AWS Autoscalling Rolling over Connections to new Instances - amazon-web-services

Is it possible to automatically 'roll over' a connection between auto scaled instances?
Given instances which provide a compute intensive service, we would like to
Autoscale a new instance after CPU reachs say 90%
Have requests for service handled by the new instance.
It does not appear that there is a way with the AWS Dashboard to set this up, or have I missed something?

What you're looking for is a load balancer. If you're using HTTP, this works pretty much out of the box. Clients open connections to the load balancer, which then distributes individual HTTP requests from the connection evenly across instances in your auto scaling group. When a new instance joins the group, the load balancer automatically shifts a portion of the incoming requests over to the new instance.
Things get a bit trickier if you're speaking a protocol other than HTTP(S). A generic TCP load balancer can't tell where one "request" ends and the next begins (or if that even makes sense for your protocol), so incoming TCP connections get mapped directly to a particular backend host. The load balancer will route new connections to the new instance when it spins up, but it can't migrate existing connections over.
Typically what you'll want to do in this scenario is to have clients periodically close their connections to the service and create new ones - especially if they're seeing increased latencies or other evidence that the instance they're talking to is overworked.


GCP loadbalancer not distributing traffic evenly/properly

I have 3 instances attached to a gcp http loadbalancer. I have webservice running on all three of the instances. When I send requests , for example 3 request concurrently to loadbalancer, sometimes it routes all of the 3 requests to one instance, sometimes the loadbalancer routes the requests amongst the instances, but that is not even. What I mean by even is, when there is already load on a instance, still it would send request to that instance instead of sending to a instance which has no load. I would like to know how the loadbalancer distributes the traffic? And if there is any specific algorithm for distribution of traffic?
Loadbalancer has healthcheck on, which checks if the webservice is live, I have also tested with CPU usage and I get the same results.
You can fin here about how the traffic is load in a HTTP load balancer. You should also have in mind the instances are physically in some cells, so might the instance itself isn't in use, but other instances from other projects in the same cell are using much resources and the cell is actually with less resources than the one where your instance is getting all the test traffic.

Limit number of connections to instances with AWS ELB

We are using AWS classic ELB for our service and our service can only serve x number of requests at a time. If the number of requests are greater than x then we do not want to route those requests to the instance and neither do we want to lose those requests. We would like to limit the number of connections to the instances registered with the ELB. Is there some ELB setting to configure max connections to instances?
Another solution I could find was to use ELB connection draining but based on the ELB doc [1] , using connection draining will mark the instance as OutofService after serving in-flight requests. Does that mean the instance will be terminated and de-registered from ELB after in-flight requests are served? We do not want to terminate and de-register the instances, we just want to limit the number of connections to the instances. Any solutions?
ELB is more meant to spread traffic evenly across instances registered for it. If you have more traffic, you throw up more instances to deal with it. This is generally why a load balancer is matched with an auto scaling group. The Auto Scaling Group will look at set constraints and based on that either spins up more instances or pulls them down (ie. your traffic starts to slow down).
Connection draining is more meant for pulling traffic from bad instances so it doesn't get lost. Bad instances mean they aren't passing health checks because something on the instance is broken. ELB by itself doesn't terminate instances, that's another part of what the Auto Scaling Group is meant to do (basically terminate the bad instance and spin up a new instance to replace it). All ELB does is stop sending traffic to it.
It appears your situation is:
Users are sending API requests to your Load Balancer
You have several instances associated with your Load Balancer to process those requests
You do not appear to be using Auto Scaling
You do not always have sufficient capacity to respond to incoming requests, but you do not want to lose any of the requests
In situations where requests come at a higher rate than you can process them, you basically have three choices:
You could put the messages into a queue and consume them when capacity is available. You could either put everything in a queue (simple), or only use a queue when things are too busy (more complex).
You could scale to handle the load, either by using Auto Scaling to add additional Amazon EC2 instances or by using AWS Lambda to process the requests (Lambda automatically scales).
You could drop requests that you are unable to process. Unless you have implemented a queue, this is going to happen at some point if requests rise above your capacity to process them.
The best solution is to use AWS Lambda functions rather than requiring Amazon EC2 instances. Lambda can tie directly to AWS API Gateway, which can front-end the API requests and provide security, throttling and caching.
The simplest method is to use Auto Scaling to increase the number of instances to try to handle the volume of requests you have arriving. This is best when there are predictable usage patterns, such as high loads during the day and less load at night. It is less useful when spikes occur in short, unpredictable periods.
To fully guarantee no loss of requests, you would need to use a queue. Rather than requests going directly to your application, you would need an initial layer that receives the request and pushes it into a queue. A backend process would then process the message and return a result that is somehow passed back as a response. (It's more difficult providing responses to messages passed via a queue because there is a disconnect between the request and the response.)
AWS ELB is practically no limit to get request. If your application handle only 'N' connection, Please go with multiple servers behind the ELB and set ELB health check URL will be your application URL. Once your application not able to respond the request, ELB automatically forward your request to another server which is behind ELB. So that you are not going to miss any request.

