Quadratic Equations Factored Form - python-2.7

I'm a beginner with python as my first language trying to factor a
quadratic where the equation provides the result in
factor form for example:
Output to be (or any factors in parenthesis)
So far this only gives me x but not a correct value either
def quadratic(a,b,c):
x = -b+(((b**2)-(4*a*c))**(1/2))/(2*a)
return x
print quadratic(1,5,4)

Your parentheses are in the wrong places, you're only calculating and returning one root, and (most importantly), you're using **(1/2) to calculate the square root. In Python 2, this will evaluate to 0 (integer arithmetic). To get 0.5, use (1./2) (or 0.5 directly).
This is (slightly) better:
def quadratic(a,b,c):
x1 = (-b+(b**2 - 4*a*c)**(1./2))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b-(b**2 - 4*a*c)**(1./2))/(2*a)
return x1, x2
print quadratic(1,5,4)
and returns (-1.0, -4.0).
To get your parentheses, put the negative of the roots in an appropriate string:
def quadratic(a,b,c):
x1 = (-b+(b**2 - 4*a*c)**(1./2))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b-(b**2 - 4*a*c)**(1./2))/(2*a)
return '(x{:+f})(x{:+f})'.format(-x1,-x2)
print quadratic(1,5,4)

This will help you:
from __future__ import division
def quadratic(a,b,c):
x = (-b+((b**2)-(4*a*c))**(1/2))/(2*a)
y = (-b-((b**2)-(4*a*c))**(1/2))/(2*a)
return x,y
m,n = quadratic(1,5,4)
sign_of_m = '-' if m > 0 else '+'
sign_of_n = '-' if n > 0 else '+'
print '(x'+sign_of_m+str(abs(m))+')(x'+sign_of_n+str(abs(n))+')'
Let me know if it helps.


Derivative in JAX and Sympy not coinciding

For this vectorial function I want to evaluate the jacobian:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
def myf(arr, phi_0, phi_1, phi_2, lambda_0, R):
arr = jnp.deg2rad(arr)
phi_0 = jnp.deg2rad(phi_0)
phi_1 = jnp.deg2rad(phi_1)
phi_2 = jnp.deg2rad(phi_2)
lambda_0 = jnp.deg2rad(lambda_0)
n = jnp.sin(phi_1)
F = 2.0
rho_0 = 1.0
rho = R*F*(1/jnp.tan(jnp.pi/4 + arr[1]/2))**n
x_L = rho*jnp.sin(n*(arr[0] - lambda_0))
y_L = rho_0 - rho*jnp.cos(n*(arr[0] - lambda_0))
return jnp.array([x_L,y_L])
arr = jnp.array([-18.1, 29.9])
jax.jacobian(myf)(arr, 29.5, 29.5, 29.5, -17.0, R=1)
I obtain
[[ 0.01312758 0.00014317]
[-0.00012411 0.01514319]]
I'm in shock with these values. Take for instance the element [0][0], 0.01312758. We know it's the partial of x_L with respect to the variable arr[0]. Whether by hand or using sympy that derivative is ~0.75.
from sympy import *
x, y = symbols('x y')
x_L = (2.0*(1/tan(3.141592/4 + y/2))**0.492)*sin(0.492*(x + 0.2967))
deriv = Derivative(x_L, x)
deriv.doit().evalf(subs={x: -0.3159, y: 0.52})
(inserting x, y, that are arr[0] and arr[1] already in radians). This is also the result I obtain by hand. What is happening with Jax results? I can't see what I'm doing bad.
Your JAX snippet inputs degrees, and so its gradient has units of 1/degrees, while your sympy snippet inputs radians, and so its gradient has units of 1/radians. If you convert the jax outputs to 1/radians (i.e. multiply the jax outputs by 180 / pi), you'll get the result you're looking for:
result = jax.jacobian(myf)(arr, 29.5, 29.5, 29.5, -17.0, R=1)
print(result * 180 / jnp.pi)
[[ 0.7521549 0.00820279]
[-0.00711098 0.8676407 ]]
Alternatively, you could rewrite myf to accept inputs in units of radians and get the expected result by taking its gradient directly.
Ok, I think I know what is happening... it is subtle.
The problem is that the conversion from degrees to rad done inside the function is not valid for jax. I think (but surely there're people who know more than me) that jax does the derivatives as soon as jax.jacobian(myf) is called and it evaluates only at last, when the values are passed (lazy evaluation, I think), so the transformation of values inside the function doesn't do anything. The correct code will be
def myf(arr, phi_0, phi_1, phi_2, lambda_0, R):
n = jnp.sin(phi_1)
F = 2.0
rho_0 = 1.0
rho = R*F*(1/jnp.tan(jnp.pi/4 + arr[1]/2))**n
x_L = (R*F*(1/jnp.tan(jnp.pi/4 + arr[1]/2))**n) *jnp.sin(n*(arr[0] - lambda_0))
y_L = rho_0 - (R*F*(1/jnp.tan(jnp.pi/4 + arr[1]/2))**n) *jnp.cos(n*(arr[0] - lambda_0))
return jnp.array([x_L,y_L])
arr = jnp.array([-18.1, 29.9])
jax.jacobian(myf)(jnp.deg2rad(arr), jnp.deg2rad(29.5),
jnp.deg2rad(29.5), jnp.deg2rad(29.5), jnp.deg2rad(-17.0),
# [[ 0.7521549 0.00820279]
# [-0.00711098 0.8676407 ]]

