Squid cross compile - c++

I've been trying to cross compile the Squid 3.5.7 on ARM Cortex A8 (Linux).
I downloaded it from http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/
I have arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc and arm-linux-gnueabi-g++.
tar -zxvf squid-3.5.7.tar.gz
cd squid-3.5.7
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid
make all
make install
Next I copy folders /usr/local/squid and ~/squid-3.5.7 to SD card.
When I try open ./squid -z from SD card on the board with ARM I have problem:
root#am335x:/# ls
bin etc lib mnt srv usr
boot findHelp linuxrc proc sys var
dev home media sbin tmp
root#am335x:/media/mmcblk0/squid/sbin# ls
root#am335x:/media/mmcblk0/squid/sbin# ./squid -z
./squid: line 20: syntax error: ")" unexpected
root#am335x:/media/mmcblk0/squid/sbin# ./squid
./squid: line 20: syntax error: ")" unexpected
I don't know what to do :/

The binary which you have built is built for your PC architecture. To build squid for arm follow the below instructions.
The configure is trying to run a test which will fail if you are using a cross compiler so add a cache file to override those tests.
For example create a cache file squid.cache with the line shown below
Export the BUILDCXX variable required for compiling squid
export BUILDCXX=g++
Make sure you have exported the toolchain path to the path variable($PATH)
Then configure the squid by running the configure as shown below
./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi --cache-file=squid.cache --prefix=<install/dir>
Finally compile the squid by running make
Then install the binaries using make install
make install


ROS link issue: "No rule to make target vtk6.2"

I am trying to compile a ROS project, developed by me, which is giving me compilation issues only on an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine. (The default pc on which is usually built on is always an Ubuntu 16.04 distros, the only difference is that now I am on a VM).
One of the packages I am trying to build depends on
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
which includes the dependency on vtk6.2.
I am quite sure that vtk6.2 is installed by default on Ubuntu 16.04 distros (or I have installed it previously but I don't remember).
Indeed, if I execute the following command on a terminal
$ locate vtk-6.2
The resulting output is a wall of text containing all the files included in:
Thus, it seems the dependencies are already present and ready to use since they are installed on the right path.
Unfortunately, when I try to compile with catkin_make -j1 the output prompt the following error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so.6.2.0', needed by '...'. Stop.
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:14528: recipe for target '...' failed
Any help is really appreciated.
Just to relink, use libvtkCommonCore-6.2.so, as follow:
> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkCommonCore-6.2.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so.6.2.0
> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so.6.2.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so.6.2
> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so.6.2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkproj4-6.2.so

Need help on compiling DPDK hello world

I try to learn DPDK using the following link: https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/prog_guide/build_app.html
I have downloaded DPDK 19.11.1 version in Ubuntu 16 virtual machine. Then unzipped the tar.gz file. Then I have given the following commands
~/DPDK$ cd examples/helloworld/
~/DPDK/examples/helloworld$ export RTE_SDK=/home/vijay/dpdk
~/DPDK/examples/helloworld$ export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
~/DPDK/examples/helloworld$ make
The following error is displayed:
/home/vijay/dpdk/mk/internal/rte.extvars.mk:29 cannot find .config in /home/vijay/dpdk/build. stop
If I put sudo make, the following error is displayed
Makefile:44: *** "Please define RTE_SDK environment variable". stop
When I put echo $RTE_SDK and echo $RTE_TARGET the values are printed correctly. I tried x86_64-native-linux-gcc for RTE_TARGET also.
I tried multiple times and referred to different sources. Not sure whether I miss any steps in the process. What can I try next?
Based on the error logs, it looks like you have not built dpdk libraries in the desired target folder. To do it correctly
cd dpdk-main-folder
export RTE_SDK=$PWD
export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
make -j 10
With these done go to your desired example and execute make

Running configure file in MinGW64: default build_alias command and default prefix not found

I'm using MinGW64 via an MSYS2 download and am currently trying to install the Solar Geometry 2 library (http://www.oie.mines-paristech.fr/Valorisation/Outils/Solar-Geometry/) for use. I'm following their install README, which states to navigate to the directory and "configure" (I've been typing "./configure". However, when I do so, I get the following message in my terminal:
$ ./configure
configure: loading site script /mingw64/etc/config.site
/mingw64/etc/config.site: line 13: config.site:13: default build_alias set to x6_64-w64-mingw32: command not found
/mingw64/etc/config.site: line 20: config.site:20: default prefix set to /mingw4: No such file or directory
configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../..
When I initially installed MSYS2 I set up the etc/fstab file as recommended. However, I'm quite new to MSYS so I'm assuming I botched something in my setup. I haven't edited anything in the config.site file mentioned in the errors, so I'm wondering if it's something in there.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you
No where in the directions for "Solar Geometry" do I see reference to MSys or MSys2.
I suggest you install the compiler toolchain and base development file. No idea if you editing /etc/fstab will cause problems. I do not normmaly edit it!
Install MinGW Package build packages. You might need more packages installed.
pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

