SFML write to the console - c++

I'm writing a SFML project in c++, using Code::Blocks in Windows for my IDE. When I run the program through Code::Blocks, it opens a console window. Is there any simple way to write to that? I tried std::cout<<"console output"<<std::endl;, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I really just want this for debugging purposes, such as printing out an exception before the program closes. I haven't been able to find documentation on writing to a console. The only thing I found is writing to the main screen with sf::Text, which isn't really what I want.


why is c++ opening my windows terminal and VS Code terminal?

Whenever I ask for the user input (using C or C++), VS Code will open my windows terminal, ask for input, and then close and ask for the same input in the integrated VSC terminal.
Now, this should be a very simple fix but no matter what I google, I can't find anyone having the same issue.
Also, when I enter input into the windows terminal, it doesn't use that information at all. It just closes after all of the console input operations are complete. Only the VS Code's integrated terminal does anything useful.
Anyways, does anyone know how I can disable my windows terminal from opening up when running C/C++ programs?
Tried googling for help but couldn't find anything directly related to what I was experiencing

How can I develop pure GUI wxwigets program by XCode

I have create a wxwidgets program(Pure C++) , the build is success and running is OK
But when I click the program in finder, a terminal windows is popup.
How to avoid the terminal window being popup?
PS: Similiar problem is also seen in Visual Studio, and can be fixed by changing subsystem from Console to Windows
Is there a similiar configuration in Xcode?
You must make a bundle for your application under OS X. If you use Xcode, this should already be the case. If you use makefiles/command line, look at how the minimal sample included in wxWidgets distribution does it.

Show command prompt with Qt Creator and CMake

The dev environment in question consists of:
Windows 7
MinGW (g++)
Qt Creator
The problem is that Qt Creator, a lovely IDE as far as I can tell, does not display programs' command-line output. It seems to have its own proprietary debug pane, but it doesn't give me, for example, runtime errors. It just tells me that the program has failed and gives me the exit code. I'm using Creator only for its C++ capabilities, and not using Qt in any way, so the proprietary pane is useless to me.
So I ask this: Can something be done? Am I missing something really, stupidly obvious like a built-in command line? Or, if not, can I at least use some filthy and/or repulsive hack to get it to display the Windows command prompt upon running a program?
Last thing; I did do some research, and found a way to edit the Qt project file to display the prompt, but... I'm using CMake, not Qt projects. So that doesn't answer my question. If I can do something similar with CMakeLists.txt, that would be wonderful. But Google has failed me on that front, so I'm not holding out too much hope.
I'm specifically worried about runtime errors. cout and printf are rerouted to Qt Creator's window, so that's fine. I don't get runtime errors unless the debugger catches them, and the frequency of that is less than ideal.
Windows GUI programs don't have standard output.
In Windows there are two possible entry points in the standard runtime. The console one and the windows one. The console one will inherit console window from parent process or create a new one and connect the standard input/output/error streams to it, while the windows one will leave them unconnected unless they were explicitly redirected by the invoking process. A Qt application is (probably; you could have console Qt-Core application) a GUI application and Qt Creator (nor any other Windows IDE) does not redirect the output explicitly. Therefore the standard output is not open at all and the writes are being discarded.
However windows have separate logging facility for debugging purpose. This is what you see in the debug window. You can write to it using the native OutputDebugString API. I am sure you can also direct the Qt debug log there.
Note, that when it tells you the program has exited with status 0, it means the program ran, which in turn means it compiled successfully and thus there were no errors from g++. There may have been warnings, in which case you should see them in the appropriate other window. Compiler and program output are different things; the IDE does read the compiler output.

How to use GUI Windows Application with Console on Visual Studio 2012?

I've been searching arround StackOverflow but seems I can't find the exact explanation for my problem:
I am running a GUI Application compiled under Visual Studio 2012. As it is a GUI application, sometimes it's quite hard to Debug it normally, so I need to printout some values while executing. I've done a couple of printf but the problem is that, as it is a GUI application there is no Console available while debugging it. I need to debug and have a Console to display these output values from printf. I know under CodeBlocks it is possible to do so, however the project is quite big to have to migrate everything to gcc CodeBlocks.
Could anyone tell me how to display such console or how to workaround the problem and have a similar result?
Thank you very much
Windows applicaton can't be both GUI and console.
There is a workaround however:
If you applicatop is based on MFC use TRACE macro.
Otherwise make your own wrapper around OutputDebugString function.
Both will output to Visual Studio's 'Output' pane when you launch our program under debugger
An of course you can always output diagnostic messages to good old log file.

C++ disallow command prompt from displaying

Is there any thing I can do to make sure that the shell/command prompt does not show up when I run my C++ program, it is meant to be a background program? While it isn't a huge deal if it displays because it quickly closes, I would prefer it doesn't display at all. Program will run on windows xp/vista/7 OS
Configure your compiler or linker to mark your program as a GUI application.
Windows recognizes two main types of programs: GUI and console. If the EXE header is marked as a console program, then the OS creates a console window prior to executing it. Otherwise, it doesn't. This isn't something you can control at run time; you need to set it at link time. (You can call ShowWindow(GetConsoelWindow(), SW_HIDE) to try to control it at run time, but that doesn't prevent the window from flickering on and then off again. Plus, if your program is sharing the console with another program, like cmd.exe, then you'll have just hidden the user's command-prompt window!) Even if your program doesn't have any actual GUI, that's still the mode you need to avoid having a console window created for you.
If you're starting a new project in Visual Studio, select the "Win32 Console Application" option. If you already have a project, then in your project's configuration properties, find the "Subsystem" setting of the "Linker/System" section and set it to "Console." That makes the linker use the /subsystem:console option. If you're using Mingw, use the -Wl,--subsystem,windows option.
Sounds to me like you want to create a Windows service, not a command line utility. This is why services exist. Long running background tasks that require no user interaction. A simple example here.