Django annotate a field value to queryset - django

I want to attach a field value (id) to a QS like below, but Django throws a 'str' object has no attribute 'lookup' error.
It seems I can get my id value using Sum()
I'm wondering is there not a way to simply annotate raw field values to a QS? Using sum() in this case doesn't feel right.

There are at least three methods of accessing related objects in a queryset.
using Django's double underscore join syntax:
If you just want to use the field of a related object as a condition in your SQL query you can refer to the field field on the related object related_object with related_object__field. All possible lookup types are listed in the Django documentation under Field lookups.
using annotate with F():
You can populate an annotated field in a queryset by refering to the field with the F() object. F() represents the field of a model or an annotated field.
accessing object attributes:
Once the queryset is evaluated, you can access related objects through attributes on that object.
book = Book.objects.get(pk=1)
author = # just one author, or…
authors = book.author_set.values("name") # several authors
This triggers an additional query unless you're making use of select_related().
My advice is to go with solution #2 as you're already halfway down that road and I think it'll give you exactly what you're asking for. The problem you're facing right now is that you did not specify a lookup type but instead you're passing a string (somerelation_id) Django doesn't know what to do with.
Also, the Django documentation on annotate() is pretty straight forward. You should look into that (again).

You have <somerelation>_id "by default". For example comment.user_id. It works because User has many Comments. But if Book has many Authors, what author_id supposed to be in this case?


Problem with .only() method, passing to Pagination / Serialization --- all fields are getting returned instead of the ones specified in only()

I am trying load some data into datatables. I am trying to specify columns in the model.objects query by using .only() --- at first glance at the resulting QuerySet, it does in fact look like the mySQL query is only asking for those columns.
However, When I try to pass the QuerySet into Paginator, and/or a Serializer, the result has ALL columns in it.
I cannot use .values_list() because that does not return the nested objects that I need to have serialized as part of my specific column ask. I am not sure what is happening to my .only()
db_result_object = model.objects.prefetch_related().filter(qs).order_by(asc+sort_by).only(*columns_to_return)
paginated_results = Paginator(db_result_object,results_per_page)
serialized_results = serializer(paginated_results.object_list,many=True)
paginated_results.object_list =
return paginated_results
This one has tripped me up too. In Django, calling only() doesn't return data equivalent to a SQL statement like this:
SELECT col_to_return_1, ... col_to_return_n
FROM appname_model
The reason it doesn't do it like this is because Django returns data to you not when you construct the QuerySet, but when you first access data from that QuerySet (see lazy QuerySets).
In the case of only() (a specific example of what is called a deferred field) you still get all of the fields like you normally would, but the difference is that it isn't completely loaded in from the database immediately. When you access the data, it will only load the fields included in the only statement. Some useful docs here.
My recommendation would be to write your Serializer so that it is only taking care of the one specific filed, likely using a SerializerMethodField with another serializer to serialize your related fields.

Filtering a django Prefetch based on more fields from the root object

This is similar to other questions regarding complicated prefetches but seems to be slightly different. Here are some example models:
class Author(Model):
class Book(Model):
authors = ManyToManyField(Author, through='BookAuthor')
class BookAuthor(Model):
book = ForeignKey(Book, ...)
author = ForeignKey(Author, ...)
class Event(Model):
book = ForeignKey(Book, ...)
author = ForeignKey(Author, ...)
In summary: a BookAuthor links a book to one of its authors, and an Event also concerns a book and one of its authors (the latter constraint is unimportant). One could design the relationships differently but it's too late for that now, and in my case, this in fact is part of migrating away from the current setup.
Now suppose I have a BookAuthor instance and want to find any events that relate to that combination of book and author. I can follow either the book or author relations on BookAuthor and their event_set reverse relationship, but neither gives me what I want and, if I have several BookAuthors it becomes a pain.
It seems that the way to get an entire queryset "annotated" onto a model instance is via prefetch_related but as far as I can tell there is no way, in the Prefetch object's queryset property, to refer to the root object's fields. I would like to do something like this:
However, OuterRef only works in subqueries and this is not one. The answer to this question suggests I could use a subquery here but I don't understand how it could ever work: you have to put the subquery inside a query to work in the Prefetch, and the OuterRef refers to that object/DB row; there is no way to get back to the original, root object. If I translate the code there into my situation it is clear that the OuterRef is referring to the outer Event query, not the outer BookAuthor.
To make the question precise: what I want is O(1) queries which, for a queryset of BookAuthors annotate each instance - or one of its foreign keys - with a collection of the corresponding Events. Obviously one can get all the Events and glue everything together in python. I want to avoid this but if anyone has a particularly elegant way of doing that, it would also be useful to know.

