Tiddlywiki 5 and InlineJavascriptPlugin - tiddlywiki5

I'm new on Tiddlywiki 5. I try to use the tablesorter.js in a tiddler and was trying to use the InlineJavascripPlugin for that. To test I followed the demo.js of Eric Shulman, but there is no output. It seems nothing is loaded. I tagged the plugin as systemConfig. Is this correct?
Thanks for your Help

TiddlyWiki5 is a modern, completely rewritten version of TiddlyWiki and the old version (prior 5.0) is referred to as "TiddlyWiki Classic". Plugins like the InlineJavascriptPluginInfo were written for TiddlyWiki Classic and are incompatible with TiddlyWiki5.


animateAlong function is not defined in Raphael javascript?

im trying out raphael js examples from http://www.irunmywebsite.com/raphael/additionalhelp.php#pagetop.
i took the example of animateAlong and tried, but im getting an error of animateAlong function is not defined.
Also made sure that my code is inside window.onload. My Raphaƫl version 2.0.1
It's been removed from Raphael2. See this link for a possible solution. (Haven't checked it out myself, so your mileage may vary...)

Netbeans: C/C++ file-template variables documentation needed

I'm looking for a faq or overview on C/C++ template-file variables in Netbeans (7.0).
(Not to be confused with the template technique). Those you see under Tools > Templates > C++ templates.
which are automatically filled when you create a new cpp/header file out of that file-template.
The help for the Java template-variables with Freemarker is very extensive, but I found nothing for the C++ equivalent.
When I did a search on CLASSNAME DEFAULT_HEADER_EXT, google gave me 5 results... which were not helpful. So if there is a reference or api, it seems to be hidden somewhere... Not even the netbeans site had any information about that.
And if there is nothing, maybe someone can at least tell me if there is a way to format the %DATE% variable (like this in Java's Freemarker format: ${date?date?string("yyyy")} ).
Still no luck... can't believe that such a feature is not documented... Any help would be appreciated :)
I know it's an old question but just stumbled on it and think it's good to have it mentioned:
The documentation of all predefined template variables including the date formatting may be found here: http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqTemplateVariables

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor.
I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so either a link to a download or a link to how to build my own would be awesome. thanks.
Update: Brien Malone's answer below along with charlie arehart's comments are what people should use at this point as nppColdFusion is no longer maintained as of 23 Sept 2011.
nppColdFusion is actively maintained
In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'. 'Coldfusion Lexer' is listed as available plugin
This question is a few years old now, and unfortunately, the accepted answer involving nppColdFusion is no longer valid because the plug-in doesn't work with NP++ after version 5.x.x and is not being maintained. (It stopped working when Notepad++ switched their plug-in hooking mechanism in version 6.x.x)
The Notepad++ site points to a library of nearly every language highlighter available:
ColdFusion (specifically CF9) is listed:
It's not as good as a full plug-in like nppColdFusion, but it is better than pages of black text.
Just a comment about Tony's answer (Aug 22 '14 at 13:00) : he wrote "In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'."
However, in ver. 6.8 (maybe since before), there's no "Plugins" menu item on the menu bar. What I had to do is:
1- From the User Defined Language Page
Download the ColdFusion User Defined Language file
Into the Notepad++ Folder
2- From the User Defined Language panel, import that file:
Language > Define your language... then press the Import button
ColdFusion will then appear at the bottom of the Language menu item selection list, and NotePad++ will automatically use it for any .CF file you open.
This link might help: http://howardscholz.wordpress.com/2007/06/01/notepad-support-for-coldfusion-8/
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself.
I found that nppColdFusion was working well, until I updated NP++ to version 7.6.6. I have tried just about everything to get it working, but to no avail.
I tried Delire Web's solution and it worked perfectly.
The different formatting (font and background colors) takes a bit of getting used to though.

C++ Library to render ODF documents?

I am unable to find any open source libraries to render ODF documents using C++. I found ODKit suporting Java and AODL for .NET C#.
Does any one have any idea or provide me any pointers.
I found a Qt source to parse ODF. Qt already has built in ODF writer.
KOffice supports ODF and is written in C++. I suspect they may have solved whatever it is you are trying to solve. http://www.koffice.org
It may not be the most elegant solution but OpenOffice itself is capable of rendering and the OOoSDK can be used from C++ as seen here for writer and here for spreadsheet.
There is none. You're better AODL or any of the other libs available (python, perl, java, etc) and doing a binding to it
KOffice can be an idea, but if I just want to display an odt file in a nice Qt QWidget, but I don't want to depends on DBus and a lots of Kde feature.
The Idea is to take a look a Flake and KoText libs as Thomas Zanders says on this Forum.

Parsing iCal/vCal/Google calendar files in C++

Can anyone recommend a ready-to-use class/library compatible with C/C++/MFC/ATL that would parse iCal/vCal/Google calendar files (with recurrences)? It can be free or commercial.
there is a parser in PHP for iCal, you can downloaded and check the code to suit your language.
for vCal/vCard parsing there's a C Library.
for Google Calendar I couldn't find any exact answer, so, try to Google it.
For vCal you can try the CCard project on SourceForge:
It's a C library but it states Windows as a supported platform.
*Edit: balexandre already linked to it :)
The only problem with the CCard project is that it's a generic parser (similar to what I already have implemented myself) - what would be really valuable to me is something that "understands" all varieties of recurrences and such. Those differ between vCal and iCal as well, adding to the complexity.