I am writing a program in Fortran 95 (to be compiled with with gfortran) containing a subroutine that performs a certain computation. As suggested in "Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers" by S. J. Chapman, I am trying to stop the subroutine when an error is encountered and "throw"[1] an error flag that is "catch"ed[1] by the calling program, that will take all the necessary actions. Ideally, I am going for something like:
! Pseudo-code
PROGRAM my_prog
integer :: error_flag
CALL my_subr (<input_args>, <output_args>, error_flag)
! Also error_flag is an output: 0 -> everything OK, 1 -> error
IF (error_flag /= 0) THEN
WRITE (*,*) 'Error during execution of "my_subr"'
... do something ...
How can I stop the subroutine and gracefully handle the errors?
Here is an example: the subroutine "division" takes an integer input value and iteratively divides it by a value that is the input value decremented by the number of steps-1. When such value reaches zero, a flag should be raised and the subroutine should be exited without performing the division by zero.
SUBROUTINE division (inval, outval, error_flag)
REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outval
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: error_flag ! 0 -> OK, 1 -> error
REAL :: x
error_flag = 0
x = REAL(inval)
DO i = 0, 10
IF (inval-i == 0) error_flag = 1
! How can I gracefully exit now?
x = x / REAL(inval-i)
PROGRAM my_prog
REAL :: outval
INTEGER :: error_flag
CALL division (8, outval, error_flag)
IF (error_flag == 1) THEN
WRITE (*,*) 'Division by zero'
WRITE (*,*) 'Output value:', outval
[1] I am borrowing (in a probably inappropriate way) C++'s jargon.
Seeing your example it seems that you are just missing the return statement:
error_flag = 0
x = REAL(inval)
DO i = 0, 10
IF (inval-i == 0) then
error_flag = 1
x = x / REAL(inval-i)
One possibility would be to change
DO i = 0, 10
IF (inval-i == 0) error_flag = 1
! How can I gracefully exit now?
x = x / REAL(inval-i)
DO i = 0, 10
IF (inval-i == 0) THEN
error_flag = 1
! Now you have gracefully exited
x = x / REAL(inval-i)
! Code to tidy up if the error flag was set
Here the EXIT statement exits the loop -- Vladimir's answer shows you how to use RETURN to exit the subroutine more immediately. Whichever approach you choose don't forget to assign to outval before leaving the subroutine.
Im trying to print prime numbers till 10000. (display the first five for testing)
This is my program
program primes
implicit none
integer :: array(1229)
integer :: i, ind
logical :: is_prime
ind = 1
do i = 2, 10000, 1
if (is_prime(i) .eqv. .true.) then
array(ind) = i
ind = ind + 1
end if
end do
print *, array(1)
print *, array(2)
print *, array(3)
print *, array(4)
print *, array(5)
end program primes
function is_prime(n) result(ispr)
implicit none
integer :: c, i
integer, intent(in) :: n
logical :: ispr
c = 0
do i = 2, n
if (mod(i,2) == 0) then
c = c + 1
end if
end do
ispr = (c == 0)
end function is_prime
I don't know why but this is the output
Why does this happen and how to correct?
is_prime should be(n is the only divider of n besides 1 <=> c == 1)
function is_prime(n) result(ispr)
implicit none
integer :: c, i
integer, intent(in) :: n
logical :: ispr
c = 0
do i = 2, n
if (mod(n,i) == 0) then
c = c + 1
end if
end do
ispr = (c == 1)
end function is_prime
Could be optimezed by leaving the loop when c == 1 and i < n(after adding 1 to c)...
See on online fortran compiler
version with exit loop
While I am not familiar with modern Fortran, it looks to me as if function is_prime(n) result(ispr) is not working.
In the do loop in that function, you want a loop that tests thus:
is n divisible by 2?
is n divisible by 3?
is n divisible by 4?
is n divisible by 5?
and so on.
But, what it is actually doing is asking these:
is 2 divisible by 2?
is 3 divisible by 2?
is 4 divisible by 2?
is 5 divisible by 2?
and so on.
As a result, your counter will always have a non-zero value, and your function will always return false.
But, that's not the only problem. From your results, it looks like your Fortran implementation does not automatically initialize variables. Suppose I have statements like the following:
integer :: b
print *,b
What will be the result?
Remember, the names of variables represent locations in the computer's memory. If a variable is not initialized, it's value will be what was in the memory location before your program started to run. This value will not be related to your program.
