Copy MFC Library to project - c++

I am new to C++, and I have made a program on visual studio 2010. I then made an installer for it using Inno Setup. When I install it on my computer it runs fine, but when I move it to another computer and install it, an error appears like "mfc100ud.dll" is missing from your computer".
My question is: If I just copy the MFC files into my visual studio project directory, make another installer for it and run it on another computer; will the program work? Or do I have to do something else? Any help would be appreciated.

That 'd' in mfc100ud means you have linked to the debug version of MFC. The debug dll is only available with Visual C++ installed. You need to build a release version of your program. And you need to include the VC redistributable package in your installer, or change the runtime and MFC libraries to statically link into your program.


Visual Studio 2017 C++ Exe for any pc (linking vcruntime140.dll)

I'm very new to GUI programming in c++, thus I don't have that much experience.
I created myself a GUI for my programm using the Visual Studio 2017 CRL package and now I'm trying to make this exe available for everyone.
The application works fine for those who have Visual Studio or VC Runtime installed but for those who don't the programm throws something like: "vcruntime140.dll is missing on your computer to run this app".
I am not sure how to link these dll's in my programm so that EVERYONE is able to use it.
I'm also not quit sure how I would link dll's.
There's basically two options.
The Standard in the industry is to ship the Visual Studio 20xx Runtime Redistributable Installer alongside your program, and have it run before anyone tries to run your program themselves, to make sure that the .dll files are installed onto the target computer.
The other option is to change the way that the libraries are linked to the executable at compile-time. This is done with a flag in Visual Studio:
Basically, you want to change the Runtime Library field to either say Multi-Threaded or Multi-Threaded Debug depending on whether you're in Release or Debug mode, as opposed to "Multi-Threaded DLL", which is the default.
Note, however, that you need to make sure that every single library you're using was compiled the same way: if any of them were compiled using the DLL version of the Runtime Library, they'll interoperate with your code in funny ways, and the least of your problems will be that they'll need the DLLs installed anyways, defeating your effort.
Naturally, that's not an issue if all your libraries are Header-Only, but if any of them have been compiled, then you'll need to recompile them using the correct settings.
You need to install Visual Studio 2017 redistribuables on the machine (that's how it works for every version of Visual Studio).
However, I could not find any official link on Microsoft website (probably because this is not officially released yet)....
You probably need to use 2015 version (for which redistribuables are available here) and wait for 2017 to become an official release.

Release not working on different PC

I am not so experienced with C++ and MS Visual Studio. I am currently having issue with releasing .exe and trying to run the program on different PC. In the program I'm using additional library (magick++). I've configured the Runtime Library in Visual Studio 2015 to Multi-threaded (/MT). I suppose, that with this configuration the .exe file should be running on different PCs, but when I try to run it, message with "CORE_RL_Magick++. dll is missing on this computer appears. Any idea, what might be wrong?
My second question is, if I would like to make a release with dynamic library /MD, how can I get the library to run it on different PC? Or do I have to install the library first (I mean if I have to install Imagemagick to the computer or is there some way I can get the nescessary library from the build in Visual Studio).
Thanks for every information.
Do you have CORE_RL_Magick++. dll in the path (including the directory that your exe program is running) somewhere on the computer that is failing.
The /MD and /MT commands effect what runtime is used, not what other libraries the program is dependant on.
So with /MT, it will compile a static version of the visual c libs into the exe, but if linked against the magic dll, it will still need that CORE_RL_Magick++. dll in order to run.
I think /MD is a better choice, for smaller size.
If you want to run program on other PC, you may need to install Visual Studio Redistributable (could be downloaded on Microsoft website) on the PC first.
Agree with Martin Zhai. I had this problem when attempting to run my program on another machine after upgrading to 2015. The DLL I wanted to use would not be found despite being local. Installing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 fixed this.

MSCVP120D.dll missing even though redistributable is installed?

I'm creating a C++ application using Visual Studio 2013 and using libraries such as FMOD and SDL. I'm trying to package the application to run on other machines through the .exe. I have all my library paths correct and dependencies referenced locally, but when I run the .exe on another machine I get the "MSCVP120D.dll not found" error.
I have installed the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable on these test machines (Since it's 120.dll) and yet the error persists.
As far as I'm aware, other than the libraries specified, which all work, I'm only using standard libraries and windows.h.
I have been told another option is to install the dll file locally and link it statically to the CRT, but honestly I don't know enough to know if this is a correct option or not.
For more information, I'm on a Windows 8.1 machine and have tested on Windows 8 and 7, with no success other than on my own machine.
You are compiling your program in debug-mode and linking to the MS C++ debug-runtime.
Change to release-configuration, and either compile it statically or preferably add the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio to your deployment (the last part is not neccessary if it's already installed).

Deploying a c++ QT5 app

I am trying to deploy my application. It works on Windows 7 with quit a lot of .dll files but I can't get it work on Windows XP. It seems that windows Xp requires more dll files. But the Dependency walker tool keeps showing me new dll files missing. Now it says API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROCESSTHREADS-L1-1-0.DLL and API-MS-WIN-SECURITY-BASE-L1-1-0.DLL are missing.
When i try to start the exe nothing happens ... no error...
I use Qt5.0.2 with pre build msvc2010.
Thanks in advance
Perhaps this is related to missing VS 2010 redistributable? Also make sure to build in a release-configuration if you don't already know.
If you package this up into an installer like NSIS, I'd typically execute it with the argument /Q to prevent any GUIs from popping up... it won't ask for any admin privileges which is nice since the previous VC 2008 redistrib always required it.
As the previous answer a requirement is the VS redistributable. In your case, as you use VS2010 the file to download is MS 2010 redistributable.
Besides of that there is the executable windeployqt that helps with the deployment package copying the Qt DLLs required on your executable directory.

C++ Chat client missing lib file

I have made a chat program with using Winsock2.h and the lib file ws2_32.lib.
When I want to test the chat program out on a computer on another network, it shows me a message box with the text:
"The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem".
How do I make my program able to run on all windows 7 machines without having to install Visual Studio?
you should create a setup project which includes the required libraries and installs them in the client machine during your application's setup.
In fact you need a setup anyway if you want to create a shortcut to your program in the Start Menu or on the desktop for example.
You need the redistributable package for your visual studio version. For VS2010 (x86) can be found here:
Alternatively, you can create an installer that will include the dlls.
Your program depends on the Visual C++ redistributal. You will need to bundle it with your programs installer.
You do not have to install Visual Studio, You do need to make sure all of your program's dependencys are on the destination computer. You would normally do this by creating a setup program. The dll that you are missing MSVCR100.dll can be found as part of the VC++ redistributable package