Python sorting timestamp - python-2.7

I am struggling with something that should be relatively straight forward, but I am getting nowhere.
I have a bunch of data that has a timestamp in the format of hh:mm:ss. The data ranges from 00:00:00 all 24 hours of the day through 23:59:59.
I do not know how to go about pulling out the hh part of the data, so that I can just look at data between specific hours of the day.
I read the data in from a CSV file using:
with open(filename) as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
time = row['Time']
This gives me time in the hh:mm:ss format, but now I do not know how to do what I want, which is look at the data from 6am until 6pm. 06:00:00 to 18:00:00.

With the times in 24 hour format, this is actually very simple:
'06:00:00' <= row['Time'] <= '18:00:00'
Assuming that you only have valid timestamps, this is true for all times between 6 AM and 6 PM inclusive.
If you want to get a list of all rows that meet this, you can put this into a list comprehension:
relevant_rows = [row for row in reader if '06:00:00' <= row['Time'] <= '18:00:00']
For handling times with no leading zero (0:00:00, 3:00:00, 15:00:00, etc), use split to get just the part before the first colon:
> row_time = '0:00:00'
> row_time.split(':')
['0', '00', '00']
> int(row_time.split(':')[0])
You can then check if the value is at least 6 and less than 18. If you want to include entries that are at 6 PM, then you have to check the minutes and seconds to make sure it is not after 6 PM.
However, you don't even really need to try anything like regex or even a simple split. You have two cases to deal with - either the hour is one digit, or it is two digits. If it is one digit, it needs to be at least six. If it is two digits, it needs to be less than 18. In code:
if row_time[1] == ':': # 1-digit hour
if row_time > '6': # 6 AM or later
# This is an entry you want
if row_time < '18:00:00': # Use <= if you want 6 PM to be included
# This is an entry you want
or, compacted to a single line:
if (row_time[1] == ':' and row_time > '6') or row_time < '18:00:00':
# Parenthesis are not actually needed, but help make it clearer
as a list comprehension:
relevant_rows = [row for row in reader if (row['Time'][1] == ':' and row['Time'] > '6') or row['Time'] < '18:00:00']

You can use Python's slicing syntax to pull characters from the string.
For example:
time = '06:05:22'
timestamp_hour = time[0:2] #catch all chars from index 0 to index 2
print timestamp_hour
>>> '06'
should produce the first two digits: '06'. Then you can call the int() method to cast them as ints:
hour = int(timestamp_hour)
print hour
>>> 6
Now you have an interger variable that can be checked to see if is between, say, 6 and 18.


For Loop and If Statement not performing as expected

Here's the code:
# Scrape table data
alltable = driver.find_elements_by_id("song-table")
date =
simple_year_list = []
complex_year_list = []
dateformat1 = re.compile(r"\d\d\d\d")
dateformat2 = re.compile(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d")
for term in alltable:
simple_year = dateformat1.findall(term.text)
for year in simple_year:
if 1800 < int(year) < date.year: # Year can't be above what the current year is or below 1800,
simple_year_list.append(simple_year) # Might have to be changed if you have a song from before 1800
complex_year = dateformat2.findall(term.text)
The code uses regular expressions to find four consecutive digits. Since there are multiple 4 digit numbers, I want to narrow it down to between 1800 and 2021 since that's a reasonable time frame. simple_year_list, however, prints out numbers that don't follow the conditions.
You aren't saving the right value here:
You should be saving the year:
I would need more information to help further though. Maybe give us a sample of the data you're working through, and the output you're seeing?
You can do it all in regex.
Add start ^ and end $ anchors, and range restriction via pattern:
dateformat1 = re.compile(r"^(1[89]\d\d|20([01]\d|2[01]))$")