I have 2 suggestions to fix the 2nd problem:
Prior to do i = 2, 10000, 1, have another loop that sets each value in array.
Set a values of each array (i) inside your do i = 2, 10000, 1 loop. One way to do this is to set one value when (is_prime(i) .eqv. .true.) is true and a different value when it is false.
I have MPI ranks split up to calculate different parts an an array, then I want to put/send those slices onto a different rank that doesn't participate in the calculation. That rank is the master of a new communicator set up to do other things with the array (averaging, IO, etc). I got it to work with MPI_isend and MPI_irecv, and now I want to try MPI_Put.
use mpi_f08
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=10, gps = 18, pes=12, dpes = 6
integer :: main=pes, d=dpes
integer :: diag_master
integer :: global_size, global_rank, diag_size, diag_rank
type(MPI_comm),allocatable :: diag_comm
integer :: pelist_diag
TYPE(MPI_Win) :: win
integer :: ierr, i, j
type(MPI_COMM) :: comm, mycomm
integer :: gsz, grk
integer :: lsz, lrk
integer(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: local_group
logical :: local_flag
integer :: color,key
real, dimension(n,pes) :: r
logical :: on_dpes = .false.
logical,allocatable,dimension(:) :: dpes_list ! true if on dpes list
integer :: comm_manager
integer :: dmg
integer(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: buff_size !< the size of a variable type
integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: displacement
integer :: disp_size
integer :: loc_base
integer, pointer :: fptr
!!!!!!!! THIS ALL WORKS BEGIN !!!!!!!!
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(COMM, gsz, ierr)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(COMM, grk, ierr)
! write (6,*) "I am ",grk," of ",gsz
!> Find the group
call MPI_COMM_GET_ATTR(COMM,MPI_APPNUM,local_group,local_flag,ierr)
!> Split a new communicator as mycom
color = int(local_group)
key = 0
call MPI_COMM_SPLIT(COMM, color, key, mycomm, ierr)
!> Get information about the split communicators
call mpi_comm_size(mycomm,lsz,ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mycomm,lrk,ierr)
!> Create data on the main communicator
if (lsz == pes) then
comm_manager = main
on_dpes = .false.
r = 0.0
if (mod(lrk,2) == 0) then
c_loop: do concurrent (i=1:n)
r(i,lrk+1) = sin(real(i))+real(i)
enddo c_loop
r(:,lrk+1) = 10.0-dble(lrk)
if (lsz == dpes) then
diag_size = lsz
diag_rank = lrk
comm_manager = d
on_dpes = .true.
diag_comm = mycomm
if (lrk==0) then
dmg = grk
dpes_list,gsz,MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
!> Get the master of dpes
do i=1,gsz
if (dpes_list(i)) then
dmg = i-1
diag_master = dmg
diag_global_master = dmg
!!!!!!!! THIS ALL WORKS END !!!!!!!!
!! At this point, the ranks that participate in the calculation
!! have values in r(i,lrk+1) where lrk is their rank
!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE THINGS GO WRONG? !!!!!!!!
disp_size = storage_size(r)
buff_size = disp_size*size(r)
call c_f_pointer(c_loc(r(1,1)),fptr)
loc_base = fptr
write (6,*) loc_base, grk
call MPI_Win_create(loc_base,buff_size,disp_size,MPI_INFO_NULL,&
call MPI_Win_Fence(0,win,ierr)
displacement = loc_base + disp_size *buff_size
! if (.not.allocated(diag_comm)) then
if (grk == 11) then
call MPI_Put(r(:,global_rank+1),size(r,1),MPI_FLOAT,&
diag_master,displacement,size(r,1), MPI_FLOAT, win ,ierr)
call MPI_Win_Fence(0,win,ierr)
CALL MPI_WIN_FREE(win, ierr)
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
I have ! if (.not.allocated(diag_comm)) then commented out because I tried to do this with all of the ranks that calculate r, but I got the same result.
I am compiling with mpiifort -O0 -fpe0 -init=snan,arrays -no-wrap-margin -traceback -stand f18 and run with mpirun -n 12 ./$#.x : -n 6 ./$#.x in my Makefile. The version of mpiifort I am using is
> mpiifort -v
mpiifort for the Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 2 for Linux*
Copyright 2003-2019, Intel Corporation.
ifort version
The output (write (6,*) loc_base, grk)is strange.
