How can I add buttons to roImagecanvas (customvideoplayer) - video-player

I am newbie in ROKU development.I apologise if my question seems stupid because i am just starting with it.I am working on customvideoplayer example that comes with ROKU sdk examples. I want to add buttons on the canvas for play ,stop ,minimise and maximise functionality. I have reseacrhed on it but have not been able to add the buttons. Moreover I also want to capture the click events of those buttons and perform the requireds fuctionality on their click.
How do I write maximise and minimise codes on button click??
Any suggestions about how I can create those buttons and perform required functionality , would be really appreciated.
Here is the code I am using:
Sub RunUserInterface()
o = Setup()
End Sub
Sub Setup() As Object
this = {
port: CreateObject("roMessagePort")
progress: 0 'buffering progress
position: 0 'playback position (in seconds)
paused: false 'is the video currently paused?
feedData: invalid
playing: 0
playingPrev: 0
playlistSize: 0
canvas: CreateObject("roImageCanvas") 'user interface
player: CreateObject("roVideoPlayer")
load: LoadFeed
setup: SetupFullscreenCanvas
paint: PaintFullscreenCanvas
create_playlist_text: CreatePlaylistText
drawtext: false
eventloop: EventLoop
this.targetRect ={x: 100, y: 100, w: 600, h:500}
' this.targetRect = this.canvas.GetCanvasRect()
'this.textRect = {x: 520, y: 480, w: 300, h:200}
this.textRect = {x: 150, y: 470, w: 300, h:200}
'Setup image canvas:
this.canvas.SetLayer(0, { Color: "#000000" })
this.playingPrev = this.playing
return this
End Sub
Sub EventLoop()
while true
msg = wait(0, m.port)
if msg <> invalid
if msg.isStatusMessage() and msg.GetMessage() = "startup progress"
m.paused = false
print "Raw progress: " + stri(msg.GetIndex())
progress% = msg.GetIndex() / 10
if m.progress <> progress%
m.progress = progress%
end if
'Playback progress (in seconds):
else if msg.isPlaybackPosition()
m.position = msg.GetIndex()
print "Playback position: " + stri(m.position)
else if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed()
index = msg.GetIndex()
print "Remote button pressed: " + index.tostr()
if index = 4 '<LEFT>
m.playing = m.playing - 1
if (m.playing < 0)
m.playing = 2
m.playingPrev = m.playing
else if index = 8 '<REV>
m.position = m.position - 60
m.player.Seek(m.position * 1000)
else if index = 5 '<RIGHT>
m.playing = m.playing + 1
if (m.playing > 2)
m.playing = 0
m.playingPrev = m.playing
else if index = 9 '<REV>
m.position = m.position + 60
m.player.Seek(m.position * 1000)
else if index = 2 '<Up>
if m.drawtext
m.playing = m.playing - 1
if (m.playing < 0)
m.playing = m.playlistSize-1
else if index = 3 '<Down>
if m.drawtext
m.playing = m.playing + 1
if (m.playing > m.playlistSize-1)
m.playing = 0
else if index = 13 '<PAUSE/PLAY>
if m.paused m.player.Resume() else m.player.Pause()
else if index = 6 'OK
if m.drawtext
m.drawtext = false
if m.playing <> m.playingPrev
m.playingPrev = m.playing
m.drawtext = true
end if
else if msg.isPaused()
m.paused = true
else if msg.isResumed()
m.paused = false
end if
end while
End Sub
Sub SetupFullscreenCanvas()
End Sub
Sub PaintFullscreenCanvas()
splash = []
list = []
if m.progress < 100
progress_bar = {TargetRect: {x: 100, y: 500, w: 598, h: 37}, url: "pkg:/images/progress_bar.png"}
color = "#00a0a0a0"
url: "pkg:/images/splash.png"
TargetRect: m.targetRect
Text: "Loading..."
