I am trying to render a 3D model using OpenGL. And for the projection and transformation matrices, I am using glm. I've got my model on the screen and it works just like I intended it to; except one small problem.
I am setting the model's translation matrix as
glm::translate(glm::vec3(0, 0, 4)
to move the model a little bit forward so that I can see it. Since in OpenGL, by default, negative z is out towards the 'camera' and positive z is forward, I expected this to work but it doesn't. It only works if I set it to
glm::translate(glm::vec3(0, 0, -4)
But this seems weird to me, as I am setting my zNear to 0.01 and zFar to 1000. Is glm's z values flipped or am I doing something wrong here?
Here is my code:
glm::mat4 rotation = glm::mat4(1.0f);
glm::mat4 translation = glm::translate(glm::vec3(0, 0, -4));
glm::mat4 scale = glm::mat4(1.0f);
glm::mat4 modelMatrix = translation * rotation * scale;
glm::mat4 projectionMatrix = glm::perspective(70.0f, aspectRatio, 0.01f, 1000.0f);
glm::mat4 transformationMatrix = projectionMatrix * modelMatrix;
When you call perspective() with near = 0.01 and far = 1000.0 planes, its actual meaning is that you are cutting it as -0.01 to -1000.0 so you should put the object's z-value into the range [-0.01, -1000.0].
Imagine the right handed Coordinate and assume your eye's z-value is 0.0 in default.
I have been getting unexpected behavior while trying to rotate a basic cube. It may be helpful to know that translating the cube works correctly in the y and z direction. However, translating along the x axis is backwards(I negate only x for proper results) which I haven't been able to figure out why.
Furthermore, rotating the cube has been a mess. Without any sort of transform the cube appears correctly. Once I add a rotation transformation the cube is not displayed until I change one of the x,y,z rotation values from 0(Putting all values back to 0 makes it disappear again). Once it appears the cube won't rotate around whichever x,y,z plane I first changed unless I change two or more of the coordinates. It also wobbles around its origin when rotating.
Below is a snippets of my code I believe has incorrect math.
/* Here's how I setup the matrices for a mvp matrix*/
proj = glm::perspective(glm::radians(90.0f), (960.0f / 540.0f), 0.1f, 400.0f);
view = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0, 0, -200), glm::vec3(0, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
glm::mat4 model = glm::mat4(1.0f);
/* Here's how I transform the model matrix, note
translating works properly once the cube is visible*/
model = glm::translate(model, glm::vec3(-translation[0], translation[1], translation[2])); //negative x value
model = glm::rotate(model, 30.0f, rotation);
glm::mat4 mvp = proj * view * model;
shader->SetUniformMat4f("MVP", mvp);
renderer.Draw(*c_VAO, *c_EBO, *shader);
/* Here's how I use these values in my vertex shader */
layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
uniform mat4 MVP;
void main()
gl_Position = u_MVP * position;
I've checked both the translation and rotation vectors values and they are as expected but I am still going mad trying to figure out this problem.
The unit of the angle of glm::rotate is radians. Use glm::radians to convert form degrees to radians:
model = glm::rotate(model, 30.0f, rotation);
model = glm::rotate(model, glm::radians(30.0f), rotation);
I Have a projection matrix in my C++ OpenGL Application.
glm::mat4 projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, 16.0f / 9.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f);
This Matrix is later sent as uniform to the Vertex Shader ->
Nade::Shader::SetMat4(app.shader->GetProgram(), "p", app.projection);
And Utilized inside the Vertex Shader
gl_Position = m * p * vec4(pos,1.0);
And then the Rendered Quad is moved at the Z Axis
object.Translate(0, 0, -0.05);
Observed Behavior: The Rendered Mesh behaves like it is within a Orthographic Matrix where it stays same in size but clips away at the far point
Expected Behavior: The Rendered Mesh reduces in size and clips away.
How can I fix this?
gl_Position = m * p * vec4(pos,1.0); is equivalent to gl_Position = m * (p * vec4(pos,1.0));, which means that the position is transformed by p before being transformed by m.
