I write a program to calculate the sum of an array of 1M numbers where all elements = 1. I use OpenMP for multithreading. However, the run time doesn't scale with the number of threads. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
#define SIZE 1000000
#define N_THREADS 4
using namespace std;
int main() {
int* arr = new int[SIZE];
long long sum = 0;
int n_threads = 0;
double t1 = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
n_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
#pragma omp for schedule(static, 16)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
arr[i] = 1;
#pragma omp for schedule(static, 16) reduction(+:sum)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
sum += arr[i];
double t2 = omp_get_wtime();
cout << "n_threads " << n_threads << endl;
cout << "time " << (t2 - t1)*1000 << endl;
cout << sum << endl;
The run time (in milliseconds) for different values of N_THREADS is as follows:
n_threads 1
time 3.6718
n_threads 2
time 2.5308
n_threads 3
time 3.4383
n_threads 4
time 3.7427
n_threads 5
time 2.4621
I used schedule(static, 16) to use chunks of 16 iterations per thread to avoid false sharing problem. I thought the performance issue was related to false sharing, but I now think it's not. What could possibly be the problem?
Your code is memory bound, not computation expensive. Its speed depends on the speed of memory access (cache utilization, number of memory channels, etc), therefore it is not expected to scale well with the number of threads.
UPDATE, I run this code using 1000x bigger SIZE (i.e. #define SIZE 100000000) (g++ -fopenmp -O3 -mavx2)
Here are the results, it still scales badly with number of threads:
n_threads 1
time 652.656
time 657.207
time 608.838
time 639.168
n_threads 2
time 422.621
time 373.995
time 425.819
time 386.511
time 466.632
time 394.198
n_threads 3
time 394.419
time 391.283
time 470.925
time 375.833
time 442.268
time 449.611
time 370.12
time 458.79
n_threads 4
time 421.89
time 402.363
time 424.738
time 414.368
time 491.843
time 429.757
time 431.459
time 497.566
n_threads 8
time 414.426
time 430.29
time 494.899
time 442.164
time 458.576
time 449.313
time 452.309
5 threads contending for same accumulator for reduction or having only 16 chunk size must be inhibiting efficient pipelining of loop iterations. Try coarser region per thread.
Maybe more importantly, you need multiple repeats of benchmark programmatically to get an average and to heat CPU caches/cores into higher frequencies to have better measurement.
The benchmark results saying 1MB/s. Surely the worst RAM will do 1000 times better than that. So memory is not bottleneck (for now). 1 million elements per 4 second is like locking contention or non-heated benchmark. Normally even a Pentium 1 would make more bandwidth than that. You sure you are compiling with O3 optimization?
I have reimplemented the test as a Google Benchmark with different values:
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <memory>
#include <omp.h>
constexpr int SCALE{32};
constexpr int ARRAY_SIZE{1000000};
constexpr int CHUNK_SIZE{16};
void original_benchmark(benchmark::State& state)
const int num_threads{state.range(0)};
const int array_size{state.range(1)};
const int chunk_size{state.range(2)};
auto arr = std::make_unique<int[]>(array_size);
long long sum = 0;
int n_threads = 0;
// double t1 = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
n_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
#pragma omp for schedule(static, chunk_size)
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
arr[i] = 1;
#pragma omp for schedule(static, chunk_size) reduction(+:sum)
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
sum += arr[i];
// double t2 = omp_get_wtime();
// cout << "n_threads " << n_threads << endl;
// cout << "time " << (t2 - t1)*1000 << endl;
// cout << sum << endl;
state.counters["n_threads"] = n_threads;
static void BM_original_benchmark(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
I only have access to Compiler Explorer at the moment which will not execute the complete suite of benchmarks. However, it looks like increasing the chunk size will improve the performance. Obviously, benchmark and optimize for your own system.
So this guide here shows the general way to overlap kernel execution and data transfer.
cudaStream_t streams[nStreams];
for (int i = 0; i < nStreams; ++i) {
int offset = ...;
cudaMemcpyAsync(&d_a[offset], &a[offset], streamBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream[i]);
kernel<<<streamSize/blockSize, blockSize, 0, stream[i]>>>(d_a, offset);
// edit: no deviceToHost copy
However, the kernel is serial. So it must process 0->1000, then 1000->2000, ... In short, the order to correctly perform this kernel while overlapping data transfer is:
copy[a->b] must happen before kernel[a->b]
kernel [a->b] must happen before kernel[b->c], where c > a, b
Is it possible to do this without using cudaDeviceSynchronize() ? If not, what's the fastest way to do it?
