C++ find_if - How to find an ID (int( - c++

I wanted to find how to use find_if to find the SceneNode based on ID. I am unsure how to do this though.
I was able to for example, do this to remove the SceneNode based on the actual pointer like so:
SceneNode::Ptr SceneNode::detachChild(const SceneNode& node)
auto found = std::find_if(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), [&](Ptr& p) -> bool {return p.get() == &node; });
but I am unsure on how to deal with find_if if I am looking for SceneNodes mID variable (which is an INT).
SceneNode::Ptr SceneNode::findChild(int findID)
auto found = std::find_if(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), ... ? = findID?; });
Does anyone have any good sites or info for me that explains find_if well? Thanks!

You basically had it...
auto found = std::find_if(
[&](Ptr& p) -> bool { return p->mID == node.mID; }

Based on your first example, it appears that a Ptr & is the result of mChildren.begin().operator*() (or something compatible).
SceneNode::Ptr SceneNode::findChild(int findID)
auto found = std::find_if(
mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(),
[findID](Ptr &ptr)
return findID == ptr.get()->mID;

I think you want something like this:
SceneNode::Ptr SceneNode::findChild(int findID)
auto found = std::find_if(std::begin(mChildren), std::end(m_children),
[=](Ptr& p) { return p->mID == findID; }
// ...
This lambda will capture findID by value and compare it with the mID member of what Ptr points to.


how to check if unique_ptr points to this

In following peace of code, I'm trying to find another object that has the same coordinates as this. How to do it correctly?
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector), [this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& attacked_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == attacked_organism->get_coordinates() && *this != *attacked_organism;
Another thing, when I finally manage to get this iterator, how to refer to attacked_organism class methods?
Change *this != *attacked_organism to this != attacked_organism.get():
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& attacked_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == attacked_organism->get_coordinates() && this != attacked_organism.get();
Once you have the iterator that find_if() returns (and after you validate that it is not the end iterator), you can call methods on the Organism by first dereferencing the iterator to access the unique_ptr that is holding the Organism* pointer, and then dereferencing the unique_ptr to access the Organism itself:
auto attacked_organism = find_if(...);
if (attacked_organism != end(organism_vector))
On a side note: I would not recommend giving your iterator variable the same name as the lambda parameter. That just makes things confusing to read. The lambda is trying to find an Organism to attack, but it hasn't actually been attacked yet, so you should name the lambda parameter more appropriately, eg:
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& candidate_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == candidate_organism->get_coordinates() && this != candidate_organism.get();
For that matter, I wouldn't really suggest naming the iterator as attacked_organism, either. It is not the actual Organism, it is an iterator to the Organism, so something more like this would be more readable:
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto found_iterator = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& candidate_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == candidate_organism->get_coordinates() && this != candidate_organism.get();
if (found_iterator != end(organism_vector))
auto &attacked_organism = *found_iterator;

Function returning a container containing specific elements of input container

I have a vector or list of which I only want to apply code to specific elements. E.g.
class Container : public std::vector<Element*>
class Container : public std::list<Element*>
Container newContainer = inputContainer.Get(IsSomething);
if (!newContainer.empty()) {
for (Element* const el: newContainer ) {
[some stuff]
} else {
for (Element* const el : inputContainer) {
[some stuff]
I've written a member function Get() as follows.
template<typename Fn>
auto Container::Get(const Fn& fn) const {
Container output;
std::copy_if(cbegin(), cend(), std::inserter(output, output.end()), fn);
return output;
and IsSomething would be a lambda, e.g.
auto IsSomething= [](Element const* const el)->bool { return el->someBool; };
From performance perspective: Is this a good approach? Or would it be better to copy and remove?
template<typename Fn>
auto Container::Get(const Fn& fn) const {
Container output(*this);
output.erase(std::remove_if(output.begin(), output.end(), fn), end(output));
return output;
Or is there a better approach anyhow?
edit: different example
As my previous example can be written in a better way, let's show a different example:
while (!(container2 = container1.Get(IsSomething)).empty()&&TimesFooCalled<SomeValue)
Container container3(container2.Get(IsSomething));
if (!container3.empty()) {
} else {
Not answering your direct question, but note that you can implement the original algorithm without copying anything. Something like this:
bool found = false;
for (Element* const el: inputContainer) {
if (IsSomething(el)) {
found = true;
[some stuff]
if (!found) {
for (Element* const el : inputContainer) {
[some stuff]
The usual pattern that I use is something like this:
for(auto const * item : inputContainer) if(IsSomething(item)) {
// Do stuff with item
This is usually good enough, so other approaches seem overkill.
For better performance it is always better not to copy or remove elements from the list you get. In my experience it's even faster if you only go through the list once, for caching reasons. So here is what I would do to find one or the other "best" value from a list:
auto const isBetter = std::greater<Element>();
Element const * best = nullptr, const * alt_best = nullptr;
for(Element const * current : inputContainer) {
if(IsSomething(current)) {
if(!best || isBetter(*best, *current)) best = current;
} else {
if(!alt_best || isBetter(*alt_best, *current)) alt_best = current;
if(best) {
// do something with best
} else if(alt_best) {
// do something with alt_best
} else {
// empty list
If you find yourself doing this a lot or you want to make this part of your class's interface you could consider writing an iterator that skips elements you don't like.
If you actually want to remove the item from the list, you could do something like this:
inputContainer.erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(inputContainer), std::end(inputContainer),
[](Element const *item) {
if(IsSomething(item)) {
// Do something with item
return true;
return false;