1072411986 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
0 8
0 9
0 10
0 11
2142952877 12
2142952877 13
2142952877 14
2142952877 15
2142952877 16
2142952877 17
Rank 12-17 are the ranks that don't participate in "calculating r", but I'm not sure why c_loc(r(1,1)) is different for these ranks. Also, it is different for rank 0.
My actual questions are
1) How do I calculate the displacement variable? Am I doing it correctly? Is it supposed to be different between ranks because it will be in this case?
2) Why is c_loc(r(1,1)) different for the ranks 12-17? Does it have anything to do with the fact that this is a SPMD program? Why is it different for rank 0?
3) Can I do the one way communication with all of the ranks instead of just one? I had each rank call mpi_isend, and then i just called mpi_irecv in a loop through all of the ranks sending when I did this the other way. Can I do something similar with MPI_Put? Should I be using MPI_Get? Something else?
4) How do I get this to work? This is just an educational example for myself, and what I actually need to do is much more complicated.
I can answer item 2, at least. You have:
call c_f_pointer(c_loc(r(1,1)),fptr)
loc_base = fptr
where loc_base is declared integer. You seem to be assuming that loc_base is some sort of address, but it is not. In Fortran, intrinsic assignment from a pointer assigns the value of the target, not the location of the target. So you're effectively doing a TRANSFER of the REAL values of r to loc_base - probably not what you want.
So apparently, depending in wether i tell the program to print the variable i, or not, I get different results that should not have anything to do with wether i print it our or not.
integer :: n,i, mini
logical :: leave = .false.
read*, n
print*, is_prime(n)
do i=n, n/2, -1
print*, "I= ", i !!if you comment out this line, the result will be different than if you were to keep it, try it out yourselves
if(is_prime(i)) then
mini = i
end if
end do
print*, "the lowest prime number between your number and its half is: ", mini
logical function is_prime(n)
do i=2,n
if(mod(n,i) == 0 .and. (i/=1 .and. i/=n) ) then
is_prime = .false.
elseif(mod(n,i) /=0 .and. i == n-1 .and. is_prime .neqv. .false.) then
is_prime = .true.
end if
end do
end function
So if you were to comment out the line I pointed out, the result of "mini" will be different than if you were to keep it, as I said.
I'm fairly new at fortran so I don't know wether I'm doing something wrong, or if this has something to do with the compiler, but it seems really weird to me that putting a print*, line would in any way change the value of the variabe, and that's what seems to happen.
For example if you try it yourselve, the output of mini when the print line is in, is for exaple,, typing in 48, is 29, which is right, it's the minimum prime number between 48 and ts half, but when you tipe in 48 and the famous print line is commented out, the output will be -2, instead of 29.
Any of you know why this happenes?
#francescalus is right, the logic of is_prime is wrong.
You can tell by checking the first result (the print *, is_prime(n)) of the program.
Below, a version with a correct is_prime. I first assign .true. to the result and invalidate it to .false. when the test is true.
integer :: n,i, mini
read*, n
print*, is_prime(n)
do i=n, n/2, -1
print*, "I= ", i
if(is_prime(i)) then
mini = i
end if
end do
print*, "the lowest prime number between your number and its half is: ", mini
logical function is_prime(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: i
is_prime = .true.
do i=2,n
if(mod(n,i) == 0 .and. (i/=1 .and. i/=n) ) then
is_prime = .false.
end if
end do
end function is_prime
EDIT: I should add that the issue with the influence of the print statement comes up from time to time. When it arises, it points to a flaw in the logic of the code that then becomes sensitive to situations of ill-defined results.
If I just use my function once, it works properly. If I make it do a loop like down below, the four lines of commented code, my code malfunctions. I can't really figure out why it will always return T or F for every other number after the initial value.
Asterisks are in the parenthesis of WRITE and READ but it doesn't show up here for some reason.
INTEGER :: N = 0, i = 1,x = 0
WRITE (*,*) "Enter a number:"
READ (*,*) N
!DO WHILE ( N < 1000)
IP = IsPrime(N)
WRITE (*,*) IP, N
!N = N + 1
read(*,*) x
LOGICAL :: IsPrime
IsPrime = .TRUE.
IF (N == 2) THEN
WRITE (*,*) N
DO WHILE (i <= (N/2))
i = i + 2
IF (mod(N,i) == 0) THEN
IsPrime = .FALSE.
You're forgetting to reset i to 1 during each call to IsPrime.
The first time IsPrime is called, i=1 from the top of program main. However, i is incremented during the first IsPrime call to something other than 1 so the second call starts with i/=0.
Note that because IsPrime is contained within program main, IsPrime inherits i from program main.