TextAttrs: { font: "large", color: "#707070" }
TargetRect: m.textRect
if m.progress >= 0 AND m.progress < 20
progress_bar.url = "pkg:/images/progress_bar_1.png"
print progress_bar.url
else if m.progress >= 20 AND m.progress < 40
progress_bar.url = "pkg:/images/progress_bar_2.png"
print progress_bar.url
else if m.progress >= 40 AND m.progress < 75
progress_bar.url = "pkg:/images/progress_bar_3.png"
print progress_bar.url
progress_bar.url = "pkg:/images/progress_bar_4.png"
print progress_bar.url
end if
if m.drawtext
textArr = m.create_playlist_text()
yTxt = 100
color = "#00000000"
index = 0
for each str in textArr
if index = m.playing
textColor = "#00ff00"
textColor = "#dddddd"
Text: str
TextAttrs: {color: textColor, font: "medium"}
TargetRect: {x:700, y:yTxt, w: 500, h: 100}
yTxt = yTxt + 100
index = index + 1
end for
color = "#00000000"
Text: ""
TextAttrs: {font: "medium"}
TargetRect: {x:100, y:600, w: 300, h: 100}
'Clear previous contents
m.canvas.SetLayer(0, { Color: color, CompositionMode: "Source" })
if (splash.Count() > 0)
m.canvas.SetLayer(1, splash)
m.canvas.SetLayer(2, list)
m.canvas.SetLayer(1, list)
End Sub
Function LoadFeed() as void
jsonAsString = ReadAsciiFile("pkg:/json/feed.json")
m.feedData = ParseJSON(jsonAsString)
m.playlistSize = m.feedData.Videos.Count()
contentList = []
for each video in m.feedData.Videos
Stream: { url: video.url }
StreamFormat: "mp4"
end for
End Function
Function CreatePlaylistText() as object
textArr = []
for each video in m.feedData.Videos
end for
return textArr
End Function


How to leftAnchor multiplier?

I would like to use the for statement to give it left multiplier as many times as 'i'.
How do I write code?
I would definitely like to solve this problem.
Please help me
This is my code
for i in 0 ..< exchangeCategories.count {
let menuBtn: customButton = {
let menu = customButton(type: .system)
menu.item = i
menu.addTarget(self, action: #selector(scrollToPage(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
menu.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let name = exchangeCategories[i]
let label = UILabel()
label.text = name
label.font = UIFont(name: "SpoqaHanSans-Regular", size: 15)
label.textAlignment = .center
label.textColor = black_textColor
label.backgroundColor = white_backgroundColor
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.topAnchor).isActive = true
label.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.leftAnchor).isActive = true
label.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.rightAnchor).isActive = true
label.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.bottomAnchor, constant: -2).isActive = true
let underLine = UIView()
if i == 0 {
underLine.backgroundColor = selectedPinkColor
label.font = UIFont(name: "SpoqaHanSans-Bold", size: 15)
label.textColor = pink_textColor
underLine.tag = i + 1 + 100
underLine.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
underLine.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.leftAnchor).isActive = true
underLine.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.rightAnchor).isActive = true
underLine.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 2).isActive = true
underLine.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: menu.bottomAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
return menu
menuBtn.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: wrap.topAnchor).isActive = true
menuBtn.leftAnchor.constraint(equalToSystemSpacingAfter: <#T##NSLayoutXAxisAnchor#>, multiplier: <#T##CGFloat#>)
menuBtn.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: wrap.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.25).isActive = true
menuBtn.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: gap.topAnchor).isActive = true

Django Localhost is giving an error for my csv file when using it with d3.js

In my Django application I'm creating a csv file. When I try to use that file with a D3.js boilerplate it can't find the csv file?