Iterating over vector of custom object with two conditions

Using C++11, I'd like to iterate over a vector and return a type that indicates that the index was not found.
I am use to the traditional for(;;) loop and specifying the index manually, as my code shows below.
inline std::size_t ItemList::FindItem(Items& Item)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ItemVector.size(); i++)
if (ItemVector[i]->GetId() == Item.GetId() && !ItemVector[i]->GetName().compare(Item.GetName()))
return i + 1;
return 0;
I'm also having to increment the index +1 in order to return a value of 0 (to accommodate unsigned size_t) to indicate the calling method that the index was not found (I understand this is asinine). I am assuming it would be more suitable to return something more like std::end()?
Would using a C++11 iterator approach be more efficient? The vector will populate to a large number and the find needs to be quick.
You could use std::find_if and work with iterators:
auto it = std::find_if(ItemVector.begin(), ItemVector.end(),
[&Item](Items *value) {
return value->GetId() == Item.GetId() && !value->GetName().compare(Item.GetName());
Then you can simply test if it != ItemVector.end() to know if you found something.
There will likely be no (or very small) difference between this and your version in term of speed, but it is a cleaner way to check if something was found or not.
Yes, an iterator would be the way to do this, you're actually writing your own version of find_if You could instead do:
find_if(cbegin(ItemVector), cend(ItemVector), [&](const auto& i){ return i.GetId() == Item.GetId() && i.GetName() != Item.GetName(); })
You can test whether the result of this function was found by testing for equality with cend(ItemVector).
Additionally if you need to find the index of the item you can pass this result after cbegin(ItemVector) to: distance
Live Example
My solution for double search condition that Lambda has multiple parameters in find_if
bool check_second_loop(FullFrame *image_track, guint64 object_id, bool *deletion)
auto itr= std::find_if(image_track->track_ids.begin(),
[object_id](const guint64& a)
return a == object_id;
if (itr != image_track->track_ids.end())
*deletion = true;
return true;
return false;
bool check_first_loop(guint64 object_id, gint source_id)
bool deletion = false;
auto it = find_if(full_frame_list.begin(), full_frame_list.end(),
[object_id, &deletion, source_id](FullFrame &x)
return check_second_loop(&x, object_id, &deletion)
&& x.camera_number == source_id;
if (it != full_frame_list.end())
// Found
return true;
return false;

