Compress Newline character for dynamic varaibles - sas

Dataset: Have
F1 F2
Student Section
Name No
Dataset "Have". Data has new line character.
I need to compress the newline character from the data.
I want to do this dynamically as sometimes the "Have" dataset may contain new variables like F3,F4,F5 etc.,
I have written as macro to do this.. However it is not working as expected.
When i execute the below code, first time I am getting error as invalid reference newcnt. If i execute for second time in the same session, i am not getting error.
PFB my code:
%macro update_2(newcnt);
data HAVE;
set HAVE;
%do i= 1 %to &newcnt;
%let colname = F&i;
%mend update_2;
%macro update_1();
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :cnt from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and memname="HAVE";
%mend update_1;
Note: All the variables have name as F1,F2,F3,F4.,
Please tell me what is going wrong..
If there is any other procedures, please help me.

In your macro %update_1 you're creating a macro variable called &cnt, but when you call %update_2 you refer to another macro variable, &colcnt. Try fixing this reference and see if your code behaves as expected.

We created our own function to clean unwanted characters from strings using proc fcmp. In this case, our function cleans tab characters, line feeds, and carriage returns.
proc fcmp outlib=common.funcs.funcs; /* REPLACE TARGET DESTINATION AS NECESSARY */
function clean(iField $) $200;
length cleaned $200;
bad_char_list = byte(10) || byte(9) || byte(13);
cleaned = translate(iField," ",bad_char_list);
return (cleaned );
Create some test data with a new line character in the middle of it, then export it and view the results. You can see the string has been split across lines:
data x;
length employer $200;
employer = cats("blah",byte(10),"diblah");
proc export data=x outfile="%sysfunc(pathname(work))\x.csv" dbms=csv replace;
Run our newly created clean() function against the string and export it again. You can see it is now on a single line as desired:
data y;
set x;
employer = clean(employer);
proc export data=y outfile="%sysfunc(pathname(work))\y.csv" dbms=csv replace;
Now to apply this method to all character variables in our desired dataset. No need for macros, just define an array referencing all the character variables, and iterate over them applying the clean() function as we go:
data cleaned;
set x;
array a[*] _char_;
do cnt=lbound(a) to hbound(a);
a[cnt] = clean(a[cnt]);
EDIT : Also note that fcmp may have some performance considerations to consider. If you are working with very large amounts of data, there may be other solutions that will perform better.
EDIT 6/15/2020 : Corrected missing length statement that could result in truncated responses.

Here's an example of Robert Penridge's function, as a call routine with an array as an argument. This probably only works in 9.4+ or possibly later updates of 9.3, when permanent arrays began being allowed to be used as arguments in this way.
I'm not sure if this could be done flexibly with an array as a function; without using macros (which require recompilation of the function constantly) I don't know how one could make the right size of array be returned without doing it as a call routine.
I added 'Z' to the drop list so it's obvious that it works.
options cmplib=work.funcs;
proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.funcs;
sub clean(iField[*] $);
outargs iField;
bad_char_list = byte(11)|| byte(10) || byte(9) || byte(13)||"Z";
do _i = 1 to dim(iField);
iField[_i] = translate(iField[_i],trimn(" "),bad_char_list);
data y;
length employer1-employer5 $20;
array employer[4] $;
do _i = 1 to dim(employer);
employer[_i] = "Hello"||byte(32)||"Z"||"Goodbye";
employer5 = "Hello"||byte(32)||"Z"||"Goodbye";
call clean(employer);
proc print data=y;

Here is another alternative. If newline is the only thing you want to remove, then we are talking about Char only, you may leverage implicit array and Do over,
data want;
set have;
array chr _character_;
do over chr;