PDL matrix confusion

I have a simple but large data file. It's output from a neural network simulation. The first column is a time step, 1..200. The second is the target word (for the current simulation, 1..212). Then there are 212 columns, one for each word. That is, each row has the activation values of each word node at a particular time step given a particular target (input) word.
I need to do simple operations, such as converting each activation to a response strength (exp(constant x activation)) and then dividing each response strength by the row sum of response strength. Doing this in R is very slow (20 minutes), and doing it with conventional looping in perl is faster but still slow (7 minutes) given that later simulations will involve thousands of words.
It seems like PDL should be able to do this much more quickly. I've been reading the PDL documentation, but I'm really at a loss for how to do the second step. The first one seems as easy as selecting just the activation columns and putting them in $act and then:
$rp = exp($act * $k);
But I can't figure out how then to divide each value by its row sum. Any advice would be appreciated.
It looks like you need to make a copy of the matrix, then use the first one to read from, and the second to write too.
NOTE using $c++ instead of the for $loop() { might be more efficient ! }
$x = sequence(3,3)*2+1;
[ 1 3 5]
[ 7 9 11]
[13 15 17]
$y .= $x; # if you use = here it will change both x and y
for $c(0..2) { for $d(0..2) { $y($c,$d) .= $y($c,$d) / sum($x(,$d)) }}
p $y;
[0.11111111 0.33333333 0.55555556]
[0.25925926 0.33333333 0.40740741]
[0.28888889 0.33333333 0.37777778]
As is often the case in PDL, a good answer to this involves slicing and indices.
$k = 0.7; # made-up value
$data = zeroes 214,200;
$data((0)) .= sequence(200) + 1; # column 0=1..200
$data((1)) .= indx(zeroes(200)->random*212) + 1; # column 1 randomly 1..212
$data(2:-1)->inplace->random; # rest of columns random values for this demo
$indices = ($data(1)+1)->append($data((0))->sequence->transpose); # indices are [column 1 value,row index]
$act = $data->indexND($indices); # vector of the activation values
$rp = exp($act * $k);
$rp /= $data(2:-1)->sumover; # divide by sum of each row's non-index values

Speedy test on R data frame to see if row values in one column are inside another column in the data frame