C++ finding something in vector

I have an vector like this:
DWORD dwWorldId;
vector<RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN> vecMSpawn;
As you can see it will hold 2 values dwWorldId and D3DXVECTOR3 vPos;
vPos will hold x,y,z value.
Now what I want to do is looping true the vector and if the worldId matches the worldId that is beeing passed. It should return the vPos that is releated to the worldId.
If have use std::find find_all and count.
But it always returns the error
binary == no operator found which takes a left hand operator of type
So I am an bit stuck on this. Any help would be appreciated.
With kind regards.
Here is the code that is giving me problems
void CRiftMatch::GetMoverSpawnPoints(dwWorldId)
std::vector<RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN> vecSpawn = CRiftMng::GetInstance()->m_vecMSpawnPoint;
std::vector<RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN>::iterator it = std::find(vecSpawn.begin(), vecSpawn.end(), dwWorldId);
OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING("\n GetMoverSpawn %d", *it);
m_vecMSpawnPoint is defined in .h file as
vector<RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN> m_vecMSpawnPoint;
Also to fill it i am using this code
while (Lua.TableLoop(-2))
rSpawnPoint.dwWorldId = static_cast<int>(CScript::GetDefineNum(Lua.GetFieldToString(-1, "dwWorldId")));
rSpawnPoint.vPos.x = static_cast<float>(Lua.GetFieldToNumber(-1, "x"));
rSpawnPoint.vPos.y = static_cast<float>(Lua.GetFieldToNumber(-1, "y"));
rSpawnPoint.vPos.z = static_cast<float>(Lua.GetFieldToNumber(-1, "z"));
You have to modify your struct to be able compare values during find:
DWORD dwWorldId;
bool operator () ( const RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN & m ) const
return m.dwWorldId == dwWorldId;
monsterToFind.dwWorldId = dwWorldId;
it = std::find_if( vecSpawn.begin(), vecSpawn.end(), monsterToFind);
Maybe just a type, but in your code, you have
void CRiftMatch::GetMoverSpawnPoints(dwWorldId)
but it should be
void CRiftMatch::GetMoverSpawnPoints(DWORD dwWorldId)
You could pass a predicate (which can be a lambda) to std::find_if so code
auto it = std::find_if(vecSpawn.begin(), vecSpawn.end(),
[&] (const struct RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN& sp)
{return sp.dxWorldId == dwWorldIt;});
But in such a case I would simply use a for loop (because I find that more readable):
int ix=0;
for (auto&sp : vecSpawn) {
if (sp.dxWorldId == dwWorldIt)
return vecSpawn.begin() + ix;
With range/v3, you may simply do
auto it = ranges::find(vecSpawn, dwWorldIt, &RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN::dxWorldId);
else you have to use more verbose
auto it = std::find_if(vecSpawn.begin(), vecSpawn.end(),
[&](const RIFT_MONSTER_SPAWN& e) {
return e.dxWorldId == dwWorldIt;

GOF Composite Design Pattern CompositeObject::Remove Recursive Implementation in C++

This is the part of question from my question asked in codereview website:
GOF Composite Design Pattern Implementation Using Modern C++
The post has complete information/implementation about it but here I am posting this question to understand about the following information:
How to implement CompositeEquipment::Remove?.
Based on my understanding, it should do recursive search in all composite object in which client has invoked and recursively all its child objects which can also be of composite type. Just to illustrate from above implementation, if client write the as cabinet->Remove(bus); it would not remove bus object as it is the child of chassis object. This seems to be incorrect to me. However I am not able to implement the CompositeEquipment::Remove in such a way that it searches recursively if child objects themselves are of composite.
So far I have came of with the following implementation which just searches the composite objects which client has involved for Remove method.
//To find out whether items are in the composite objects
class Name_Equal {
Equipment::EquipmentSmartPtr val;
Name_Equal(const Equipment::EquipmentSmartPtr& v) :val(v) { }
bool operator()(const Equipment::EquipmentSmartPtr& x) const {
return (x->Name() == val->Name());
void CompositeEquipment::Remove(EquipmentSmartPtr entry) {
find_equipment(_equipment, entry);
void CompositeEquipment::find_equipment(std::vector<EquipmentSmartPtr>& vec,
EquipmentSmartPtr& entry){
Name_Equal eq(entry);
auto itrpos = std::find_if(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), eq);
if (itrpos != std::end(vec)) {
Kindly let me know in case any additional information or complete code needs to post here as well.
There are two options:
Provide a virtual function Remove in the base class and make it a noop implementation. Then add a few more lines to CompositeEquipment::find_equipment.
void CompositeEquipment::find_equipment(std::vector<EquipmentSmartPtr>& vec,
EquipmentSmartPtr& entry){
Name_Equal eq(entry);
auto itrpos = std::find_if(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), eq);
if (itrpos != std::end(vec)) {
} else {
for ( EquipmentSmartPtr sptr : vec )
Use dynamic_cast to determine whether an item of the composite is a composite also. If so, call Remove on it. I prefer this option.
void CompositeEquipment::find_equipment(std::vector<EquipmentSmartPtr>& vec,
EquipmentSmartPtr& entry){
Name_Equal eq(entry);
auto itrpos = std::find_if(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), eq);
if (itrpos != std::end(vec)) {
} else {
for ( EquipmentSmartPtr sptr : vec )
Equipment* ptr = dynamic_cast<Equipment*>(sptr.get());
if ( ptr )
A bit about names... find_equipment seems a strange name for the function. I would put the whole thing in Remove.
void CompositeEquipment::Remove(EquipmentSmartPtr& entry){
std::vector<EquipmentSmartPtr>& vec = _equipment;
Name_Equal eq(entry);
auto itrpos = std::find_if(std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), eq);
if (itrpos != std::end(vec)) {
} else {
for ( EquipmentSmartPtr sptr : vec )
Equipment* ptr = dynamic_cast<Equipment*>(sptr.get());
if ( ptr )