delete and memory management - c++

I've found unexpected results about memory management running the following (sample) code:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define BIGNUM 100000000
// sample struct
struct Coordinate {
uint64_t x;
uint64_t y;
uint64_t z;
Coordinate() {
x = 1ULL;
y = 2ULL;
z = 3ULL;
int main() {
std::vector<Coordinate*>* coordinates = new std::vector<Coordinate*>();
for (int i = 0; i < BIGNUM; ++i)
coordinates->push_back(new Coordinate());
// block 1
for(std::vector<Coordinate*>::iterator it = coordinates->begin(); it != coordinates->end(); ++it)
// block 2
std::cout << "end\n";
return 0;
On my Ubuntu 14.04:
The command ps aux --sort -rss was performed on std::cin.get(); 4 times, with small differences:
1) program as is
2) with block 1 commented (basically no delete on every vector's element)
3) with block 2 commented (so no delete on vector)
4) both both blocks 1 and 2 commented.
With my (big) surprise test 1) and 2) have almost the same RSS / VSZ results. In simple words it seems that delete(*it); doesn't work properly (doesn't free memory). Same conclusion can be achieved with 3) and 4).
On Windows XP (running in VirtualBox) everything is fine and memory is 0-2 MB running the program as is.

Just because delete frees memory doesn't mean that the memory is immediately released back to the operating system for general use. Memory management on modern OSes is just not that simple.
There's nothing wrong here other than your assumptions!


32-bit malloc() return NULL when opening many threads?

I have a sample C++ program as below:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
void * pointerArr[20000];
int i = 0, j;
for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
void * pointer = malloc(131125);
if (pointer == NULL) {
printf("i = %d, out of memory!\n", i);
pointerArr[i] = pointer;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
return 0;
When I run it with Visual Studio 32-bit Debug, it will run with following result:
The program can use nearly 2Gb of memory before out of memory.
This is normal behavior.
However, when I adding the code to start Thread inside the for loop as below:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DWORD WINAPI thread_func(VOID* pInArgs)
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
void * pointerArr[20000];
int i = 0, j;
for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_func, NULL, 0, NULL);
void * pointer = malloc(131125);
if (pointer == NULL) {
printf("i = %d, out of memory!\n", i);
pointerArr[i] = pointer;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
return 0;
The result is as below:
The memory is still just around 200Mb but function malloc will return NULL.
Could anyone help explain why the program cannot use the memory up to 2Gb before out of memory?
Is it mean creating many threads like above will cause memory leak?
In my real application, this error occur when I create about 800 threads, the RAM memory at the time "out of memory" is around 300Mb.
As noted in a comment by #macroland, the main thing happening here is that each thread is consuming 1 MiB for its stack (see MSDN CreateThread and Thread Stack Size). You say malloc returns NULL once the total you have directly allocated reaches 200 MB. Since you are allocating 131125 bytes at a time, that is 200 MB / 131125 B = 1525 threads. Their cumulative stack space will be around 1.5 GB. Adding the 200 MB of malloc memory is 1.7 GB, and miscellaneous overhead likely accounts for the rest.
So, why does Task Manager not show this? Because the full 1 MiB of thread stack space is not actually allocated (also called committed), rather it is reserved. See VirtualAlloc and the MEM_RESERVE flag. The address space has been reserved for expansion up to 1 MiB, but initially only 64 KiB are allocated, and Task Manager only counts the latter. But reserved memory will not be unilaterally repurposed by malloc until the reservation is lifted, so once it runs out of available address space, it has to return NULL.
What tool can show this? I don't know of anything off the shelf (even Process Explorer does not seem show a count of reserved memory). What I have done in the past is write my own little routine that uses VirtualQuery to enumerate the entire address space, including reserved ranges. I recommend you do the same; it's not much code to write, and very handy when coding for 32-bit Windows because the 2 GiB address space gets cramped very easily (DLLs are an obvious reason, but the default malloc also will leave unexpected reservations behind in response to certain allocation patterns even if you free everything).
In any case, if you want to create thousands of threads in a 32-bit Windows process, be sure to pass a non-zero value as the dwStackSize parameter to CreateThread, and also pass STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION as dwCreationFlags. The minimum is 64 KiB, which will be plenty if you avoid recursive algorithms in the threads.
Addendum: In a comment, #iinspectable cautions against using thousands of threads, citing Raymond Chen's 2005 blog post Does Windows have a limit of 2000 threads per process?. I agree that doing so is questionable for a variety of reasons; it is not my intent to endorse the practice, rather I'm just explaining one necessary element.

