Proc report- grouping - sas

I have an easy table, and I need to create a complicated report. I tried to do it with proc report using lots of grouping but didn't give me right result. Here is my example table :
campus id year gender
West 35 2013 F
West 35 2014 F
West 35 2015 F
West 38 2014 M
West 38 2015 M
East 48 2014 -
East 48 2015 -
East 55 2013 F
East 55 2014 F
And this is the report I need to create:
west east
2014 2015 2014 2015
total 2 2 2 1
Gender 2 2 2 1
F 1 1 1 -
M 1 1 - -
none - - 1 1
So I have 4 different group: I worked on this code
proc tabulate data=a ;
class gender year ;
table gender, year*n*f=4. ;
by id;
run ;
Do you think I can do total first, then gender. And tehn I can append them?

This doesn't quite match your requested output, but I'm not sure having the total repeated makes sense either. Proc Tabulate works well here:
proc tabulate data=have;
class campus year gender/missing;
table (all='Total' gender='Gender'), campus=''*year=''*n='';


SAS: Count number of a particular type of disease with patient data on multiple lines

I have large dataset of a few million patient encounters that include a diagnosis, timestamp, patientID, and demographic information.
We have found that a particular type of disease is frequently comorbid with a common condition.
I would like to count the number of this type of disease that each patient has, and then create a histogram showing how many people have 1,2,3,4, etc. additional diseases.
This is the format of the data.
PatientID Diagnosis Date Gender Age
1 282.1 1/2/10 F 25
1 282.1 1/2/10 F 87
1 232.1 1/2/10 F 87
1 250.02 1/2/10 F 41
1 125.1 1/2/10 F 46
1 90.1 1/2/10 F 58
2 140 12/15/13 M 57
2 282.1 12/15/13 M 41
2 232.1 12/15/13 M 66
3 601.1 11/19/13 F 58
3 231.1 11/19/13 F 76
3 123.1 11/19/13 F 29
4 601.1 12/30/14 F 81
4 130.1 12/30/14 F 86
5 230.1 1/22/14 M 60
5 282.1 1/22/14 M 46
5 250.02 1/22/14 M 53
Generally, I was thinking of a DO loop, but I'm not sure where to start because there are duplicates in the dataset, like with patient 1 (282.1 is listed twice). I'm not sure how to account for that. Any thoughts?
Target diagnoses to count would be 282.1, 232.1, 250.02. In this example, patient 1 would have a count of 3, patient 2 would have 2, etc.
This is what I have used, but the output is showing each PatientID on multiple lines in the output.
create table want as
select age, gender, patientID,
count(distinct diagnosis_description) as count
from dz_prev
where diagnosis in (282.1, 232.1)
group by patientID;
This is what the output table looks like. Why is this patientID showing up so many times?
1 55 Male 107828695 1
2 54 Male 107828695 1
3 54 Male 107828695 1
4 54 Male 107828695 1
5 54 Male 107828695 1
If you include variables that are neither grouping variables or summary statistics then SAS will happily re-merge your summary statistics back with all of the source records. That is why you are getting multiple records. AGE can usually vary if your dataset covers many years. And GENDER can also vary if your data is messy. So for a quick analysis you might try something like this.
create table want as
select patientID
, min(age) as age_at_onset
, min(gender) as gender
, count(distinct diagnosis_description) as count
from dz_prev
where diagnosis in (282.1, 232.1)
group by patientID
I think you can get what you want with an SQL statement
create table want as
select PatientID,
count(distinct Diagnosis) as count
from have
where Diagnosis in (282.1, 232.1, 250.02)
group by PatientID;
This filters to only the diagnoses you are interested in, counts the distinct times they are seen, by the PatientID, and saves the results to a new table.

