When does Sitecore create a profile record in Profiles table of Analytic database - sitecore

I create demo pages. In the main page it will display preferred item based on number which has biggest number of clicks on the listing page. I can do it with personalization of Sitecore. But I have some issues with user profiles.
I created an user, did login, and then click on an item for serveral times. The main page can show that preferred item. I did logout ( I clear two session cookies SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE and SC_ANALYTICS_SESSION_COOKIE), and then login again. What I want here is to show that preferred item again. But it can't. (1)
I set SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE and SC_ANALYTICS_SESSION_COOKIE as the correct id of profile of that user. But it didn't show the preferred item. I think when I set correct values of these two session cookies, it can load correct profile of registered user. Is my approach wrong?
I checked database and found that there are several profile records which are related to that userid. I think it should be 1 - 1 relation. When does Sitecore create a new profile record?
Beside, is there any suggestion for my request (1)?
Thanks for your help.


Oracle APEX form on table, don't reset table pagination after changing values through the form

I have a form on top of a report, and when the user updates values in the report, the form pops up, they make edits, and then click "Apply Changes". There are many rows in the report and right now I have pagination set per every 15 pages. The report is set to enable partial refreshes so the data updates right after the user clicks "Apply Changes". However, if I am on any page other than the first page of the report, it resets the pagination and brings me back to the first page. Is there a way to update the report but stay on the page I'm making the edit for? That way the user can immediately see the change they made through the form.
I was able to solve the issue by using a Dialog Closed dynamic action executing the following javascript:
It refreshes the browser after the user makes edits, and the pagination does not reset. This is a workaround because the Refresh dynamic action resets pagination. Again this is in APEX 5.1.3.
Which Apex version do you use? I've just tried it on apex.oracle.com which runs Apex 20 and - no problem at all. Once I edit some value in a form, branch returns me to interactive report, to exactly the same page which I left.
Check branch's Behavior - it is set to redirect to page or URL, target is page where the interactive report is; check other properties for the target. Its action should be set to "None" (offered are: clear regions, reset regions, reset pagination which might be set in your branch properties).

In Sitecore 7.5 is there a way to view a user's profile key values?

In Sitecore 7.5 I have created a test campaign. I have also created a test engagement plan. I set up the campaign to automatically enroll users in the initial state of my engagement plan. Then in my engagement plan I have a condition that checks for the value of a specific profile key. I am doing some local testing with test users and I cannot seem to figure out if there is any way for me to view a user's stored profile key values. Does this exist in Sitecore 7.5?
There is a Experience Profile Application in Sitecore 7.5, it is on the Launch Pad, On the login screen choose User Interface: Launch Pad.
Or use this url to /sitecore/shell/sitecore/Client/Applications/Launch Pad
In the Sitecore Experience Profile you can find contacts and see the profile.
The following blog is about adding custom tab with custom profile keys.
http://www.sitecore.net/learn/blogs/technical-blogs/getting-to-know-sitecore/posts/2014/09/using-custom-contact-data-part-1-experience-profile.aspx you need it if your desired key is not there.

Creating new user welcome tips

I'd like to create a tooltip bubbles for my site for new users - many other sites do this (most google apps). I'd like to show them for all accounts created within the last week, unless the user specifically 'dismisses' the tip.
I thought about doing this with cookies - ie. set a "-dismissed=True" value that I could check as well as the account creation date and determine whether to show the tips.
However - this doesn't work across browsers, since cookies aren't shared between browsers. So if a user logs into chrome, dismisses the tip then logs in in FF the tip will reappear.
Does anyone know if there is common way to do this sort of thing? Or at least a better way than what i've described?
I'm using browser length sessions so I can't store it in the session.
You could have a user preferences model, with a one-to-one relationship to the main user model, which stores preferences like this. Create an instance when the user entry itself is created, and default the 'show tips' field to True.
You could also use the new custom user model functionality in 1.5 to store this in the user model itself, but that seems like overkill here.

User valuelookup in Sitecore 6?

I have some Extranet users. Each user has a dedicated page/item, that is maintained by the Admins. The Admins should manually be able to "connect"/reference the current item to a single extranet user. I am think of something like using a valuelookup type or similar on the template.
But how could i accomblish this, as the users are stored in ASP.NET membership, and not directly in Sitecore, as they were in previous versions of Sitecore.
I think you've got the right idea. Either store the users's full name (Domain\UserName) in the item, or store the item ID in the user's profile. If you go the Profile route, be sure and update Sitecore's User template in the Core DB so that you can see the value in the user manager.
There's also a Sitecore table you could use called IDTable which is normally used for mapping Sitecore item IDs to external data. That might be your best solution since user Profiles can be annoying... will also be the most efficient in terms of finding/indexing this data. Look at the Sitecore examples of importing data to get an example using this API.

Excluding list items created by certain users from a list's view

I have a custom list created in Sharepoint 2007 and displayed by a content query web part.
I would like to
Show all items to general admin users except those items created by two users.
The two admin users need to see all items in the list.
The first requirement is easily done by adding a filter to the view on the created by field.
The second one is where I need help, is there a way to set the view of a list based on the user logged in to acheive the second requirement?
Or is this achievable another way?
Many Thanks,
If user has SPBasePermissions.ManageLists permissions, he will have permissions to view all items in the list.
If its not about permissions, but just which view which user sees by default, then it will involve some sort of coding :
Either you create webpart which will switch to desired view for desired user. (Involves coding, building, deploying)
Use content editor web part to switch with javascript - not that nice solution. (Because page would reload when you open it).
In the end I created two pages one called restricted and the other for all users configured the views on each page for each group of users. Then I restricted access to the 'restricted' page to the relevant users.
I used audiencing to display a link to the 'restricted' page to selected users