Memory error at lower limit than expected when implementing Sieve of Eratosthenes in C++

My question is related to a problem described here. I have written a C++ implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes that hits a memory overflow if I set the target value too high. As suggested in that question, I am able to fix the problem by using a boolean <vector> instead of a normal array.
However, I am hitting the memory overflow at a much lower value than expected, around n = 1 200 000. The discussion in the thread linked above suggests that the normal C++ boolean array uses a byte for each entry, so with 2 GB of RAM, I expect to be able to get to somewhere on the order of n = 2 000 000 000. Why is the practical memory limit so much smaller?
And why does using <vector>, which encodes the booleans as bits instead of bytes, yield more than an eightfold increase in the computable limit?
Here is a working example of my code, with n set to a small value.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Count and sum of primes below target
const int target = 100000;
// Code I want to use:
bool is_idx_prime[target];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target; i++) {
// initialize by assuming prime
is_idx_prime[i] = true;
// But doesn't work for target larger than ~1200000
// Have to use this instead
// vector <bool> is_idx_prime(target, true);
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < sqrt(target); i++) {
// All multiples of i * i are nonprime
// If i itself is nonprime, no need to check
if (is_idx_prime[i]) {
for (int j = i; i * j < target; j++) {
is_idx_prime[i * j] = 0;
// 0 and 1 are nonprime by definition
is_idx_prime[0] = 0; is_idx_prime[1] = 0;
unsigned long long int total = 0;
unsigned int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < target; i++) {
// cout << "\n" << i << ": " << is_idx_prime[i];
if (is_idx_prime[i]) {
total += i;
cout << "\nCount: " << count;
cout << "\nTotal: " << total;
return 0;
Count: 9592
Total: 454396537
C:\Users\[...].exe (process 1004) exited with code 0.
Press any key to close this window . . .
Or, changing n = 1 200 000 yields
C:\Users\[...].exe (process 3144) exited with code -1073741571.
Press any key to close this window . . .
I am using the Microsoft Visual Studio interpreter on Windows with the default settings.
Turning the comment into a full answer:
Your operating system reserves a special section in the memory to represent the call stack of your program. Each function call pushes a new stack frame onto the stack. If the function returns, the stack frame is removed from the stack. The stack frame includes the memory for the parameters to your function and the local variables of the function. The remaining memory is referred to as the heap. On the heap, arbitrary memory allocations can be made, whereas the structure of the stack is governed by the control flow of your program. A limited amount of memory is reserved for the stack, when it gets full (e.g. due to too many nested function calls or due to too large local objects), you get a stack overflow. For this reason, large objects should be allocated on the heap.
General references on stack/heap: Link, Link
To allocate memory on the heap in C++, you can:
Use vector<bool> is_idx_prime(target);, which internally does a heap allocation and deallocates the memory for you when the vector goes out of scope. This is the most convenient way.
Use a smart pointer to manage the allocation: auto is_idx_prime = std::make_unique<bool[]>(target); This will also automatically deallocate the memory when the array goes out of scope.
Allocate the memory manually. I am mentioning this only for educational purposes. As mentioned by Paul in the comments, doing a manual memory allocation is generally not advisable, because you have to manually deallocate the memory again. If you have a large program with many memory allocations, inevitably you will forget to free some allocation, creating a memory leak. When you have a long-running program, such as a system service, creating repeated memory leaks will eventually fill up the entire memory (and speaking from personal experience, this absolutely does happen in practice). But in theory, if you would want to make a manual memory allocation, you would use bool *is_idx_prime = new bool[target]; and then later deallocate again with delete [] is_idx_prime.

Why does allocating large chunks of memory fail when reallocing small chunks doesn't

This code results in x pointing to a chunk of memory 100GB in size.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
auto x = malloc(1);
for (int i = 1; i< 1024; ++i) x = realloc(x, i*1024ULL*1024*100);
while (true); // Give us time to check top
While this code fails allocation.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
auto x = malloc(1024ULL*1024*100*1024);
printf("%llu\n", x);
while (true); // Give us time to check top
My guess is, that the memory size of your system is less than the 100 GiB that you are trying to allocate. While Linux does overcommit memory, it still bails out of requests that are way beyond what it can fulfill. That is why the second example fails.
The many small increments of the first example, on the other hand, are way below that threshold. So each one of them succeeds as the kernel knows that you didn't require any of the prior memory yet, so it has no indication that it won't be able to back those 100 additional MiB.
I believe that the threshold for when a memory request from a process fails is relative to the available RAM, and that it can be adjusted (though I don't remember how exactly).
Well you're allocating less memory in the one that succeeds:
for (int i = 1; i< 1024; ++i) x = realloc(x, i*1024ULL*1024*100);
The last realloc is:
x = realloc(x, 1023 * (1024ULL*1024*100));
As compared to:
auto x = malloc(1024 * (1024ULL*100*1024));
Maybe that's right where your memory boundary is - the last 100M that broke the camel's back?

