Opening another form in mfc - c++

I need to close the current form dialog and open another form after the user clicks a button in an mfc application. Basically it is for my school project application.
I have decided use mfc in visual c++ for my project and i have obsolutely no guidance regarding the language.
I had chosen single document and CFormView class in mfc application wizard and used the resource editor to design two forms one of them is displayed at start of program and i need the other to open up and replace existing form.
Had tried googling for an answer but couldn't understand anything. I have basic c++ oop knowledge but i am completely new to mfc.
I use visual studio 2013 ultimate.

You don't close current dialog truely, you can just hide it. So to do like this:
ShowWindow(this->m_hWnd, SW_HIDE);
COtherDialog dlg;


How do I edit my Windows Desktop Application main dialog in VIsual Studio Commun2019?

I have to create a Win32 app for a college class.
I created the "Windows Desktop Application" in the create project section of the Visual Studio Community 2019 and it comes already with a standard dialog that can be tested on the go. Problem is: I cannot edit the main dialog. I can create another dialog and edit it but the main one is not accessible in the resource editor. What can I do? I can't find anything on google. Please help.
The main window of the default application created by the "Windows Desktop Application" project template in Visual Studio is not created with a dialog resource. It is created by registering a window class associated with a window procedure, as is standard when creating a desktop application.
You "edit" that window by changing the source code not with a visual editor.
>>I cannot edit the main dialog. I can create another dialog and edit it but the main one is not accessible in the resource editor.
Yes you can create it, but it has no class and can't be an object.You can try to create a Win32 desktop application, and then create a dialog. When you right-click the dialog box, you will find that you cannot add class.
If you want to use this dialog, you can only use this function DialogBoxW(hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc) to create and show the dialog in your program. The third parameter is the Handle of parent window and it can be NULL. The forth parameter is the callback function.
So we test to call DialogBoxW in WinMain. You can check the picture below. We abandoned the traditional Win32 framework and made the custom window our main window. It work.
However, it should be noted that windows created in this form are modal, which is not applicable in many scenarios. What you say and what you want to do may be better done with MFC. Win32 does not encapsulate many interfaces like MFC for you to call.
I use Visual Studio 2013 Enterprise, but the procedures will be the same:
1 - On the Solution Explorer, click on the .RC file
2 - In the new window (Resource View), click in Dialog
3 - Double-click the dialog you want to edit...
That´s it...

Using ListControl in a Dialog window

Can ListControl be used in a dialog in a Non-MFC project? I am using visual c++ 2010.
The examples I have seen so far uses MFC, so it seems to me that ListControl is part of MFC. The code I am working on is not MFC based, however, Visual Studio still allows adding a ListControl to the dialog in the resource view, and generates rc code for the List Control. So my guess is that I should be able to use it. However, I could not use the standard method found online to add variable to the ListControl and use it.
How can I use the ListControl in this case? e.g. adding a column or write something to a cell? Some code example will certainly help.
The CListCtrl class is an MFC class. It can only be used from within an MFC project.
However, CListCtrl is simply a wrapper around the ListView common control, and a ListView control can be used in any Windows application—no MFC required.
The Resource Editor included with Visual C++ (confusingly) refers to a ListView control as a "List Control". You can insert one on your dialog, and all it will do is insert a ListView control.
If you're using MFC, you can choose to create a member variable corresponding to that control. The type of that member variable will be CListCtrl, because it is encapsulating access to a ListView control on your dialog.
If you are not using MFC, you can still use the ListView control, you'll just have to use the standard SDK mechanisms for accessing and manipulating it. For example, to insert an item into the ListView control on your dialog, you would obtain the control's window handle (GetDlgCtrlID) and send it a LVM_INSERTITEM message. The SDK documentation contains sample code listings, but they are a rather poor way to learn. The best resource for good old Windows SDK programming is still Charles Petzold's Programming Windows.

Common Controls Plugins for MFC like in c#?

I'm working with MFC VC++ Application. I would like to use simple UI like in c# NumericUpdown & openFile Dialog & SavefileDialog etc in my application. I would like to know is there any wrapper or plugin for MFC to do this process? Because it is too messy to add a simple control using MFC when comparing to C# .Net! Is there library or plugin to reduce this task? Preferably a free one.
Maybe you just don't know how to do it? In an MFC app controls are easily added by dragging them from a toolbar onto a dialog template. That is the "Visual" part of Visual C++.
And the open and save dialog are available using MFC class CFileDialog.

Embedding file open dialog

Office 2010 has a new type of ribbon, the backstage view. This has been implemented in MFC using Codejock Xtreme Toolkit Pro V15.0.1.
The thing is that I feel that the File>Open and File>SaveAs act very strange in Office. They open a modal file open dialog instead of opening an embedded file open dialog in the backstage, which would (IMHO) feel much more natural.
I cannot find a way of doing this in C++ using MFC or Win32. The only thing I found was this question, but that was for Delphi.
So, is it possible to embed the standard Windows File Open dialog as a control in another dialog? Or do I need to implement the entire thing myself?
To the best of my knowledge, The standard Open/Save dialog functionality is exposed through the modal dialog only (through the GetOpenFilename Win32 API).
There is a standard mechanisme to customise the dialog (See Skizz answer) but it remains a modal dialog. One case of advanced customisation was the VB6 Open Project dialog:
The Existing tab contains a file dialog. How did they do it? I mean, how did they manage to put a standard dialog into a page of their 3-tabs property sheet?
It appears that they simply used the standard customization dialog and added a tab control above the standard dir/file controls and listview for other 'tabs' above dir/file controls. These dir/file controls were then hidden by the custom code when a tab other than Existing was clicked. You get it: no real tabs! Just a good old file dialog where the main controls may be hidden in favor of other ones.
So my short answer is: You're pretty much out of luck using the dialog as a child control.
Now, to come back to Office: I believe it's better to keep a modal dialog. It would otherwise be confusing to user: Is the path that I started to type the real path of did I just clicked 'Home' and let the save command unfinished?
I don't know if you can embed a file open dialog into another dialog, but you can certainly extend the existing dialogs:-
Here's one implementation.
And another.
And an MSDN version.
Thanks to David for pointing out the above are a bit out of date, so, after a quick Google, here's a more modern take on extending the file dialogs (and lots of other stuff as well).

Controls on main window using Visual C++ designer?

Is is possible to draw controls using Visual C++ designer on the main window, in the same way you can design dialogs? I'd preferably like to be able to design the main window controls this way without using MFC, rather than creating them on WM_CREATE.
EDIT: I don't want a dialog-based app, just to be able to design the main window graphically similar to what can be done using Windows Forms Designer in .NET?
Your options are:
Use MFC and create a main window that has a dialog view (based on the CFormView class).
Use WinForms/.NET
Use Qt.
If you're starting a new project and you want to stick with C++, then I highly recommend Qt. Not only is it an excellent framework, but it's cross-platform so your app could be built on Linux and the Mac.
A Visual C++ plugin is available and you can design your main window visually using a tool called Qt Designer.
I'm not sure if I understand what you want your app to look like. If you want your application to be a dialog, then make it a dialog app.
Just create a new MFC Application, and set it to "Dialog based". Now your application will start at that dialog.
If you want to use a native win32 app, just create the dialog in your InitInstance, using CreateDialog (instead of CreateWindow).
In both cases, you use the resource editor to create the dialog.