Divide variable if the rest is same

I have an example table as below
id term subj prof hour
20 2016 COM James 4
20 2016 COM Henrey 4
30 2016 HUM Nelly 3
30 2016 HUM John 3
30 2016 HUM Jimmy 3
45 2016 CGS Tim 3
I need to divide hours if the id- term and subj same. There are 2 different prof with same id:20 - term and subj, so i divided hour 2.
There are 3 different prof with same id : 30 - term and subj. So i divided hour 3.
So the output should be like this;
id term subj prof hour
20 2016 COM James 2
20 2016 COM Henrey 2
30 2016 HUM Nelly 1
30 2016 HUM John 1
30 2016 HUM Jimmy 1
45 2016 CGS Tim 3
In SAS you can use a double DOW loop to achieve this, once the data has been sorted in the correct order. The first loop counts how many profs there are with the same id, term and subj. The second loop divides hour by the number of profs. The loops are performed at each change of id, term or subj.
I've created a new_hour variable and kept in the temporary _counter variable just so you can see the code working, you can obviously overwrite the hour variable and drop the _counter variable if you wish
/* create initial dataset */
data have;
input id term subj $ prof $ hour;
20 2016 COM James 4
20 2016 COM Henrey 4
30 2016 HUM Nelly 3
30 2016 HUM John 3
30 2016 HUM Jimmy 3
45 2016 CGS Tim 3
/* sort data */
proc sort data=have;
by id term subj prof;
/* create output dataset */
data want;
do until(last.subj); /* 1st loop*/
set have;
by id term subj prof;
if first.subj then _counter=0; /* reset counter when id, term or subj change */; /* count number of times prof changes */
do until(last.subj); /* 2nd loop */
set have;
by id term subj;
new_hour=hour / _counter; /* divide hour by number of profs from 1st loop */
output; /* output record */
Assuming your problem is as simple as the one you gave as an example, one proc sql should suffice. If it is more complicated, please explain how so we can be more helpful!
data have;
input id term subj $ prof $ hour;
20 2016 COM James 4
20 2016 COM Henrey 4
30 2016 HUM Nelly 3
30 2016 HUM John 3
30 2016 HUM Jimmy 3
45 2016 CGS Tim 3
proc sql;
create table want as select
*, hour / count(prof) as hour_adj
from have
group by id, subj;

Data tranfromation with if then else

I have a table as below:
id term subj degree
18 2007 ww Yes
32 2015 AA Yes
32 2016 AA No
25 2011 NM No
25 2001 ts No
18 2009 ww Yes
18 2010 ww No
I need another variable term2 if the degree is Yes, and I will write to term2 whatever same id and subj's term. So means:
id term subj degree term2
18 2007 ww Yes 2009
32 2015 AA Yes 2016
32 2016 AA No 0
25 2011 NM No 0
25 2001 ts No 0
18 2009 ww Yes 2010
18 2010 ww No 0
What I did with if then else doesn't work. Any idea? Thank you
this is the one I used
data have;
merge aa aa (rename=(id=id1 subj=subj1
if id=id1 and subj=subj1 and degree="Yes" then
data have;
input id term subj $ degree $;
32 2015 AA Yes
32 2016 AA No
25 2011 NM No
25 2001 ts No
18 2007 ww Yes
18 2010 ww No
data want;
merge have have(firstobs=2 keep=id term rename=(id=_id term=_term));
if id=_id and degree='Yes' then term2=_term;
drop _:;
There is missing some important information, like, when an id has an degree = yes value, is there always a degree = no row with the same id?
What should be done if there are more then one degree=no rows with different terms for an id if it also has an degree=yes value? Why do you want to solve this with an if-else Statement?
Assuming you have always exactly one id-matching degree=no row for a row with degree = yes you can use this:
Proc sql;
Select a.*, case when = "Yes" then b.term else 0 end from table as a
left outer join table as b on = and = "No" and"Yes";
This is without if-statement and no datastep, but you must provide more information if you want a more specific solution.