Assuming p means "projection" and m means "modelview", then it should be:
gl_Position = p * m * vec4(pos,1.0);
You might be wondering: Why didn't this cause issues earlier?
With an orthographic projection, and a camera looking down the z axis, the original code could still look like it works. That's because a zero-centered orthographic projection is basically just a scaling matrix.
glm::mat4 Model = glm::mat4(1.0f);
float dir_x = 0.0f, dir_y = 1.0f, dir_z = 0.0f;
do {
// Clear the screen
// Use our shader
GLuint MatrixID = glGetUniformLocation(programID, "MVP");
glm::mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(glm::radians(45.0f), 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
//glm::mat4 Projection = glm::ortho(-1.0f,1.0f,-1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,100.0f); // In world coordinates
// Camera matrix
glm::mat4 View = glm::lookAt(
glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 3), // Camera is at (4,3,3), in World Space
glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), // and looks at the origin
glm::vec3(0, 1, 0) // Head is up (set to 0,-1,0 to look upside-down)
float rot_angle = 0.0f;
const float speed = 0.01f;
glm::vec3 dir = glm::vec3(dir_x, dir_y, dir-z);
if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS)
rot_angle = -1.0f;
Model = glm::translate(tri_center)* glm::rotate(glm::mat4(), glm::radians(rot_angle), glm::vec3(0, 0, -1))*glm::translate(-tri_center)*Model;
//dir left
If I rotate the object(car), I want to move it to the head of the car. Now, regardless of the head of car, the car only moves upward.
How do codes make dir rotate?
Changing the center of rotation can be achieved with the following:
Remember, multiply matrices RIGHT TO LEFT, the first transform on the rightmost side, the last on the left
First, create a translation that brings the center of rotation to the origin of the scene (0, 0, 0), this is basically reversing each x,y, and z. So the translation for the example center vec3(1.0, 2.3, -5.2) is glm::mat4 origin = glm::translate(origin, glm::vec3(-1.0, -2.3, 5.2);
Store this vector, we are going to use this for ALL points in the mesh
Now apply the desired rotation(s) to this translate matrix and store them in a new mat4, so do:
glm::mat4 final = glm::rotate(..) * origin
Finally, bring the center (and the rest of the model) back to the original position by creating a translation identical to the vector3 with the following:
glm::mat4 relocate = glm::translate(relocate, center) and then
glm::mat4 final = relocate * glm::rotate(..) * origin
Essentially what we are doing here is bringing the center of the model to the origin, translating all points relative to that, then rotating them around the center (which is now the origin), then bringing them back the same distance they came.
Now apply this translation to ALL of the models points, do this in the vertex shader, obviously. If the model is really small, you could do it in your code but that will gobble memory for most meshes. This mat4 could be applied to the model matrix if you don't want to add another matrix. model = model * final //note, first do transformations, then scale for the model
Full code looks something like this: (you could also multiply the matricies manually, but GLM lets you pass a matrix into the args of translate() function, it then just applies the translation to the matrix in its current form)
glm::vec3 center = vec3(1.0, 2.3, -5.2);
glm::mat4 finalTransform = glm::translate(finalTransform, glm::vec3(-1.0, -2.3, 5.2)); //first bring everything to origin, notice this is a mat4
finalTransform = glm::rotate(finalTransform, ...); //rotate how you want
finalTransform = glm::translate(finalTransform, center); //return to center
model = model * finalTransform; //apply this transformation to be calculated by the vertex shader for the object
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(sp, "model"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(model)); //pass model matrix into shader program
Also, in your current code it appears that you have the right idea, but you are using the translate function incorrectly. It should be called like this: glm::translate(mat4, vec3). At the very least, construct an empty mat4 to translate with the glm::mat4() constructor.