I'm also bound to remind you to use implicit none everywhere to avoid other errors, although it's not a problem in this case.
Hermite Interpolation woes
I am trying to find the Newton Dividing Differences for the function and derivative values of a given set of x's. I'm running into serious problems with my code working for tiny examples, but failing on bigger one's. As is clearly visible, my answers are very much larger than they original function values.
Does anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
program inter
implicit none
integer ::n,m
integer ::i
real(kind=8),allocatable ::xVals(:),fxVals(:),newtonDivDiff(:),dxVals(:),zxVals(:),zdxVals(:),zfxVals(:)
real(kind=8) ::Px
real(kind=8) ::x
n = 4 ! literal number of data pts
m = n*2+1
!after we get the data points allocate the space
!allocate the zvalue arrays
!since the size is the same we can read in one loop
do i=0,n
Read(8,*) xVals(i)
Read(9,*) fxVals(i)
Read(10,*) dxVals(i)
end do
! contstruct the z illusion
do i=0,m,2
zxVals(i) = xVals(i/2)
zxVals(i+1) = xVals(i/2)
zdxVals(i) = dxVals(i/2)
zdxVals(i+1) = dxVals(i/2)
zfxVals(i) = fxVals(i/2)
zfxVals(i+1) = fxVals(i/2)
end do
!slightly modified business as usual
call getNewtonDivDiff(zxVals,zdxVals,zfxVals,newtonDivDiff,m)
do i=0,n
call evaluatePolynomial(m,newtonDivDiff,xVals(i),Px,zxVals)
print*, xVals(i) ,Px
end do
end program inter
subroutine getNewtonDivDiff(xVals,dxVals,fxVals,newtonDivDiff,n)
implicit none
integer ::i,k
integer, intent(in) ::n
real(kind=8), allocatable,dimension(:,:) ::table
real(kind=8),intent(in) ::xVals(0:n),dxVals(0:n),fxVals(0:n)
real(kind=8), intent(inout) ::newtonDivDiff(0:n)
table = 0.0d0
do i=0,n
table(i,0) = fxVals(i)
end do
do k=1,n
do i = k,n
if( k .eq. 1 .and. mod(i,2) .eq. 1) then
table(i,k) = dxVals(i)
table(i,k) = (table(i,k-1) - table(i-1,k-1))/(xVals(i) - xVals(i-k))
end if
end do
end do
do i=0,n
newtonDivDiff(i) = table(i,i)
!print*, newtonDivDiff(i)
end do
end subroutine getNewtonDivDiff
subroutine evaluatePolynomial(n,newtonDivDiff,x,Px,xVals)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) ::n
real(kind=8),intent(in) ::newtonDivDiff(0:n),xVals(0:n)
real(kind=8),intent(in) ::x
real(kind=8), intent(out) ::Px
integer ::i
Px = newtonDivDiff(n)
do i=n,1,-1
Px = Px * (x- xVals(i-1)) + newtonDivDiff(i-1)
end do
end subroutine evaluatePolynomial
x f(x) f'(x)
1.16, 1.2337, 2.6643
1.32, 1.6879, 2.9989
1.48, 2.1814, 3.1464
1.64, 2.6832, 3.0862
1.8, 3.1553, 2.7697
1.1599999999999999 62.040113431002474
1.3200000000000001 180.40121445431600
1.4800000000000000 212.36319446149312
1.6399999999999999 228.61845650513027
1.8000000000000000 245.11610836104515
You are accessing array newtonDivDiff out of bounds.
You are first allocating it as 0:n (main program's n) then you are passing to subroutine getNewtonDivDiff as 0:n (the subroutine's n) but you pass m (m=n*2+1) to the argument n. That means you tell the subroutine that the array has bounds 0:m which is 0:9, but it has only bounds 0:4.
It is quite difficult to debug the program as it stands, I had to use valgrind. If you move your subroutines to a module and change the dummy arguments to assumed shape arrays (:,:) then the bound checking in gfortran (-fcheck=all) will catch the error.
Other notes:
kind=8 is ugly, 8 can mean different things for different compilers. If you want 64bit variables, you can use kind=real64 (real64 comes from module iso_fortran_env in Fortran 2008) or use selected_real_kind() (Fortran 90 kind parameter)
You do not have to deallocate your local arrays in the subroutines, they are deallocated automatically.
Your deallocate statement in the main program is after the stop statement, it will never be executed. I would just delete the stop, there is no reason to have it.