I've tried moving where the csv file is to the root and into it's own folder but it doesn't do anything different
{% extends "lm_test/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<meta charset="utf-8">
svg {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.y.axis path {
display: none;
.y.axis line {
stroke: #fff;
stroke-opacity: .2;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.y.axis .zero line {
stroke: #000;
stroke-opacity: 1;
.title {
font: 300 78px Helvetica Neue;
fill: #666;
.age {
text-anchor: middle;
.birthyear {
fill: #fff;
rect {
fill-opacity: .6;
fill: #e377c2;
rect:first-child {
fill: #1f77b4;
<script src=""></script>
var margin = {top: 20, right: 40, bottom: 30, left: 20},
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom,
barWidth = Math.floor(width / 19) - 1;
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.range([barWidth / 2, width - barWidth / 2]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0]);
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickFormat(function(d) { return Math.round(d / 1e6) + "M"; });
// An SVG element with a bottom-right origin.
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
// A sliding container to hold the bars by birthyear.
var birthyears = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "birthyears");
// A label for the current year.
var title = svg.append("text")
.attr("class", "title")
.attr("dy", ".71em")
d3.csv("../temp.csv", function(error, data) {
// Convert strings to numbers.
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.people = +d.people;
d.year = +d.year;
d.age = +d.age;
// Compute the extent of the data set in age and years.
var age1 = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.age; }),
year0 = d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.year; }),
year1 = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.year; }),
year = year1;
// Update the scale domains.
x.domain([year1 - age1, year1]);
y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.people; })]);
// Produce a map from year and birthyear to [male, female].
data = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.year; })
.key(function(d) { return d.year - d.age; })
.rollup(function(v) { return { return d.people; }); })
// Add an axis to show the population values.
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + ",0)")
.filter(function(value) { return !value; })
.classed("zero", true);
// Add labeled rects for each birthyear (so that no enter or exit is required).
var birthyear = birthyears.selectAll(".birthyear")
.data(d3.range(year0 - age1, year1 + 1, 5))
.attr("class", "birthyear")
.attr("transform", function(birthyear) { return "translate(" + x(birthyear) + ",0)"; });
.data(function(birthyear) { return data[year][birthyear] || [0, 0]; })
.attr("x", -barWidth / 2)
.attr("width", barWidth)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("height", function(value) { return height - y(value); });
// Add labels to show birthyear.
.attr("y", height - 4)
.text(function(birthyear) { return birthyear; });
// Add labels to show age (separate; not animated).
.data(d3.range(0, age1 + 1, 5))
.attr("class", "age")
.attr("x", function(age) { return x(year - age); })
.attr("y", height + 4)
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.text(function(age) { return age; });
// Allow the arrow keys to change the displayed year.
window.focus();"keydown", function() {
switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
case 37: year = Math.max(year0, year - 10); break;
case 39: year = Math.min(year1, year + 10); break;
function update() {
if (!(year in data)) return;
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (x(year1) - x(year)) + ",0)");
.data(function(birthyear) { return data[year][birthyear] || [0, 0]; })
.attr("y", y)
.attr("height", function(value) { return height - y(value); });
{% endblock content %}
The view is:
def results(request):
disease = request.GET.get('disease_name')
year_from = int(request.GET.get('year_from'))
year_to = int(request.GET.get('year_to'))
if year_from < year_to:
years = range(year_from, year_to, +1)
years = range(year_from, year_to, -1) = "" #Required by NCBI
results_file = open('temp.csv', 'w') #Open csv file
result_writer = csv.writer(results_file, delimiter=',')
result_writer.writerow(['Year', 'Number Of Results'])
for year in years: #Checks the number of results for each year and then loops
handle = Entrez.esearch(
results =
results_count = results['Count'] # Total number of results for the search
results_yearly = print(f"Number of papers in {year} is {results_count}")
handle.close() #Close E Search
result_writer.writerow([year,results_count]) # Writes out the results to csv file
context = {
'disease': disease,
'year': year,
'results': results,
'results_count': results_count,
'results_file': results_file,
return render(request, 'lm_test/results.html', context)
I expect the outcome to be that D3 can see my temp.csv file but it refuses to and gives me a 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)' error and also a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at Object. (?csrfmiddlewaretoken=4I4wgoSynXQX6FyeSsDJWgNnjH6CgQyoZ0U7pvJV0D8vEBRynwYSalwrCZPjtw7v&disease_name=Cancer&year_from=2016&year_to=2000&submit=:117)
at Object.t (d3.v3.min.js:1)
at XMLHttpRequest.i (d3.v3.min.js:1)' error
Seem to work properly after closing and rerunning the virtual environment! Odd

How to add dictionary values to images using SpriteKit?

