush all the data in your db.
If you're using sqlite3 then, just remove db.sqlite3 from your project root.

Django 1.7 on Heroku: how do I get makemigrations to rescan the database?

I have Django 1.7 running on Heroku. I've made a change to the file (added a column to a table) but Django doesn't seem to be able to detect this. When I run
python makemigrations appname
it responds No changes detected in app.
I've tried deleting the appname/migrations folder, but that doesn't help.
Is there a way to get Django to rescan the database and check for differences? This was easy with South.
Have you tried
python migrate
It seems the migrate is "responsible for applying migrations, as well as unapplying and listing their status."

Django south migration with --noinput does not remove contenttypes when renaming tables

I am using django-south for migrating database tables in a django project. And I am renaming a model as discussed in a previous question:
# Renaming model from 'Foo' to 'Bar'
db.rename_table('myapp_foo', 'myapp_bar')
db.send_create_signal('myapp', ['Bar'])
However, I use fabric to automatically deploy my application to production servers, and I want the migrations to run without any user input. For this, I run the migration command with the noinput option as follows
python migrate --noinput
This works fine except that the send_create_signal does not remove stale contenttypes in this mode.
This is because the django contenttype managament command update_contenttypes only removes the stale contenttypes if input is given.
I could replicate the update_contenttypes command directly in the south migration, but that does not seem like a good solution. Does anyone have suggestions on how to trigger the removal of the contenttypes without repeating what is in the django command?
In my experience, running syncdb --all works some, but not all of the time when South is involved. You might try giving it a go, as it has worked for me in the past, certainly when removing stale models from the content-types table.

django fabric syncdb

How would you run this django command to syncdb with fabric automatically.
python syncdb --settings="app.settings.test"
if tried to do run, it gets stuck at the "Do you want to create superuser account", can it passed as yes and login information with it.
run('python syncdb --settings="app.settings.%s"' % name, pty=True)
Add --noinput to the arguments to keep django-admin from prompting:
python syncdb --settings="app.settings.%s" --noinput
If you have specific credentials that you'd like to preload always, I suspect the simplest way to achieve that would be to create a data dump of the user database from a machine with (just!) the admin account loaded, and then to load that in after syncdb. Alternatively, you could simply leave out the admin account and add it later with createsuperuser when and if you need to have it.