So each kernel is dependent on (cannot begin until):
The associated H->D copy is complete
The previous kernel execution is complete
Ordinary stream semantics won't handle this case (2 separate dependencies, from 2 separate streams), so we'll need to put an extra interlock in there. We can use a set of events and cudaStreamWaitEvent() to handle it.
For the most general case (no knowledge of the total number of chunks) I would recommend something like this:
$ cat t1783.cu
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define USECPSEC 1000000ULL
unsigned long long dtime_usec(unsigned long long start){
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
return ((tv.tv_sec*USECPSEC)+tv.tv_usec)-start;
template <typename T>
__global__ void process(const T * __restrict__ in, const T * __restrict__ prev, T * __restrict__ out, size_t ds){
for (size_t i = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x; i < ds; i += gridDim.x*blockDim.x){
out[i] = in[i] + prev[i];
const int nTPB = 256;
typedef int mt;
const int chunk_size = 1048576;
const int data_size = 10*1048576;
const int ns = 3;
int main(){
mt *din, *dout, *hin, *hout;
cudaStream_t str[ns];
cudaEvent_t evt[ns];
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
cudaEventCreate( evt+i);}
cudaMalloc(&din, sizeof(mt)*data_size);
cudaMalloc(&dout, sizeof(mt)*data_size);
cudaHostAlloc(&hin, sizeof(mt)*data_size, cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&hout, sizeof(mt)*data_size, cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaMemset(dout, 0, sizeof(mt)*chunk_size); // for first loop iteration
for (int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) hin[i] = 1;
cudaEventRecord(evt[ns-1], str[ns-1]); // this event will immediately "complete"
unsigned long long dt = dtime_usec(0);
for (int i = 0; i < (data_size/chunk_size); i++){
cudaStreamSynchronize(str[i%ns]); // so we can reuse event safely
cudaMemcpyAsync(din+i*chunk_size, hin+i*chunk_size, sizeof(mt)*chunk_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, str[i%ns]);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(str[i%ns], evt[(i>0)?(i-1)%ns:ns-1], 0);
process<<<(chunk_size+nTPB-1)/nTPB, nTPB, 0, str[i%ns]>>>(din+i*chunk_size, dout+((i>0)?(i-1)*chunk_size:0), dout+i*chunk_size, chunk_size);
cudaMemcpyAsync(hout+i*chunk_size, dout+i*chunk_size, sizeof(mt)*chunk_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, str[i%ns]);
dt = dtime_usec(dt);
for (int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) if (hout[i] != (i/chunk_size)+1) {std::cout << "error at index: " << i << " was: " << hout[i] << " should be: " << (i/chunk_size)+1 << std::endl; return 0;}
std::cout << "elapsed time: " << dt << " microseconds" << std::endl;
$ nvcc -o t1783 t1783.cu
$ ./t1783
elapsed time: 4366 microseconds
Good practice here would be to use a profiler to verify the expected overlap scenarios. However, we can take a shortcut based on the elapsed time measurement.
The loop is transferring a total of 40MB of data to the device, and 40MB back. The elapsed time is 4366us. This gives an average throughput for each direction of (40*1048576)/4366 or 9606 bytes/us which is 9.6GB/s. This is basically saturating the Gen3 link in both directions, therefore my chunk processing is approximately back-to-back, and I have essentially full overlap of D->H with H->D memcopies. The kernel here is trivial so it shows up as just slivers in the profile.
For your case, you indicated you didn't need the D->H copy, but it adds no extra complexity so I chose to show it. The desired behavior still occurs if you comment that line out of the loop (although this affects results checking later).
A possible criticism of this approach is that the cudaStreamSynchronize() call, which is necessary so we don't "overrun" the event interlock, means that the loop will only proceed to ns number of iterations beyond the one that is currently executing on the device. So it is not possible to launch more work asynchronously than that. If you wanted to launch all the work at once and go on and do something else on the CPU, this method will not fully allow that (the CPU will proceed past the loop when the stream processing has reach ns iterations from the last one).
The code is presented to illustrate an approach, conceptually. It is not guaranteed to be defect free, nor do I claim it is suitable for any particular purpose.
I need a fast and efficient implementation for finding the index of the maximum value in an array in CUDA. This operation needs to be performed several times. I originally used cublasIsamax for this, however, it sadly returns the index of the maximum absolute value, which is not what I want. Instead, I'm using thrust::max_element, however the speed is rather slow in comparison to cublasIsamax. I use it in the following manner:
//d_vector is a pointer on the device pointing to the beginning of the vector, containing nrElements floats.
thrust::device_ptr<float> d_ptr = thrust::device_pointer_cast(d_vector);
thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator d_it = thrust::max_element(d_ptr, d_ptr + nrElements);
max_index = d_it - (thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator)d_ptr;
The number of elements in the vector range between 10'000 and 20'000. The difference in speed between thrust::max_element and cublasIsamax is rather big. Perhaps I'm performing several memory transactions without knowing?