Using SAS SET statement with numbered macro variables

I'm trying to create a custom transformation within SAS DI Studio to do some complicated processing which I will want to reuse often. In order to achieve this, as a first step, I am trying to replicate the functionality of a simple APPEND transformation.
To this end, I've enabled multiple inputs (max of 10) and am trying to leverage the &_INPUTn and &_INPUT_count macro variables referenced here. I would like to simply use the code
data work.APPEND_DATA / view=work.APPEND_DATA;
%let max_input_index = %sysevalf(&_INPUT_count - 1,int);
set &_INPUT0 - &&_INPUT&max_input_index;
keep col1 col2 col3;
However, I receive the following error:
ERROR: Missing numeric suffix on a numbered data set list (WORK.SOME_INPUT_TABLE-WORK.ANOTHER_INPUT_TABLE)
because the macro variables are resolved to the names of the datasets they refer to, whose names do not conform to the format required for the
SET dataset1 - dataset9;
statement. How can I get around this?
Much gratitude.
You need to create a macro that loops through your list and resolves the variables. Something like
%macro list_tables(n);
%do i=1 %to &n;
data work.APPEND_DATA / view=work.APPEND_DATA;
%let max_input_index = %sysevalf(&_INPUT_count - 1,int);
set %list_tables(&max_input_index);
keep col1 col2 col3;
The SET statement will need a list of the actual dataset names since they might not form a sequence of numeric suffixed names.
You could use a macro %DO loop if are already running a macro. Make sure to not generate any semi-colons inside the %DO loop.
%do i=1 %to &_inputcount ; &&_input&i %end;
But you could also use a data step to concatenate the names into a single macro variable that you could then use in the SET statement.
data _null_;
call symputx('_input1',symget('_input'));
length str $500 ;
do i=1 to &_inputcount;
str=catx(' ',str,symget(cats('_input',i)));
call symputx('_input',str);
data .... ;
set &_input ;
The extra CALL SYMPUTX() at the top of the data step will handle the case when count is one and SAS only creates the _INPUT macro variable instead of creating the series of macro variables with the numeric suffix. This will set _INPUT1 to the value of _INPUT so that the DO loop will still function.

How can I peform same datastep across many variables in SAS?

I have data that looks like this and has 500 variables with a target:
var1 var2 var3 var4 ... var500 target
The names of the variables are not sequential as above so I don't think I can use something like var1:var500. I want to loop through the variables to create graphs. Some of the variables are continous and some are nominal.
for var1 through var500
if nominal then create graphtypeA var[i] * target
else if continous then create graphtypeB var[i] * target
I can easily create a second table that has the data type in it to check against. Arrays seem like they might be useful to peform this task of looping through variables. Something like:
data work.mydata;
set archive.mydata;
array myarray{501] myarray1 - myarray501
do i=1 to 500;
proc sgpanel;
panelby myarray[501];
histogram myarray[i];
This doesn't work though and it doens't check to see what type of variable it is. If we assume I have another sas.dataset that has varname and vartype (continuous, nominal) how can I loop through to create the desired graphs for the given vartype? Thanks in advance.
Basically, you need to loop over some variables, apply some logic to determine the variable type, then produce output depending on the variable type. While there are many approaches to this problem, one solution is to select your variables into a macro variable, loop over this "list" (not a formal data structure) of variables, and use macro control logic to designate different subroutines for numeric and character variables.
I'll use the data set to illustrate. In this example the variable origin is your 'Target' variable and the variables Make, Type, Horsepower, and Cylinders are the numeric and character variables.
* get some data;
data set1 (keep = Make Type Origin Horsepower Cylinders);
* create dataset of variable names and types;
proc contents data = set1
out = vars
* get variable names and variable types (1=numeric, 2=character)
* into two macro variable "lists" where each entry is seperated
* by a space;
proc sql noprint;
select name, type
into :varname separated by ' ', :vartype separated by ' '
from vars
where name <> "Make";
* put the macro variables to the log to confirm they are what
* you expect
%put &varname;
%put &vartype;
Now, use a macro to loop over the values in the macro variable list. The countw function counts the number of variables, and uses this number as the loop iterator limit. The scan function reads in each variable name and type by its relative position in the respective macro variable lists. For each variable the type is then evaluated and a plot is produced depending on whether it is character or numeric. In this example, a histogram with density plot is produced for numeric variables and a bar chart of frequency counts is produced for character variables.
The loop logic is general, and Proc sgpanel and Proc sgplot cab be modified or replaced with other desired data step processing or procedures.
* turn on options that are useful for
* macro debugging, turn them off
* when using in production;
options mlogic mprint symbolgen;
%macro plotter;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&varname));
%let nextvar = %scan(&varname, &i, %str( ));
%let nextvartype = %scan(&vartype, &i, %str( ));
%if &nextvartype. = 1 %then %do;
proc sgpanel data=set1 noautolegend;
title "&nextvar. Distribution";
panelby Origin;
histogram &nextvar.;
density &nextvar.;
%if &nextvartype. = 2 %then %do;
proc sgplot data=set1;
title "&nextvar. Count by Origin";
vbar &nextvar. /group= origin;
%mend plotter;
*call the macro;
Unfortunately it is not possible to use arrays outside a data step in the way that you propose here, at least not in any very efficient way. However, there are quite a few options available to you. One would be just to call your graphing proc once and tell it to graph every numeric variable in your dataset, e.g. like so:
proc univariate data = sashelp.class;
var _NUMERIC_;
If the variables you want to graph that are of the same type are adjacent in the column order of your dataset, you can use a double-dash list, e.g.
proc univariate data = sashelp.class;
var age--weight;
In general you should seek to avoid calling procs or running data steps separately for every variable - it is nearly always more efficient to call them just once and process everything in one go.