(( EDIT 4: Successful in making cards flip. Using .contains on the node and running a SKAction sequence. How would I create three states for the card? Tuple sounds like a fun idea. Unflipped, Flipped, Flipped-Highlighted. It loads with all cards down (done), I want to unflip the card (done), then tap it again to highlight it. In doing so the second time, it highlights itself and the top guess word. The two strings are then concatenated in a label at the bottom, and a Next button activated (not built yet). Upon successful match of the key[value] == A[B] then Score += 1. Getting closer! ))
(( EDIT 3: Update of didMove with split keys and values. Can get the title to be the first key now and I can put the first value on the top left card okay as a test. Progress. Now I just need to either blank out the card on touch down or find a way to flip it. How would the touch down code be done? touch Began? ))
(( EDIT 2: Now thinking of it from the perspective of dictionary key value pairs rather than values alone. Gets rid of the problem of finding the key when the value is assigned to the card. Now to play with labelling the card with SKLabelNode. Need to flip card, add value, compare key. ))
(( EDIT: I made the elements all code in GameScene.swift . That file is now included in this post. Also updated question text and removed some other text. ))
I'm new to SpriteKit and Swift 3. With a few million speakers there's not a lot of Esperanto software so I want to make a game for myself to learn 1000 Esperanto words. (not shown!)
I want to have each card flip to reveal a word value from the dictionary key/values.
Then see if that word matches the wordGuess label key for the value selected.
Also JSON might be better for breaking up 1000 words into modular sections but I'll cross that bridge at another time.
// Code updated to EDIT 4
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
let guessLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight")
let anotherLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight")
var cardTopLeftLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Arial-BoldMT")
let cardTopLeft = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Redcard")
var cardTopRightLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Arial-BoldMT")
let cardTopRight = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Redcard")
var cardBottomLeftLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Arial-BoldMT")
let cardBottomLeft = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Redcard")
var cardBottomRightLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Arial-BoldMT")
let cardBottomRight = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Redcard")
var cardsDictionary: [String:String] = [
"tree": "arbo",
"forest": "arbaro",
"spider": "araneo",
"water": "akvo",
"watermelon": "akvomelono",
"school": "lerno",
"year": "jaro",
"grasshopper": "akrido",
"lawn": "gazono",
"friend": "amiko",
"people": "homoj",
"city": "urbo",
"mayor": "urbestro",
"movie": "filmo",
"Monday": "lundo",
"dog": "hundo"
// not used yet
func randomSequenceGenerator(min: Int, max: Int) -> () -> Int {
var numbers: [Int] = []
return {
if numbers.count == 0 {
numbers = Array(min ... max)
let index = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(numbers.count)))
return numbers.remove(at: index)
func addLabel(spriteNode:SKSpriteNode, labelNode: SKLabelNode, cardValue: String, cardName: String) {
labelNode.zPosition = 1
labelNode.text = cardValue = cardName //"cardTopRightLabel"
labelNode.fontSize = 40
labelNode.fontColor = .black
labelNode.position = CGPoint.init(x: cardTopLeft.size.width/4, y: 0.5)
labelNode.isHidden = true
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
if let words = self.userData?.value(forKey: "words")
print("word information contains \(words)")
// get all the card keys
var cardKeys:[String] = []
for (k,_) in cardsDictionary {
print("all keys are \(cardKeys)")
// slice for four card keys
var fourCardKeys = cardKeys[0...3]
print("four keys are \(fourCardKeys)")
// get keys for display
var firstCardKey = fourCardKeys[0]
var secondCardKey = fourCardKeys[1]
var thirdCardKey = fourCardKeys[2]
