in tastypie, how can i set name for json result - django

In tastypie, I want set json result name.
I have a class that I use for it but I can set name in.
enter cclass ContentResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
results = ListField(attribute='results')
queryset = Content.objects.all()
resource_name = 'content'
max_limit = None
#filtering = {"title": "contains"}
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data_dict):
if isinstance(data_dict, dict):
if 'meta' in data_dict:
# Get rid of the "meta".
# Rename the objects.
data_dict['Mobile'] = data_dict['objects']
return data_dict
ode here it returns this
"added": "2015-07-23T11:30:20.911835",
"content_cast": "",
"content_company": "HamrahCinema",
"content_description": "so nice",
"content_director": "",
"content_duration": "2:20",
"content_filelanguage": null,
when I use /content/api/content every thing is ok, but when I use /content/api/content/1,"mobile" is removed.

as educated guess, I would suggest using alter_detail_data_to_serialize


Django rest framework - serializer for dictionary structured payload

I'm trying to create a Serializer for a payload that looks something like this -
"2fd08845-9b21-4972-87ed-2e7fd03448c5": {
"operation": "Create",
"operationId": "356f6501-a117-4c8d-98ce-dcb4344d481b",
"user": "superuser",
"immediate": "true"
"fe6d0c85-0021-431e-9955-e8e1b1ebc414": {
"operation": "Create",
"operationId": "adcedb2f-c751-441f-8108-2c29667ea9cf",
"user": "employee",
"immediate": "false"
I thought of using DictField, but my problem is that there isn't a field name. it's only a dictionary of keys and values.
I tried something like:
class UserOperationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
operation = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=["Create", "Delete"])
operationId = serializers.UUIDField()
user = serializers.CharField()
immediate = serializers.BooleanField()
class UserOperationsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
test = serializers.DictField(child=RelationshipAuthorizeObjectSerializer())
But again, there isn't a 'test' field.
I think your easiest path forward would be to flatten the payload to the following format:
"request_id": "2fd08845-9b21-4972-87ed-2e7fd03448c5",
"operation": "Create",
"operationId": "356f6501-a117-4c8d-98ce-dcb4344d481b",
"user": "superuser",
"immediate": "true"
"request_id": "fe6d0c85-0021-431e-9955-e8e1b1ebc414",
"operation": "Create",
"operationId": "adcedb2f-c751-441f-8108-2c29667ea9cf",
"user": "employee",
"immediate": "false"
And then serialize it. Otherwise, you'd be creating custom fields/serializers which is not pretty.
The way I finally solved it was to add a dynamic 'body' field that contains the real payload of the request.
class UserOperationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
operation = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=["Create", "Delete"])
operationId = serializers.UUIDField()
user = serializers.CharField()
immediate = serializers.BooleanField()
class UserOperationsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
body = serializers.DictField(child=UserOperationSerializer())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['data'] = {'body': kwargs['data']}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Then, in the View, I will use that data as serializer.validated_data['body']
That did the work for me.

