I am using the udeploy cloudfoundry plugin to push applications to cloudfoundry
How can I set the enviornment variables in cloud foundry from udeploy
Environment variables can be set in your cloud foundry manifest file, manifest.yml using the env: block. For example:
http_proxy: http://proxy.example.com:8080
If the value of the environment variable is dynamic, you can use a token:
http_proxy: #PROXY_SERVER_PORT#
And use a "replace tokens in manifest file" step in your Urban Code deploy flow.
After deployment, is there a way to inspect the process.env variables on a running cloud run service?
I thought they would be available in the following page:
Is there a way to make them available here? Or to inspect it in some other way?
PS: This is a Docker container.
I have the following ENV on my Dockerfile. And I know they are present, because everything is working as it should. But I cannot see them in the service details:
ENV NODE_ENV=production
I'm using a cloudbuild.yaml file. The ENV directives are present in my Dockerfile, and they are being passed to my container. Maybe I should add env to my cloudbuild.yaml file? Because I'm using --substitutions on my gcloub builds sumbmit call and they are passed as --build-arg to my Docker build step. But I'm not declaring them as env in my cloudbuild.yaml.
I followed the official documentation and set the environment variables on a Cloud Run service using the console.Then I was able to list them on the Google Cloud Console.
You can set environment variables using the Cloud Console, the gcloud
command line, or a YAML file when you create a new service or deploy a
new revision:
With the help of #marian.vladoi's answer. This what I've ended up doing
In my deploy step from cloudbuild.yaml file:
I added the --set-env-vars parameter
- name: "gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk"
entrypoint: gcloud
- "beta"
- "run"
- "deploy"
- "--image=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/SERVICE_NAME:$_TAG_NAME"
- "--platform=managed"
- "--region=us-central1"
- "--min-instances=$_MIN_INSTANCES"
- "--max-instances=3"
- "--port=8080"
- "--allow-unauthenticated"
timeout: 180s
I have this manifest.yml:
- name: xx
buildpack: java-bp480-v2
instances: 2
memory: 2G
path: webapp/build/libs/trid.war
- xxservice
- xxservice
- xxcktbrkrcnfgsvc
- xxappdynamics
- autoscaler-xx
spring_profiles_active: cloud
swagger_active: false
JAVA_OPTS: -Dspring.profiles.active=cloud -Xmx1G -Xms1G -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
What will env do?.
Will that create three environment variables or it will append JAVA_OPTS to the start command if the spring profile active is cloud?.
What will env do?.
The env block will instruct the cf cli to create environment variables on your behalf. Entries take the form variable_name: variable_value. From your example, you'll end up with a variable named spring_profiles_active with a value of cloud. Plus the other two you have defined.
JAVA_OPTS is a special env variable for the Java buildpack. Whatever you put into JAVA_OPTS will be included in the start command for your application. It is an easy way to add additional arguments, system properties and configuration flags to the JVM.
Please note, at least in the example above, the spacing is wrong on your env: block. It's all the way to the left, but the env:should be indented two spaces. Then each env variable defined under theenv:` block should be indented two more spaces for a total of four spaces. YAML is very picky about spaces and indentation. When in doubt, use a YAML validator to confirm your YAML is valid.
I have a endpoint application so therefore when i deploy endpoints configuration to google cloud i get a service name and configuration id each time i deploy which i need to set as environment variable at the time of deployment of my app-engine project in app.yaml
ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME: [project-id].appspot.com
so instead of specifying it in app.yaml can i specify in command line at the time of deployment?
I tried to see any such flag or command line argument in gcloud but was not able to find
No, it needs to be in the app.yaml. That is how the running app gets its environment variables.
I am trying to create an application in DevOps Services using Alchemy API services. Every time I try to build and deploy the application I need to set the Alchemy_Key in Bluemix Environment Variable.
Is their any option to automate the creation of User-Defined Variable?
You can automate the creation of a user defined environment variable by adding the following to the manifest.yml file :
ALCHEMY_KEY: ${value}
Please look at the following link for additional attributes to be used in manifest.yml for deploying applications : http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/manifest.html
You can also use the cf CLI command: cf set-env
cf help set-env
set-env - Set an env variable for an app
I need to set up consumer key and secrets for Github, Twitter and Facebook.
On version 1 of Cloud Foundry you could do vmc env-add NAME=VALUE
Now with the cf gem I see I can do cf env but thats it.
I also tried setting a .env file and repushing with no success
In addition, you can set environment variables in an application manifest file.
Here is an example of how to do so (see the env section of the manifest with name/value pairs)
- name: app1
It looks like you can do a cf set-env (https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf/blob/master/lib/cf/cli/app/env.rb). You can also always do a cf help --all, which will show you all the commands you can use.