A more efficient implementation would be to write your own max-index reduction code in CUDA. It's likely that cublasIsamax is using something like this under the hood.
We can compare 3 approaches:
custom CUDA kernel
Here's a fully worked example:
$ cat t665.cu
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <thrust/extrema.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DSIZE 10000
// nTPB should be a power-of-2
#define nTPB 256
#define MAX_BLOCKS ((DSIZE/nTPB)+1)
#define MIN(a,b) ((a>b)?b:a)
#define FLOAT_MIN -1.0f
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
unsigned long long dtime_usec(unsigned long long prev){
#define USECPSEC 1000000ULL
timeval tv1;
return ((tv1.tv_sec * USECPSEC)+tv1.tv_usec) - prev;
__device__ volatile float blk_vals[MAX_BLOCKS];
__device__ volatile int blk_idxs[MAX_BLOCKS];
__device__ int blk_num = 0;
template <typename T>
__global__ void max_idx_kernel(const T *data, const int dsize, int *result){
__shared__ volatile T vals[nTPB];
__shared__ volatile int idxs[nTPB];
__shared__ volatile int last_block;
int idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
last_block = 0;
T my_val = FLOAT_MIN;
int my_idx = -1;
// sweep from global memory
while (idx < dsize){
if (data[idx] > my_val) {my_val = data[idx]; my_idx = idx;}
idx += blockDim.x*gridDim.x;}
// populate shared memory
vals[threadIdx.x] = my_val;
idxs[threadIdx.x] = my_idx;
// sweep in shared memory
for (int i = (nTPB>>1); i > 0; i>>=1){
if (threadIdx.x < i)
if (vals[threadIdx.x] < vals[threadIdx.x + i]) {vals[threadIdx.x] = vals[threadIdx.x+i]; idxs[threadIdx.x] = idxs[threadIdx.x+i]; }
// perform block-level reduction
if (!threadIdx.x){
blk_vals[blockIdx.x] = vals[0];
blk_idxs[blockIdx.x] = idxs[0];
if (atomicAdd(&blk_num, 1) == gridDim.x - 1) // then I am the last block
last_block = 1;}
if (last_block){
idx = threadIdx.x;
my_val = FLOAT_MIN;
my_idx = -1;
while (idx < gridDim.x){
if (blk_vals[idx] > my_val) {my_val = blk_vals[idx]; my_idx = blk_idxs[idx]; }
idx += blockDim.x;}
// populate shared memory
vals[threadIdx.x] = my_val;
idxs[threadIdx.x] = my_idx;
// sweep in shared memory
for (int i = (nTPB>>1); i > 0; i>>=1){
if (threadIdx.x < i)
if (vals[threadIdx.x] < vals[threadIdx.x + i]) {vals[threadIdx.x] = vals[threadIdx.x+i]; idxs[threadIdx.x] = idxs[threadIdx.x+i]; }
if (!threadIdx.x)
*result = idxs[0];
int main(){
int nrElements = DSIZE;
float *d_vector, *h_vector;
h_vector = new float[DSIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < DSIZE; i++) h_vector[i] = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
h_vector[10] = 10; // create definite max element
cublasHandle_t my_handle;
cublasStatus_t my_status = cublasCreate(&my_handle);
cudaMalloc(&d_vector, DSIZE*sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpy(d_vector, h_vector, DSIZE*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int max_index = 0;
unsigned long long dtime = dtime_usec(0);
//d_vector is a pointer on the device pointing to the beginning of the vector, containing nrElements floats.