I have been attempting to rotate an object around its local coordinates and then move it based off based of the rotated coordinates but i have not been able to achieve the desired results,
to explain the problem in a more in depth way i have an object at a certain point in space and i need to rotate it around its own origin(not the global origin) and then translate the object based off of the newly rotated axis's, after much experimenting i have discovered that i can either rotate the object around is origin but the coordinates will not be rotated with it or i can have the objects local coordinates be transformed with it but it will then rotate around the global origin.
currently my rotation/translation/scaling code looks like this
glm::mat4 myMatrix = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f),trans);
glm::mat4 Model = glm::mat4(1.f);
glm::mat4 myScalingMatrix = glm::scale(sx, sy ,sz);
glm::vec3 myRotationAxis( 0, 1, 0);
glm::mat4 myRotationMatrix =glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f),rot, myRotationAxis);
Model= myScalingMatrix* myRotationMatrix*myMatrix;
glm::mat4 MVP = Projection* View * Model;
I believe this is the problem code specifically the second line from the bottom but i could be wrong and will be post more code if its needed.
i have also attempted to create an inverse matrix and use that at the start of the calculation but that appears to do nothing(i can add the code that i attempted to do this with if needed)
If any kind of elaboration is needed regarding this issue feel free to ask and i will expand on the question
Slightly modified code that was suggested in the answers section, still giving the same bug though.
glm::mat4 Model = glm::mat4(1.f);
glm::mat4 myScalingMatrix = glm::scale(sx, sy ,sz);
glm::vec3 myRotationAxis( 0, 1, 0);
glm::mat4 myRotationMatrix =glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f),rot, myRotationAxis);
glm::vec4 trans(x,y,z,1);
glm::vec4 vTrans = myRotationMatrix* trans ;
glm::mat4 myMatrix = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f),vTrans.x,vTrans.y,vTrans.z);
Model= myScalingMatrix* myRotationMatrix*myMatrix;
You need to apply your rotation matrix to the translation vector (trans).
So, assuming trans is a vec4, your code will be:
glm::mat4 Model = glm::mat4(1.f);
glm::mat4 myScalingMatrix = glm::scale(sx, sy ,sz);
glm::vec3 myRotationAxis( 0, 1, 0);
glm::mat4 myRotationMatrix =glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f),rot, myRotationAxis);
glm::vec4 vTrans = myRotationMatrix * trans;
glm::mat4 myMatrix = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), vTrans.xyz);
Model= myScalingMatrix* myRotationMatrix*myMatrix;
glm::mat4 MVP = Projection* View * Model;
convert vec4 to vec3
So to complete the answer, if the model center is not (0,0,0) , you will have to compute
bounds of your model and translate it by half of it less model bottom left vertex.
It's well explicated here:
model local origin
According to supplied code, the answer is the best available... if you wants more details, supply some screenshots and details on your Projection and view matrix calculations
I have an object which I first want to rotate (about its own center) then translate it to some point. I have a glm::quat that holds the rotation and a glm::vec3 that holds the point to which it needs to be translated.
glm::vec3 position;
glm::quat orientation;
glm::mat4 modelmatrix; <-- want to combine them both in here
modelmatrix = glm::translate(glm::toMat4(orientation),position);
Then at my render function, I do.
pvm = projectionMatrix*viewMatrix*modelmatrix;
glUniformMatrix4fv(pvmMatrixUniformLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(pvm));
..and render...
Unfortunately, the object just orbits around the origin when I apply a rotation (the farther the "position" from the origin, the larger the orbit).
When I apply for only the position it translates fine. When I apply only the rotation it stays at the origin and rotates about its center (as expected). So why does it go weird when I apply them both? Am I missing something basic?
Because you're applying them in the wrong order. By doing glm::translate(glm::toMat4(orientation),position), you are doing the equivalent of this:
glm::mat4 rot = glm::toMat4(orientation);
glm::mat4 trans = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), position);
glm::mat4 final = rot * trans;
Note that the translation is on the right side of the matrix, not the left. This means that the translation happens first, then the rotation happens relative to the translation. So rotation happens in the space after translation.
You want the rotation to happen first. So reverse the order of the matrix multiplication.