How can implement dynamic function call with C++11 and C++14? - c++

Here is code that I hope explains what I want to achieve.
vector<int> ints;
vector<double> doubles;
struct Arg {
enum Type {
Type type;
int index;
template <typename F>
void Call(const F& f, const vector<Arg>& args) {
// TODO:
// - First assert that count and types or arguments of <f> agree with <args>.
// - Call "f(args)"
// Example:
void copy(int a, double& b) {
b = a;
int test() {
Call(copy, {{Int, 3}, {Double, 2}}); // copy(ints[3], double[2]);
Can this be done in C++11 ?
If yes, can the solution be simplified in C++14 ?

I'd do this in two steps.
First, I'd wrap f in an object able to understand Arg-like parameters, and generate errors on failure. For simplicity, suppose we throw.
This is a bit simpler than your Arg to be understood at this layer, so I might translate Arg into MyArg:
struct MyArg {
MyArg(MyArg const&)=default;
MyArg(int* p):i(p){}
MyArg(double* p):d(p){}
MyArg(Arg a):MyArg(
) {}
int * i = nullptr;
double* d = nullptr;
operator int&(){ if (!i) throw std::invalid_argument(""); return *i; }
operator double&(){ if (!d) throw std::invalid_argument(""); return *d; }
We map void(*)(Ts...) to std::function<void(MyArg, MyArg, MyArg)> like this:
template<class T0, class T1>using second_type = T1;
std::function<void( second_type<Ts,MyArg>... )> // auto in C++14
my_wrap( void(*f)(Ts...) ) {
return [f](second_type<Ts,MyArg>...args){
now all that is left is counting function parameter count vs vector size count, and unpacking the std::vector into a function call.
The last looks like:
template<class...Ts, size_t...Is>
void call( std::function<void(Ts...)> f, std::index_sequence<Is...>, std::vector<Arg> const& v ) {
f( v[Is]... );
void call( std::function<void(Ts...)> f, std::vector<Arg> const& v ) {
call( std::move(f), std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, v );
where index_sequence and index_sequence_for are C++14, but equivalents can be implemented in C++11 (there are many implementations on stack overflow).
So we end up with something like:
void Call( void(*pf)(Ts...), std::vector<Arg> const& v ) {
if (sizeof...(Ts)>v.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("");
auto f = my_wrap(pf);
call( std::move(f), v );
Dealing with the throws is left as an exercise, as is handling return values.
This code has not been compiled or tested, but the design should be sound. It only supports calling function pointers -- calling generalized callable objects is tricky, because counting how many arguments they want (of type int or double) is tricky. If you passed in how many arguments they want as a compile-time constant, it is easy. You could also build a magic switch that handles counts up to some constant (10, 20, 1000, whatever), and dispatch the runtime length of the vector into a compile time constant that throws on a argument length mismatch.
This is trickier.
The hard coded pointers sort of suck.
template<class...Ts>struct types{using type=types;};
template<size_t I> using index=std::integral_constant<size_t, I>;
template<class T, class types> struct index_in;
template<class T, class...Ts>
struct index_in<T, types<T,Ts...>>:
template<class T, class T0, class...Ts>
struct index_in<T, types<T0,Ts...>>:
index<1+index_in<T, types<Ts...>>{}>
is a package of types.
Here is how we can store buffers:
template<class types>
struct buffers;
struct buffers<types<Ts...>> {
struct raw_view {
void* start = 0;
size_t length = 0;
template<class T>
struct view {
T* start = 0;
T* finish = 0;
view(T* s, T* f):start(s), finish(f) {}
size_t size() const { return finish-start; }
T& operator[](size_t i)const{
if (i > size()) throw std::invalid_argument("");
return start[i];
std::array< raw_view, sizeof...(Ts) > views;
template<size_t I>
using T = std::tuple_element_t< std::tuple<Ts...>, I >;
template<class T>
using I = index_of<T, types<Ts...> >;
template<size_t I>
view<T<I>> get_view() const {
raw_view raw = views[I];
if (raw.length==0) { return {0,0}; }
return { static_cast<T<I>*>(raw.start), raw.length/sizeof(T) };
template<class T>
view<T> get_view() const {
return get_view< I<T>{} >();
template<class T>
void set_view( view<T> v ) {
raw_view raw{ v.start, v.finish-v.start };
buffers[ I<T>{} ] = raw;
now we modify Call:
template<class R, class...Args, size_t...Is, class types>
R internal_call( R(*f)(Args...), std::vector<size_t> const& indexes, buffers<types> const& views, std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
if (sizeof...(Args) != indexes.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("");
return f( views.get_view<Args>()[indexes[Is]]... );
template<class R, class...Args, size_t...Is, class types>
R Call( R(*f)(Args...), std::vector<size_t> const& indexes, buffers<types> const& views ) {
return internal_call( f, indexes, views, std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{} );
which is C++14, but most components can be translated to C++11.
This uses O(1) array lookups, no maps. You are responsible for populating buffers<types> with the buffers, sort of like this:
buffers<types<double, int>> bufs;
std::vector<double> d = {1.0, 3.14};
std::vector<int> i = {1,2,3};
bufs.set_view<int>( {, } );
bufs.set_view<double>( {, } );
parameter mismatch counts and index out of range generate thrown errors. It only works with raw function pointers -- making it work with anything with a fixed (non-template) signature is easy (like a std::function).
Making it work with an object with no signature is harder. Basically instead of relying on the function called for the arguments, you instead build the cross product of the types<Ts...> up to some fixed size. You build a (large) table of which of these are valid calls to the passed in call target (at compile time), then at run time walk that table and determine if the arguments passed in are valid to call the object with.
It gets messy.
This is why my above version simply asks for indexes, and deduces the types from the object being called.