Creating All Possible Combinations in a Table Using SAS

I have a table with four variables and i want the table a table with combination of all values. Showing a table with only 2 columns as an example.
RAJ 90 1
RAVI 20 4
JOHN 30 5
The following output is to show the values only for raj and the output should be for all names.
RAJ 90 1
RAJ 90 4
RAJ 90 5
RAJ 90 3
RAJ 20 1
RAJ 20 4
RAJ 20 5
RAJ 20 3
RAJ 30 1
RAJ 30 4
RAJ 30 5
RAJ 30 3
RAJ 40 1
RAJ 40 4
RAJ 40 5
RAJ 40 3
There are a couple of useful options in SAS to do this; both create a table with all possible combinations of variables, and then you can just drop the summary data that you don't need. Given your initial dataset:
data have;
RAJ 90 1
RAVI 20 4
JOHN 30 5
There is PROC FREQ with SPARSE.
proc freq data=have noprint;
tables name*amount*count/sparse out=want(drop=percent);
There is also PROC TABULATE.
proc tabulate data=have out=want(keep=name amount count);
class name amount count;
tables name*amount,count /printmiss;
This has the advantage of not conflicting with the name for the COUNT variable.
,b.amount AS amount
,c.count AS count
FROM tbl_in AS a, tbl_in AS b, tbl_in AS c
This performs a double self-join and should have the desired effect.
Here's a variation on #JustinJDavies's answer, using an explicit CROSS JOIN clause:
data have;
RAJ 90 1
RAVI 20 4
JOHN 30 5
create table combs as
select *
from have(keep=NAME)
cross join have(keep=AMOUNT)
cross join have(keep=COUNT)
order by name, amount, count;
JOHN 20 1
JOHN 20 3
JOHN 20 4
JOHN 20 5
JOHN 30 1
JOHN 30 3
JOHN 30 4
JOHN 30 5

How to use proc transpose on variables that contain numbers separated with _?

Hi I am new to sas I have a question regarding proc transpose
I have this data
School Name State School Code 26/07/2009 02/08/2009 09/08/2009 16/08/2009
Northwest High IL 14556 06 06 06 06
Georgia High GA 147 05 05 05 06
Macy Hgh TX 45456 NA NA NA NA
The desired output is
School Name State School Code Date Absent
Northwest High IL 14566 26/07/2009 6
Northwest High IL 14556 02/08/2009 6
Northwest High IL 14556 09/08/2009 6
Northwest High IL 14556 16/08/2009 6
Georgia High GA 147 26/07/2009 5
Georgia High GA 147 02/08/2009 5
Georgia High GA 147 09/08/2009 5
Georgia High GA 147 16/08/2009 6
Macy Hgh TX 45456 26/07/2009 NA
Macy Hgh TX 45456 02/08/2009 NA
Macy Hgh TX 45456 09/08/2009 NA
Macy Hgh TX 45456 16/08/2009 NA
This is the code I have written
proc sort data=work.input;
by School_Name State School_Code;
proc transpose data=work.input out=work.inputModified;
by by School_Name State School_Code;
I get this error saying that No variables to transpose I think the issue is since the variables are actual numbers like this _26_07_2009 sas does not recognize them,
But I don't get the desired output the dates are actual variables when imported into sas they become _26_07_2009. Note there are about 185 dates and they are actual variables.
The following transpose does the job:
proc transpose data=work.input out=work.inputModified;
by School_Name State School_Code;
var _:;
Notice the _: notation - it picks up all variables which start with an underscore and transposes them.
As I mentioned in the link in my comments earlier, if you do not explicitly specify the variables you want to tranpose- then proc transpose by default looks for numeric variables that are not in the by variable list to transpose. However, since your date variables are read-in as strings [due to the presence of NAs] it was saying NOTE: No variables to transpose.
You can use the following to convert the date and absent columns into numeric columns.
data inputModified2;
set inputModified;
format date date9.;
date = input(compress(tranwrd(_name_,'_','')), ddmmyy8.);
if col1 NE 'NA' then absent = input(col1, 8.);
else absent=.;
drop _name_ col1;