var fourthCardKey = fourCardKeys[3]
// print("Card Keys are \(firstCardKey), \(secondCardKey), \(thirdCardKey), \(fourthCardKey)")
// get the card values
var cardsValue:[String] = []
for (_,v) in cardsDictionary {
// slice for card values
let fourCardValues = cardsValue[0...3]
// get values for display
let firstCardValue = fourCardValues[0]
let secondCardValue = fourCardValues[1]
let thirdCardValue = fourCardValues[2]
let fourthCardValue = fourCardValues[3]
print("Card Values are \(firstCardValue), \(secondCardValue), \(thirdCardValue), \(fourthCardValue)")
// put first card key into label
guessLabel.zPosition = 1
guessLabel.text = firstCardKey //cardKeys[0] = "guessLabel"
guessLabel.fontSize = 144;
guessLabel.fontColor = .black
//anotherLabel.position = CGPoint(x:frame.midX, y:frame.midY - 100.0)
guessLabel.position = CGPoint(x:-2, y:233)
anotherLabel.zPosition = 0
anotherLabel.text = "Guess key here, values in cards" = "anotherLabel"
anotherLabel.fontSize = 45;
anotherLabel.fontColor = .blue
//anotherLabel.position = CGPoint(x:frame.midX, y:frame.midY - 100.0)
anotherLabel.position = CGPoint(x:-2, y:203)
// top left card
cardTopLeft.zPosition = 0
cardTopLeft.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardTopLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardTopLeft.position = CGPoint(x:-229, y:-57)
addLabel(spriteNode: cardTopLeft,
labelNode: cardTopLeftLabel,
cardValue: firstCardValue,
cardName: "cardTopLeftLabel")
// top right card
cardTopRight.zPosition = 1
cardTopRight.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardTopRight.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardTopRight.position = CGPoint(x:132, y:-57)
addLabel(spriteNode: cardTopRight,
labelNode: cardTopRightLabel,
cardValue: secondCardValue,
cardName: "cardTopRightLabel")
// bottom left card
cardBottomLeft.zPosition = 1
cardBottomLeft.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardBottomLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardBottomLeft.position = CGPoint(x:-225, y:-365)
addLabel(spriteNode: cardBottomLeft,
labelNode: cardBottomLeftLabel,
cardValue: thirdCardValue,
cardName: "cardBottomLeftLabel")
// bottom right card
cardBottomRight.zPosition = 1
cardBottomRight.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardBottomRight.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardBottomRight.position = CGPoint(x:132, y:-365)
addLabel(spriteNode: cardBottomRight,
labelNode: cardBottomRightLabel,
cardValue: fourthCardValue,
cardName: "cardBottomRightLabel")
func touchDown(atPoint pos : CGPoint)
func touchMoved(toPoint pos : CGPoint) {
func touchUp(atPoint pos : CGPoint) {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
guard let touch = touches.first else {
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
let touchedNode = self.atPoint(touchLocation)
func flipCard (node: SKNode, label: SKLabelNode)
label.isHidden = true
[SKAction.scaleX(to: 0, duration: 0.2),
SKAction.scale(to: 1, duration: 0.0),
SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Redcard-blank"))
label.isHidden = false
func flipCardPause (node: SKNode, interval: Double)
{ interval))
print("paused for \(interval) seconds")
func flipCardBack (node: SKNode, label: SKLabelNode)
label.isHidden = true
[SKAction.scaleX(to: 1, duration: 0.2),
SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Redcard"))
// SKAction.scale(to: 1, duration: 0.2)
if cardTopLeft.contains(touchLocation)
flipCard(node: cardTopLeft, label: cardTopLeftLabel)
//flipCardPause(node: cardTopLeft, interval: 3)
//flipCardBack(node: cardTopLeft, label: cardTopLeftLabel)
if cardTopRight.contains(touchLocation)
flipCard(node: cardTopRight, label: cardTopRightLabel)
if cardBottomLeft.contains(touchLocation)
flipCard(node: cardBottomLeft, label: cardBottomLeftLabel)
if cardBottomRight.contains(touchLocation)
flipCard(node: cardBottomRight, label: cardBottomRightLabel)
for t in touches { self.touchDown(atPoint: t.location(in: self)) }
How to assign dictionary values to the cards?. EDIT 2: By not using values! I'm going to do from the perspective of dictionary keys, that way each card has a key value pair, then just display the value.
