Projection of images in fisherspace(LDA) - c++

In Linear Discriminant Analysis algorithm for face recognition, the between class scatter matrix and within class scatter matrix are both of size MxM (M=total number of images, C=number of classes). The fisherspace(matrix with eigenvectors as columns) consists of the eigenvectors corresponding to non-zero eigenvalues and hence has dimension Mx(C-1). How am I supposed to project the training phase images, each in N-dimensional space, onto the fisherspace.(Correct me if I am wrong). Can anybody help me figure this out?
This is the research paper I followed to implement LDA. I am trying to implement it in OpenCV using C++


vtk NIFTI image to tensor/3d matrix representation

I'm trying to implement a medical images (MRI .nii files) processing tool(c++) for educational purpose.
Specifically, apply a version of FFT on those images. I already did if for 2D images and I was wondering if the same approach is possible for the 4D case:
Transform image in matrix
Apply FFT on 4D matrix and do computation on the transformed matrix
Inverse FFT and print out modified image
I've found this, but having a tensor for each cell I think is not efficient for my specific problem.
To recap: is there a way to, given a vtkImageReader, retrieve a 4D tensor?
EDIT: I was thinking if is possible to cut the "cubic" image into a dimension to retrieve a 2D matrix, and do this for every "dx" to get a vector of images. It's not a very elegant solution but if that's the only way is it possible to split 3D images in vtk?

PCA in thousands of dimensions

I have vectors in 4096 VLAD codes, each one of them representing an image.
I have to run PCA on them without reducing their dimension on learning datasets with less than 4096 images (e.g., the Holiday dataset with <2k images.) to obtain the rotation matrix A.
In this paper (which also explains why I need to run this PCA without dimensionality reduction) they solved the problem with this approach:
For efficient computation of A, we compute at most the first 1,024 eigenvectors by eigendecomposition of the covariance matrix, and
the remaining orthogonal complements up to D-dimensional are filled using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.
Now, how do I implement this using C++ libraries? I'm using OpenCV, but cv::PCA seems not to offer such a strategy. Is there any way to do this?

Spatial pyramid matching (SPM) for SIFT then input to SVM in C++

I am trying to classify MRI images of brain tumors into benign and malignant using C++ and OpenCV. I am planning on using bag-of-words (BoW) method after clustering SIFT descriptors using kmeans. Meaning, I will represent each image as a histogram with the whole "codebook"/dictionary for the x-axis and their occurrence count in the image for the y-axis. These histograms will then be my input for my SVM (with RBF kernel) classifier.
However, the disadvantage of using BoW is that it ignores the spatial information of the descriptors in the image. Someone suggested to use SPM instead. I read about it and came across this link giving the following steps:
Compute K visual words from the training set and map all local features to its visual word.
For each image, initialize K multi-resolution coordinate histograms to zero. Each coordinate histogram consist of L levels and each level
i has 4^i cells that evenly partition the current image.
For each local feature (let's say its visual word ID is k) in this image, pick out the k-th coordinate histogram, and then accumulate one
count to each of the L corresponding cells in this histogram,
according to the coordinate of the local feature. The L cells are
cells where the local feature falls in in L different resolutions.
Concatenate the K multi-resolution coordinate histograms to form a final "long" histogram of the image. When concatenating, the k-th
histogram is weighted by the probability of the k-th visual word.
To compute the kernel value over two images, sum up all the cells of the intersection of their "long" histograms.
Now, I have the following questions:
What is a coordinate histogram? Doesn't a histogram just show the counts for each grouping in the x-axis? How will it provide information on the coordinates of a point?
How would I compute the probability of the k-th visual word?
What will be the use of the "kernel value" that I will get? How will I use it as input to SVM? If I understand it right, is the kernel value is used in the testing phase and not in the training phase? If yes, then how will I train my SVM?
Or do you think I don't need to burden myself with the spatial info and just stick with normal BoW for my situation(benign and malignant tumors)?
Someone please help this poor little undergraduate. You'll have my forever gratefulness if you do. If you have any clarifications, please don't hesitate to ask.
Here is the link to the actual paper,
MATLAB code is provided here
Co-ordinate histogram (mentioned in your post) is just a sub-region in the image in which you compute the histogram. These slides explain it visually,
You have multiple histograms here, one for each different region in the image. The probability (or the number of items would depend on the sift points in that sub-region).
I think you need to define your pyramid kernel as mentioned in the slides.
A Convolutional Neural Network may be better suited for your task if you have enough training samples. You can probably have a look at Torch or Caffe.

How to get the Gaussian matrix with variance σs in opencv?

I'm trying to design a line detector in opencv, and to do that, I need to get the Gaussian matrix with variance σs.
The final formula should be
H=Gσs∗(Gσd')T, and H is the detector that I'm going to create, but I have no idea how am I supposed to create the matrix with the variance and furthermore calculate H finally.
This is the full formula.where “T” is the transpose operation.Gσd' is the first-order derivative of a 1-D Gaussian function Gσd with varianceσd in this direction
These are the two formulas that I want, I need H for further use so please tell me how to generate the matrix. thx!
As a Gaussian filter is quite common, OpenCV has a built-in operation for it: GaussianBlur.
When you use that function you can set the ksize argument to 0/0 to automatically compute the pixel size of the kernel from the given sigmas.
A Gaussian 2D filter kernel is separable. That means you can first apply a 1D filter along the x axis and then a 1D filter along the y axis. That is the reason for having two 1D filters in the equation above. It is much faster to do two 1D filter operations instead of one 2D.

Deciding about dimensionality reduction with PCA

I have 2D data (I have a zero mean normalized data). I know the covariance matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of it. I want to decide whether to reduce the dimension to 1 or not (I use principal component analysis, PCA). How can I decide? Is there any methodology for it?
I am looking sth. like if you look at this ratio and if this ratio is high than it is logical to go on with dimensionality reduction.
PS 1: Does PoV (Proportion of variation) stands for it?
PS 2: Here is an answer: does it a criteria to test it?
PoV (Proportion of variation) represents how much information of data will remain relatively to using all of them. It may be used for that purpose. If POV is high than less information will be lose.
You want to sort your eigenvalues by magnitude then pick the highest 1 or 2 values. Eigenvalues with a very small relative value can be considered for exclusion. You can then translate data values and using only the top 1 or 2 eigenvectors you'll get dimensions for plotting results. This will give a visual representation of the PCA split. Also check out scikit-learn for more on PCA. Precisions, recalls, F1-scores will tell you how well it works
Step 1: 3D Example
"For our simple example, where we are reducing a 3-dimensional feature space to a 2-dimensional feature subspace, we are combining the two eigenvectors with the highest eigenvalues to construct our d×kd×k-dimensional eigenvector matrix WW.
matrix_w = np.hstack((eig_pairs[0][1].reshape(3,1),
print('Matrix W:\n', matrix_w)
>>>Matrix W:
[[-0.49210223 -0.64670286]
[-0.47927902 -0.35756937]
[-0.72672348 0.67373552]]"
Step 2: 3D Example
In the last step, we use the 2×32×3-dimensional matrix WW that we just computed to transform our samples onto the new subspace via the equation
transformed =
assert transformed.shape == (2,40), "The matrix is not 2x40 dimensional."