Publish API in WSO2 API Manager Publisher to call a WSDL SAP - web-services

We have to publish an API and configuring a SAP WSDL inside.
When we test the connection, we have a time out.
Is there any spécial settings to configure publish an API with a SAP WSDL?
Thanks in advance for your help.

There shouldn't be any special settings to publish a SAP-generated WSDL, but have you confirmed that your WSDL is 100% correct?
If your WSO2 installation is external (ie outside your firewall or if you're accessing WSO2 in the cloud), make sure that the URL in your WSDL is the external one and not the internal one. In particular, check the location in the port definitions for all of your services.


WSS Support in WSO2 API Manager

I am verifying the Websocket support in WSO2 API manager for one of my requirement. By default, WSO2 API Manager provides the options for configuring "WS" protocol and able to access it. But I couldn't find any configuration for "WSS" protocol support.
Is there any limitation in WSO2 API manager or is there any documentation available?
WebSocket support is available by default in WSO2 API Manager. Related transport configurations should be available inside the axis2.xml configuration file. You can find related documentation in the WSO2 API Manager documentation.
When using wss endpoint, we were able to observe some errors and we were able to get rid of the errors with the following approach.
Please include the following parameter in the SecureWebSocketInboundEndpoint.xml file which resides in the <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/inbound-endpoints directory.
Also, please remove the following parameters from the same SecureWebSocketInboundEndpoint.xml file if the following parameters( and exist in the file.
Please use the following sample web socket client to try out and run the WSS client. Please change the variable carbonKeyStoreLocation to point to <API-M_HOME>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks. Note that port for the WSS API is 8099.
You can download the WSS client in the following WSO2 official documentation under the WSS Support section. (In the second step.)[1] Further please change the access token, web socket endpoint and the carbonKeyStoreLocation with your one to try out the scenario.

Can WSO2 API Manager send JMS messages to TIBCO EMS Server directly (No ESB in between)? How?

I'm trying to understand if and how is possible to send a JMS message to TIBCO EMS Server using WSO2 API Manager without using the WSO2 ESB in between.
The Pattern 1 of this article: does something similar but for Apache ActiveMQ.
Is this possible? Any hint? Article?
Thanks in advance,
EMS is a JMS provider like ActiveMQ.
The feature list mention : Maps between HTTP(s) and other protocols, such as JMS or writing to file systems.
You can ix the article you already have with JMS examples from the sample folder on a typical EMS installation.
I think the code will be mostly the same... but your are going to depend on jar provided inside the EMS installation.
You can follow the instructions here to configure the APIM[1] axis2.xml file.
As for placing the jars you need to do the following:
In the APIM_HOME/lib/endorsed folder delete the geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.0.wso2v1.jar
Add the jms-2.0.jar to the APIM_HOME/lib/endorsed folder
Add the tibjms.jar in the APIM_HOME/repository/components/libs folder.

publish cxf webservice in localhost

used cxf framework for webservice. It works.
however the webservice is always published in public ip and I see followin in colsole
Setting the server's publish address to be soap.udp://
how to change that to localhost.
appreciate any help.
That's the WS-Discovery service that runs along side your other services to allow for discovery of the services on the network. See
You can remove the WS-Discovery jars from the classpath and this would be disabled.

Configuring WSDL Based Proxy in WSO2 version 4.6

I have down loaded WSO2 ESB Version 4.6 and started the server. Clicked on proxy service. There I have selected WSDL Proxy option. It is asking the following for creating proxy.
Proxy Service Name* OpportunityService
WSDL Service*
WSDL Port* 443
I just want consume this external web service via ESB. So I dont want publish. Did not configure any publish related fields. Now When I click on create it throws exception "Failed to add proxy service: OpportunityService. Check whether the Proxy already exists
". But I am sure that there is no existed service with that. I have tried with different names but the error is same.
I suspect that may gave values wrong for fields WSDL Service and WSDL Port. If click on Test URI its giving success.Can any one please suggest where I am doing wrong.
For wsdl service parameter you need to give the <wsdl:service name>which you can find in the particular wsdl itself. I dont think it will be a URI like you have mentioned above. Likewise for port you can find the <wsdl:port> parameter in the wsdl.

More than 1500 proxyes with JMS transport, WSO2 ESB 4.0.3 and Activemq

Is there developers who have been succeeded deployed to wso2 esb more than 1500 proxy services
with jms transport without any problems?
deploying process must be very fast
wso2esb use activemq client libraries and activemq brocker
someone please help me!
This should be possible. There is no limitation on the number of proxies that an ESB can have.
You may try this with using the hot deployment capabilities of WSO2 ESB.
You may create a bunch of proxy services and place them inside:
Then the proxies with get automatically deployed..
proxy_1.xml, proxy_2.xml, proxy_3.xml,..., proxy_1500.xml etc.
However, having this number of proxy services, gives some indication of some anti-pattern in your SOA. Please review whether you need this much of proxy services in your solution architecture.