// get all the card keys
var cardKeys:[String] = []
for (k,_) in cardsDictionary {
// slice for only four cards
var fourCardKeys = cardKeys[0...3]
// get 1st value for display
So SKLabelNode on touchDown? I'll try it. Also need to flip card so word is not on the image. Lastly compare the pressed card's key to the wordGuess key text. Getting closer
EDIT 3: Update of didMove with split keys and values. Can get the title to be the first key now and I can put the first value on the top left card okay as a test. Progress. Now I just need to either blank out the card on touchDown or find a way to flip it.
cardTopLeft.zPosition = 0
cardTopLeft.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardTopLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardTopLeft.position = CGPoint(x:-229, y:-57)
cardTopLeftLabel.zPosition = 1
cardTopLeftLabel.text = fourCardValues[0] = "cardTopLeftLabel"
cardTopLeftLabel.fontSize = 40
cardTopLeftLabel.fontColor = .black
cardTopLeftLabel.position = CGPoint.init(x: cardTopLeft.size.width/4, y: 0.5)
EDIT 4: Successful in making cards flip. Using .contains on the node and running a SKAction sequence. How would I create three states for the card? Tuple sounds like a fun idea. Unflipped, Flipped, Flipped-Highlighted. It loads with all cards down (done), I want to unflip the card (done), then tap it again to highlight it (help?). In doing so the second time, it highlights itself and the top guess word. The two strings are then concatenated in a label at the bottom, and a Next button activated (not built yet). Upon successful match of the key[value] == A[B] then Score += 1. Getting closer! It's really similar to just a matching game but I'm adding an extra layer of card flipping.
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
guard let touch = touches.first else {
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
let touchedNode = self.atPoint(touchLocation)
func flipCard (node: SKNode, label: SKLabelNode)
label.isHidden = true
[SKAction.scaleX(to: 0, duration: 0.2),
SKAction.scale(to: 1, duration: 0.0),
SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Redcard-blank"))
label.isHidden = false
Personally, I don't like to use userData, my opinion is that isn't a readable code.
I'd some like to create a custom SKNode like:
class Card: SKSpriteNode {
var value....
var dictionary
Another solution, you can create a tuples:
var cardsDictionary: [String:String] = [
let cardTopLeft = (node:SKNode, value:Int, type:[String:String])
cardTopLeft.node = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Redcard")
cardTopLeft.value = 1
cardTopLeft.type = cardsDictionary[0]
All SKNodes have a dictionary you can write to called userData. It is an optional NSMutableDictionary, so you are going to have to create it:
cardTopLeft.zPosition = 1
cardTopLeft.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardTopLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardTopLeft.position = CGPoint(x:-229, y:-57)
cardTopLeft.userData = ["word":"tree","value","arbo"]
To use:
let word = cardTopLeft.userData["word"]
let value = cardTopLeft.userData["value"]
Getting a better understanding of your question, I would use SKLabelNode as an alternative.
What you can do is create SKLabelNodes to the cards with the word you want to attach, and mark it as isHidden = true. When you are ready to reveal the word, you just mark isHidden = false
let value = SKLabelNode("arbo")
value.isHidden = false
cardTopLeft.zPosition = 1
cardTopLeft.size = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 300.0)
cardTopLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cardTopLeft.position = CGPoint(x:-229, y:-57)
//to reveal it
if let label = cardTopLeft.children[0] as? SKLabelNode
label.isHidden = false
//to use it
if let label = cardTopLeft.children[0] as? SKLabelNode
let value = label.text
//compare value to dictionary of answers
You may want to give your labels a name so that you do not have to use children[0], but I will leave how you want to find a node up to you.