Django Rest Framework: Get unique list of values from nested structure

I want to be able to return a list of strings from a deeply nested structure of data. In this scenario, I have a API that manages a chain of bookstores with many locations in different regions.
Currently, I have an API endpoint that takes a region's ID and returns a nested JSON structure of details about the region, the individual bookstores, and the books that can be found in each store.
"region": [
"store": [
"book": {
"name": "Foo"
"book": {
"name": "Bar"
"book": {
"name": "Baz"
"store": [
"book": {
"name": "Foo"
"book": {
"name": "Bar"
"store": [
"book": {
"name": "Foo"
"book": {
"name": "Baz"
"book": {
"name": "Qux"
My models look like the following. I am aware these models don't make the most sense for this contrived example, but it does reflect my real world code:
class Book(TimeStampedModel):
name = models.CharField(default="", max_length=512)
class Bookstore(TimeStampedModel):
value = models.CharField(default="", max_length=1024)
book = models.ForeignKey(Book, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Region(TimeStampedModel):
stores = models.ManyToManyField(Bookstore)
class BookstoreChain(TimeStampedModel):
regions = models.ManyToManyField(Region)
The serializers I created for the above response look like:
class BookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Book
fields = "__all__"
class BookstoreSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
books = BookSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Bookstore
fields = "__all__"
class RegionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
stores = BookstoreSerializer(many=True)
class Meta:
model = Region
fields = "__all__"
class BookstoreChainSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
regions = RegionSerializer(many=True)
class Meta:
model = BookstoreChain
fields = "__all__"
I'm not sure what my view or serializer for this solution need to look like. I'm more familiar with writing raw SQL or using an ORM/Linq to get a set of results.
While the above response is certainty useful, what I really want is an API endpoint to return a unique list of book names that can be found in a given region (Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux). I would hope my response to look like:
"books": [
My feeble attempt so far has a with the following path:
path("api/regions/<int:pk>/uniqueBooks/", views.UniqueBooksForRegionView.as_view(), name="uniqueBooksForRegion")
My looks like:
class UniqueBooksForRegionView(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
queryset = Regions.objects.all()
serializer_class = ???
So you start from region you have to get the stores, so you can filter the books in the stores, here is a solution which will work.
Avoid using .get() in *APIView because it will trigger an error if the request does not have the ID, you can use get_object_or_404(), but then you cannot log your error in Sentry.
To get an element from an *APIView, use filter().
import logging as L
class UniqueBooksForRegionView(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
lookup_field = 'pk'
def get(self, *args, **kwargs)
regions = Region.objects.filter(pk=self.kwargs[self.lookup_field])
if regions.exists():
region = regions.first()
stores_qs = region.stores.all()
books_qs = Book.objects.filter(store__in=stores_qs).distinct()
# use your book serializer
serializer = BookSerializer(books_qs, many=True)
return Response(, HTTP_200_OK)
L.error(f'Region with id {self.kwargs[self.lookup_field]} not found.')
return Response({'detail':f'Region with id {self.kwargs[self.lookup_field]} not found.'}, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
Here is the flow, the code may need some tweaks, but I hope it helps you understand the flow

How do I insert or create data with Django ORM programmatically? Or how do I specific Model field name with a string?

If I have:
class Tag(models.Model):
number = models.IntegerField()
config = {
"data": 1,
"field": "number"
How do I do the following?
record = Tag(config["field"]=config["data"])
You can unpack dict to arguments using this syntax **. For example:
config = {
"number": 1
record = Tag(**config)
This will create new tag instance with number=1 value.