Do load balancers flood?

I am reading about load balancing.
I understand the idea that load balancers transfer the load among several slave servers of any given app. However very few literature that I can find talks about what happens when the load balancers themselves start struggling with the huge amount of requests, to the point that the "simple" task of load balancing (distribute requests among slaves) becomes an impossible undertaking.
Take for example this picture where you see 3 Load Balancers (LB) and some slave servers.
Figure 1: Clients know one IP to which they connect, one load balancer is behind that IP and will have to handle all those requests, thus that first load balancer is the bottleneck (and the internet connection).
What happens when the first load balancer starts struggling? If I add a new load balancer to side with the first one, I must add even another one so that the clients only need to know one IP. So the dilema continues: I still have only one load balancer receiving all my requests...!
Figure 2: I added one load balancer, but for having clients to know just one IP I had to add another one to centralize the incoming connections, thus ending up with the same bottleneck.
Moreover, my internet connection will also reach its limit of clients it can handle so I probably will want to have my load balancers in remote places to avoid flooding my internet connection. However if I distribute my load balancers, and want to keep my clients knowing just one single IP they have to connect, I still need to have one central load balancer behind that IP carrying all the traffic once again...
How do real world companies like Google and Facebook handle these issues? Can this be done without giving the clients multiple IPs and expect them to choose one at random avoiding every client to connect to the same load balancer, thus flooding us?
Your question doesn't sound AWS specific, so here's a generic answer (elastic LB in AWS auto-scales depending on traffic):
You're right, you can overwhelm a loadbalancer with the number of requests coming in. If you deploy a LB on a standard build machine, you're likely to first exhaust/overload the network stack including max number of open connections and handling rate of incoming connections.
As a first step, you would fine tune the network stack of your LB machine. If that still does not provide you the required throughput, there are special purpose loadbalancer appliances on the market, that are built ground-up and highly optimized to handle a large number of incoming connections and routing them to several servers. Examples of these are F5 and netscaler
You can also design your application in ways that help you split traffic to different sub domains, thereby reducing the number of requests 1 LB has to handle.
It is also possible to implement a round-robin DNS, where you would have 1 DNS entry point to several client facing LBs instead of just one as you've depicted.
Advanced load balancers like Netscaler and similar also does GSLB with DNS not simple DNS-RR (to explain further scaling)
if you are to connect to i.e, you let the load balancers become Authorative DNS for the zone and you add all the load balancers as valid name servers.
When a client looks up "" any of your loadbalancers will answer the DNS request and reply with the IP of the correct data center for your client. You can then further make the loadbalancer reply on the DNS request based of geo location of your client, latency between clients dns server and netscaler, or you can answer based on the different data centers load.
In each datacenter you typically set up one node or several nodes in cluster. You can scale quite high using such a design.
Since you tagged Amazon, they have load balancers built in to their system so you don't need to. Just use ELB and Amazon will direct the traffic to your correct system.
If you are doing it yourself, load balancers typically have a very light processing load. They typically do little more than redirect a connection from one machine to another based on a shallow inspection (or no inspection) of the data. It is possible for them to be overwhelmed, but typically that requires a load that would saturate most connections.
If you are running it yourself, and if your load balancer is doing more work or your connection is getting saturated, the next step is to use Round-Robin DNS for looking up your load balancers, generally using a combination of NS and CNAME records so different name lookups give different IP addresses.
If you plan to use amazon elastic load balancer they claim that
Elastic Load Balancing automatically scales its request handling
capacity to meet the demands of application traffic. Additionally,
Elastic Load Balancing offers integration with Auto Scaling to ensure
that you have back-end capacity to meet varying levels of traffic
levels without requiring manual intervention.
so you can go with them and do not need to handle the Load Balancer using your own instance/product