I have a partial solution, using C++11 grammar.
First I make a function overloader accepting arbitrator kinds of arguments
template< typename Function >
struct overloader : Function
overloader( Function const& func ) : Function{ func } {}
void operator()(...) const {}
template< typename Function >
overloader<Function> make_overloader( Function const& func )
return overloader<Function>{ func };
then, using the overloader to deceive the compiler into believing the following code ( in switch-case block )is legal:
template <typename F>
void Call( F const& f, const vector<Arg>& args )
struct converter
Arg const& arg;
operator double&() const
assert( arg.type == Double );
return doubles[arg.index];
operator int() const
assert( arg.type == Int );
return ints[arg.index];
converter( Arg const& arg_ ): arg( arg_ ) {}
auto function_overloader = make_overloader( f );
unsigned long const arg_length = args.size();
switch (arg_length)
case 0 :
case 1 :
function_overloader( converter{args[0]} );
case 2 :
function_overloader( converter{args[0]}, converter{args[1]} );
case 3 :
function_overloader( converter{args[0]}, converter{args[1]}, converter{args[2]} );
case 4 :
case 127 :
and test it this way:
void test_1()
Call( []( int a, double& b ){ b = a; }, vector<Arg>{ Arg{Int, 3}, Arg{Double, 2} } );
void test_2()
Call( []( double& b ){ b = 3.14; }, vector<Arg>{ Arg{Double, 0} } );
void my_copy( int a, double& b, double& c )
b = a;
c = a+a;
void test_3()
//Call( my_copy, vector<Arg>{ Arg{Int, 4}, Arg{Double, 3}, Arg{Double, 1} } ); // -- this one does not work
Call( []( int a, double& b, double& c ){ my_copy(a, b, c); }, vector<Arg>{ Arg{Int, 4}, Arg{Double, 3}, Arg{Double, 1} } );
the problems with this solution is:
g++5.2 accept it, clang++6.1 doesn's
when the argument(s) of function Call is/are not legal, it remains silent
the first argument of function Call cannot be a C-style function, one must wrap that into a lambda object to make it work.
the code is available here - -- for you to play with.