thrust::device_ptr<float> d_ptr = thrust::device_pointer_cast(d_vector);
thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator d_it = thrust::max_element(d_ptr, d_ptr + nrElements);
max_index = d_it - (thrust::device_vector<float>::iterator)d_ptr;
dtime = dtime_usec(dtime);
std::cout << "thrust time: " << dtime/(float)USECPSEC << " max index: " << max_index << std::endl;
max_index = 0;
dtime = dtime_usec(0);
my_status = cublasIsamax(my_handle, DSIZE, d_vector, 1, &max_index);
dtime = dtime_usec(dtime);
std::cout << "cublas time: " << dtime/(float)USECPSEC << " max index: " << max_index << std::endl;
max_index = 0;
int *d_max_index;
cudaMalloc(&d_max_index, sizeof(int));
dtime = dtime_usec(0);
max_idx_kernel<<<MIN(MAX_KERNEL_BLOCKS, ((DSIZE+nTPB-1)/nTPB)), nTPB>>>(d_vector, DSIZE, d_max_index);
cudaMemcpy(&max_index, d_max_index, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
dtime = dtime_usec(dtime);
std::cout << "kernel time: " << dtime/(float)USECPSEC << " max index: " << max_index << std::endl;
return 0;
$ nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_20 -o t665 t665.cu -lcublas
$ ./t665
thrust time: 0.00075 max index: 10
cublas time: 6.3e-05 max index: 11
kernel time: 2.5e-05 max index: 10
CUBLAS returns an index 1 higher than the others because CUBLAS uses 1-based indexing.
CUBLAS might be quicker if you used CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_DEVICE, however for validation you would still have to copy the result back to the host.
CUBLAS with CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_DEVICE should be asynchronous, so the cudaDeviceSynchronize() will be desirable for the host based timing I've shown here. In some cases, thrust can be asynchronous as well.
For convenience and results comparison between CUBLAS and the other methods, I am using all nonnegative values for my data. You may want to adjust the FLOAT_MIN value if you are using negative values as well.
If you're freaky about performance, you can try tuning the nTPB and MAX_KERNEL_BLOCKS parameters to see if you can max out performance on your specific GPU. The kernel code also arguably leaves some performance on the table by not switching carefully into a warp-synchronous mode for the final stages of the (two) threadblock reduction(s).
The threadblock reduction kernel uses a block-draining/last-block strategy to avoid the overhead of an additional kernel launch to perform the final reduction.
I am testing Nvidia Cublas Library on my GTX Titan. I have the following code:
#include "cublas.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
/* Vector size */
#define N (1024 * 1024 * 32)
/* Main */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
float* h_A;
float* h_B;
float* d_A = 0;
float* d_B = 0;
/* Initialize CUBLAS */
/* Allocate host memory for the vectors */
h_A = (float*)malloc(N * sizeof(h_A[0]));
h_B = (float*)malloc(N * sizeof(h_B[0]));
/* Fill the vectors with test data */
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
h_A[i] = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
h_B[i] = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
/* Allocate device memory for the vectors */
cublasAlloc(N, sizeof(d_A[0]), (void**)&d_A);
cublasAlloc(N, sizeof(d_B[0]), (void**)&d_B);
/* Initialize the device matrices with the host vectors */
cublasSetVector(N, sizeof(h_A[0]), h_A, 1, d_A, 1);
cublasSetVector(N, sizeof(h_B[0]), h_B, 1, d_B, 1);
/* Performs operation using cublas */
float res = cublasSdot(N, d_A, 1, d_B, 1);
/* Memory clean up */
double elapsedTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "GPU time = " << std::setprecision(16) << elapsedTime << std::endl;
std::cout << "GPU result = " << res << std::endl;
float sum = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum += h_A[i] * h_B[i];
elapsedTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "CPU time = " << std::setprecision(16) << elapsedTime << std::endl;
std::cout << "CPU result = " << sum << std::endl;
/* Shutdown */
When I run the code I get the following result:
GPU time = 164.7487009845991
GPU result = 8388851
CPU time = 45.22368030957917
CPU result = 7780599.5
Why using cublas library on GTX Titan is 3 times slower than calculations on one Xeon 2.4GHz IvyBridge core?
When I increase or decrease the vector sizes, I get the same results: GPU is slower than CPU. Double precision doesn't change it.
Because dot product is a function that uses each vector element only once. That means that the time to send it to the video card is much greater than to calculate everything on cpu, because PCIExpress is much slower than RAM.
I think you should read this:
There are three main points, I will briefly comment on those:
GPUs are good at hiding latencies with lots of computations (if you can balance between calculations and data transfers), here the memory is accessed a lot (bandwidth limited problem)and there isn't enough computation to hide latencies that, indeed, kill your performances.
Furthermore data is read only once so caching capabilities aren't exploited at all while CPUs are extremely good at predicting which data will be accessed next.
Plus you're also timing the allocation times.. that means PCI-E bus time which is very slow compared to main memory accesses.
All of the above render the example you just posted a case in which CPU outperform a massive parallel architecture like your GPU.
Optimizations for such a problem could be:
Keeping data on the device as much as possible
Having threads calculate more elements (and thus hide latencies)
Also: http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_research_pub_001.html
Hey, my friends and I are trying to beat each other's runtimes for generating "Self Numbers" between 1 and a million. I've written mine in c++ and I'm still trying to shave off precious time.