I have a data frame of marketing data with 22k records and 6 columns, 2 of which are of interest.
Here's a link with the dput output of a sample of the dataframe:
Please let me know if there's a better way of sharing this data.
All I want to do is create an additional binary keep column which should be:
1 if FO.variable is inside Variable
0 if FO.Variable is not inside Variable
Seems like a simple Excel I would just add another column with an "if" formula and then paste the formula down. I've spent the past hours trying to get this and R and failing.
Here's what I've tried:
Using grepl for pattern matching. I've used grepl before but this time I'm trying to pass a column instead of a string. My early attempts failed because I tried to force grepl and ifelse resulting in grepl using the first value in the column instead of the entire thing.
My next attempt was to use transform and grep based off another post on SO. I didn't think this would give me my exact answer but I figured it would get me close enough for me to figure it out from there...the code ran for a while than errored because invalid subscript.
transform(dd, Keep = FO.variable[sapply(variable, grep, FO.variable)])
My next attempt was to use str_detect, but I don't think this is the right approach because I want the row level value and I think 'any' will literally use any value in the vector?
kk <- sapply(dd$variable, function(x) any(sapply(dd$FO.variable, str_detect, string = x)))
EDIT: Just tried a for loop. I would prefer a vectorized approach but I'm pretty desperate at this point. I haven't used for-loops before as I've avoided them and stuck to other solutions. It doesn't seem to be working quite right not sure if I screwed up the syntax:
for(i in 1:nrow(dd)){
if(dd[i,4] %in% dd[i,2])
dd$test[i] <- 1
As I mentioned, my ideal output is an additional column with 1 or 0 if FO.variable was inside variable. For example, the first three records in the sample data would be 1 and the 4th record would be zero since "Direct/Unknown" is not within "Organic Search, System Email".
A bonus would be if a solution could run fast. The apply options were taking a long, long time perhaps because they were looping over every iteration across both columns?
This turned out to not nearly be as simple as I would of thought. Or maybe it is and I'm just a dunce. Either way, I appreciate any help on how to best approach this.
I read the data
df = dget("")
then split the 'variable' column into its parts and figured out the lengths of each entry
v = strsplit(as.character(df$variable), ",", fixed=TRUE)
len = lengths(v) ## sapply(v, length) in R-3.1.3
Then I unlisted v and created an index that maps the unlisted v to the row from which it came from
uv = unlist(v)
idx = rep(seq_along(v), len)
Finally, I found the indexes for which uv was equal to its corresponding entry in FO.variable
test = (uv == as.character(df$FO.variable)[idx])
df$Keep = FALSE
df$Keep[ idx[test] ] = TRUE
Or combined (it seems more useful to return the logical vector than the modified data.frame, which one could obtain with dd$Keep = f0(dd))
f0 = function(dd) {
v = strsplit(as.character(dd$variable), ",", fixed=TRUE)
len = lengths(v)
uv = unlist(v)
idx = rep(seq_along(v), len)
keep = logical(nrow(dd))
keep[ idx[uv == as.character(dd$FO.variable)[idx]] ] = TRUE
(This could be made faster using the fact that the columns are factors, but maybe that's not intentional?) Compared with (the admittedly simpler and easier to understand)
f1 = function(dd)
mapply(grepl, dd$FO.variable, dd$variable, fixed=TRUE)
f1a = function(dd)
mapply(grepl, as.character(dd$FO.variable),
as.character(dd$variable), fixed=TRUE)
f2 = function(dd)
apply(dd, 1, function(x) grepl(x[4], x[2], fixed=TRUE))
> library(microbenchmark)
> identical(f0(df), f1(df))
[1] TRUE
> identical(f0(df), unname(f2(df)))
[1] TRUE
> microbenchmark(f0(df), f1(df), f1a(df), f2(df))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
f0(df) 57.559 64.6940 70.26804 69.4455 74.1035 98.322 100
f1(df) 573.302 603.4635 625.32744 624.8670 637.1810 766.183 100
f1a(df) 138.527 148.5280 156.47055 153.7455 160.3925 246.115 100
f2(df) 494.447 518.7110 543.41201 539.1655 561.4490 677.704 100
Two subtle but important additions during the development of the timings were to use fixed=TRUE in the regular expression, and to coerce the factors to character.
I would go with a simple mapply in your case, as you correctly said, by row operations will be very slow. Also, (as suggested by Martin) setting fixed = TRUE and apriori converting to character will significantly improve performance.
transform(dd, Keep = mapply(grepl,
fixed = TRUE))
# VisitorIDTrue variable value FO.variable FO.value Keep
# 22 44888657 Direct / Unknown,Organic Search 1 Direct / Unknown 1 TRUE
# 2 44888657 Direct / Unknown,System Email 1 Direct / Unknown 1 TRUE
# 6 44888657 Direct / Unknown,TV 1 Direct / Unknown 1 TRUE
# 10 44888657 Organic Search,System Email 1 Direct / Unknown 1 FALSE
# 18 44888657 Organic Search,TV 1 Direct / Unknown 1 FALSE
# 14 44888657 System Email,TV 1 Direct / Unknown 1 FALSE
# 24 44888657 Direct / Unknown,Organic Search 1 Organic Search 1 TRUE
# 4 44888657 Direct / Unknown,System Email 1 Organic Search 1 FALSE
Here is a data.table approach that I think is very similar in spirit to Martin's:
dt <- data.table(df)
fch = as.character(FO.variable),
rn = 1:.N
dtvars <- dt[,strsplit(as.character(variable),',',fixed=TRUE),by=rn]
The idea is to
identify all pairs of rn & variable (saved in dtvars) and
see which of these pairs match with rn & F0.variable pairs (in the original table, dt).

