memcpy.asm not found error - c++

I am working in Optix Using Visual studio 2013 platform, I have been working over month , suddenly I got this error, "memcpy.asm not found".
I found this file in Visual studio folder but it says "The source file is different from when the module was built"

Look carefully at the error, often this comes up as a secondary message because the debugger is trying to load "memcpy.asm" in order to show you debugging information because a memcpy failed, not because your program is actually missing "memcpy.asm"
Heres someone with a similar issue, in short - check the stack trace to see where the issue originated in your code, probably with trying to copy memory to an uninitialized pointer or something.


Visual Studio 2019 "C1001 internal compiler error" only in Release

I'm getting a C1001 error while attempting to build in Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.7.2. This is a C++ project that has previously built fine until a change set I am attempting to build today.
The exact error is as follows: (with project specific path redacted)
1>d:\work\[...](82): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'd:\agent\_work\3\s\src\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\main.c', line 187)
Notes below:
The error only happens in Release. Debug builds and runs.
If I turn off all optimizations in Release the error goes away.
The location where the error occurs seems to be unrelated to recent changes I have made to the project i.e. VS is reporting the error in a translation unit that had been building without problem until unrelated changes in another TU were made.
The location where the error occurs seems to not actually be problematic in the sense that if I comment out the implementation of the function there and just return a default value from the function so that the program is syntactically correct, the error occurs in the next the function in the same file.
Turning off Whole Program Optimization and Link Time Code Generation does not fix the problem.
Update your post with exact error text (if available)
Post your question to as well
See if any of these links are applicable:
One way to notify Microsoft Support like this:
MSVS > Help > Send Feedback > Report a Problem
Here is a complete list of MSVS support options:
Thank you for copying/pasting the exact error message:
1>d:\work\[...](82): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'd:\agent\_work\3\s\src\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\main.c', line 187)
This is the MSVS file causing the error C1001: vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\main.c
This is an existing Microsoft trouble report:
Hi Roger,
Thanks for reporting the bug, and including an excellently
self-contained repro, so quickly. I've investigated and this seems to
be the same issue as
I'm closing this as a duplicate just so that people can collect
context and work-around advice in the same location, and when the
other bug is marked fixed, you can assume that this one is too.
Thanks again,
Aaron Gorenstein
Software Engineer II
Searching for this error message/source module, I also found this:
Please post back if either of these work for you!

MSB6006 error when code used to work fine in visual studio C++

I'm getting the 'MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code 2' error. The problem is that my code used to work fine. The issue came when I tried to add another library from xtensor (the xtensor-blas) and I couldn't get it to work correctly. I just erased everything I tried to add and get a clean run, but it now fails every time.
While trying to compile the Error List says things like "C1083 fatal error: cannot open source file: 'files that I have deleted'". Whenever I stop the build, it then only gives the MSB6006 error.
It has become extremely frustrating since my code is identical to what it used to be and now doesn't work.
Is there any way around this?
Answer given by Quentin: There may still be references in the vcxproj file created by Visual Studio. Delete those references and it should work.

"Pointer to reference" error in Visual Studio is not displayed by filename where it occurs

Some errors in Visual Studio are not displayed by the filename of the source code where they are created, which makes them difficult to find and debug.
In this particular example, I have the error pointing to #include <vector> header, but I cannot trace it to the source file where the actual code error is. Error C2528 'data': pointer to reference is illegal c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\vector 1246
If this was a runtime error, I would be able to use the Call Stack to see where in the code the runtime crash occurred.
Is there a similar way to find this error with compiler errors? Or am I stuck looking through source code to see where the error can potentially be manually?
Just for information, this is not a post asking how to fix this particular error, but a post asking how to find the source file where the errors occur quickly. Therefore I am not posting any source code, the error provided here is an example of the type of error that would cause the confusing compiler messages,
Look in the Output tab and select 'Build' from the dropdown. You should see a 'traceback' of your error(s) there. As you have observed, the Error List tab just displays the line provoking the error.

Compiler reference error due to calling ulldiv.asm for c++ program

This is a strange error. When I run my code, I had to update the location of ulldiv.asm via
implementation of unsigned long long division
the line in question matched exactly the one used in the link:
tim = (__time64_t)((nt_time.ft_scalar - EPOCH_BIAS) / 10000000i64);
Anyways, the first link gave me the right answer and I relocated ulldiv.asm to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\crt\src\intel\ulldiv.asm.
Now when I run my code this line gives me trouble
the sqrt function becomes undefined (?). The debugger stops and asks me for the location of sqrt.asm.
You need to find sqrt.asm to view the source for the current call stack frame
This is a similar error that I found in a German website:
but it doesn't seem to get resolved there.
I don't understand what's going on. If you need more information regarding the code, let me know. Thank you in advance.
If it makes any difference I step through my code using F11.
While most of the source files for the Visual C++ libraries are included with the Visual Studio installation, some files are not included. Notably, the sources for the math library are not included.
The fact that the debugger cannot automatically find ulldiv.asm is a bug; this has been fixed in Visual Studio "14" (I think the fix was present in CTP1; I know for sure the fix is present in CTP3 which was released today).

Build error referring to yvals.h in a cantata++ test project

I am testing c++ source codes using the tool cantata++. I created a project, built it and encounter the following error message.
error I9282: the global scope has no "_invalid_parameter" C:\LegacyApp\VisualStudio2005\VC\include\yvals.h 167
I find this error wierd, because yvals.h is not really a file in my source codes. What does this error message imply?
You'll find that yvals.h is probably included by one of the many system header files the Microsoft compiler includes, and you are only seeing it in the error message because the Cantata++ instrumenter is finding a problem with it. My guess would be that there is some problem with the settings in either Cantata++, your Visual Studio project or a mismatch between the two meaning they are not using the same settings.
In order to help diagnose the problem it would help to know a few things about the setup you have, and the code you are building when you get the error.
As Joachim Wuttke said, I would suggest you contact the Cantata Technical Support team directly if you are still having problems with this issue. They will be able to provide you with further information to help solve the problem.