std::out_of_range exception when catching it? - c++

I'm getting this exception message in the IDE output log even though I have a code that catches it, if it happens.
Here's the code itself:
t_ptr obj_ptr;
try {
obj_ptr =;
catch (std::out_of_range e) {
return nullptr;
return obj_ptr.get();
Is it supposed to happen? It's not like I'm using obj_ptr when fails.

"First-chance" exception means just that the debugger noticed that an exception has been thrown. That's not an error (and in facts the execution goes on), just an aid to the programmer that may be on the look for exceptions being incorrectly swallowed.


Is it important that what() does not throw (exception classes)?

An exercise from C++ Primer asks
Why is it important that the what function [of exception classes] doesn’t throw?
Since there is no way to check my answer I was hoping to get an opinion. I thought possibly that it is an error (maybe terminate would've been called) to throw another exception during a catch clause (other than a rethrow throw;) while the current exception object is still being handled. It seems that is not the case though and it is completely okay to throw out of catch clauses:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
throw exception();
} catch(exception err){ throw exception();}
} catch(exception err){ cout << "caught"} //compiles and runs fine, outputs "caught"
So program terminations are not a worry. It seems then, any problem that arises from what() throwing should, at the very least, be rectifiable by the user if they were so inclined.
Maybe then, the importance might be that while handling an error we do not want further unexpected errors to occur? Throws inside catch clauses are mainly intended for sending the exception object further up the call chain. A user may receive an error from deep in his program and does not want to worry that the error caught has to be associated with its own try block. Or maybe what() having its own throw may also lead to recursive effects (e.g. what() throws an exception, then we catch this exception and call what() but this then throws, and so on) meaning it might become impossible to handle any errors? How drastic can it be for what() to potentially throw?
I think there's nothing unclear - it's just as you described. If .what() method of an exception class throws an error, the whole catch effort was wasted:
try {
catch(std::exception e) {
// Ooops, instead of false,
//we get another exception totally unrelated to original error;
return false;
return true;
And Imagine the crazy code if you were expected to deal with what()'s exceptions:
try {
catch(std::exception e) {
// Not very fun
try {;
catch(...) {
return false;
I think there's nothing more in that, probably the question is so simple it seems there must be some catch hiding in it. I think it's not the case.
std::exception::what() is noexcept. Consequently, if it throws, std::terminate is called. Yes, this is important.
Image a very curious coder with a slight tendency towards being a control freak (I know a couple of them myself), he really wants to know what is going wrong in his program and logs all errors with ex.what(). So he codes
try {
catch(std::exception &e) {
He is pretty pleased with the world in general and with himself in particular. But now it crosses his mind, that e.what() could throw an exception as well. So he is codes:
try {
catch(std::exception &e) {
catch(std::exception &e) {
A minute later he notices, that there is again an uncaught exception possible! Remember, he is a control freak, so he is going to write another try-catch block and than another and another
So you can bet any money, his project will be late - how could you do something like this to my friend? So please make sure e.what() doesn't throw:)
I guess it is the reason behind what being noexcept.

What will happen is an exception is thrown while executing a throw statement

I have following code snippet:
if(/*something is true*/)
throw Win32Error(msgWin32Error->GetError()); //assume msgWin32Error is NULL
catch (Win32Error& win32Error)
Assuming msgWin32Error is NULL in above code snippet, when throw statement gets executed, it will have another exception in turn. What will be the behavior in such circumstance?
There will be no C++ exception here.
You are conflating two things:
C++ exceptions (see: throw, try, catch)
Runtime errors invoked by the operating system (e.g. segmentation fault)
The latter are sometimes also confusingly called "exceptions", but you cannot catch these with C++ catch.
What will happen is that the dereference of msgWin32Error will (probably) cause the Operating System to terminate your application. Control will never even reach your throw instruction.
First of all, when you dereference a NULL pointer, you get undefined behavior. An exception might be thrown (because throwing an exception is in the list of allowable behaviors if UB is invoked), but you can't count on that. However, it's easy to construct a well defined example that gets at what I think you are asking.
char const* foo()
throw ExceptionZ();
return "message";
void bar()
throw ExceptionX(foo());
catch(ExceptionX) { ... }
catch(ExceptionZ) { ... }
In this case, the handler for ExceptionZ will be entered. The throw statement in bar does not complete. The exception thrown from foo() propagates before it can.