Sas renaming variable with do loop and if then condition

I'm trying to rename variables x0 - x40 so that x0 will become y_q1_2014, x1 will become y_q4_2013, x2 will become y_q3_2013 and so on till x40 that will become y_q1_2004.
I want my new variable to display in its name the quarter and year of the observation. Now I have the following macro in SAS that is not working properly: the values of j and k are not changing according to the if - then condition. What am i doing wrong?
%macro rename(data);
%let j=1;
%let k=2014;
%do i = 0 %to 40 %by 1;
data mydata;
set &data.;
y_q&j._&k. = x&i.;
if &j.=1 then do k = &k.-1 and j = 4;
else do j=&j.-1;
This will likely be easier to do using the data step rather than a macro loop (as most things are!).
In this case, you have two problems:
How to mass-rename variables
How to convert x# to y_q#_####
An easy way to rename variables is to create a dataset with the variable names as rows, then create the new variable names. You can then pull that into a rename list very easily.
So something like this would do that.
*Create dataset with names in it.
data names;
set sashelp.vcolumn;
where memname='HAVE' and libname='WORK' and name =: 'X';
keep name;
*some operation to determine new_name needs to go in that dataset also - coming later;
*Now create a list of rename macro calls.
proc sql;
select cats('%rename(var=',name,',newvar=',new_name,')')
into :renamelist separated by ' '
from names;
*Here is the simple rename macro.
%macro rename(var=,newvar=);
rename &var.=&newvar.;
%mend rename;
*Now do the renames. Can also go in a data step.
proc datasets lib=work;
modify have;
How to convert is a more interesting question, and begs the question: is this a one time thing, or is this a repeated process? If it's a repeated process, does X0 always mean the most recent quarter in the data, or does it always mean q1 2014?
Assuming it is always the most recent quarter, you can use intnx to do this.
%let initdate='01JAN2014'd;
data have;
do x = 0 to 40;
qtr = intnx('QUARTER',&initdate,-1*x);
format qtr YYQ.;
You can thus use this code (the portion inside the do loop, operating on an x that you pull out of the name in the dataset) in the earlier names data step to create new_name however you want. You might use the YYQ format in your new name if you have flexibility here (as it's standard, and the easiest solution). Otherwise, you would want to pull this apart either using put and then substring, or quarter() and year() functions off of the date variable here.

Text manipulation of macro list variables to stack datasets with automated names

I have written a macro that accepts a list of variables, runs a proc mixed model using each variable as a predictor, and then exports the results to a dataset with the variable name appended to it. I am trying to figure out how to stack the results from all of the variables in a single data set.
Here is the macro:
%macro cogTraj(cog,varlist);
%let j = 1;
%let var = %scan(&varlist, %eval(&j));
%let solution = sol;
%let outsol = &solution.&var.;
%do %while (&var ne );
proc mixed data = datuse;
model &cog = &var &var*year /solution cl;
random int year/subject = id;
ods output SolutionF = &outsol;
%let j = %eval(&j + 1);
%let var = %scan(&varlist, %eval(&j));
%let outsol = &solution.&var.;
/* Example */
%cogTraj(mmmscore, varlist = bio1 bio2 bio3);
The result would be the creation of Solbio1, Solbio2, and Solbio3.
I have created a macro variable containing the "varlist" (Ideally, I'd like to input a macro variable list as the argument but I haven't figured out how to deal with the scoping):
%let biolist = bio1 bio2 bio3;
I want to stack Solbio1, Solbio2, and Solbio3 by using text manipulation to add "Sol" to the beginning of each variable. I tried the following, outside of any data step or macro:
%let biolistsol = %add_string( &biolist, Sol, location = prefix);
without success.
Ultimately, I want to do something like this;
data Solbio_stack;
set %biolistsol;
with the result being a single dataset in which Solbio1, Solbio2, and Solbio3 are stacked, but I'm sure I don't have the right syntax.
Can anyone help me with the text string/dataset stacking issue? I would be extra happy if I could figure out how to change the macro to accept %biolist as the argument, rather than writing out the list variables as an argument for the macro.
I would approach this differently. A good approach for the problem is to drive it with a dataset; that's what SAS is good at, really, and it's very easy.
First, construct a dataset that has a row for each variable you're running this on, and a variable name that contains the variable name (one per row). You might be able to construct this using PROC CONTENTS or sashelp.vtable or dictionary.tables, if you're using a set of variables from one particular dataset. It can also come from a spreadsheet you import, or a text file, or anything else really - or just written as datalines, as below.
So your example would have this dataset:
data vars_run;
input name $ cog $;
bio1 mmmscore
bio2 mmmscore
bio3 mmmscore
If your 'cog' is fairly consistent you don't need to put it in the data, if it is something that might change you might also have a variable for it in the data. I do in the above example include it.
Then, you write the macro so it does one pass on the PROC MIXED - ie, the inner part of the %do loop.
%macro cogTraj(cog=,var=, sol=sol);
proc mixed data = datuse;
model &cog = &var &var*year /solution cl;
random int year/subject = id;
ods output SolutionF = &sol.&var.;
%mend cogTraj;
I put the default for &sol in there. Now, you generate one call to the macro from each row in your dataset. You also generate a list of the sol sets.
proc sql;
select cats('%cogTraj(cog=',cog,',var=',name,',sol=sol)')
into :callList
sepearated by ' '
from have;
select cats('sol',name') into :solList separated by ' '
from have;
Next, you run the macro:
And then you can do this:
data sol_all;
set &solList.;
All done, and a lot less macro variable parsing which is messy and annoying.