First of all, you need some mechanism to register your argument values that are later referenced by some type and an index:
class argument_registry
// register a range of arguments of type T
template <class T, class Iterator>
void register_range(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
// enclose the range in a argument_range object and put it in our map
m_registry.emplace(typeid(T), std::make_unique<argument_range<T, Iterator>>(begin, end));
template <class T>
const T& get_argument(size_t idx) const
// check if we have a registered range for this type
auto itr = m_registry.find(typeid(T));
if (itr == m_registry.end())
throw std::invalid_argument("no arguments registered for this type");
// we are certain about the type, so downcast the argument_range object and query the argument
auto range = static_cast<const argument_range_base1<T>*>(itr->second.get());
return range->get(idx);
// base class so we can delete the range objects properly
struct argument_range_base0
virtual ~argument_range_base0(){};
// interface for querying arguments
template <class T>
struct argument_range_base1 : argument_range_base0
virtual const T& get(size_t idx) const = 0;
// implements get by querying a registered range of arguments
template <class T, class Iterator>
struct argument_range : argument_range_base1<T>
argument_range(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
: m_begin{ begin }, m_count{ size_t(std::distance(begin, end)) } {}
const T& get(size_t idx) const override
if (idx >= m_count)
throw std::invalid_argument("argument index out of bounds");
auto it = m_begin;
std::advance(it, idx);
return *it;
Iterator m_begin;
size_t m_count;
std::map<std::type_index, std::unique_ptr<argument_range_base0>> m_registry;
Than we define a small type to combine a type and a numerical index for referencing arguments:
typedef std::pair<std::type_index, size_t> argument_index;
// helper function for creating an argument_index
template <class T>
argument_index arg(size_t idx)
return{ typeid(T), idx };
Finally, we need some template recursion to go through all expected arguments of a function, check if the user passed an argument of matching type and query it from the registry:
// helper trait for call function; called when there are unhandled arguments left
template <bool Done>
struct call_helper
template <class FuncRet, class ArgTuple, size_t N, class F, class... ExpandedArgs>
static FuncRet call(F func, const argument_registry& registry, const std::vector<argument_index>& args, ExpandedArgs&&... expanded_args)
// check if there are any arguments left in the passed vector
if (N == args.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("not enough arguments");
// get the type of the Nth argument
typedef typename std::tuple_element<N, ArgTuple>::type arg_type;
// check if the type matches the argument_index from our vector
if (std::type_index{ typeid(arg_type) } != args[N].first)
throw std::invalid_argument("argument of wrong type");
// query the argument from the registry
auto& arg = registry.get_argument<arg_type>(args[N].second);
// add the argument to the ExpandedArgs pack and continue the recursion with the next argument N + 1
return call_helper<std::tuple_size<ArgTuple>::value == N + 1>::template call<FuncRet, ArgTuple, N + 1>(func, registry, args, std::forward<ExpandedArgs>(expanded_args)..., arg);
// helper trait for call function; called when there are no arguments left
template <>
struct call_helper<true>
template <class FuncRet, class ArgTuple, size_t N, class F, class... ExpandedArgs>
static FuncRet call(F func, const argument_registry&, const std::vector<argument_index>& args, ExpandedArgs&&... expanded_args)
if (N != args.size())
// unexpected arguments in the vector
throw std::invalid_argument("too many arguments");
// call the function with all the expanded arguments
return func(std::forward<ExpandedArgs>(expanded_args)...);
// call function can only work on "real", plain functions
// as you could never do dynamic overload resolution in C++
template <class Ret, class... Args>
Ret call(Ret(*func)(Args...), const argument_registry& registry, const std::vector<argument_index>& args)
// put the argument types into a tuple for easier handling
typedef std::tuple<Args...> arg_tuple;
// start the call_helper recursion
return call_helper<sizeof...(Args) == 0>::template call<Ret, arg_tuple, 0>(func, registry, args);
Now you can use it like this:
int foo(int i, const double& d, const char* str)
printf("called foo with %d, %f, %s", i, d, str);
// return something
return 0;
int main()
// prepare some arguments
std::vector<int> ints = { 1, 2, 3 };
std::vector<double> doubles = { 10., 20., 30. };
std::vector<const char*> str = { "alpha", "bravo", "charlie" };
// register them
argument_registry registry;
registry.register_range<int>(ints.begin(), ints.end());
registry.register_range<double>(doubles.begin(), doubles.end());
registry.register_range<const char*>(str.begin(), str.end());
// call function foo with arguments from the registry
return call(foo, registry, {arg<int>(2), arg<double>(0), arg<const char*>(1)});
Live example:
This design should be open for any argument type without the need to list all the supported types somewhere.
As noted in the code comments, you cannot call any callable object like this in general, because overload resolution could never be done at runtime in C++.

Instead of clarifying the question, as I requested, you have put it up for bounty. Except if that really is the question, i.e. a homework assignment with no use case, just exercising you on general basic programming, except for that only sheer luck will then give you an answer to your real question: people have to guess about what the problem to be solved, is. That's the reason why nobody's bothered, even with the bounty, to present a solution to the when-obvious-errors-are-corrected exceedingly trivial question that you literally pose, namely how to do exactly this:
vector<int> ints;
vector<double> doubles;
struct Arg {
enum Type {
Type type;
int index;
template <typename F>
void Call(const F& f, const vector<Arg>& args) {
// TODO:
// - First assert that count and types or arguments of <f> agree with <args>.
// - Call "f(args)"
// Example:
void copy(int a, double& b) {
b = a;
int test() {
Call(copy, {{Int, 3}, {Double, 2}}); // copy(ints[3], double[2]);
In C++11 and later one very direct way is this:
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
namespace g {
vector<int> ints;
vector<double> doubles;
struct Arg {
enum Type {
Type type;
int index;
template <typename F>
void Call(const F& f, const vector<Arg>& args)
// Was TODO:
// - First assert that count and types or arguments of <f> agree with <args>.
assert( args.size() == 2 );
assert( args[0].type == Arg::Int );
assert( int( g::ints.size() ) > args[0].index );
assert( args[1].type == Arg::Double );
assert( int( g::doubles.size() ) > args[1].index );
// - Call "f(args)"
f( g::ints[args[0].index], g::doubles[args[1].index] );
// Example:
void copy(int a, double& b)
b = a;
auto test()
Call(copy, {{Arg::Int, 3}, {Arg::Double, 2}}); // copy(ints[3], double[2]);
namespace h {}
auto main()
-> int
g::ints = {000, 100, 200, 300};
g::doubles = {1.62, 2.72, 3.14};
assert( g::doubles[2] == 300 );
There are no particularly relevant new features in C++14.

I propose this answer following my comment on your question. Seeing that in the requirements, you stated:
Preferably we should not be required to create a struct that
enumerates all the types we want to support.
It could suggests you would like to get rid of the type enumerator in your Arg structure. Then, only the value would be left: then why not using plain C++ types directly, instead of wrapping them ?
It assumes you then know all your argument types at compile time
(This assumption could be very wrong, but I did not see any requirement in your question preventing it. I would be glad to rewrite my answer if you give more details).
The C++11 variadic template solution
Now to the solution, using C++11 variadic templates and perfect forwarding. In a file Call.h:
template <class F, class... T_Args>
void Call(F f, T_Args &&... args)
Solution properties
This approach seems to satisfy all your explicit requirements:
Works with C++11 standard
Checks that count and types or arguments of f agress with args.
It actually does that early, at compile time, instead of a possible runtime approach.
No need to manually enumerate the accepted types (actually works with any C++ type, be it native or user defined)
Not in your requirement, but nice to have:
Very compact, because it leverage a native features introduced in C++11.
Accepts any number of arguments
The type of the argument and the type of the corresponding f parameter do not have to match exactly, but have to be compatible (exactly like a plain C++ function call).
Example usage
You could test it in a simple main.cpp file:
#include "Call.h"
#include <iostream>
void copy(int a, double& b)
b = a;
void main()
int a = 5;
double b = 6.2;
std::cout << "b before: " << b << std::endl;
Call(copy, a, b);
std::cout << "b now: " << b << std::endl;
Which would print:
b before: 6.2
b now: 5