Drill down in google charts

I am trying to implement a drill in or drill down in a pie chart. I actually have a working drill down pie chart, however, when I changed the values of the collection, it did not work. I am wondering what went wrong as I completely followed the working code and just replaced its values. The chart simply does not show up and has an error: Uncaught Error: Unknown header type: 17format+en,default+en,ui+en,controls+en,corechart+en.I.js:191. I am not sure though whether this error is related to the problem.
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart', 'controls']});
var index = 0;
function drawChart1() {
int aku = 0, cdu = 0, ls = 0, ptr = 0, rad = 0, oper = 0;
int aku1 = 0, aku2 = 0, aku3 = 0, aku4 = 0, aku5 = 0;
int cdu1 = 0, cdu2 = 0, cdu3 = 0, cdu4 = 0, cdu5 = 0, cdu6 = 0;
int ls1 = 0, ls2 = 0, ls3 = 0, ls4 = 0, ls5 = 0, ls6 = 0, ls7 = 0, ls8 = 0, ls9 = 0, ls10 = 0;
int ptr1 = 0, ptr2 = 0, ptr3 = 0, ptr4 = 0;
int rad1 = 0, rad2 = 0, rad3 = 0;
int oper1 = 0;
%> //Dummy values
var main = [
['Artificial Kidney Unit', <%=aku%>],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]
var collection = [];
collection[0] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(main);
collection[1] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(akuu);
collection[2] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(cduu);
collection[3] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(lss);
collection[4] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(ptrr);
collection[5] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(radd);
collection[6] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(operr);
var options1 = {
title: 'Departments',
animation: {'duration': 500,
'easing': 'in'},
action: function() {
button.onclick = function() {
var chart1 = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));, 'select', drillIn);, 'click', drillOut);
chart1.draw(collection[0], options1);
function drillIn() {
var sel = chart1.getSelection();
var row = chart1.getSelection()[0].row;
options1['title'] = collection[index].getValue(sel[0].row, 0);
if(index === 0) {
if(row === 0) {
index = 1;
if(row === 1) {
index = 2;
if(row === 2) {
index = 3;
if(row === 3) {
index = 4;
if(row === 4) {
index = 5;
if(row === 5) {
index = 6;
else if(index === 1 || index === 2 || index === 3 || index === 4 || index === 5 || index === 6) {
options1['title'] = '# of services rendered in <%=year%>';
index = 0;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
function drillOut(e) {
if(e.targetID === "title") {
if(index !== 0)
else if(index === 4 || index === 6 || index === 8)
index -= 2;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
<div id="chart1">
I have figured out the mistake. All of these need a title before inputting the values.
Revised code:
var main = [
['Department', 'Value'],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]

Passing the lat, lng information to the google map script

I've have an index.html file that includes a gogglemap.js file to display a map of users location. Currently I am attempting to add the proper code to the index.html to pass the lat, lng info to the js file.
Here is filler content for the index file to show what I am attempting to do:
<h3><display user city></h3> <---- this needs to display users city and has filler text to show what I am trying to accomplish.
<div id="map"></div>
<script>var lat=12.356;var lng=-19.31;var country="User Country";var city="User City";</script> <----- seems like it is getting the lat/lng somehow before the index page loads and inserting this script into the index file?
Here is the js file code:
var styles = [{yourcustomstyle}]
var myLatlng = { lat: lat, lng: lng };
function initialize() {
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 12,
center: myLatlng,
styles: styles,
panControl: false,
zoomControl: false,
mapTypeControl: false,
scaleControl: false,
streetViewControl: false,
overviewMapControl: false
var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions );
for (var a = 0; a < 6; a++) {
c = Math.random();
c = c * (0 == 1E6 * c % 2 ? 1 : -1);
d = Math.random()
d = d * (0 == 1E6 * d % 2 ? 1 : -1);
c = new google.maps.LatLng( lat + 0.08 * c + 0.052, lng + 0.2 * d + 0.08),
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: c,
icon: 'marker.png'
function loadScript() {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = '';
document.body.appendChild( script );
window.onload = loadScript;