Here's what I have so far,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool v[1000000];
int main(void) {
long non_self = 0;
for(long i = 1; i < 1000000; ++i) {
if(!(v[i])) std::cout << i << '\n';
non_self = i + (i%10) + (i/10)%10 + (i/100)%10 + (i/1000)%10 + (i/10000)%10 +(i/100000)%10;
v[non_self] = 1;
std::cout << "1000000" << '\n';
return 0;
The code works fine now, I just want to optimize it.
Any tips? Thanks.
I built an alternate C solution that doesn't require any modulo or division operations:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int v[1100000];
int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, s, n=0;
memset(v, 0, sizeof(v));
for (j6=0; j6<10; j6++) {
for (j5=0; j5<10; j5++) {
for (j4=0; j4<10; j4++) {
for (j3=0; j3<10; j3++) {
for (j2=0; j2<10; j2++) {
for (j1=0; j1<10; j1++) {
s = j6 + j5 + j4 + j3 + j2 + j1;
v[n + s] = 1;
for (n=1; n<=1000000; n++) {
if (!v[n]) printf("%6d\n", n);
It generates 97786 self numbers including 1 and 1000000.
With output, it takes
real 0m1.419s
user 0m0.060s
sys 0m0.152s
When I redirect output to /dev/null, it takes
real 0m0.030s
user 0m0.024s
sys 0m0.004s
on my 3 Ghz quad core rig.
For comparison, your version produces the same number of numbers, so I assume we're either both correct or equally wrong; but your version chews up
real 0m0.064s
user 0m0.060s
sys 0m0.000s
under the same conditions, or about 2x as much.
That, or the fact that you're using longs, which is unnecessary on my machine. Here, int goes up to 2 billion. Maybe you should check INT_MAX on yours?
I had a hunch that it may be better to calculate the sum piecewise. Here's my new code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char v[1100000];
int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, s, n=0;
int s1, s2, s3, s4, s5;
memset(v, 0, sizeof(v));
for (j6=0; j6<10; j6++) {
for (j5=0; j5<10; j5++) {
s5 = j6 + j5;
for (j4=0; j4<10; j4++) {
s4 = s5 + j4;
for (j3=0; j3<10; j3++) {
s3 = s4 + j3;
for (j2=0; j2<10; j2++) {
s2 = s3 + j2;
for (j1=0; j1<10; j1++) {
v[s2 + j1 + n++] = 1;
for (n=1; n<=1000000; n++) {
if (!v[n]) printf("%d\n", n);
...and what do you know, that brought down the time for the top loop from 12 ms to 4 ms. Or maybe 8, my clock seems to be getting a bit jittery way down there.
State of affairs, Summary
The actual finding of self numbers up to 1M is now taking roughly 4 ms, and I'm having trouble measuring any further improvements. On the other hand, as long as output is to the console, it will continue to take about 1.4 seconds, my best efforts to leverage buffering notwithstanding. The I/O time so drastically dwarfs computation time that any further optimization would be essentially futile. Thus, although inspired by further comments, I've decided to leave well enough alone.
All times cited are on my (pretty fast) machine and are for comparison purposes with each other only. Your mileage may vary.
Generate the numbers once, copy the output into your code as a gigantic string. Print the string.
Those mods (%) look expensive. If you are allowed to move to base 16 (or even base 2), then you can probably code this a lot faster. If you have to stay in decimal, try creating an array of digits for each place (units, tens, hundreds) and build some rollover code. That will make summating the numbers far easier.
Alternatively, you could recognise the behaviour of the core self function (let's call it s):
s = n + f(b,n)
where f(b,n) is the sum of the digits of the number n in base b.
For base 10, it's clear that as the ones (also known as least significant) digit moves from 0,1,2,...,9, that n and f(b,n) proceed in lockstep as you move from n to n+1, it's only that 10% of the time that 9 rolls to 0 that it doesnt, so:
f(b,n+1) = f(b,n) + 1 // 90% of the time
thus the core self function s advances as
n+1 + f(b,n+1) = n + 1 + f(b,n) + 1 = n + f(b,n) + 2
s(n+1) = s(n) + 2 // again, 90% of the time
In the remaining (and easily identifiable) 10% of the time, the 9 rolls back to zero and adds one to the next digit, which in the simplest case subtracts (9-1) from the running total, but might cascade up through a series of 9s, to subtract 99-1, 999-1 etc.