Acces parameters in parameter pack in c++ [duplicate]

I am a little confused about how can I read each argument from the tuple by using variadic templates.
Consider this function:
template<class...A> int func(A...args){
int size = sizeof...(A);
.... }
I call it from the main file like:
Now, I don't know how I have to extend the body of func to be able to read each argument separately so that I can, for example, store the arguments in an array.
You have to provide overrides for the functions for consuming the first N (usually one) arguments.
void foo() {
// end condition argument pack is empty
template <class First, class... Rest>
void foo(First first, Rest... rest) {
// Do something with first
cout << first << endl;
foo(rest...); // Unpack the arguments for further treatment
When you unpack the variadic parameter it finds the next overload.
foo(42, true, 'a', "hello");
// Calls foo with First = int, and Rest = { bool, char, char* }
// foo(42, Rest = {true, 'a', "hello"}); // not the real syntax
Then next level down we expand the previous Rest and get:
foo(true, Rest = { 'a', "hello"}); // First = bool
And so on until Rest contains no members in which case unpacking it calls foo() (the overload with no arguments).
Storing the pack if different types
If you want to store the entire argument pack you can use an std::tuple
template <class... Pack>
void store_pack(Pack... p) {
std::tuple<Pack...> store( p... );
// do something with store
However this seems less useful.
Storing the pack if it's homogeneous
If all the values in the pack are the same type you can store them all like this:
vector<int> reverse(int i) {
vector<int> ret;
return ret;
template <class... R>
vector<int> reverse(int i, R... r) {
vector<int> ret = reverse(r...);
return ret;
int main() {
auto v = reverse(1, 2, 3, 4);
for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(),
[](int i ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
However this seems even less useful.
If the arguments are all of the same type, you could store the arguments in an array like this (using the type of the first argument for the array):
template <class T, class ...Args>
void foo(const T& first, const Args&... args)
T arr[sizeof...(args) + 1] = { first, args...};
int main()
foo(1, 10, 100, 1000);
If the types are different, I suppose you could use boost::any but then I don't see how you are going to find out outside of the given template, which item is of which type (how you are going to use the stored values).
If the arguments are all of the same type and you want to store them into a STL container, you could rather use the std::initializer_list<T>. For example, Motti's example of storing values in reverse:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
template <class Iter>
std::reverse_iterator<Iter> make_reverse_iterator(Iter it)
return std::reverse_iterator<Iter>(it);
template <class T>
std::vector<T> reverse(std::initializer_list<T> const & init)
return std::vector<T>(make_reverse_iterator(init.end()), make_reverse_iterator(init.begin()));
int main() {
auto v = reverse({1, 2, 3, 4});
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
For sticking into an array if the arguments have different types, you can use also std::common_type<>
template<class ...A> void func(A ...args){
typedef typename std::common_type<A...>::type common;
std::array<common, sizeof...(A)> a = {{ args... }};
So for example, func(std::string("Hello"), "folks") creates an array of std::string.
If you need to store arguments in the array you could use array of boost::any as follows:
template<typename... A> int func(const A&... args)
boost::any arr[sizeof...(A)] = { args... };
return 0;

