I want to clear all data in my app. I used
python manage.py flush
It cleared all the questions I created but when I recreate other new questions, the question_id are still saved.
For example, the current question is "What is this?" with question_id=1. After using "flush" and creating new question "what is that?", this new question is marked as question_id=2 although there's no "What is this" question in the admin site.
How can I reset the question_id as well? It means that, after deleting or flushing data, the question_id must start counting again from 1.
Thank you.
You can use sqlsequencereset command to do that.
As per Django docs,
Use this command to generate SQL which will fix cases where a sequence
is out of sync with its automatically incremented field data.
Run the following command and you will see the list of reset commands you can use.
django-admin sqlsequencereset
If the app_name is specified, it prints the SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s).
python manage.py help sqlsequencereset # get help docs on terminal
This question already has an answer here:
Migrating problems when porting Django project to Python 3 and Django 2
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm working on upgrading my legacy application from Django 1.11.13 to 2.2.8. I've dutifully addressed every compatibility issue, but I've hit one I can't figure out how to resolve. When I try to start the webserver in my local environment, I get this error (only showing the end of the full error trace that appears):
File "/Users/me/my_app/my_model/migrations/0001_initial.py", line 37, in Migration
('entry', models.ForeignKey(to='my_model.Entry')),
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete'
I understand why on_delete is now required -- I just spent a while updating my models everywhere to accommodate this change -- but I have no idea how to fix this particular issue without going through dozens of old migrations files to make them conform?!
I tried squashmigrations to at least collapse the number of places I have to clean up, but I got the same exact TypeError.
I tried to use the old version of Django for squashmigrations. I was successful in avoiding the TypeError, but ended up with a huge mess of circular import errors.
Since I don't actually need the migration history to roll back, I tried to follow these instructions (scenario 2) to clear the migration history while keeping the existing database, but I couldn't run makemigrations to catch up on the changes I made to make my models Django 2.2 compliant, and when I decided I'd skip ahead and deal with that later, showmigrations failed with the same TypeError. (Is there some other way to get a fresh set of initial migrations based on the current database? It can't be based off the models since the models have upgrade-related changes not yet reflected in the database.)
I moved the migrations to a non-standard location, which got the server to start, but that makes it impossible to actually do anything migration related ever again, and of course once I move back, everything breaks again...
I've considered just deleting my entire database and all migration history, building the tables from scratch with a fresh set of initial migrations, and then resetting the data from a backup, but there are a few huge tables which would make this take quite a while... and this rather seems like the nuclear approach. Am I stuck with editing a large number of very old migrations to be compliant with Django 2.2 for no actual reason since I'm never going to roll my project that far back? How can that be right?
As Iain Shelvington mentions in a comment under the question,
First delete all of your migration files and folder, then run makemigrations with the "on_delete" - this should create some "initial" migration files. Then you'll have to log in to your DB and delete all entries for your apps and then you need to run manage.py migrate --fake - this will enter into the DB entries for the newly created migrations but will not apply them
So, in a bit more detail I have a model with a field like: permalink = models.IntegerField(default=0)
I've not actually been using this field - but would now like to.
However, it seems all models on this table, permalink is now 57295730 - on all 2000 models!
In an attempt to debug, I tried completly wiping the DB, running migrate (~100 migrations) - but then creating a instance of the model, I am told permalink violates the not-null constraint though I am definitely passing it a value! I also get a list of the values I am passing it, but am not sure how to know which value/column relates to which field?
I've even tried removing DB, removing migrations, running a new makemigrations - and still get the null violation...
even stranger, it looks like this field has not been touched since the initial migration!
migrations$ egrep permalink *
0001_initial.py: ('permalink', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
I'm running (k)ubuntu 14.04, postgres 9.3, python 3.4, django 1.9.4
Though I'd love to know how to fix this - my question is really "What can I do to debug this kind of situation?"
Well Not the answer I want - but a working answer:
do automated testing
use CI! Prevent this problem in the first place
And if you are not doing the above...
use git bisect (or if you cant, manually use git reset --hard HEAD~1 to find the problem!)
in mycase, I was over-riding the save function of the model in a... stupid way!
in a little more detail, I was setting permalink to be 1 greater than the current biggest value - but in an earlier commit, had removed the + 1
However, I did not notice this error quickly, as it did not happen with data in the DB.
So! the error was actually quite informative - had I been running my tests more often (or using CI) I would have been informed of the error instantly, and saved myself quite a headache!
so, in short: **write tests, run them - automatically **
So some time a couple migrations after my first one, I decided I wanted to include these fields:
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
into one of my models. When I makemigrations it gave me
You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'created' to episode without a default; we can't do that (the database needs
something to populate existing rows).
So I then changed it to
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, default=datetime.now)
After trying to makemigrations again, it said that at_api.Episode.modified: (fields.E160) The options auto_now, auto_now_add, and default are mutually exclusive. Only one
of these options may be present.
All right, so I just went ahead and removed the auto_now_add
created = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
I could now makemigrations without any problems. And then I later removed default=datetime.now and replaced it with auto_now_add=True, and migrated again without any problems. However, I can't help feeling that this might not be the best way of doing things. I feel like something might go wrong later in the project.
I think the best practice here would have been to make the fields nullable. What your created field means at the moment is: "The time when the instance was created, or the arbitrary time when I ran the migration." The standard way to represent the lack of a value is NULL, rather than an arbitrary value.
That said, if you do want to use some arbitrary value you just need to tell Django what it is. Usually makemigrations gives you the option to indicate a one-off value to use for existing rows - did that not happen?