Trying to understand how does the AWS scaling work

There is one thing of scaling that I yet do not understand. Assume a simple scenario ELB -> EC2 front-end -> EC2 back-end
When there is high traffic new front-end instances are created, but, how is the connection to the back-end established?
How does the back-end application keep track of which EC2 it is receiving from, so that it can respond to the right end-user?
Moreover, what happen if a connection was established from one of the automatically created instances, and then the traffic is low again and the instance is removed.. the connection to the end-user is lost?
FWIW, the connection between the servers is through WebSocket.
Assuming that, for example, your ec2 'front-ends' are web-servers, and your back-end is a database server, when new front-end instances are spun up they must either be created from a 'gold' AMI that you previously setup with all the required software and configuration information, OR as part of the the machine starting up it must install all of your customizations (either approach is valid). with either approach they will know how to find the back-end server, either by ip address or perhaps a DNS record from the configuration information on the newly started machine.
You don't need to worry about the backend keeping track of the clients - every client talking to the back-end will have an IP address and TCPIP will take care of that handshaking for you.
As far as shutting down instances, you can enable connection draining to make sure existing conversations/connections are not lost:
When Connection Draining is enabled and configured, the process of
deregistering an instance from an Elastic Load Balancer gains an
additional step. For the duration of the configured timeout, the load
balancer will allow existing, in-flight requests made to an instance
to complete, but it will not send any new requests to the instance.
During this time, the API will report the status of the instance as
InService, along with a message stating that “Instance deregistration
currently in progress.” Once the timeout is reached, any remaining
connections will be forcibly closed.

Using Redis behing AWS load balancer

We're using Redis to collect events from our web application (pub/sub based) behind AWS ELB.
We're looking for a solution that will allow us to scale-up and high-availability for the different servers. We do not wish to have these two servers in a Redis cluster, our plan is to monitor them using cloudwatch and switch between them if necessary.
We tried a simple test of locating two Redis server behind the ELB, telnetting the ELB DNS and see what happens using 'redis-cli monitor', but we don't see nothing. (when trying the same without the ELB it seems fine)
any suggestions?
I came across this while looking for a similar question, but disagree with the accepted answer. Even though this is pretty old, hopefully it will help someone in the future.
It's more appropriate for your question here to use DNS failover with a Redis Replication Auto-Failover configuration. DNS failover provides groups of availability (if you need that level of scale) and the Replication group provides cache up time.
The Active-passive failover should provide the solution you're wanting with High Availability:
Active-passive failover: Use this failover configuration when you want
a primary group of resources to be available the majority of the time
and you want a secondary group of resources to be on standby in case
all of the primary resources become unavailable. When responding to
queries, Amazon Route 53 includes only the healthy primary resources.
If all of the primary resources are unhealthy, Amazon Route 53 begins
to include only the healthy secondary resources in response to DNS
After you setup the DNS, then you would point that to the Elasticache Redis failover group's URL and add multiple groups for higher availability during a failover operation.
However, you might need to setup your application to write and read from different endpoints to maximize the architecture's scalability.
Placing a pair of independent redis nodes behind a LB will likely not be what you want. What will happen is ELB will try to balance connections to each instance, splitting half to one and half to another. This means that commands issued by one connection may not be seen by another. It also means no data is shared. So client a could publish a message, and client b being subscribed to the other server won't see the message.
For PUBSUB behind ELB you have a secondary problem. ELB will close an idle connection. So if you subscribe to a channel that isn't busy your ELB will close your connection. As I recall the max you can make this is 60s, meaning if you don't publish a message every single minute your clients will be disconnected.
As to how much of a problem that is depends on your client library, and frankly in my experience most don't handle it well in that they are unaware of the need to re-subscribe upon re-establishing the connection, meaning you would have to code that yourself.
That said a sentinel + redis solution would be quite ideal if your c,isn't has proper sentinel support. In this scenario. Your client asks the sentinels for the master to talk to, and on a connection failure it repeats this process. This would handle the setup you describe, without the problems of being behind an ELB.
Assuming you are running in VPC:
did you register the EC2 instances with the ELB?
did you add the correct security group setting to the ELB (allowing inbound port 23)?
did you add an ELB listener that maps port 23 on the ELB to port 23 on the instances?
did you set sensible ELB health checks (e.g. TCP on port 23) so that ELB thinks the EC2 instances are healthy?
If the ELB thinks the servers behind it are not healthy then ELB will not send them any traffic.