Transform each of parameter pack's values based on a boolean criteria

I am trying to solve this problem in C++ TMP where in i need to convert one parameter pack types into another, and then convert back the types and also values. The conversion back part is based on a boolean criteria that whether an arg in Args... was transformed or not in the first place.
Basically, i have a pack(Args...). First, i transform this (for each args[i], call a transform function). It works like this:
For each arg in Args..., just create same type in transformed_args... unless it is one of following, in that case do following conversions:
Type In Args...
Type In transformed_Args...
shared_ptr to SomeClass
std::vector of SomeClass
std::vector of shared_ptr to SomeClass
everything else remains the same for ex:
int remains int
std::string remains std::string
I achieve this by template specialization, of course
For the next part, i take transformed_args..., publish a class and a functor. I receive call back on this functor from(C++generated Python using Pybind, not important though). Relevant bits of that class look like this...
template<typename C, typename...transformed_args..., typename... Args>
class SomeTemplateClass
MethodWrapper<C,void, Args...> func;
void operator()(transformed_args... targs)
(*func.wrapped_method_inside)(transform_back_magic(targs)...) // this is want i want to achieve.
//transform_back_magic(targs)... is a plaeholder for code that checks if type of args[i]... != type of targs[i]... and then calls a tranform_back specialization on it else just return args[i].val
targs are in transformed_args... format, but underlying C++ function they are aimed for expects Args...
template<typename... Args, typename... transformed_args, ........whatever else is needed>
if(Args[i].type != transformed_args[i].types)
the tranform_back function template logic is specialized for different cases and all logic is in place. But how to invoke that based on this boolean criteria is hitting my TMP knowledge limits. I just got started not many weeks ago.
Here i am listing down what i have created so far.
First of all this is what i need in pseudo code
template<typename C, typename... transformed_args, typename... Args>
class SomeTemplateClass
MethodWrapper<C,void, Args...> func;
void operator(transformed_args... targs)
**//In pseudo code, this is what i need**
Args... params = CreateArgsInstanceFromTransformedArgs(targs);
In my attempt to implement this, so far I have decided on creating a tuple<Args...> object by copying data from targs(with conversions where ever required)
void operator(transformed_args... targs)
auto mytup = call1(std::tuple<args...>(), std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>,
std::make_tuple(targs...), targs...);
// mytup can be std::tuple<Args...>(transform_back(1st_targs), transform_back(2nd_targs)....). Once available i can write some more logic to extract Args... from this tuple and pass to(*func.wrapped_method_inside)(....)
(*func.wrapped_method_inside)(ArgsExtractorFromTuple(mytup)); // this part is not implemented yet, but i think it should be possible. This is not my primary concern at the moment
template<typename... Args, typename... Targs, std::size_t... N>
auto call1(std::tuple<Args...> tupA, std::index_sequence<N>..., std::tuple<Targs...> tupT, Targs ..)
auto booltup = tuple_creator<0>(tupA, tupT, nullptr); // to create a tuple of bools
auto ret1 = std::make_tuple<Args...>(call2(booltup, targs, N)...); // targs and N are expanded together so that i get indirect access to see the corresponding type in Args...
return ret1;
// tuple_creator is a recursive function template with sole purpose to create a boolean tuple.
// such that std::get<0>(booltup) = true,
//if tuple_element_t<0,std::tuple<Args...>> and tuple_element_t<0,std::tuple<targs...>> are same types else false
template<size_t I, typename... Targs, typename... Args>
auto tuple_creator(std::tuple<Args...>tupA, std::tuple<Targs...>tupT, std::enable_if_t<I == sizeof...(targs)>*)
return std::make_tuple(std::is_same<std::tuple_element_t<I-1, std::tuple<Targs...>>, std::tuple_element_t<I-1, std::tuple<Args...>>>::value);
template<size_t I = 0, typename... Targs, typename... Args>
auto tuple_creator(std::tuple<Args...>tupA, std::tuple<Targs...>tupT, std::enable_if_t<I < sizeof...(targs)>*)
auto ret1 = tuple_creator<I+1>(tupA, tupT, nullptr);
return ret1;
auto ret2 = std::is_same<std::tuple_element_t<I-1, std::tuple<Targs...>>, std::tuple_element_t<I-1, std::tuple<Args...>>>::value;
return std::tuple_cat(ret1, std::make_tuple(ret2));
template<typename TT, typename Tuple>
auto call2(Tuple boolyup, TT t, std::size_t I)
auto ret = transform_back<std::get<I>(booltup)>(t); // error: I is not a compile time constant
return ret;
transform_back is a template that uses a bool template param and enable_if based specialization to decide whether transform an argument back or not
below are the transform_back specialization for std::vector. Similarly i have others for when T = Class etc and so on
template<bool sameTypes, typename T>
std::enable_if_t<(is_vector<T>::value, is_shared_ptr<typename T::value_type>::value &&
is_class<remove_cvref_t<typename T::value_type_element_type>>::value
&& sameTypes), T>
transform_back(T val) // it was never transfoemd in first place, return as is
return val;
template<bool sameTypes, typename T>
std::enable_if_t<(is_vector<T>::value, is_shared_ptr<typename T::value_type>::value
&& is_class<remove_cvref_t<typename T::value_type_element_type>>::value
&& !sameTypes),
typename std::vector<typename T::value_type::element_type>>
transform(T val)
std::vector<T::value_type::element_type> t;
for(int i = 0 ; i < val.size(); ++i)
typename T::value_type::element_type obj = *val[i];
return t;
Both these specialization are same and only differ on sameTypes boolean variable
This code currently errors out in call2 method while trying to using
auto ret = transform_back<std::get<I>(booltup)>(t); // error: I is not a compile time constant
How can you help?
1)What could be the work around to std::get issue here? Just cant figure out a way to fit in std::size_t as template arg here instead of function arg to make it work at compile time.
Other than this:
2)If you can suggest an alternative approach to implement from top level.
Args... params = CreateArgsInstanceFromTransformedArgs(targs);
That would be great. The path i took is not very convincing personally to me.
If I understand correctly, you might do something like:
template <typename> struct Tag{};
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> transform_to(Tag<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>>, const SomeClass& s)
return std::make_shared<SomeClass>(s);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>> transform_to(Tag<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>>>, const std::vector<SomeClass>& v)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>> res;
for (const auto& s : v) {
return res;
const SomeClass& transform_to(Tag<SomeClass>, const std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>& s)
return *s;
std::vector<SomeClass> transform_to(Tag<std::vector<SomeClass>>, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>>& v)
std::vector<SomeClass> res;
for (const auto& s : v) {
return res;
template <typename T>
const T& transform_to(Tag<T>, const T& t) { return t; } // No transformations
And then
std::function<void (Args...)> func;
template <typename ... transformed_args>
void operator () (transformed_args... targs) const
func(transform_to(Tag<Args>(), targs)...);
Just explaining the use case here to add some context. Consider these three methods in C++ each represented with the function pointer SomeTemplateClass::func:
void foo(vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>) // 1
// Args... = vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>, Targs... = vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>
void foo(vector<SomeClass>) // 2
// Args... = vector<SomeClass>, Targs... = vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>
void foo(vector<SomeClass>, vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>) // 3
// Args... = vector<SomeClass>, vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>, Targs... = vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>, vector<shared_ptr<SomeClass>>
One instance each of SomeTemplateClass is exposed to Python via Pybind. I do these transformations so that when foo is called from Python, any arg vector<T>(in C++) is received as vector<shared_ptr<T>> in SomeTemplateClass functor. This helps in to get handle to previously created objects T that i need.
But as you can see from 3 cases for foo, foo(vector<shared_ptr<T>>) does not need to be transformed to and subsequently not need to be transformed back. The case of 'tranform_to'is easily handled with template specialization, but while transforming back, vector<shared_ptr<T>> cant be blindly converted back to vector<T>. So (transform(targs...)) needs an additional logic to transform a particular arg (or targ) only when targ[i]::type != arg[i]::type
Building on Jarod's answer, i rather need something like this where in transform_to method for vector<shared_ptr> is further divided in two possible templates
template<bool wasOriginallyTransformed>
enable_if<!wasOriginallyTransformed, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>> transform_to(Tag<std::vector<SomeClass>>, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>>& v)
return v;
template<bool wasOriginallyTransformed>
enable_if<!wasOriginallyTransformed, std::vector<<SomeClass>
transform_to(Tag<std::vector<SomeClass>>, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>>& v)
std::vector<SomeClass> res;
for (const auto& s : v) {
return res;