How to make sympy simplify a radical expression equaling zero

The three (real) roots of the polynomial x^3 - 3x + 1 sum up to 0. But sympy does not seem to be able to simplify this sum of roots:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> rr = real_roots(x**3 -3*x + 1)
>>> sum(rr)
CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 0) + CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 1) + CRootOf(x**3 - 3*x + 1, 2)
The functions simplify and radsimp cannot simplify this expression. The minimal polynomial, however, is computed correctly:
>>> minimal_polymial(sum(rr))
From this we can conclude that the sum is 0. Is there a direct way of making sympy simplify this sum of roots?
The following function computes the rational number equal to an algebraic term if possible:
import sympy as sp
# try to simplify an algebraic term to a rational number
def try_simplify_to_rational(expr):
float(expr) # does the expression evaluate to a real number?
minPoly = sp.poly(sp.minimal_polynomial(expr))
print('minimal polynomial:', minPoly)
if len(minPoly.monoms()) == 1: # minPoly == x
return 0
if minPoly.degree() == 1: # minPoly == a*x + b
a,b = minPoly.coeffs()
return sp.Rational(-b, a)
except TypeError:
pass # expression does not evaluate to a real number
except sp.polys.polyerrors.NotAlgebraic:
pass # expression does not evaluate to an algebraic number
except Exception as exc:
print("unexpected exception:", str(exc))
print('simplification to rational number not successful')
return expr # simplification not successful
See the working example:
x = sp.symbols('x')
rr = sp.real_roots(x**3 - 3*x + 1)
# sum of roots equals (-1)*coefficient of x^2, here 0
print(try_simplify_to_rational(sum(rr))) # -> 0
A more elaborate function computing also simple radical expressions is proposed in sympy issue #19726.

Wrong answer when calculating binomial coefficients using modified formula

I am trying to write a function to calculate the binomial coefficients using this formula:
The problem I am having is that I can not mange to get the correct answer. This is an example of two ways I have tried to write the function.
def binomial(n, i):
total = 0
for j in range(1, (n-i+1)):
n = float(n)
i = float(i)
j = float(j)
product = (i+j) / j
if total == 0:
total = product
total = total * product
print '%.f' %total
or like this using numpy
import numpy as np
def binomial_np(n, i):
array = np.zeros(n-i+1)
for j in range(1, (n-i+1)):
s = float(j)
n = float(n)
i = float(i)
array[j] = (i+s)/s
array = array[1 : ]
array = np.prod(array)
print '%.f' %array
Both of the functions produces almost the correct result. After looking around a bit on the forum I did find some other examples that do produce the correct result, like this one from Python Binomial Coefficient
import math
x = int(input("Enter a value for x: "))
y = int(input("Enter a value for y: "))
if y == x:
elif y == 1: # see georg's comment
elif y > x: # will be executed only if y != 1 and y != x
else: # will be executed only if y != 1 and y != x and x <= y
a = math.factorial(x)
b = math.factorial(y)
c = math.factorial(x-y) # that appears to be useful to get the correct result
div = a // (b * c)
The real question I have from this is if there is something wrong with the way I have written the formulas, or if it just isnt possible to get the correct answer this way because of how float's and number of decimals work in Python. Hope someone can point me in the right direction on what I am doing wrong here.
The slight discrepancies seem to come from using floating point arithmetic. However, if you are sure that n and i are integers, there is no need at all for floating point values in your routine. You can just do
def binomial(n, i):
result = 1
for j in range(1, n-i+1):
result = result * (i+j) // j
return result
This works because the product of 2 consecutive numbers is divisible by 1*2, the product of 3 consecutive numbers is divisible by 1*2*3, ... the product of n-i consecutive numbers is divisible by (n-i)!. The calculations in the code above are ordered to that only integers result, so you get an exact answer. This because my code does not calculate (i+j)/j as your code does; it calculates result * (i+j) and only then divides by j. This code also does a fairly good job of keeping the integer values as small as possible, which should increase speed.
If course, if n or i is float rather than integer, this may not work. Also note this code does not check that 0 <= i <= n, which should be done.
I would indeed see float precision as the main problem here. You do floating point division, which means your integers may get rounded. I suggest you maintain the numerator and denominator as separate numbers, and do the division in the end. Or, if the numbers get too big using this approach, write some gcd computation and cancel common factors along the way. But only do integer divisions (//) to avoid loss of precision.