How do you find out what parts of code are creating the most virtual memory?

I have a program that starts up and within about 5 minutes the virtual size of process is about 13 gigs. It runs on Linux, uses boost, gnu c++ library and various other 3rd party libraries.
After 5 minutes size stays at 13 gigs and rss size steady at around 5 gigs.
I can't just run it in a debugger because at startup about 30 threads are started, each of which starts running its own code, that does various allocations. So stepping through and checking virtual memory at different parts of code at each breakpoint is not feasible.
I thought of changing program to start each thread one at a time to make it easier to track allocation of memory, but before doing this are there any good tools?
Valgrind is fairly slow, maybe tcmalloc could provide the info?
I would use valgrind (perhaps run it an entire night) or else use Boehm GC.
Alternatively, use the proc(5) filesystem to understand (e.g. thru /proc/$pid/statm & /proc/$pid/maps) when a lot of memory gets allocated.
The most important is to find memory leaks. If the memory don't grow after startup it is less an issue.
Perhaps adding instance counters to each class might help (use atomic integers or mutexes to serialize them).
If the program's source code is big (e.g. a million of source lines) so that spending several days/weeks is worth the effort, perhaps customizing the GCC compiler (e.g. with MELT) might be relevant.
a std::set minibenchmark
You mentioned big std::set based upon million rows.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
class MyElem
int _n;
char _s[16-sizeof(_n)];
MyElem(int k) : _n(k)
snprintf (_s, sizeof(_s), "%d", k);
memset(_s, 0, sizeof(_s));
int n() const
return _n;
std::string str() const
return std::string(_s);
bool less(const MyElem&x) const
return _n < x._n;
bool operator < (const MyElem& l, const MyElem& r)
return l.less(r);
typedef std::set<MyElem> MySet;
void bench (int cnt, MySet& set)
for (long i=0; i<(long)cnt*1024; i++)
time_t now = 0;
time (&now);
set.insert (((now) & 0xfffffff) * 100);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
MySet s;
clock_t cstart, cend;
int c = argc>1?atoi(argv[1]):256;
if (c<16) c=16;
printf ("c=%d Kiter\n", c);
cstart = clock();
bench (c, s);
cend = clock();
int x = getpid();
char cmdbuf[64];
snprintf(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf), "pmap %d", x);
printf ("running %s\n", cmdbuf);
fflush (NULL);
printf ("at end c=%d Kiter clockdiff=%.2f millisec = %.f µs/Kiter\n",
c, (cend-cstart)*1.0e-3, (double)(cend-cstart)/c);
if (s.find(x) != s.end())
printf("set has %d\n", x);
printf("set don't contain %d\n", x);
return 0;
Notice the 16 bytes sizeof(MyElem). On Debian/Sid/AMD64 with GCC 4.8.1 (intel i3770K processor, 16Gbytes RAM) and compiling that bench with g++ -Wall -O1 -o ./tset-01
With 32768 thousands of iterations, so 32M elements:
total 2109592K
(last line above given by pmap)
at end c=32768 Kiter clockdiff=16470.00 millisec = 503 µs/Kiter
Then the implicit time from my zsh
./tset-01 32768 16.77s user 0.54s system 99% cpu 17.343 total
This is about 2.1Gbytes. so perhaps 64.3 bytes per element & set member overhead (since sizeof(MyElem)==16 the set seems to have a non-negligible cost of perhaps 6 words per element)

