I have a function that calls a callback function that accepts a movable-only type (for example unique_ptr).
template <typename Function>
void foo(const Function& function) {
boost::UnaryFunction<Function, void, std::unique_ptr<Bar>));
auto bar = std::make_unique<Bar>();
Trying to compile this code, I get a message that the BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT line tries to copy the unique_ptr. If I remove the line, the code works fine. It seems that the Boost.Concept library does not support move semantics. Is there any workaround for this without writing my own concept class (which, incidentally, would not be very simple to support both lvalues and rvalues as their arguments).
That's correct. Unfortunately, UnaryFunction as a concept is written as:
BOOST_CONCEPT_USAGE(UnaryFunction) { test(is_void<Return>()); }
void test(boost::mpl::false_)
f(arg); // "priming the pump" this way keeps msvc6 happy (ICE)
Return r = f(arg);
void test(boost::mpl::true_)
f(arg); // <== would have to have std::move(arg)
// here to work, or at least some kind of
// check against copy-constructibility, etc.
// Declare a dummy construktor to make gcc happy.
// It seems the compiler can not generate a sensible constructor when this is instantiated with a refence type.
// (warning: non-static reference "const double& boost::UnaryFunction<YourClassHere>::arg"
// in class without a constructor [-Wuninitialized])
Func f;
Arg arg;
Since arg is passed by lvalue, there's no way to get that to work with Boost.Concepts. Directly. You could write a hack though. Since we're just calling checking that f(arg) is valid, we could construct a local type for arg that is convertible to unique_ptr<Bar>. That is:
template <typename Function>
void foo(Function f)
struct Foo {
operator std::unique_ptr<int>();
boost::UnaryFunction<Function, void, Foo>));
Or more generally:
template <typename T>
struct AsRvalue {
operator T(); // no definition necessary
template <typename Function>
void foo(Function f)
boost::UnaryFunction<Function, void, AsRvalue<std::unique_ptr<int>>>));
That compiles for me on gcc and clang (though gives a warning on clang about unused typedefs). However, at that point, it may be clearer to just write out your own concept to get it to work. Something like Piotr's would be easiest.
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template <typename...>
struct voider { using type = void; };
template <typename... Ts>
using void_t = typename voider<Ts...>::type;
template <typename, typename = void_t<>>
struct is_callable : std::false_type {};
template <typename F, typename... Args>
struct is_callable<F(Args...), void_t<decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<Args>()...))>> : std::true_type {};
static_assert(is_callable<Function&(std::unique_ptr<Bar>)>{}, "Not callable");
Is there a way to determine a return type of a member function pointer?
Code sample:
///// my library
void my_func(auto mptr) { // have to use `auto`
// some logic based on a return type of mptr: int, string, A, etc.
///// client code
struct A {
int foo();
std::string bar(int);
class B{
A func(int, double);
// ... and many other classes
// ... many other calls of my_func()
I need to "fill in" my_func().
I can't use std::result_of/std::invoke_result as I don't know the full list of parameters of mptr. It's not important with which params a method is supposed to be called as I'm not calling it. I would like to avoid creating an object of base class of mptr even if I'm able to determine it (using declval is ok).
You can use partial template specialization to determine the return type of mptr:
template <typename T>
struct ReturnType;
template <typename Object, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct ReturnType<Return (Object::*)(Args...)>
using Type = Return;
void my_func(auto mptr) {
typename ReturnType<decltype(mptr)>::Type obj;
Live Demo
You can write a function that deduces the type of a member function pointer, and returns the deduced return type. Note that only a declaration, and no definition is needed
template <typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
auto ret_type(Ret (C::*)(Args...)) -> Ret;
void my_func(auto mptr)
using type = decltype(ret_type(mptr));
In my opinion, this is also easier to read than the specialization solution.
Here's a demo
You can also account for cv-qualifiers by adding overloads. e.g.
template <typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
auto ret_type(Ret (C::*)(Args...) const) -> Ret;
Here's a demo
I am writing a kind of container class, for which I would like to offer an apply method which evaluates a function on the content of the container.
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a free function */
template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U(*fun)(const T&))
return Foo<U>(fun(val));
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U (T::*fun)() const)
return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());
struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>; // this compiles
//template class Foo<int>; // this produces an error
The last line yields error: creating pointer to member function of non-class type ‘const int’. Even though I only instantiated Foo and not used apply at all. So my question is: How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type?
Note: I also tried having only one overload taking a std::function<U(const T&)>. This kinda works, because both function-pointers and member-function-pointers can be converted to std::function, but this approach effectively disables template deduction for U which makes user-code less readable.