How do I get sympy to simplify an expression containing sqrt(2)/2?

This code:
from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x', positive=True)
vp = Symbol('vp', positive=True)
num = integrate( (vp*sin(x))**2, (x, 0, 2*pi))
den = integrate( 1 , (x, 0, 2*pi))
print " num =",num
print " den =",den
vrms = sqrt(num/den)
print "vrms =",vrms
print "simplified vrms = ",simplify(vrms)
Returns this:
num = pi*vp**2
den = 2*pi
vrms = sqrt(2)*vp/2
simplified vrms = sqrt(2)*vp/2
How can I get it to take the last step? I'd like it return this:
vrms = vp/sqrt(2)
SymPy automatically canonicalizes rational power of rational numbers to a form with positive exponents and reduced powers. Because this happens automatically, it will happen with every such number that appears in any expression, meaning there is no way to make sqrt(2)/2 result in 1/sqrt(2).
So it looks like sqrt(2)/2 is simpler than 1/sqrt(2).
Thank you, sandwich.
Indeed, much of the code in the example is superfluous. I was worried that how the symbols were defined and calculated could be relevant.

Solve for the positions of all six roots PYTHON

I'm using Newton's method, so I want to find the positions of all six roots of the sixth-order polynomial, basically the points where the function is zero.
I found the rough values on my graph with this code below but want to output those positions of all six roots. I'm thinking of using x as an array to input the values in to find those positions but not sure. I'm using 1.0 for now to locate the rough values. Any suggestions from here??
def P(x):
return 924*x**6 - 2772*x**5 + 3150*x**4 - 1680*x**3 + 420*x**2 - 42*x + 1
def dPdx(x):
return 5544*x**5 - 13860*x**4 + 12600*x**3 - 5040*x**2 + 840*x - 42
accuracy = 1**-10
x = 1.0
xlast = float("inf")
while np.abs(x - xlast) > accuracy:
xlast = x
x = xlast - P(xlast)/dPdx(xlast)
p_points = []
x_points = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y_points = np.zeros(len(x_points))
for i in range(len(x_points)):
y_points[i] = P(x_points[i])
The traditional way is to use deflation to factor out the already found roots. If you want to avoid manipulations of the coefficient array, then you have to divide the roots out.
Having found z[1],...,z[k] as root approximations, form
and apply Newtons method to h(x)=f(x)/g(x) with h'(x)=f'/g-fg'/g^2. In the Newton iteration this gives
xnext = x - f(x)/( f'(x) - f(x)*g'(x)/g(x) )
Fortunately the quotient g'/g has a simple form
g'(x)/g(x) = 1/(x-z[1])+1/(x-z[2])+...+1/(x-z[k])
So with a slight modification to the Newton step you can avoid finding the same root over again.
This all still keeps the iteration real. To get at the complex root, use a complex number to start the iteration.
Proof of concept, adding eps=1e-8j to g'(x)/g(x) allows the iteration to go complex without preventing real values. Solves the equivalent problem 0=exp(-eps*x)*f(x)/g(x)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def P(x):
return 924*x**6 - 2772*x**5 + 3150*x**4 - 1680*x**3 + 420*x**2 - 42*x + 1
def dPdx(x):
return 5544*x**5 - 13860*x**4 + 12600*x**3 - 5040*x**2 + 840*x - 42
accuracy = 1e-10
roots = []
for k in range(6):
x = 1.0
xlast = float("inf")
x_points = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 200)
y_points = P(x_points)
for rt in roots:
y_points /= (x_points - rt)
y_points = np.array([ max(-1.0,min(1.0,np.real(y))) for y in y_points ])
while np.abs(x - xlast) > accuracy:
xlast = x
corr = 1e-8j
for rt in roots:
corr += 1/(xlast-rt)
Px = P(xlast)
dPx = dPdx(xlast)
x = xlast - Px/(dPx - Px*corr)