c++ catch error raised by PPL parallel_for

I have written this piece of code to catch error launched by ppl
parallel_for (m_row_start, m_row_end + 1, [&functionEvaluation,varModel_,this](int i)
// do things
catch(const std::exception error_)
QString t(error_.what());
return functionEvaluation.combine(plus<double>());
catch(const std::exception error_)
QString t(error_.what());
No error is caught although I have strong suspicion that it does have exception raised (a larger try{}catch(...){} it catching an std::exception, with no clear message.
I am right with my syntax for catching exception raised in ppl code?
Your syntax is correct although there's no reason you couldn't catch by reference to avoid unnecessary copying of the exception object:
catch(const std::exception & error_)
Check that the exception thrown actually derives from std::exception.
The PPL will only allow exceptions to propagate once all the threads have completed, could you have a thread which is still running preventing you from seeing the exception?
For debugging purposes, you could add an extra catch block:
cout << "Unknown exception" << endl;
Just to check if you are getting any kind of exception thrown, however I wouldn't leave this in production code because there's no way to usefully do anything with the exception.
First, check what is thrown. If you mistype the catch, it will not react. Maybe it simply is the CONST marker? const-type is not the same as non-const-type, but I actually don't remember well if catches are const-volatile-sensitive.
Second, unless strong reasons arise, always catch by reference:
catch(std::exception& error)
If you do not, then an exception copying will occur: By copying I mean object-copying, not re-raising;)

try catch duo in c++

I know that the general method for using the try catch duo is something like this:
//your code
//any error goes here
Is there a way by which catch() catches the error code without giving any input... i.e if I didn't throw an exception but the c compiler did, then the error code can be anything. I just need to catch whatever the error code is and be notified that's all.
Apparently, you're trying to catch errors from functions that don't throw exceptions but return numerical error codes. That's impossible. The closest you can get is wrapping all your C functions in exception throwing code yourself:
FILE *safe_fopen(char const *path, char const *mode)
FILE *f = std::fopen(path, mode);
if (f == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(std::strerror(errno));
return f;
It is not possible to throw an exception when a program derefences a null pointer or an invalid piece of memory, at least not in a portable manner; when that happens, behavior is simply undefined. There's no error code to check for, just a segfault on most OSs.
But please get your terminology straight. The compiler does not throw an exception, a function may do so, at run-time. The C compiler has very little to do with all this.
You don't have to catch everything. If you only want to handle a particular type of exception, only catch that exception:
try {
} catch (MyExceptionType ex) {

C++ catch constructor exception

I do not seem to understand how to catch constructor exception.
Here is relevant code:
struct Thread {
rysq::cuda::Fock fock_;
template<class iterator>
Thread(const rysq::cuda::Centers &centers,
const iterator (&blocks)[4])
: fock_()
if (!fock_) throw;
Thread *ct;
try { ct = new Thread(centers_, blocks); }
catch(...) { return false; } // catch never happens,
So catch statement do not execute and I get unhandled exception.
What did I do wrong? this is straight C++ using g++.
You have to throw an object, e.g.,
throw std::exception();
throw with no operand is only used inside of a catch block to rethrow the exception being handled by the catch block.
You have to throw something in order to catch anything.
Try changing the line
if (!fock_) throw;
if (!fock_) throw "";
and observe the difference.
You need to throw something. throw alone means to "re-throw" the current exception. If there is no current exception, unexpected gets called, which will probably abort your program.
It's best to pick a class from <stdexcept> that describes the problem. logic_error or a derivative to indicate programming mistakes, or runtime_error to denote exceptional conditions.