std::bad_alloc without going into swap space

I'm trying to understand why I am getting std::bad_alloc exceptions when I seem to have enough (virtual?) memory available to me.
Essentially I have a prime number generator (Eratosthenes sieve (not segmented yet)) where I'm newing bools for an indicator array, and then newing ints for the primes I've found under a bound I specify on the command line.
I have 1GB RAM (some of this will be hogged by my OS (ubuntu 10.04), and probably some of it is not available as heap memory (am I wrong here?)) and 2.8 GB of swap space (I believe that was auto set for me when installing Ubuntu)
If I set an upper bound of 600000000 then I'm asking for 0.6 GB of memory for my indicator array and roughly 30000000*4 bytes (slight over estimate given there are 26355867 primes less than 500000000) for my primes array, and a few variables here and there; this means I'm asking for about .72 (+ negligible) GB of memory which I believe should be covered by the swap space available to me (I am aware touching that stuff will slow my program down ridiculously). However I am getting std::bad_allocs.
Could anyone point out what I'm missing here? (one last thing having changed long long ints to ints before pasting my last error was a seg fault (my numbers are way below 2^31 though so I can't see where I'm overflowing) - still trying to figure that one out)
My code is as follows (and without taking away from me the benefit of my own investigation into quicker algorithms etc.. I'd be appreciative of any code improvements here! (i.e. if I'm committing major no-no s))
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "Prime.hpp"
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
//USAGE: execute program with the nth prime you want and an upper bound for finding primes --too high may cause bad alloc
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
int a = strlen(argv[1]);
clock_t start = clock();
if(argc != 2)
std::cout << "USAGE: Enter a positive inputNumber <= 500000000.\n"
<< "This inputNumber is an upper bound for the primes that can be found\n";
return -1;
const char* primeBound = argv[1];
int inputNum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(argv[1]); i++)
if(primeBound[i] < 48 || primeBound[i] > 57 || primeBound[0] == 48)
std::cout << "USAGE: Enter a positive inputNumber <= 500000000.\n"
<< "This inputNumber is an upper bound for the primes that can be found\n";
return -1;
inputNum = (int)(primeBound[i]-48) + (10 * inputNum);
if(inputNum > 600000000)//getting close to the memory limit for this machine (1GB - memory used by the OS):
//(each bool takes 1 byte and I'd be asking for more than 500 million of these
//and I'd also asking for over 100000000 bytes to store the primes > 0.6 GB)
std::cout << "USAGE: Enter a positive inputNumber <= 500000000.\n"
<< "This inputNumber is an upper bound for the primes that can be found\n";
return -1;
Prime p(inputNum);
std::cout << "the largest prime less than " << inputNum << " is: " << p.getPrime(p.getNoOfPrimes()) << "\n";
std::cout << "Number of primes: " << p.getNoOfPrimes() << "\n";
std::cout << ((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
return 0;
#ifndef PRIME_HPP
#define PRIME_HPP
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
class Prime
int lastStorageSize;
bool* primeIndicators;
int* primes;
int noOfPrimes;
void allocateIndicatorArray(int num);
void allocatePrimesArray();
void generateIndicators();
void generatePrimeList();
Prime(){}; //forcing constructor with param = size
Prime(int num);
int getNoOfPrimes();
int getPrime(int nthPrime);
~Prime(){delete [] primeIndicators; delete [] primes;}
#include "Prime.hpp"
#include <iostream>
//don't know how much memory I will need so allocate on the heap
void Prime::allocateIndicatorArray(int num)
primeIndicators = new bool[num];
catch(std::bad_alloc ba)
std::cout << "not enough memory :[";
//if I'm looking for a particular prime I might have over-allocated here anyway...might be worth
//decreasing num and trying again - if this is possible!
lastStorageSize = num;
void Prime::allocatePrimesArray()
//could probably speed up generateIndicators() if, using some prime number theory, I slightly over allocate here
//since that would cut down the operations dramatically (a small procedure done many times made smaller)
primes = new int[lastStorageSize];
catch(std::bad_alloc ba)
std::cout << "not enough memory :[";
//if I'm looking for a particular prime I might have over-allocated here anyway...might be worth
//decreasing num and trying again - if this is possible!
void Prime::generateIndicators()
//first identify the primes -- if we see a 0 then start flipping all elements that are multiples of i starting from i*i (these will not be prime)
int numPrimes = lastStorageSize - 2; //we'll be starting at i = 2 (so numPrimes is at least 2 less than lastStorageSize)
for(int i=4; i < lastStorageSize; i+=2)
primeIndicators[i]++; //dispense with all the even numbers (barring 2 - that one's prime)
//TODO here I'm multiple counting the same things...not cool >;[
//may cost too much to avoid this wastage unfortunately
for(int i=3; i < sqrt(double(lastStorageSize)); i+=2) //we start j at i*i hence the square root
if(primeIndicators[i] == 0)
for(int j = i*i; j < lastStorageSize; j = j+(2*i)) //note: i is prime, and we'll have already sieved any j < i*i
if(primeIndicators[j] == 0)
