Snake game: fast response vs. collision bug - c++

I have a snake game in SFML C++, and I'm stuck between two options. If set the controls like this:
if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up
|| event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::W) && move != Down)
move = Up;
else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down
|| event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::S) && move != Up)
move = Down;
else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Left
|| event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::A)&& move != Right)
move = Left;
else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right
|| event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::D) && move != Left)
move = Right;
Here, the controls are very responsive. The problem is that if, for instance, the snake were going rightward and you were to press Up and then Left in extremely quick succession, the snake will not have moved upward yet, but the upward control will be buffered so the snake will be allowed to move leftward into itself, thus dying.
If instead I wrap these movement conditions in an if statement that only allows updating once per frame the bug is resolved, but the controls are much less smooth and responsive.
So my question is, how do I maintain the responsiveness of allowing the movement to update quickly while avoiding the bug of moving into itself?

Being that your making Snake; The problem lies not with your input(but those "if's" should be a switch statement) but within the Object that reacts with the input, ex. the "Snake_Object". The normal game forces a set number of positional movement when a direction is pressed. If you watch the game, if you press up then the snake is immediately forced up one collision box above where it was from before. This insures that you can not do your unwanted immediate collision and still keeps regular fps flow.
So when the move variable is sent to the Snake it should in the very first instance move a whole collision box in that direction and then move at normal speed.

I have no experience in game development, and I am not even sure I understand your question.
However, I wonder if the following structure for your code would help controlling the update process:
inline void UpdateMoveUp(Move& move) { if(move != Down) { move = Up; }}
inline void UpdateMoveDown(Move& move) { if(move != Up) { move = Down; }}
inline void UpdateMoveLeft(Move& move) { if(move != Right) { move = Left; }}
inline void UpdateMoveRight(Move& move) { if(move != Left) { move = Right; }}
inline void UpdateMoveInvalid(Move& move) { move = Invalid; }
inline void HandleUpdate(const Code& code, Move& move) {
switch(code) {
case sf::Keyboard::Up:
return UpdateMoveUp(move);
case sf::Keyboard::W:
return UpdateMoveUp(move);
case sf::Keyboard::Down:
return UpdateMoveDown(move);
case sf::Keyboard::S:
return UpdateMoveDown(move);
case sf::Keyboard::Left:
return UpdateMoveLeft(move);
case sf::Keyboard::A:
return UpdateMoveLeft(move);
case sf::Keyboard::Right:
return UpdateMoveRight(move);
case sf::Keyboard::D:
return UpdateMoveRight(move);
return UpdateMoveInvalid(move);
void HandleInput(const Event& event, Move& move) {
// I assume that `move` comes from somewhere else
if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
return HandleUpdate(event.key.code, move);
The way I look at it is that you are isolating the update function to a single place, and you can add more conditions to the update there without having to test the whole condition again.
In other words, you could add further conditions to each UpdateMoveXXXX function, such as unbuffer and update or save timestamp and move (then move only if last timestamp minus current timestamp is more/less than some number).


Detecting if a key was pressed, not if it is always down

I'm new to SFML and I have trouble finding a solution to checking if a key is pressed during one frame. The problem I've been facing is the fact that with the Keyboard and Mouse classes, it seems impossible to use a system where one first checks for the current input state before any Update() call of objects and then after all Update() you get a previous input state for the next frame so that one can do the following:
bool Entity::KeyboardCheckPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key aKey)
//this part doesn't work
if (KeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey) and !PreviousKeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey))
return true;
return false;
But this doesn't seem to work with SFML, and other sources tell me that I'm suppose to use the Event class with its type and key.codelike the following example:
bool Entity::KeyboardCheckPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key aKey)
if (Event->type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
if (Event->key.code == aKey)
return true;
return false;
But this results in the sf::Event::KeyPressed doing the same as KeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey), so then I tried the method where you set key repeat to false: window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false);with no results what so ever. I also found out that the sf::Event::KeyPressed works only as intended inside of this part in the main.cpp:
while (window.pollEvent(event))
The problem with this is that I want to handle Input inside of my Entity objects' Update()function, and I can't put the whole Update loop inside of the while (window.pollEvent(event)). So here I am, struggling to find a solution. Any help is appreciated.
In general, if you have a thing which you can check the current state of, and you want to check if that state changed between frames, you simply use a variable, declared outside the application loop, to store the previous state, and compare it to the current state.
bool previousState = checkState();
while (true) {
// your main application loop
bool newState = checkState();
if (newState == true && previousState == false) {
doThingy("the thing went from false to true");
} else if (newState == false && previousState == true) {
doThingy("the thing went from true to false");
} else {
doThingy("no change in the thing");
// this is done unconditionally every frame
previousState = newState;