Function with variadic arguments of a custom struct type

I come from a Swift background and, though I know some C as well, this is my first time writing C++ code.
In Swift it is possible to write a function that takes any number of arguments:
func foo(bar: String...) {
// ...
and bar can be of any type (String, Bool, Struct, Enum, etc).
I was wondering if the same can be done in C++. So, ideally I would write:
struct X {
string s;
// ...
void foo(string s, ...) {
// ...
foo("mystr", X(1), X(2), X(3));
and inside foo I would somehow be able to access the list of arguments, somewhat akin to a printf function.
Right now I'm using a vector<X> as argument, since all the arguments have type X. However, that makes calling foo somewhat ugly, in my opinion:
foo("mystr", { X(1), X(2), X(3) });
Any solution I'm not seeing due to my strong lack of knowledge towards C++?
This is what I want done specifically inside foo:
string ssub(string s, vector<X> v) {
int index, i = 0;
while (1) {
index = (int)s.find(SUB);
if (index == string::npos) { break; }
s.erase(index, string(SUB).size());
s.insert(index, v[i].tostr());
return s;
Basically, as long as I'm given a way to sequentially access the arguments, all is good.
Here's one of many ways.
You can copy/paste this entire program into your IDE/editor.
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
// define a template function which applies the unary function object func
// to each element in the parameter pack elems.
// #pre func(std::forward<Elements>(elems)) must be well formed for each elems
// #returns void
template<class Function, class...Elements>
auto do_for_all(Function&& func, Elements&&...elems)
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (func(elems), 0)... });
// a test structure which auto-initialises all members
struct X
int i = 0;
std::string s = "hello";
double d = 4.4;
// The function foo
// introduces itself by writing intro to the console
// then performs the function object action on each of args
// #note all arguments are perfectly forwarded - no arguments are copied
auto foo(const std::string& intro, Args&&...args)
std::cout << "introducing : " << intro << std::endl;
auto action = [](auto&& arg)
std::cout << "performing action on: " << arg
<< " which is of type " << typeid(arg).name() << std::endl;
do_for_all(action, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main()
// make an X
auto x = X(); // make an X
// foo it with the intro "my X"
foo("my X", x.i, x.s, x.d);
example output:
introducing : my X
performing action on: 0 which is of type i
performing action on: hello which is of type NSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE
performing action on: 4.4 which is of type d
You can use variadic templates (since C++11):
template <typename ... Type>
void foo(Type& ... args) {
// do whatever you want, but this may be tricky
foo(X(1), X(2), X(3));
Example of variadic templates: min function
This is the code I wrote to get rid of ugly calls to std::min when calculating minimum of many values.
#include <type_traits>
namespace my {
template <typename A, typename B>
auto min(const A& a, const B& b) -> typename std::common_type<A, B>::type {
return (a<b)?a:b;
template <typename A, typename B, typename ... T >
auto min(const A& a, const B& b, const T& ... c) -> typename std::common_type<A, B, T ...>::type {
const typename std::common_type<A, B, T ...>::type tmp = my::min(b, c ...);
return (a<tmp)?a:tmp;
// calculating minimum with my::min
my::min(3, 2, 3, 5, 23, 98);
// doing the same with std::min
std::min(3, std::min(2, std::min(3, std::min(5, std::min(23, 98))))); // ugh, this is ugly!
Here's the tricky part: you can't cycle through the parameter pack like you do with vectors. You'll have to do some recursion as shown in the example.
You could write a variadic template function, pass the arguments into some std::initializer_list and iterate over the list, for example:
#include <initializer_list>
template <typename ... Args>
void foo(Args && ... args) {
std::initializer_list<X> as{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
for (auto const & x : as)
// Use x here
int main() {
foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Note also, that you might want to change the argument list and type of the initializer list to meet your exact use-case. E.g. use Args * ... args and std::initializer_list<X *> or similar.