So the first optimisation can remove most of the work from 90% of your cycles!
if ((n % 10) != 0)
n + f(b,n) = n-1 + f(b,n-1) + 2;
if ((n % 10) != 0)
s = old_s + 2;
That should be enough to substantially increase your performance without really changing your algorithm.
If you want more, then work out a simple algorithm for the change between iterations for the remaining 10%.
If you want your output to be fast, it may be worth investigating replacing iostream output with plain old printf() - depends on the rules for winning the competition whether this is important.
Multithread (use different arrays/ranges for every thread). Also, dont use more threads than your number of cpu cores =)
cout or printf within a loop will be slow. If you can remove any prints from a loop you will see significant performance increase.
Since the range is limited (1 to 1000000) the maximum sum of the digits does not exceed 9*6 = 54. This means that to implement the sieve a circular buffer of 54 elements should be perfectly sufficient (and the size of the sieve grows very slowly as the range increases).
You already have a sieve-based solution, but it is based on pre-building the full-length buffer (sieve of 1000000 elements), which is rather inelegant (if not completely unacceptable). The performance of your solution also suffers from non-locality of memory access.
For example, this is a possible very simple implementation
#define N 1000000U
void print_self_numbers(void)
#define NMARKS 64U /* make it 64 just in case (and to make division work faster :) */
unsigned char marks[NMARKS] = { 0 };
unsigned i, imark;
for (i = 1, imark = i; i <= N; ++i, imark = (imark + 1) % NMARKS)
unsigned digits, sum;
if (!marks[imark])
printf("%u ", i);
marks[imark] = 0;
sum = i;
for (digits = i; digits > 0; digits /= 10)
sum += digits % 10;
marks[sum % NMARKS] = 1;
(I'm not going for the best possible performance in terms of CPU clocks here, just illustrating the key idea with the circular buffer.)
Of course, the range can be easily turned into a parameter of the function, while the size of the curcular buffer can be easily calculated at run-time from the range.
As for "optimizations"... There's no point in trying to optimize the code that contains I/O operations. You won't achieve anything by such optimizations. If you want to analyze the performance of the algorithm itself, you'll have to put the generated numbers into an output array and print them later.
For such simple task, the best option would be to think of alternative algorithms to produce the same result. %10 is not usually considered a fast operation.
Why not use the recurrence relation given on the wikipedia page instead?
That should be blazingly fast.
EDIT: Ignore this .. the recurrence relation generates some but not all of the self numbers.
In fact only very few of them. Thats not particularly clear from thewikipedia page though :(
This may help speed up C++ iostreams output:
Put them in main before you start writing to cout.
I created a CUDA-based solution based on Carl Smotricz's second algorithm. The code to identify Self Numbers itself is extremely fast -- on my machine it executes in ~45 nanoseconds; this is about 150 x faster than Carl Smotricz's algorithm, which ran in 7 milliseconds on my machine.
There is a bottleneck, however, and that seems to be the PCIe interface. It took my code a whopping 43 milliseconds to move the computed data from the graphics card back to RAM. This might be optimizable, and I will look in to this.
Still, 45 nanosedons is pretty darn fast. Scary fast, actually, and I added code to my program which runs Carl Smotricz's algorithm and compares the results for accuracy. The results are accurate. Here is the program output (compiled in VS2008 64-bit, Windows7):
I recompiled this code in release mode with full optimization and using static runtime libraries, with signifigant results. The optimizer seems to have done very well with Carl's algorithm, reducing the runtime from 7 ms to 1 ms. The CUDA implementation sped up as well, from 35 us to 20 us. The memory copy from video card to RAM was unaffected.