django annotate queryset with field comparison result

I have a queryset like this:
predicts = Prediction.objects.select_related('match').filter(match_id=pk)
I need to annotate this with a new field is_correct. I need to compare two string fields and the result should be annotated in this new field. the fields that I want to compare are:
predict from Prediction table
result from Match table (that has been joined through select_related)
I need to know what expression should I put inside my annotate function; below I have my current code which throughs a TypeError exception:
predicts = predicts.annotate(is_correct=(F('predict') == F('result')))
all help will be greatly appreciated.
I found an alternative solution that does the job for me (filtering the Prediction based on Match result using filter and exclude), but I still like to know how to address this specific case where the new annotated field is the result of the comparison between two other fields of the queryset. For those who may need it, in Django 2.2 and later the Nullif database function does a comparison between two fields.
You can use the extra function, a hook for injecting specific clauses into the SQL.
First of all, we must know the names of the apps and the models, or the name of the tables in the database.
Assuming that in your case, the two tables are called "app_prediction" and "app_match".
The sentence would be as follows:
select={'is_correct': "app_prediction.predict = app_match.result"}
This will add a field called is_correct in your result,
in the database, the fields and tables must be called in the same way.
It would be best to see the models.

Django Array contains a field

I am using Django, with mongoengine. I have a model Classes with an inscriptions list, And I want to get the docs that have an id in that list.
classes = Classes.objects.filter(['inscription'])
Here's a general explanation of querying ArrayField membership:
Per the Django ArrayField docs, the __contains operator checks if a provided array is a subset of the values in the ArrayField.
So, to filter on whether an ArrayField contains the value "foo", you pass in a length 1 array containing the value you're looking for, like this:
# matches rows where myarrayfield is something like ['foo','bar']
The Django ORM produces the #> postgres operator, as you can see by printing the query:
print Customer.objects.filter(myarrayfield__contains=['foo']).only('pk').query
>>> SELECT "website_customer"."id" FROM "website_customer" WHERE "website_customer"."myarrayfield_" #> ['foo']::varchar(100)[]
If you provide something other than an array, you'll get a cryptic error like DataError: malformed array literal: "foo" DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
Perhaps I'm missing something...but it seems that you should be using .filter():
classes = Classes.objects.filter(['inscription'])
This answer is in reference to your comment for rnevius answer
In Django ORM whenever you make a Database call using ORM, it will generally return either a QuerySet or an object of the model if using get() / number if you are using count() ect., depending on the functions that you are using which return other than a queryset.
The result from a Queryset function can be used to implement further more refinement, like if you like to perform a order() or collecting only distinct() etc. Queryset are lazy which means it only hits the database when they are actually used not when they are assigned. You can find more information about them here.
Where as the functions that doesn't return queryset cannot implement such things.
Take time and go through the Queryset Documentation more in depth explanation with examples are provided. It is useful to understand the behavior to make your application more efficient.

Django QuerySet access foreign key field directly, without forcing a join

Suppose you have a model Entry, with a field "author" pointing to another model Author. Suppose this field can be null.
If I run the following QuerySet:
Where X is some value. Suppose in MySQL I have setup a compound index on Entry for some other column and author_id, ideally I'd like the SQL to just use "author_id" on the Entry model, so that it can use the compound index.
It turns out that Entry.objects.filter(author=5) would work, no join is done. But, if I say author=None, Django does a join with Author, then add to the Where clause IS NULL. So in this case, it can't use the compound index.
Is there a way to tell Django to just check the pk, and not follow the link?
The only way I know is to add an additional .extra(where=['author_id IS NULL']) to the QuerySet, but I was hoping some magic in .filter() would work.
(Sorry I was not clearer earlier about this, and thanks for the answers from lazerscience and Josh).
Does this not work as expected?
You can either use a model or the model id in a foreign key filter. I can't check right yet if this executes a separate query, though I'd really hope it wouldn't.
If do as you described and do not use select_related() Django will not perform any join at all - no matter if you filter for the primary key of the related object or the related itself (which doesn't make any difference).
You can try:
print Entry.objects.(author=X).query
Assuming that the foreign key to Author has the name author_id, (if you didn't specify the name of the foreign key column for ForeignKey field, it should be NAME_id, if you specified the name, then check the model definition / your database schema),
should work.
Second Attempt:
Maybe you can have a separate query, depending on whether X is null or not by having author__isnull?
Pretty late, but I just ran into this. I'm using Q objects to build up the query, so in my case this worked fine:
This generates sql like
NOT ("author_id" > 0 AND "author_id" IS NOT NULL)
You could probably solve the problem in this question by using