Using std::invoke instead helps, it is much easier to implement and read
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
template<typename U> auto apply(U&& fun)
return Foo<std::invoke_result_t<U, T>>{std::invoke(std::forward<U>(fun), val)};
struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>;
template class Foo<int>;
However, this won't compile if the functions are overloaded
int f();
double f(const Bar&);
Foo<Bar>{}.apply(f); // Doesn't compile
The way around that is to use functors instead
Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return f(decltype(bar)(bar)); });
Which also makes it more consistent with member function calls
Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return decltype(bar)(bar).f(); });
In order to remove the second overload you'd need to make it a template and let SFINAE work, e. g. like this:
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U, typename ObjT>
Foo<U> apply(U (ObjT::*fun)() const)
return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());
Alternatively, you could remove the second overload altogether, and use lambda or std::bind:
#include <functional> // for std::bind
template<typename T>
struct Foo
T val;
/** apply a member function */
template<typename U, typename FuncT>
Foo<U> apply(FuncT&& f)
return {f(val)};
struct SomeType
int getFive() { return 5; }
int main()
Foo<SomeType> obj;
obj.apply<int>(std::bind(&SomeType::getFive, std::placeholders::_1));
obj.apply<int>([](SomeType& obj) { return obj.getFive(); });
How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type?
If you can use at least C++11 (and if you tried std::function I suppose you can use it), you can use SFINAE with std::enable_if
template <typename U, typename V>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<V>{}
&& std::is_same<V, T>{}, Foo<U>>::type
apply(U (V::*fun)() const)
{ return Foo<U>((val.*fun)()); }
to impose that T is a class.
Observe that you can't check directly T, that is a template parameter of the class, but you have to pass through a V type, a template type of the specific method.
But you can also impose that T and V are the same type (&& std::is_same<V, T>{}).
Can I write a template function taking an argument T that calls a member function foo if it exists on T, and if it doesn't calls a free function foo(T) instead (and fails to compile if neither exists)?
Something like:
template<typename T>
int call_foo(T t) {
// if T::foo() exists
return t.foo();
// else return foo(t);
How about the reverse case: preferring a free function foo before the member function? I cannot use any features introduced after C++11.
This isn't too hard. There are many methods of checking whether an arbitrary expression is valid. You can combine this with if constexpr in C++17 or tag dispatch earlier to get the behaviour you desire.
This uses C++17, but everything can be done in prior versions:
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
// This is just one way to write a type trait, it's not necessarily
// the best way. You could use the Detection Idiom, for example
// (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/is_detected).
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_member_fn
: std::false_type
// std::void_t is a C++17 library feature. It can be replaced
// with your own implementation of void_t, or often by making the
// decltype expression void, whether by casting or by comma operator
// (`decltype(expr, void())`)
template <typename T>
struct has_member_fn<T,
: std::true_type
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_free_fn
: std::false_type
template <typename T>
struct has_free_fn<T,
// Be wary of ADL. You're basically asking the compiler,
// "What's the result of foo(T{}) if I were to call that
// here?" That syntax can call functions via ADL
: std::true_type
template <typename T>
int call_foo(T t) {
// if constexpr is C++17, but you can use tag dispatch to
// do the same in prior versions
if constexpr (has_member_fn<T>::value) {
return t.foo();
} else {
// you could make this an `else if constexpr (has_free_fn<T>::value)`
// and provide a better case for if neither exists
return foo(t);
Live on Godbolt
Pre C++17 you can's compile/not compile different parts of the same function with if constexpr.
So, pre C++17, you have to do, somewhere, two different functions.
An example: if you prepare a couple of helper functions
template <typename T>
auto call_foo_h (T t, int) -> decltype( t.foo() )
{ return t.foo(); }
template <typename T>
auto call_foo_h (T t, long) -> decltype( foo(t) )
{ return foo(t); }
that are SFINAE enabled only if T::foo() exist (the first one) or if a free foo() exist (the second one), you can write call_foo() as follows
template <typename T>
int call_foo (T const & t)
{ return call_foo_h(t, 0); }
//......................^ a int value
Observe the second (unused) parameter in call_foo_h(); an int in the T::foo() version, a long in the free version.
Here is the trick: calling call_foo_h with an int (0) you call preferably the int version (the T::foo()), when available, and the long version otherwise.
How about the reverse case: preferring a free function foo before the member function?
In this case write call_foo() as follows
template <typename T>
int call_foo (T const & t)
{ return call_foo_h(t, 0L); }
//......................^^ a long value
That is: call call_foo_h with a long value, giving the precedence to the free foo() version.
enum class enabler{};
template<typename T>
class X {
template<typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<T>::value,enabler>::type = enabler()>
void func();
void func(int a);
void func(std::string b);
I have this class with these 3 overloads for func. I need the second/third versions to be available for both class/non-class types, and the first version to be available only for class types. when I tried to use enable_if as above, the class instantiation for non-class types gives compile error.
For SFINAE to work, the template argument must be deduced. In your case, T is already known by the time you attempt to instantiate func, so if the enable_if condition is false, instead of SFINAE, you get a hard error.