SAS - Creating variables from macro variables

I have a SAS dataset which has 20 character variables, all of which are names (e.g. Adam, Bob, Cathy etc..)
I would like a dynamic code to create variables called Adam_ref, Bob_ref etc.. which will work even if there a different dataset with different names (i.e. don't want to manually define each variable).
So far my approach has been to use proc contents to get all variable names and then use a macro to create macro variables Adam_ref, Bob_ref etc..
How do I create actual variables within the dataset from here? Do I need a different approach?
proc contents data=work.names
out=contents noprint;
proc sort data = contents; by varnum; run;
data contents1;
set contents;
Name_Ref = compress(Name||"_Ref");
call symput (NAME, NAME_Ref);
%put _user_;
If you want to create an empty dataset that has variables named like some values you have in a macro variables you could do something like this.
Save the values into macro variables that are named by some pattern, like v1, v2 ...
proc sql;
select compress(Name||"_Ref") into :v1-:v20 from contents;
If you don't know how many values there are, you have to count them first, I assumed there are only 20 of them.
Then, if all your variables are character variables of length 100, you create a dataset like this:
%macro create_dataset;
data want;
length %do i=1 %to 20; &&v&i $100 %end;
%create_dataset; run;
This is how you can do it if you have the values in macro variable, there is probably a better way to do it in general.
If you don't want to create an empty dataset but only change the variable names, you can do it like this:
proc sql;
select name into :v1-:v20 from contents;
%macro rename_dataset;
data new_names;
set have(rename=(%do i=1 %to 20; &&v&i = &&v&i.._ref %end;));
%rename_dataset; run;
You can use PROC TRANSPOSE with an ID statement.
This step creates an example dataset:
data names;
This step is essentially a copy of your step above that produces a dataset of column names. I will reuse the dataset namerefs throughout.
proc contents data=names out=namerefs noprint;
This step adds the "_Refs" to the names defined before and drops everything else. The variable "name" comes from the column attributes of the dataset output by PROC CONTENTS.
data namerefs;
set namerefs (keep=name);
This step produces an empty dataset with the desired columns. The variable "name" is again obtained by looking at column attributes. You might get a harmless warning in the GUI if you try to view the dataset, but you can otherwise use it as you wish and you can confirm that it has the desired output.
proc transpose out=namerefs(drop=_name_) data=namerefs;
id name;
Here is another approach which requires less coding. It does not require running proc contents, does not require knowing the number of variables, nor creating a macro function. It also can be extended to do some additional things.
Step 1 is to use built-in dictionary views to get the desired variable names. The appropriate view for this is dictionary.columns, which has alias of sashelp.vcolumn. The dictionary libref can be used only in proc sql, while th sashelp alias can be used anywhere. I tend to use sashelp alias since I work in windows with DMS and can always interactively view the sashelp library.
proc sql;
select compress(Name||"_Ref") into :name_list
separated by ' '
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname = 'WORK'
and memname = 'NAMES';
This produces a space delimited macro vaiable with the desired names.
Step 2 To build the empty data set then this code will work:
Data New ;
length &name_list ;
run ;
You can avoid assuming lengths or create populated dataset with new variable names by using a slightly more complicated select statement.
For example
select compress(Name)||"_Ref $")||compress(put(length,best.))
into :name_list
separated by ' '
will generate a macro variable which retains the previous length for each variable. This will work with no changes to step 2 above.
To create populated data set for use with rename dataset option, replace the select statement as follows:
select compress(Name)||"= "||compress(_Ref")
into :name_list
separated by ' '
Then replace the Step 2 code with the following:
Data New ;
set names (rename = ( &name_list)) ;
run ;