C++ cascaded operator[] to operator() parameter list?

I have a class with operator() like this:
struct S
int operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d);
Example usage:
S s;
int i = s(1, 2, 3, 4);
I need my users to be able to use an alternate syntax:
int i = s[1][2][3][4]; // equivalent to calling s(1, 2, 3, 4)
I know I need to add S::operator[](int a) and that it needs to return a helper object. But beyond that it all gets a bit complex and I have a feeling that I am reinventing the wheel since other libraries (e.g. multidimensional arrays) probably already offer similar interface.
Ideally I'd just use an existing library to achieve this goal. Failing that, how can I achieve my goal with the most generic code?
Edit: ideally I'd like to achieve this without any runtime penalty on a modern optimizing compiler.
Here we go!
First of all, the code is kind of messy- I have to accumulate the argument values as we go, and the only way I could think of (at least in C++03) is to pass the immediate indices set around as arrays.
I have checked this on G++ 4.5.1 (Windows / MinGW) and I confirm that on -O3 the call:
yields the same assembler code as:
So - no runtime overhead if your compiler is smart with optimisations. Good job, GCC team!
Here goes the code:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, unsigned N, unsigned Count>
struct PartialResult
static const int IndicesRemembered = Count-1-N;
T& t;
int args[IndicesRemembered];
PartialResult(T& t, int arg, const int* rest) : t(t) {
for (int i=0; i<IndicesRemembered-1; ++i) {
args[i] = rest[i];
if (IndicesRemembered>0) args[IndicesRemembered-1] = arg;
PartialResult<T, N-1, Count> operator[](int k) {
return PartialResult<T, N-1, Count>(t, k, args);
template<typename T, unsigned Count>
struct PartialResult<T, 0, Count>
static const int IndicesRemembered = Count-1;
T& t;
int args[IndicesRemembered];
PartialResult(T& t, int arg, const int* rest) : t(t) {
for (int i=0; i<IndicesRemembered-1; ++i) {
args[i] = rest[i];
if (IndicesRemembered>0) args[IndicesRemembered-1] = arg;
void operator[](int k) {
int args2[Count];
for (int i=0; i<Count-1; ++i) {
args2[i] = args[i];
args2[Count-1] = k;
template<typename T, unsigned Count>
struct InitialPartialResult : public PartialResult<T, Count-2, Count> {
InitialPartialResult(T& t, int arg)
: PartialResult<T, Count-2, Count>(t, arg, 0) {}
struct C {
void operator()(const int (&args)[4]) {
return operator()(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
void operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
std::cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d << std::endl;
InitialPartialResult<C, 4> operator[](int m) {
return InitialPartialResult<C, 4>(*this, m);
And seriously, please, don't use this and just stick with operator(). :) Cheers!
This is an attempt at the bind approach. I doubt that it's particularly efficient, and it has some nasty bits in it, but I post it in case anyone knows how to fix it. Please edit:
template <int N>
struct Helper {
function_type<N>::type f;
explicit Helper(function_type<N>::type f) : f(f) {}
Helper<N-1> operator[](int p) {
return Helper<N-1>(bound<N-1>(f,p));
struct Helper<0> {
function_type<0>::type f;
explicit Helper(function_type<0>::type f) : f(f) {}
operator int() {
return f();
Helper<3> S::operator[](int p) {
return Helper<3>(std::bind(s, _1, _2, _3));
where s is an expression that returns operator() bound to this. Something along the lines of std::bind(std::mem_fun(S::operator(), this, _1, _2, _3, _4)). Although I can't remember whether std::bind can already handle member functions, mem_fun might not be needed.
function_type<N>::type is std::function<int, [int, ... n times]>, and bound<N> is function_type<N>::type bound(function_type<N+1>::type f, int p) { return std::bind(f, p, _1, _2, ... _N); }. I'm not immediately sure how to define those recursively, but you could just list them up to some limit.
I would avoid this altogether and offer just operator(), but if you really want to give it a shot, the idea is that your type's operator[] would return an object of a helper type that holds both a reference to your object and the value that was passed in. That helper class will implement operator[] by again storing a reference to the original object and the arguments to both calls to []. This would have to be done for all but the last level (I.e. a fair amount of helpers). I the last level, operator[] will take its argument together with all previously stored values and call operator() with all of the previously stored values plus the current value.
A common way of phrasing this is saying that each intermetiate type binds one of the arguments of the call to operator(), with the last one executing the call with all bound arguments.
Depending on whether you want to support more or less number of dimensions of arrays you might want/need to complicate this even more to make it generic. In general it is not worth the effort and just offering operator() is usually the solution. Remember that it is better to keep things as simple as possible: less effort to write and much less effort to maintain.
Here is a Fusion implementation that supports arbitrary parameter and return types. Kudos to anyone that can get this working (please let me know if you do)!
template <class Derived, class ReturnValue, class Sequence>
struct Bracketeer
typedef ReturnValue result_type;
typedef boost::fusion::result_of::size<Sequence> Size;
struct RvBase
Sequence sequence;
Derived *derived;
template <int n>
struct Rv : RvBase
Rv(Derived *d) { this->derived = d; }
Rv(RvBase *p) : RvBase(*p) { }
Rv<n-1> operator[](typename boost::fusion::result_of::at_c<Sequence const, n-1>::type v)
boost::fusion::at_c<Size::value - 1 - n>(sequence) = v;
return Rv<n-1>(this);
template <>
struct Rv<0> : RvBase
Rv(Derived *d) { this->derived = d; }
Rv(RvBase *p) : RvBase(*p) { }
ReturnValue operator[](typename boost::fusion::result_of::at_c<Sequence, Size::value - 1>::type v)
boost::fusion::at_c<Size::value - 1>(sequence) = v;
return invoke(*derived, sequence);
Rv<Size::value - 1> operator[](typename boost::fusion::result_of::at_c<Sequence, 0>::type v)
Rv<Size::value> rv(static_cast<Derived*>(this));
return rv[v];
struct S
Bracketeer<S, int, boost::fusion::vector<int, int, int, int> >
int operator()(int a, int b, int c, int d);