To fix the error, just add a template parameter whose default value is T, and use this new parameter in the enable_if check. Now deduction occurs and SFINAE can kick in for non-class types.
template<typename U = T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<U>::value,enabler>::type = enabler()>
void func();
And you don't really need a dedicated enabler type either, this works too
template<typename U = T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<U>::value, int>::type* = nullptr>
void func();
I'm not really sure what you're going for with enabler here, but you can't do what you're trying because the declaration for your member function must be valid since T is not deduced by func. To achieve what you want in adding an extra overload, you can use some moderately contrived inheritance.
struct XBaseImpl {
// whatever you want in both versions
void func(int a) { }
void func(std::string b) { }
template <typename, bool> struct XBase;
// is_class is true, contains the extra overload you want
template <typename T>
struct XBase<T, true> : XBaseImpl {
static_assert(std::is_class<T>{}, ""); // just to be safe
using XBaseImpl::func;
void func() { } // class-only
// is_class is false
template <typename T>
struct XBase<T, false> : XBaseImpl { };
template<typename T>
class X : public XBase<T, std::is_class<T>{}> { };
You are not enabling or disabling something.
You simply want a compile time error in one specific case.
Because of that you don't require to rely on sfinae, a static_assert is enough.
As a minimal, working example:
template<typename T>
class X {
void func() {
static_assert(std::is_class<T>::value, "!");
// do whatever you want here
void func(int a) {}
void func(std::string b) {}
int main() {
X<int> x1;
X<std::string> x2;
// compilation error
// x1.func();
Once a SO user said me: this is not sfinae, this is - substitution failure is always an error - and in this case you should use a static_assert instead.
He was right, as shown in the above example a static_assert is easier to write and to understand than sfinae and does its work as well.
I want to create proxies for member functions and operators. They must have the same return type and parameters, and must be good for several classes, which are given as template parameters. Even if the class does not have the particular member function or operator, I want it to compile instead of failing with an error, essentially SFINAE. If X has a method f() and Y does not have any method named f, I need Proxy<X> to have an f() as well that calls X::f(), and I need Proxy<Y> to compile and instantiate without any problems.
Extracting the return type from a known function is no longer a problem, after a previous question of mine. However it fails with an error if there is no such function.
I already know several template metaprogramming tricks to determine whether a given function exists, and enable a certain feature if they do, however, they all work only on hardwired function names instead of arbitrary ones, which severely limits their use in this case since I need the same construct for several functions.
I only need to check whether any function with the given name exists, if there are overloaded variants I do not need to check if a specific one exists, automatic template deduction solves that (or so I hope)
My current code looks like this:
template <class T>
class Proxy
// using my resultof solution
template <class... Args>
resultof(T::f, Args...) f (Args... x)
return x.f(x...);
// using another return type extraction solution
template <class... Args>
typeof(T::f(std::declval<Args>()...)) f (Args... x)
return x.f(x...);
T x;
Which should compile even if T does not have any function named f. Unfortunately both version fail with an error.
The implementation of resultof being
#define resultof(f, ...) typeof(Param<__VA_ARGS__>::Func(f))
template <class... Args>
class Param
template <class R>
static R Func (R (*) (Args...));
template <class R, class C>
static R Func (R (C::*) (Args...));
template <class R, class C>
static R Func (R (C::*) (Args...) const);
I suspect that
template<typename... Args>
decltype( std::declval<T&>().f(std::declval<Args>()...) )
f(Args&&... args)
return x.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
should trigger SFINAE and discard any instantiation of f for which the return type is ill-formed (e.g. ambiguous or non-existant overload) instead of a hard error. I'm not quite sure though because T is a parameter of proxy, not f and I simply can't parse the relevant parts of the Standard (around 14.8.2 I believe). None of the examples provided in the non normative notes seems to apply.
Failing that, it's possible to use
template<typename U = T&, typename... Args>
decltype( std::declval<U>().f(std::declval<Args>()...) )
f(Args&&... args)
return x.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
for which my compiler happily accepts proxy<int> p;, unlike with the first option. p.f(); results in a 'No matching function found' error, as is usual with SFINAE.
I recommend using the freestanding form of the operators where possible:
template<typename T, typename U>
auto operator+(Proxy<T> const& lhs, Proxy<U> const& rhs)
-> decltype( std::declval<T const&>() + std::declval<U const&>() )
return lhs.x + rhs.x;
is a possibility.
At first glance, this seems trivial:
template <typename T> class Proxy : public T { };
Nothing else in C++ will give Proxy<T> all the members of T, for any T. The only bit missing is the ctors, but from your question I infer that you already know how to forward those.
Background: Practically speaking, the set of possible member names of T is infinite. Therefore, you can't find .f() by name lookup in Proxy<T>, and the only other scope in which a member name is looked up is the base class scope.
You need to isolate the checking of the existence of f in the template parameter of proxy by an extra level. The following will allow you to call proxy<X>::f() in any way that you can call X::f():
template<typename T,typename ... Args>
struct f_result
typedef decltype(std::declval<T&>().f(std::declval<Args&&>()...)) type;
template<typename T>
struct proxy
T val;
template<typename ... Args>
typename f_result<T,Args...>::type
f(Args&& ... args)
return val.f(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
Quick test:
#include <iostream>
struct X
void f()
int f(int i)
return i;
struct Y
struct Z
int f()
return 42;
int main(int, char**)
proxy<X> px;
int i=px.f(3);
proxy<Y> py;
proxy<Z> pz;
int j=pz.f();
This works OK with g++ 4.5 and g++ 4.6 in -std=c++0x mode.