numPrimes--;//we are not checking each element uniquely yet :/
noOfPrimes = numPrimes;
void Prime::generatePrimeList()
//now we go and get the primes, i.e. wherever we see zero in primeIndicators[] then populate primes with the value of i
int primesCount = 0;
for(int i=2;i<lastStorageSize; i++)
if(primeIndicators[i] == 0)
if(i%1000000 = 0)
std::cout << i << " ";
Prime::Prime(int num)
noOfPrimes = 0;
int Prime::getPrime(int nthPrime)
if(nthPrime < lastStorageSize)
return primes[nthPrime-1];
std::cout << "insufficient primes found\n";
return -1;
int Prime::getNoOfPrimes()
return noOfPrimes;
Whilst I'm reading around has anybody got any insight on this?
edit For some reason I decided to start newing my primes list with lastStorageSize ints instead of noOfPrime! thanks to David Fischer for spotting that one!
I can now exceed 600000000 as an upper bound
The amount of memory you can use inside your program is limited by the lesser of the two: 1) the available virtual memory, 2) the available address space.
If you are compiling your program as a 32-bit executable on a platform with flat memory model, the absolute limit of addressable space for a single process is 4GB. In this situation it is completely irrelevant how much swap space you have available. You simply can't allocate more than 4GB in a flat-memory 32-bit program, even if you still have lots of free swap space. Moreover, a large chunk of those 4GB of available addresses will be reserved for system needs.
On such a 32-bit platform allocating a large amount of swap space does make sense, since it will let you run multiple processes at once. But it does nothing to overcome the 4GB address space barrier for each specific process.
Basically, think of it as a phone number availability problem: if some region uses 7-digit phone numbers, then once you run out of the available 7-digit phone numbers in that region, manufacturing more phones for that region no longer makes any sense - they won't be usable. By adding swap space you essentially "manufacturing phones". But you have already run out of available "phone numbers".
The same issue formally exists, of course, with flat-memory model 64-bit platforms. However, the address space of 64-bit platform is so huge, that it is no longer a bottleneck (you know, "64-bit should be enough for everyone" :) )
When you allocate the sieve,
void Prime::allocateIndicatorArray(int num)
primeIndicators = new bool[num];
catch(std::bad_alloc ba)
std::cout << "not enough memory :[";
lastStorageSize = num;
you set lastStorageSize to num, the given bound for the primes. Then you never change it, and
void Prime::allocatePrimesArray()
primes = new int[lastStorageSize];
catch(std::bad_alloc ba)
std::cout << "not enough memory :[";
try to allocate an int array of lastStorageSize elements.
If num is around 500 million, that's around 2 GB that you request. Depending on operating system/overcommitting strategy, that can easily cause a bad_alloc even though you only need a fraction of the space actually.
After the sieving is finished, you set noOfPrimes to the count of found primes - use that number to allocate the primes array.
Since the memory usage of the program is so easy to analyze, just let the memory layout be completely fixed. Don't dynamically allocate anything. Use std::bitset to get a fixed-size bitvector, and make that a global variable.
std::bitset< 600000000 > indicators; // 75 MB
This won't take up space on disk. The OS will just allocate pages of zeroes as you progress along the array. And it makes better use of each bit.
Of course, half the bits represent even numbers, despite there being only one even prime. Here are a couple prime generators that optimize out such things.
By the way, it's better to avoid explicitly writing new if possible, avoid calling functions from the constructor, and to rethrow the std::bad_alloc to avoid allowing the object to be constructed into an invalid state.
The first question is "what other processes are running?" The
2.87 GB of swap space is shared between all of the running
processes; it is not per process. And frankly, on a modern
system, 2.8 GB sounds fairly low to me. I wouldn't try to run
recent versions of Windows or Linux with less than 2GB ram and
4GB swap. (Recent versions of Linux, at least in the Ubuntu
distribution, especially, seem to start up a lot of daemons
which hog the memory.) You might want to try top, sorted on
virtual memory size, just to see how much other processes are
cat /proc/meminfo will also give you a lot of valuable
information about what is actually being used. (On my system,
running just a couple of xterm with bash, plus Firefox, I
have only 3623776 kB free, on a system with 8GB. Some of the
memory counted as used is probably things like disk caching,
which the system can scale back if an application requests
Second, concerning your seg faults: by default, Linux doesn't
always report allways report allocation failures correctly; it
will often lie, telling you that you have the memory, when you
don't. Try cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory. If it
displays zero, then you need to change it. If this is the case,
try echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory (and do this in
one of the rc files). You may have to change the
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio as well to get reliable behavior
from sbrk (which both malloc and operator new depend on).