Program Output:
Running on device: 'Quadro NVS 295'
Reference Implementation Ran In 15603 ticks (7 ms)
Kernel Executed in 40 ms -- Breakdown:
[kernel] : 35 us (0.09%)
[memcpy] : 40 ms (99.91%)
CUDA Implementation Ran In 111889 ticks (51 ms)
Compute Slots: 1000448 (1954 blocks X 512 threads)
Number of Errors: 0
The code is as follows:
file : main.h
#pragma once
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
typedef std::pair<int*, size_t> sized_ptr;
static sized_ptr make_sized_ptr(int* ptr, size_t size)
return make_pair<int*, size_t>(ptr, size);
__host__ void ComputeSelfNumbers(sized_ptr hostMem, sized_ptr deviceMemory, unsigned const blocks, unsigned const threads);
inline std::string format_elapsed(double d)
char buf[256] = {0};
if( d < 0.00000001 )
// show in ps with 4 digits
sprintf(buf, "%0.4f ps", d * 1000000000000.0);
else if( d < 0.00001 )
// show in ns
sprintf(buf, "%0.0f ns", d * 1000000000.0);
else if( d < 0.001 )
// show in us
sprintf(buf, "%0.0f us", d * 1000000.0);
else if( d < 0.1 )
// show in ms
sprintf(buf, "%0.0f ms", d * 1000.0);
else if( d <= 60.0 )
// show in seconds
sprintf(buf, "%0.2f s", d);
else if( d < 3600.0 )
// show in min:sec
sprintf(buf, "%01.0f:%02.2f", floor(d/60.0), fmod(d,60.0));
// show in h:min:sec
sprintf(buf, "%01.0f:%02.0f:%02.2f", floor(d/3600.0), floor(fmod(d,3600.0)/60.0), fmod(d,60.0));
return buf;
inline std::string format_pct(double d)
char buf[256] = {0};
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", 100.0 * d);
return buf;
file: main.cpp
#include <windows.h>
#include "C:\CUDA\include\cuda_runtime.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include "main.h"
int main()
unsigned numVals = 1000000;
int* gold = new int[numVals];
memset(gold, 0, sizeof(int)*numVals);
LARGE_INTEGER li = {0}, li2 = {0};
__int64 freq = li.QuadPart;
// get cuda properties...
cudaDeviceProp cdp = {0};
cudaError_t err = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&cdp, 0);
cout << "Running on device: '" << cdp.name << "'" << endl;
// first run the reference implementation
for( int j6=0, n = 0; j6<10; j6++ )
for( int j5=0; j5<10; j5++ )
for( int j4=0; j4<10; j4++ )
for( int j3=0; j3<10; j3++ )
for( int j2=0; j2<10; j2++ )
for( int j1=0; j1<10; j1++ )
int s = j6 + j5 + j4 + j3 + j2 + j1;
gold[n + s] = 1;
__int64 ticks = li2.QuadPart-li.QuadPart;
cout << "Reference Implementation Ran In " << ticks << " ticks" << " (" << format_elapsed((double)ticks/(double)freq) << ")" << endl;
// now run the cuda version...
unsigned threads = cdp.maxThreadsPerBlock;
unsigned blocks = numVals/threads;
if( numVals%threads ) ++blocks;
unsigned computeSlots = blocks * threads; // this may be != the number of vals since we want 32-thread warps
// allocate device memory for test
int* deviceTest = 0;
err = cudaMalloc(&deviceTest, sizeof(int)*computeSlots);
err = cudaMemset(deviceTest, 0, sizeof(int)*computeSlots);
int* hostTest = new int[numVals]; // the repository for the resulting data on the host
memset(hostTest, 0, sizeof(int)*numVals);
// run the CUDA code...
LARGE_INTEGER li3 = {0}, li4={0};
ComputeSelfNumbers(make_sized_ptr(hostTest, numVals), make_sized_ptr(deviceTest, computeSlots), blocks, threads);
__int64 ticksCuda = li4.QuadPart-li3.QuadPart;
cout << "CUDA Implementation Ran In " << ticksCuda << " ticks" << " (" << format_elapsed((double)ticksCuda/(double)freq) << ")" << endl;
cout << "Compute Slots: " << computeSlots << " (" << blocks << " blocks X " << threads << " threads)" << endl;
unsigned errorCount = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < numVals; ++i )
if( gold[i] != hostTest[i] )
cout << "Number of Errors: " << errorCount << endl;
return 0;
file: self.cu
#pragma warning( disable : 4231)
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include "main.h"
__global__ void SelfNum(int * slots)
__shared__ int N;
N = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
const int numDigits = 10;
__shared__ int digits[numDigits];
for( int i = 0, temp = N; i < numDigits; ++i, temp /= 10 )
digits[numDigits-i-1] = temp - 10 * (temp/10) /*temp % 10*/;
__shared__ int s;
s = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < numDigits; ++i )
s += digits[i];
slots[N+s] = 1;
__host__ void ComputeSelfNumbers(sized_ptr hostMem, sized_ptr deviceMem, const unsigned blocks, const unsigned threads)
double freq = (double)li.QuadPart;
LARGE_INTEGER liStart = {0};
// run the kernel
SelfNum<<<blocks, threads>>>(deviceMem.first);
LARGE_INTEGER liKernel = {0};
cudaMemcpy(hostMem.first, deviceMem.first, hostMem.second*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // dont copy the overflow - just throw it away
LARGE_INTEGER liMemcpy = {0};
// display performance stats
double e = double(liMemcpy.QuadPart - liStart.QuadPart)/freq,
eKernel = double(liKernel.QuadPart - liStart.QuadPart)/freq,
eMemcpy = double(liMemcpy.QuadPart - liKernel.QuadPart)/freq;
double pKernel = eKernel/e,
pMemcpy = eMemcpy/e;
cout << "Kernel Executed in " << format_elapsed(e) << " -- Breakdown: " << endl
<< " [kernel] : " << format_elapsed(eKernel) << " (" << format_pct(pKernel) << "%)" << endl
<< " [memcpy] : " << format_elapsed(eMemcpy) << " (" << format_pct(pMemcpy) << "%)" << endl;
I refactored my CUDA implementation to try to speed it up a bit. I did this by unrolling loops manually, fixing some questionable use of __shared__ memory which might have been an error, and getting rid of some redundancy.