Apps cannot detect C++ poco even though I have installed it

I want to be able to make and run this particular library on my computer. Currently going through the INSTALL file. I am currently at the point:
After extracting the Poco (Complete Edition) source archive, the configure
script should be called with the following parameters:
./configure --omit=Crypto,Net,NetSSL_OpenSSL,Data/ODBC,Data/MySQL \
--no-tests --no-samples
This line avoids building the parts of Poco which are dependent on third-party
libraries, and are not required for openBliSSART.
You can also specify a prefix where Poco should be installed, but in most cases
you should leave the default /usr/local.
I can't seem to run the options, so I simply ran ./configure, this seemed to have worked till the point where I encountered:
checking for fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d in -lfftw3... yes
checking for Poco (Enterprise)... no
configure: error: Need Poco Enterprise v1.3.6+!
But the fact is, that I have installed Poco already on the system through a brew install poco and downloaded the library from their source website and compiled it ground up. looking back at INSTALL:
Depending on where you have installed Poco, you may have to set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to contain the Poco "lib" directory,
or run the ldconfig tool. The following lines work with Ubuntu and openSUSE
($ indicates the shell prompt):
$ sudo sh -c 'echo <prefix>/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/poco.conf'
$ sudo ldconfig
where <prefix> is the Poco install prefix (by default /usr/local).
Now when I do a simple sudo find / -name poco, I get:
find: /private/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Store: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/pq/xchc5hxj02d754txf8nml5f00000gn/0/SafariFamily: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/pq/xchc5hxj02d754txf8nml5f00000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/pq/xchc5hxj02d754txf8nml5f00000gn/0/com.apple.nsurlsessiond: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/pq/xchc5hxj02d754txf8nml5f00000gn/0/com.apple.routined: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000y800007k/0/com.apple.nsurlsessiond: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s4000069/0/com.apple.nsurlsessiond: Operation not permitted
find: /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s4000069/0/com.apple.routined: Operation not permitted
find: /dev/fd/3: Not a directory
find: /dev/fd/4: Not a directory
Also, it looks like while building poco, I did a ./configure --static. Would this have affected my compilation? How do I link this library?
I have already used the command ./configure --with-poco-prefix=/usr/local/opt/poco which doesn't really change anything.
Notes relating to S.M.'s Answer
I tried this, but got the error:
brew install poco --with-static ⏎
==> Downloading https://pocoproject.org/releases/poco-1.9.0/poco-1.9.0-all.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
Error: SHA256 mismatch
Expected: 028de410fc78d5f9b1ff400e93ec3d59b9e55a0cbbf0d8fec04636882b72ea45
Actual: 0387bf0f9d313e2311742e1ad0b64e07f2f3e76039eed20e3b9aa9951b88e187
Archive: /Users/sharanduggirala/Library/Caches/Homebrew/poco-1.9.0.tar.gz
To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
I also tried:
./configure --static ⏎
configure: error: unrecognized option: `--static'
Try `./configure --help' for more information
Do not install poco from sources. Use brew install poco. If you want the same like ./configure --static use brew install poco --with-static.

building chromium latest release on android

I have to build latest release of chromium browser for android.
I am using the following step,
Create a Chromium root directory
mkdir chromium ; cd chromium
Download and export PATH of depot_tools
export PATH=$PATH:~/path/to/depot_tools/
Checked out the source for build 32.0.1665.2
gclient config https://src.chromium.org/chrome/releases/32.0.1665.2
4 The above command create a .gclient file in chromium root directory, and add the target android in .gclient.
target_os = ['android']
To download the initial code:
gclient sync
Install the Dependencies
6.1) cd /path/to/chromium/src
6.2) ./build/install-build-deps.sh
gclient runhooks call GYP to generate your platform-specific files. This should give you a complete source tree
gclient runhooks
Compile :
To build the ARM Android content shell:
1) cd /path/to/chromium/src
2) . build/android/envsetup.sh
3) android_gyp
4) ninja -C out/Release -j10 content_shell_apk
After following the above command i am getting the content_shell.apk which has version chrome/, i am checking the version of chromium using the link http://whatsmyuseragent.com,
Please help me to build chromium latest version(32.0.1665.2) on android
Content shell does not display correct user agent version in android as well as linux (right now content_shell displays chrome/
This seems to be deliberate from src/content/content_shell.gypi
'variables': {
'content_shell_product_name': 'Content Shell',
# The "19" is so that sites that sniff for version think that this is
# something reasonably current; the "77.34.5" is a hint that this isn't a
# standard Chrome.
'content_shell_version': '****',
You can always use chromium_testshell which will give correct version (which is currently Chrome/35.0.1879.0).