Mock Stripe Methods in Python for testing

So I am trying to mock all the stripe web hooks in the method so that I can write the Unit test for it. I am using the mock library for mocking the stripe methods. Here is the method I am trying to mock:
class AddCardView(APIView):
* Add card for the customer
permission_classes = (
def post(self, request, format=None):
name = request.DATA.get('name', None)
cvc = request.DATA.get('cvc', None)
number = request.DATA.get('number', None)
expiry = request.DATA.get('expiry', None)
expiry_month, expiry_year = expiry.split("/")
customer_obj =
customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_obj.stripe_id)
card = customer.sources.create(
"object": "card",
"number": number,
"exp_month": expiry_month,
"exp_year": expiry_year,
"cvc": cvc,
"name": name
# making it the default card
customer.default_source =
except CardError as ce:
logger.error("Got CardError for customer_id={0}, CardError={1}".format(, ce.json_body))
return Response({"success": False, "error": "Failed to add card"})
customer_obj.card_last_4 = card.get('last4')
customer_obj.card_kind = card.get('type', '')
customer_obj.card_fingerprint = card.get('fingerprint')
return Response({"success": True})
This is the method for unit testing:
def test_add_card(self,create_mock,retrieve_mock):
response = {
'default_card': None,
'cards': {
"count": 0,
"data": []
# save_mock.return_value = response
create_mock.return_value = response
retrieve_mock.return_value = response
self.api_client.client.login(username = self.username, password = self.password)
res ='/biz/api/auth/card/add')
print res
Now stripe.Customer.retrieve is being mocked properly. But I am not able to mock customer.sources.create. I am really stuck on this.
This is the right way of doing it:
def test_add_card_failure(self, retrieve_mock):
data = {
'name': "shubham",
'cvc': 123,
'number': "4242424242424242",
'expiry': "12/23",
e = CardError("Card Error", "", "")
retrieve_mock.return_value.sources.create.return_value = e
self.api_client.client.login(username=self.username, password=self.password)
res ='/biz/api/auth/card/add', data=data)
self.assertEqual(self.deserialize(res)['success'], False)
Even though the given answer is correct, there is a way more comfortable solution using vcrpy. That is creating a cassette (record) once a given record does not exist yet. When it does, the mocking is done transparently and the record will be replayed. Beautiful.
Having a vanilla pyramid application, using py.test, my test now looks like this:
import vcr
# here we have some FactoryBoy fixtures
from tests.fixtures import PaymentServiceProviderFactory, SSOUserFactory
def test_post_transaction(sqla_session, test_app):
# first we need a PSP and a User existent in the DB
psp = PaymentServiceProviderFactory() # type: PaymentServiceProvider
user = SSOUserFactory()
sqla_session.add(psp, user)
with vcr.use_cassette('tests/casettes/'):
# with that PSP we create a new PSPTransaction ...
res ='/psps/%s/transaction' %,
'token': '4711',
'amount': '12.44',
'currency': 'EUR',
assert 201 == res.status_code
assert 'id' in res.json_body
IMO, the following method is better than the rest of the answers
import unittest
import stripe
import json
from unittest.mock import patch
from stripe.http_client import RequestsClient # to mock the request session
stripe.api_key = "foo"
stripe.default_http_client = RequestsClient() # assigning the default HTTP client
null = None
false = False
true = True
charge_resp = {
"id": "ch_1FgmT3DotIke6IEFVkwh2N6Y",
"object": "charge",
"amount": 1000,
"amount_captured": 1000,
"amount_refunded": 0,
"billing_details": {
"address": {
"city": "Los Angeles",
"country": "USA",
"email": null,
"name": "Jerin",
"phone": null
"captured": true,
def get_customer_city_from_charge(stripe_charge_id):
# this is our function and we are writing unit-test for this function
charge_response = stripe.Charge.retrieve("foo-bar")
class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_customer_city_from_charge(self, mock_session):
mock_response = mock_session.request.return_value
mock_response.content.decode.return_value = json.dumps(charge_resp)
mock_response.status_code = 200
city_name = get_customer_city_from_charge("some_id")
self.assertEqual(city_name, "Los Angeles")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Advantages of this method
You can generate the corresponding class objects (here, the charge_response variable is a type of Charge--(source code))
You can use the dot (.) operator over the response (as we can do with real stripe SDK)
dot operator support for deep attributes

Use string as parameter in a function

I'm trying to use a string as a parameter in a function. Is something like this possible?
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
param_var = 'contains'
# ideally, this should equate to:
param_var = 'contains'
User.objects.filter(**{'first_name__%s'%param_var: 'John'})
Though I really wonder about the wisdom of doing that... I think you may be re-inventing sql injection...
I suspect there's a better way. You should probably explain more of what you are trying to accomplish.
# Something like this...
qs = User.objects.all()
parameters = {
'name': {
'type': 'get',
'filter': [
# ...
# ...
for parameter, data in parameters.items():
if data['type'] == 'get':
value = request.GET.get(parameter, None)
elif data['type'] == 'getlist':
value = request.GET.getlist(parameter)
if value:
query = Q()
for f in data['filter']:
query = query | Q(**{ f : value })
qs = qs.filter(query)