The output of my new kernel is:
Reference Implementation Ran In 69610 ticks (5 ms)
Kernel Executed in 2 ms -- Breakdown:
[kernel] : 39 us (1.57%)
[memcpy] : 2 ms (98.43%)
CUDA Implementation Ran In 62970 ticks (4 ms)
Compute Slots: 1000448 (1954 blocks X 512 threads)
Number of Errors: 0
The only code I changed is the kernel itself, so that's all I will post here:
__global__ void SelfNum(int * slots)
int N = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
int s = 0;
int temp = N;
s += temp - 10 * (temp/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
s += temp - 10 * ((temp/=10)/10) /*temp % 10*/;
slots[N+s] = 1;
I wonder if multi-threading would help. This algorithm looks like it would lend itself well to multi-threading. (Poor-man's test of this: Create two copies of the program and run them at the same time. If it runs in less than 200% of the time, multi-threading may help).
I was actually surprised that the code below was faster then any other posted here. I probably measured it wrong, but maybe it helps; or at least is interesting.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/progress.hpp>
class SelfCalc
bool array[1000000];
int non_self;
memset(&array, 0, sizeof(array));
void operator()(const int i)
if (!(array[i]))
std::cout << i << '\n';
non_self = i + (i%10) + (i/10)%10 + (i/100)%10 + (i/1000)%10 + (i/10000)%10 +(i/100000)%10;
array[non_self] = true;
class IntIterator
int value;
IntIterator(const int _value):value(_value){}
int operator*(){ return value; }
bool operator!=(const IntIterator &v){ return value != v.value; }
int operator++(){ return ++value; }
int main()
boost::progress_timer t;
SelfCalc selfCalc;
IntIterator i(1), end(100000);
std::for_each(i, end, selfCalc);
std::cout << 100000 << std::endl;
return 0;
Fun problem. The problem as stated does not specify what base it must be in. I fiddled around with it some and wrote a base-2 version. It generates an extra few thousand entries because the termination point of 1,000,000 is not as natural with base-2. This pre-counts the number of bits in a byte for a table lookup. The generation of the result set (without the I/O) took 2.4 ms.
One interesting thing (assuming I wrote it correctly) is that the base-2 version has about 250,000 "self numbers" up to 1,000,000 while there are just under 100,000 base-10 self numbers in that range.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void StartTimer( _int64 *pt1 )
QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)pt1 );
double StopTimer( _int64 t1 )
_int64 t2, ldFreq;
QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&t2 );
QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&ldFreq );
return ((double)( t2 - t1 ) / (double)ldFreq) * 1000.0;
#define RANGE 1000000
char sn[0x100000 + 32];
int bitCount[256];
// precompute bitcounts for each byte
void PreCountBits()
int i;
// generate count of bits in each byte
memset( bitCount, 0, sizeof( bitCount ));
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
int tmp = i;
while ( tmp )
if ( tmp & 0x01 )
tmp >>= 1;
void GenBase2( )
int i;
int *b1, *b2, *b3;
int b1sum, b2sum, b3sum;
i = 0;
for ( b1 = bitCount; b1 < bitCount + 256; b1++ )
b1sum = *b1;
for ( b2 = bitCount; b2 < bitCount + 256; b2++ )
b2sum = b1sum + *b2;
for ( b3 = bitCount; b3 < bitCount + 256; b3++ )
sn[i++ + *b3 + b2sum] = 1;
// 1000000 does not provide a great termination number for base 2. So check
// here. Overshoots the target some but avoids repeated checks
if ( i > RANGE )
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
int i = 0;
__int64 t1;
memset( sn, 0, sizeof( sn ));
StartTimer( &t1 );
printf( "Generation time = %.3f\n", StopTimer( t1 ));
#if 1
for ( i = 1; i <= RANGE; i++ )
if ( !sn[i] ) printf( "%d\n", i );
return 0;
Maybe try just computing the recurrence relation defined below?