SDL_KEYDOWN triggering twice

I am following lazy foo's tutorial, however I realized every time I press press s or p, SDL_KEYDOWNtriggers twice. How can this be fixed?
Here is the code snippet:
while(SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0) {
if(e.type == SDL_QUIT) {
quit = true;
else if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
if(e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_s) {
if(timer.isStarted()) {
else {
else if(e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_p) {
if(timer.isPaused()) {
else {
Pressing s once:
TL;DR: Check if e.key.repeat equals to 0 before handling the events.
SDL generates fake repeated keypresses if you hold a key long enough. This is used mostly for text input.
The original key press has .repeat == 0, and fake presses have .repeat == 1.
For convenience reasons probably (I'd argue that it's rather inconvenient), since SDL 2.0.5 the actual key press generates two events instead of one. One has .repeat set to 0, and other (new) one has it set to 1.

Handle mouse events SFML

I have some trouble with events in SFML. I am making a turnbased game, when the mouse has moved or left mouse button is clicked i check whos turn it is and then spawn a projectile at that objects position, when the projectile has collided with either terrain or opponent it gets destroyed and the turn is changed.
The behaviour is not what i am expecting though. When clicking shoot the projectile sometimes wont spawn at all (and it changes the turn immedeately). I have disabled all collisions so it cant be that. Im 90% sure that the issue is with how i handle events, so id really appretiate input on how i can make it better.
Of what ive learned is that you should not execute the functions in the while poll event, its only for registering what has happend most recently,so i put them outside instead. This does not solve my problem though...
sf::Event event;
sf::Vector2i mousePos;
while (_window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) {
if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) { // <- this is how you check to see if an event
mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition();
moved = true;
if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed) { // <- this is how you check to see if an event
mousePressed = true;
if (mousePressed && tank1Turn)
sf::Vector2f spawnPos = _t1->getPos() + sf::Vector2f(0, -150);
sf::Vector2f initVel = _t1->getInitVel();
cout << endl;
_p = new Projectile(spawnPos, initVel);
tank1Turn = false;
tank1Firing = true;
mousePressed = false;
if (mousePressed && tank2Turn) {
sf::Vector2f spawnPos = _t2->getPos()+sf::Vector2f(0,-150);
sf::Vector2f initVel = _t2->getInitVel();
_p = new Projectile(spawnPos, initVel);
tank2Turn = false;
tank2Firing = true;
mousePressed = false;
if (tank1Turn && moved) {
moved = false;
mousePressed = false;
if (tank2Turn && moved) {
moved = false;
mousePressed = false;
Consider this a comment. This isn't an answer (I don't have enough reputation to comment so I have to make this an answer) but here are some things I noticed:
You should either replace the ifs in your event loop with if-elses, or use a switch
sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed is for real time input (put it inside your game update loop). In your event loop it should be sf::Event::KeyPressed and check which key it was with evt.key.code
You aren't checking which mouse button was pressed. Do it with evt.mouseButton.button (sf::Mouse::Button::Left for the left mouse)
Of what ive learned is that you should not execute the functions in the while poll event, its only for registering what has happend most recently,so i put them outside instead.
Where did you read that? I don't think that's true
There shouldn't just be an array of ifs below the event loop. Code should be structured better

