Replacement macros for Netbeans - regex

Is it possible to write replacement macros for NetBeans?
I need to replace function is_active with function isActive. It seems that is not possible with short regex.
So I wonder is it possible to write such macros?

Crazy macros code....
We cannot use find properly, so I decieded to use find-selection
# there is no loop, so you need to repeat this lines many-many times (too many may hang your IDE)
To use this macros you need to set the focus on a document and have turned on regex find option.
Warning, could spoil your code.


How to I make gerrit query that spans across few specific projects?

I tried for few hours to find the right syntax for making a regex query that returns reviews from 2-3 different projects but I failed and decided to crowdsource the task ;)
The search is documented at and mentions possible use of REGEX,... but it just didn't work.
Task: return all CRs from openstack-infra/gerritlib and openstack-infra/git-review projects from
Doing it for one project works well project:openstack-infra/gerritlib
Ideally I would like to look for somethign like ^openstack-infra\/(gerritlib|git-review), or at least this is the standard regex syntax.
Still, I found impossible to use parentheses so far, every time I used them it stopped it from returning any results.
1) You don't need to escape the "/" character.
2) You need to use double quotes to make the parentheses work.
So the following search should work for you:

Ignore multiline comments git diff

I'm trying to find the significant differences in C/C++ source code in which only source code changes. I know you can use the git diff -G<regex> but it seems very limiting in the kind of regexes that can be run. For example, it doesn't seem to offer a way to ignore multiline comments in C/C++.
Is there any way in git or preferably libgit2 to ignore comments (including multiline), whitespaces, etc. before a diff is run? Or a way of determining if a line from the diff output is a comment or not?
git diff -w to ignore whitespace differences.
You cannot ignore multiline comments because git is a versioning tool, not a language dependent interpreter. It doesn't know your code is C++. It does not parse files for semantics, so it cannot interpret what is comment and what isn't. In particular, it relies on diff (or a configured difftool) to compare text files and it expects a line-by-line comparison.
I agree with #andrew-c that what you are really asking is to compare the two pieces of code without comments. More specifically helpful, you are asking to compare the lines of code where all multiline comments have been turned into empty lines. You keep the blank lines there so you have the correct line numbers to reference on a normal copy.
So you could manually convert the two code states to blank out multiline comments... or you might look at building your own diff wrapper that did the stripping for you. But the latter is not likely to be worth the effort.
You can achieve this using git attributes and diff filters as described in Viewing git filters output when using meld as a diff tool to call a sed script, which however is pretty complex on its own if you want it to handle all cases like comment delimiters inside string literals etc.

how to do vi search and replace within a range in sublime text

I enabled vintage mode on sublime text.. but there are some important vim commands that are lacking.. so let's say I want to do a search and replace like so
so I wanna search searchedText and replace it with toReplaceText from lines 10 to 25 and be prompted every time (ie yes/no)..
how do I do this with Sublime Text? everytime I hit : it gives me this funny menu.. any way around that?
If you so much would like to see vim in action, try the other way around; ie enable sublime stuff in vim.
Here are 2 links that might come in handy:
subvim and vim multiple cursors (Which is one amazing feature in sublime that lacks in native vim).
Hope that gets you creative ;)
Unfortunately vintage mode does not understand ranges. The best way I know how to do this is with incremental search:
highlight the first occurrence of searchedText on line 10
hit cmnd/ctrl D to have Sublime find the next occurence
If you you want the next occurrence ignored, hit cmnd/ctrl K
Once you have highlighted all the occurrences, you can replace them all at once, as Sublime has left cursors behind on every occurrence you opted in on.
VintageEx gives you a Vim-like command-line where you can at least perform substitutions. Well, that's how far I went when trying it. I don't know how extended the subset of Vim commands it implements is but I'd guess that it's not as large as the original and, like with Vintage, probably different and unsettling enough to keep a relatively experienced Vimmer out.
Anyway, I just tried it again and indeed you can more or less do the kind of substitution you are looking for, which instantly makes ST a lot more useful:
Unfortunately, it doesn't support the /c flag.
a plugin named vintageous offers more features including search function. It's available in package control
although this question is answered.. i figured this would add some value
the full functionality of vi search/replace is possible with the ruby mine IDE, once you install the ideavim plugin. The idea is perfect for ruby on rails by the way.

Global substitution for latex commands in vim

I am writing a long document and I am frequently formatting some terms to italics. After some time I realized that maybe that is now what I want so I would like to remove all the latex commands that format text to italics.
\textit{Vim} is undoubtedly one of the best editors ever made. \textit{LaTeX} is an extremely powerful, intelligent typesetter. \textbd{Vim-LaTeX} aims at bringing together the best of both these worlds
How can I run a substitution command that recognizes all the instances of \textit{whatever} and changes them to just whatever without affecting different commands such as \textbd{Vim-LaTeX} in this example?
EDIT: As technically the answer that helps is the one from Igor I will mark that one as the correct one. Nevertheless, Konrad's answer should be taken into account as it shows the proper Latex strategy to follow.
You shouldn’t use formatting commands at all in your text.
LaTeX is built around the idea of semantic markup. So instead of saying “this text should be italic” you should mark up the text using its function. For instance:
\product{Vim} is undoubtedly one of the best editors ever made. \product{LaTeX}
is an extremely powerful, intelligent typesetter. \product{Vim-LaTeX} aims at
bringing together the best of both these worlds
… and then, in your preamble, a package, or a document class, you (re-)define a macro \product to set the formatting you want. That way, you can adapt the macro whenever you deem necessary without having to change the code.
Or, if you want to remove the formatting completely, just make the macro display its bare argument:
Use this substitution command:
% s/\\textit{\([^}]*\)}/\1/
If textit can span muptiple lines:
%! perl -e 'local $/; $_=<>; s/\\textit{([^}]*)}/$1/g; print;'
And you can do this without perl also:
\_. -- any symbol including a newline character
\{-} -- make * non-greedy.

Easily comment (C++) code in vim

I have looked at the following question:
How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim
But that does not seem to work for me. How do I comment code easily without resorting to plugins/scripts?
Use ctrl-V to do a block selection and then hit I followed by //[ESC].
Alternatively, use shift-V to do a line-based select and then type :s:^://[Enter]. The latter part could easily go into a mapping. eg:
:vmap // :s:^://<CR>
Then you just shift-V, select the range, and type // (or whatever you bind it to).
You can add this to your .vimrc file
map <C-c> :s/^/\/\//<Enter>
Then when you need to comment a section just select all lines (Shift-V + movement) and then press CtrlC.
To un-comment you can define in a similar way
map <C-u> :s/^\/\///<Enter>
that removes a // at begin of line from the selected range when pressing CtrlU.
You can use the NERD commenter plugin for vim, which has support for a whole bunch of languages (I'm sure C++ is one of them). With this installed, to comment/uncomment any line, use <Leader>ci. To do the same for a block of text, select text by entering the visual mode and use the same command as above.
There are other features in this such as comment n lines by supplying a count before the command, yank before comment with <Leader>cy, comment to end of line with <Leader>c$, and many others, which you can read about in the link. I've found this plugin to be extremely useful and is one of my 'must have' plugins.
There's always #ifdef CHECK_THIS_LATER ... #endif which has the advantage of not causing problems with nested C-style comments (if you use them) and is easy to find and either uncomment or remove completely later.