A more laborious method would be to declare the field nullable, then create a data migration to fill in your desired value, and then make it non-nullable. What you did is basically a simplified version of that. I don't see it creating any problems moving forward other than the issue of created not really being the time the instance was created.
I've just had the exact problem. I use Django 1.10. I read Kevin answer and I've tried to put default value when Django asked me to fill it as datetime.now string.
And I was surprised because, for those fields, Django automatically ask you if you want to use datetime.now as default:
$ ./manage.py makemigrations
You are trying to add the field 'date_created' with 'auto_now_add=True' to projectasset without a default; the database needs something to populate existing rows.
1) Provide a one-off default now (will be set on all existing rows)
2) Quit, and let me add a default in models.py
Select an option: 1
Please enter the default value now, as valid Python
You can accept the default 'timezone.now' by pressing 'Enter' or you can provide another value.
The datetime and django.utils.timezone modules are available, so you can do e.g. timezone.now
Type 'exit' to exit this prompt
[default: timezone.now] >>>
So, I just confirm that and everything seems to be working fine!
This question already has answers here:
How to disable Django query cache?
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've just managed to diagnose this strange problem in a manage.py script I've created.
The script is supposed to update a local cache with new data at regular intervals.
However, the new data can't be seen from the script, even though it's really there.
The problem seems to extend to manage.py shell as well.
If I run a shell AFTER the new objects are added, and manually run my query (... objects.filter(timestamp__gt=recent) ...), then I get results.
If I run a shell BEFORE the new objects are added, then add some objects via the interwebs, and then run my query... no results.
How can I disable this weird behaviour?
Sorry, found a related question which solves this:
How to disable Django query cache?
The problem is that (as Peter DeGlopper suggested) Django automatically sets up a transaction, which stops you from seeing new data.
The solution is (from Kekoa's answer)
from django.db import transaction
transaction.commit() # Whenever you want to see new data
I have a Django web site running a mini CMS we've built internally years ago, it's using postgresql. When saving a simple title and a paragraph of text I get the following error:
value too long for type character varying(100)
The weird thing is, not a single column is varying(100) they are all 200 or 250, even the default Django ones have been changed from the 100 to 200 due to a re-opened ticket mentioned here
Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?
I can bet money you have a models.SlugField without length set. The default length is 50 characters, most likely it's not enough for your use case.
Change it to models.SlugField(max_length=255) and migrate your database schema.
I also had this problem when using a filefield and was scratching my head for a while. Of course the default FileField instances are created with a 100 character limit.
This is an error message from Postgres and not django.
You seem to have changed the length of the field in the models.py, but that doesn't change the database length which was created when you did a manage.py syncdb.
You have to alter the length of the field in the database, directly.
Django 2.1
I encountered this problem while switching from sqlite3 to postgresql.
Remove the migration files in each app's migrations folder except __init__.py
Then re-run migration
(venv)myapp$python manage.py makemigrations
(venv)myapp$python manage.py migrate
(venv)myapp$python manage.py runserver
I had a similar problem with django-autoslugfield
I was using a similar package and then switched over to django-autoslugfield
I was getting this error:
value too long for type character varying(50)
despite the fact that my models.py had:
slug = AutoSlugField(max_length=255, populate_from='name', unique=True)
and in my db the it the type was
character varying 255
once i remove max_length=255 from the field i.e.
slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='name', unique=True)
then it worked fine
i went through this same error. and when i made changes in the modele, i kept having the same error.
Here is how i fixed it.
It might be necessary to skip few migrations for the program to only use the migration where changes have been made for the CharField max_lenght.
for that you have to run
python manage.py showmigrations
to see which migrations have not been made.
then you skip them until you get to the last with the command
python manage.py migrate <app> 000_migration_number --fake
I realize the question is already answered but for others that come here when looking for the error message:
In my case the problem was that my table name exceeded 50 characters. Apparently this is not allowed. Changing the table name solved the problem.
Read more here: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/18959
Michael Samoylov's answer pointed me in the right direction. I had the same error come up, except it was with a FileField.
Fields have a max_length, even if you have not explicitly set a max_length. Increase the value so that your data fits to avoid the error.
In my case, the data was too large to reasonably store in the database. I resorted to saving my file to disk, then saving the file path in the database.
I had this problem when I wanted to set max_length to a lower value on a FileField.
Interestingly, the error message states value too long but in my case the value was too short.
The solution was to set back the max_length to its old value. It's quite weird that the migration couldn't be done.
I also had to delete the wrongly generated migrations files and rerun python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate.
If it's not SlugField, FileField, or any other field mentioned here--scroll back to where the migration got stuck in the terminal. For me it was AddField
Good talk.
First, try setting max_length to something reasonable on all applicable field types in your model.
For example: MyText = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
If you don't set a max_length, your database might be applying a default max_length, shorter than the length of your input data, causing your value too long for type character error.
If that doesn't work and you started in SQLite and changed databases to PostgreSQL, the previous migrations from SQLite might be interfering with the new PostgreSQL migrations.
Go into the migrations folder for your project and delete the old migration files to get a fresh start. Then try makemigrations and migrate again :)
predefined fields in model.py creates the problem. Extend it to desired length, i think problem will be resolved.
For the FileField and the ImageField, from the Django docs:
FileField instances are created in your database as varchar columns with a default max length of 100 characters. As with other fields, you can change the maximum length using the max_length argument.
The value can be 100 or 25 or 17 whatever , the reason behind that is models , search where you have added that particular length(17,25) and you will get the bug ! ,
You are trying to impose a field length more than mentioned one.
This solved my issue , I hope it will help you too