How to optimize migrations in Django 1.8 - django

I'm using Django 1.8 and have an app with over 100 files in the migration folder. Is there a way in Django without deleting the files to "compress" or "optimise" these migrations so I don't have so many of them?

Have you read this part from the django docs?
Squashing migrations¶
You are encouraged to make migrations freely and not worry about how
many you have; the migration code is optimized to deal with hundreds
at a time without much slowdown. However, eventually you will want to
move back from having several hundred migrations to just a few, and
that’s where squashing comes in.


Django: Broken migration => remove old migration files [duplicate]

I'm using Django 1.8 and have an app with over 100 files in the migration folder. Is there a way in Django without deleting the files to "compress" or "optimise" these migrations so I don't have so many of them?
Have you read this part from the django docs?
Squashing migrations¶
You are encouraged to make migrations freely and not worry about how
many you have; the migration code is optimized to deal with hundreds
at a time without much slowdown. However, eventually you will want to
move back from having several hundred migrations to just a few, and
that’s where squashing comes in.

Scaling or avoiding migrations when using Django 2.x?

I'm just beginning my journey with Django framework and I read that Django developers have made using migrations mandatory beginning from version 2.0. I might be old school but I like my database separate from my code. I have always kept my database separate from my code models. I think that the migrations won't scale with the engineering team size.
So my question is 2 fold.
Can you not use Django 2.0 without the migrations as I don't think it will scale well and won't fit the CI/CD pipeline?
If we can't avoid the db migrations then how can we integrate them in a robust CI/CD pipeline where a model can be changed by different developers from different teams.
Yes, you can. You can create your tables manually and set Django to not manage your tables.
After your Django project is configured, just run on your terminal python inspectdb >, and django will pick the models on the configured database. This is particularly good if your project will use a already existing or legacy database
Then, you can tell django to not manage your tables on the meta options of the model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
# your fields here
class Meta:
managed = False
See the docs here
But, unless you have a very good way to keep track of your table changes, I must say this is a mistake. Django migrations help you to keep track on your models changes along the way. It is really helpful if you need to rollback or understand your database history.
Migrations are not mandatory, it's not clear what you think has changed in 2.0 to make them so.
Migrations are intended for large teams. If you avoid them, you'll make things much much harder for yourself and your fellow team members.

What if I don't commit django migrations?

We have been working on a django project for months. You know for a dev team, migrations conflicts happen many times. I searched a lot to look what others do with this kind of problem and got results:
What really annoys me about Django migrations
django migrations - workflow with multiple dev branches
Django Migrations and How to Manage Conflicts
How to avoid migration conflicts with other developers?
And many other articles about how to avoid and resolve migration conflicts.
I want to know what if we just ignore migration files and just don't commit them?
Any answer is appreciated.
You should not ignore database migrations. The Django documentation makes this pretty clear (emphasis is mine):
The migration files for each app live in a “migrations” directory inside of that app, and are designed to be committed to, and distributed as part of, its codebase. You should be making them once on your development machine and then running the same migrations on your colleagues’ machines, your staging machines, and eventually your production machines.
The fact that you have migration conflicts is an indication that your multiple developers are all creating their migrations at different times, resulting in a different set of files. If you commit the migrations as you should, this will never be a problem.
However, if you plan on squashing migrations (e.g. you expect to have a lot of churn in your database schema during a development cycle), you might wait to commit the migrations until all of your database design work for that cycle is complete. But they should always get committed.
After that, everyone will have the same set of files and no more conflicts.

Techniques to Avoid Problems with Django Migrations?

I'm building an e-commerce website with Django 1.8 and PostgreSQL 9.4. I'm interested in learning what techniques I can use when I change my database to avoid having problems with Django migrations, particularly in the event that I can't get migrations to run and I have to delete my migrations, rebuild my database, and restore from backups.
In development, I've found that when I change my database schema and re-run migrations, they only run successfully about 50% of the time. Clearly I'm doing some things wrong. What's worse is that when migrations don't work, it's not always easy to understand exactly why they failed and how to modify my migration files so that they will run. In those situations, I always have to delete the database and start over. This is acceptable in development but it's not a good strategy when I go into production.
What are some "best practices" or "do's and don'ts" you follow when you modify your model classes/database schema so as to increase the probability that your Django migrations will run? And are there any steps you take to ensure that you can restore your database in the event that your migrations won't run and you have to rebuild the database from scratch? I should add that I'm a one-person startup so I don't have the conflict issues that a team working from the same code base would have.
These Techniques are what I'm using
Work locally in the same environment what I'm working in it on server. Same version of the Django and database server then push the migrations itself, don't ignore it, and migrate on the server using there migrations.
This one I used once that I migrate manually, I created the tables, indices, relations using sql commands manually and it worked properly too.
I prefer the first one more

Recreate the tables for a single Django 1.7 app

Many moons ago I used commands like ./ reset appname to DROP and then recreate the database tables for a single App. This was handy for when other developers had inadvertently but manually broken something in the database and you wanted to reset things back without affecting other apps (or needing to go through a lengthy dump/load process).
The advent of Django 1.7 and its builtin migrations support seems to have removed and renamed a lot of these commands and I'm going crosseyed with all the shared prefixes in the documentation. Can somebody spell this out for me?
How do I reset the tables for a single application (one with migrations)?
If your Django migration subsystem is not broken in itself, the normal way to reset an app is to run migrate <app> zero.
This will run all of the app's migrations backwards, so a few things are noteworthy:
if some of the app's migrations are not reversible, the process will fail. Should not happen normally as Django only creates reversible migrations. You can build irreversible ones yourself, though - usually when you create data migrations.
if some other app has a dependency on this app, it will also be migrated backwards up to the last migration that did not depend on it.
You can then run migrate again, so it is run forwards.
In any case, remember migrations introduce a risk for your data, so backup your database before touching anything.