Ability to call a soap web service from a browser - web-services

I need to clarify some problems regarding soap web services.
1) can I call a soap web service by just typing the url of the endpoint in the browser?
2) does the answer for question depend on what type of technologies used to develop the soap web service?
If I need to invoke a soap web service, i need to send a soap request. But by just sending a get or post request from a browser cannot generate a soap request. so by default I shouldn't be able to invoke a soap web service just using the browser.
but the following two resources are contradicting above assumptions of mine.Can someone explain me how these soap web services can be invoked without a soap request?


What should be binding in WCF Client for calling SOAP web service with OAuth Authentication

I am having WCF client which consumes SOAP based web service which has OAuth authentication. My WCF service gets consumed by some other service but my issue is about authentication when it consumes web service.
My WCF client, consumes web service using proxy generated classes approach. I am able to get Bearer token for OAuth authentication and pass it to request http header as well however, proxy generated class expects binding configuration as well.
var client = new ExchangeServicePortTypeClient("EndPointConfigurationName", "WebServiceURL")
I have tried basicHttpBinding, customBinding (AuthenticationMode="IssuedToken/IssuedTokenForCertificate/IssuedTokenOverTransport"), wsHttpBinding (security mode Message & ClientCredentialType 'IssuedToken" but no luck.
I am assuming due to wrong not supported binding configuration authorization bearer token I am sending is not getting accounted.
I am able to consume this web service from console application successfully where I am not using proxy generated classes approach. So I just required to pass authorization bearer token in header and no binding information.
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
Can someone please suggest what binding information I should add in my WCF client which can support OAuth authentication ?

Stateful SOAP webservice example

I am trying to do a POC where i need to invoke a Stateful SOAP webservice . I need to do a login call first to SOAP webservice and get the session id(or cookie or something like that) and use the session id for making subsequent calls to the webservice . I want to know if there is any sample stateful SOAP webservice hosted on the internet for which i can generate the client and try invoking the webservice to verify Stateful operation. Any other pointers on how i can do this is also very welcome.
If this POC is successful we will be invoking a Stateful SOAP webservice hosted by one of our vendors and we will be using a TIBCO BW client to call the SOAP webservice.
You can invoke the WebServiceDefinitionLanguage from the WSDL attached in the link It brings encouraging quotes.
You may use SOAP activity in BW or import the WSDL as a resource first and then use any SOAP or web service activity.
Check this java project in github is a multi cloud java project that invokes WebServices and Rest services from many Cloud providers and Many sites. It gives you an idea on how to do it.
Of course in BW is really easy to do it. Basically: start activity, SOAP activity, log, call subprocess, catch errors, end process.
Stateful or Stateless SOAP webservice call is just like any another web-service call. In your case, since you have to get the response(i.e. receiving token) of the first webservice call and use it in the subsequent calls, I think you should focus on how would you cache the cookie/token that you receive from the first call. Also, if there is an expiry associated to the life of the token received in your response, work on the technique of refreshing the token for which the SOAP API provider will have to provide you an token expiry interval.

calling a WS-Secured SOAP webservice from Groovy

How do I call a WS-Secured SOAP web service implementing oasis standard
I am not sure whether HTTPbuilder can be used to access SOAP based web services. The popular groovy WSlite library can be used to access SOAP web services using basic authentication only.
Is there any groovy library or sample which could be used to access WS-security user name token implemented SOAP web service from groovy?
WS lite can be used to acess ws-secure web service. We have to build the security header and can generate nonce, password digest, time stamp and have then sent in the WSe security header.

RESTful API and SOAP service

I am learning SOAP and I have some questions:
If I have a SOAP service, and if my understanding is correct then the consumer will need to import the WSDL and generate the stubs to consume my service?
If now I have exposed the SOAP service with a RESTful API with the help of a ESB in between. Does that mean the consumer no longer need to import any WSDL to generate the stubs?
Yes -the idea behind SOAP specification (wsdl) is so that clients can use it to create a proxy for calling the service and not have to figure out the details for themselves. It is very hard to connect to a SOAP service without using a wsdl
In this case the ESB does the calls to the actual service and the REST interface is a new interface client should use to communicate with the service.

Web services using Soap and rest services

I built a web service using soap can i consume that service in another application using Rest Services that is by using get or Post Http methods?
Like wise Can i consume service using soap that is build using Rest
Both REST and SOAP protocols are published and consumed over HTTP. SOAP adds a layer on top of it for encoding data, that is not used on REST services nor clients.
So, for SOAP services use a SOAP client, and for REST services use a REST client. However, if you need to integrate different types of services, you could build an app that has both REST and SOAP clients, and publishes the result either as a SOAP service, a REST service, or both.