read arguments from variadic template

I am a little confused about how can I read each argument from the tuple by using variadic templates.
Consider this function:
template<class...A> int func(A...args){
int size = sizeof...(A);
.... }
I call it from the main file like:
Now, I don't know how I have to extend the body of func to be able to read each argument separately so that I can, for example, store the arguments in an array.
You have to provide overrides for the functions for consuming the first N (usually one) arguments.
void foo() {
// end condition argument pack is empty
template <class First, class... Rest>
void foo(First first, Rest... rest) {
// Do something with first
cout << first << endl;
foo(rest...); // Unpack the arguments for further treatment
When you unpack the variadic parameter it finds the next overload.
foo(42, true, 'a', "hello");
// Calls foo with First = int, and Rest = { bool, char, char* }
// foo(42, Rest = {true, 'a', "hello"}); // not the real syntax
Then next level down we expand the previous Rest and get:
foo(true, Rest = { 'a', "hello"}); // First = bool
And so on until Rest contains no members in which case unpacking it calls foo() (the overload with no arguments).
Storing the pack if different types
If you want to store the entire argument pack you can use an std::tuple
template <class... Pack>
void store_pack(Pack... p) {
std::tuple<Pack...> store( p... );
// do something with store
However this seems less useful.
Storing the pack if it's homogeneous
If all the values in the pack are the same type you can store them all like this:
vector<int> reverse(int i) {
vector<int> ret;
return ret;
template <class... R>
vector<int> reverse(int i, R... r) {
vector<int> ret = reverse(r...);
return ret;
int main() {
auto v = reverse(1, 2, 3, 4);
for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(),
[](int i ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
However this seems even less useful.
If the arguments are all of the same type, you could store the arguments in an array like this (using the type of the first argument for the array):
template <class T, class ...Args>
void foo(const T& first, const Args&... args)
T arr[sizeof...(args) + 1] = { first, args...};
int main()
foo(1, 10, 100, 1000);
If the types are different, I suppose you could use boost::any but then I don't see how you are going to find out outside of the given template, which item is of which type (how you are going to use the stored values).
If the arguments are all of the same type and you want to store them into a STL container, you could rather use the std::initializer_list<T>. For example, Motti's example of storing values in reverse:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
template <class Iter>
std::reverse_iterator<Iter> make_reverse_iterator(Iter it)
return std::reverse_iterator<Iter>(it);
template <class T>
std::vector<T> reverse(std::initializer_list<T> const & init)
return std::vector<T>(make_reverse_iterator(init.end()), make_reverse_iterator(init.begin()));
int main() {
auto v = reverse({1, 2, 3, 4});
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
For sticking into an array if the arguments have different types, you can use also std::common_type<>
template<class ...A> void func(A ...args){
typedef typename std::common_type<A...>::type common;
std::array<common, sizeof...(A)> a = {{ args... }};
So for example, func(std::string("Hello"), "folks") creates an array of std::string.
If you need to store arguments in the array you could use array of boost::any as follows:
template<typename... A> int func(const A&... args)
boost::any arr[sizeof...(A)] = { args... };
return 0;