OpenGL - Left mouse click keeps removing my grid

I have created a drawGrid() function that draws a squared grid along my X and Y axis, which works fine. I have then created a menu() function (called in the main()), that toggles the grid on and off, here's the code for that:
void menu(int item)
switch (item)
if (gridActive == true)
gridActive = true;
if (gridActive == true)
gridActive = false;
{ /* Nothing */ }
The menu switch works fine, as I have created a global variable called gridActive without a true or false value so it doesn't reset each time, that way it can be accessed in my display() function like so:
if (gridActive != true)
gridActive = true;
All of this works just fine.
What's my issue?
My issue is, whenever I click the left mouse button, my grid disappears, which I don't want. So I've made a mouse() function like this:
case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
exit(0); // this has been added to see if
// my program will exit!
To test if my program exits when I click the left mouse, and it does.
So instead of using exit(0); what code can i put here so that my grid doesn't disappear when I click the left mouse button? Or is the issue beyond that?
Here's the mouse function:
void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
// these have simply been set-up for me to use
// in the future
switch (button)
case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
default: break;
Based on your code:
if (gridActive != true)
gridActive = true;
You only draw the grid when gridActive is false. However, after every time you draw it, you set gridActive=true which will then stop it from being drawn.
Without more of your code, it's impossible to tell exactly what's going on, but these lines may not be doing what you think they are, and that may be causing some issues.
This never does anything.
if (gridActive == true)
gridActive = true;
if (gridActive == true)
gridActive = false;
is the same as:
gridActive = false;
In order to tell what's going on, though, we need to know what happens when you click your mouse button when the exit call isn't there, but you didn't post that code yet.
Also, i don't quite know what you mean by:
I have created a global variable called gridActive without a true or false value so it doesn't reset each time
but it sounds like you made an uninitialized global variable and expect that it has some specific meaning because it's uninitialized?

Handling input with GLFW

Here is the definition of my keyboard callback method I'm using to check for user input for a 2D basic game. However I'm having a problem handling certain simultaneous key presses.
For example, If I hold the Right and Up arrows keys, the player moves 45 degrees toward the top right of the screen as it should. Then, while still holding the up and right keys, if I press Space (which fires a projectile), that works as well.
However, if I hold the Left and Down arrow keys, the player moves as it should, but when I press Space, I get no input response, so I can't fire a projectile when moving down and left. All other movement + fire projectile combinations work, just the down and left doesn't... I can't figure out why. Any ideas?
if (key == GLFW_KEY_LEFT)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_LEFT, action);
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, action);
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_UP)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_UP, action);
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_DOWN)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_DOWN, action);
else if (key == GLFW_KEY_SPACE)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_SPACE, action);
else { }
Rollover is the property that allows a keyboard to properly register many key presses at once. Keyboards are wired in rows and columns. Even if the keyboard is not square, the individual keys are in a roughly square matrix of wires connecting their switches. The controller connects one row and then tests to see which of the columns are hit. Some key combinations "shadow" others. The controller can tell when the input is ambiguous and send no keys.
Better keyboard use diodes arranged to avoid the ambiguity and thus support "full rollover", although in practice USB limits you to all the modifiers plus 6 distinct keycodes at once.
Sounds like a crappy keyboard.
You may have to procure a better one.
Or use different key combinations.
The code should be
if (key == GLFW_KEY_LEFT)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_LEFT, action);
if (key == GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, action);
if (key == GLFW_KEY_UP)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_UP, action);
if (key == GLFW_KEY_DOWN)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_DOWN, action);
if (key == GLFW_KEY_SPACE)
GameController::getInstance()->getPlayer()->changeKeyPress(GLFW_KEY_SPACE, action);
The problem is your code just detect 1 key press at a time so when you press left and right at the same time only the if (key == GLFW_KEY_LEFT) is fired