Struggling with syntax with If....Then statements in model, Rails 3.2.13

I'm trying to write an equation that calculates how long an employee has been hired to determine how much Vacation time they are eligible for. New hires get 10, after six years of employment they get an extra day a year, capping off at 10 extra days (on their 16th year). Some of these equations worked individually, but they don't work all together. So I'm having a syntax problem I think.
undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass
The vacation_days section is what is breaking my app.
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
def years_employed
( - hire_date).round / 365
def vacation_days
if years_employed <= 6
if years_employed > 6
(years_employed.to_i - 6) + 10
if years_employed > 16
(years_employed * 0) + 20
Also, if you have any advice on a better way to go about this, please instruct me!
You don't want ends, you want elses, otherwise it's going to keep evaluating–so you were returning nil sometimes. Roughly:
def vacation_days
if years_employed <= 6
elsif years_employed <= 16
years_employed + 4
just as an alternative you can use a case statement along with ranges
def vacation_days
case years_employed
when 0..6 then 10
when 7..16 then years_employed+4
else 20

What is the best way to populate a load file for a date lookup dimension table?

Informix 11.70.TC4:
I have an SQL dimension table which is used for looking up a date (pk_date) and returning another date (plus1, plus2 or plus3_months) to the client, depending on whether the user selects a "1","2" or a "3".
The table schema is as follows:
TABLE date_lookup
pk_date DATE,
plus1_months DATE,
plus2_months DATE,
plus3_months DATE
UNIQUE INDEX on date_lookup(pk_date);
I have a load file (pipe delimited) containing dates from 01-28-2012 to 03-31-2014.
The following is an example of the load file:
EDIT : Sir Jonathan's SQL statement using DATE(pk_date + n UNITS MONTH on 11.70.TC5 worked!
I generated a load file with pk_date's from 01-28-2012 to 12-31-2020, and plus1, plus2 & plus3_months NULL. Loaded this into date_lookup table, then executed the update statement below:
UPDATE date_lookup
SET plus1_months = DATE(pk_date + 1 UNITS MONTH),
plus2_months = DATE(pk_date + 2 UNITS MONTH),
plus3_months = DATE(pk_date + 3 UNITS MONTH);
Apparently, DATE() was able to convert pk_date to DATETIME, do the math with TC5's new algorithm, and return the result in DATE format!
The rules for this dimension table are:
If pk_date has 31 days in its month and plus1, plus2 or plus3_months only have 28, 29, or 30 days, then let plus1, plus2 or plus3 equal the last day of that month.
If pk_date has 30 days in its month and plus1, plus2 or plus3 has 28 or 29 days in its month, let them equal the last valid date of those month, and so on.
All other dates fall on the same day of the following month.
My question is: What is the best way to automatically generate pk_dates past 03-31-2014 following the above rules? Can I accomplish this with an SQL script, "sed", C program?
EDIT: I mentioned sed because I already have more than two years worth of data and
could perhaps model the rest after this data, or perhaps a tool like awk is better?
The best technique would be to upgrade to 11.70.TC5 (on 32-bit Windows; generally to 11.70.xC5 or later) and use an expression such as:
FROM Wherever
The DATETIME code was modified between 11.70.xC4 and 11.70.xC5 to generate dates according to the rules you outline when the dates are as described and you use the + n UNITS MONTH or equivalent notation.
This obviates the need for a table at all. Clearly, though, all your clients would also have to be on 11.70.xC5 too.
Maybe you can update your development machine to 11.70.xC5 and then use this property to generate the data for the table on your development machine, and distribute the data to your clients.
If upgrading at least someone to 11.70.xC5 is not an option, then consider the Perl script suggestion.
Can it be done with SQL? Probably, but it would be excruciating. Ditto for C, and I think 'no' is the answer for sed.
However, a couple of dozen lines of perl seems to produce what you need:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;
my #dates;
# parse arguments
while (my $datep = shift){
my ($m,$d,$y) = split('-', $datep);
push(#dates, DateTime->new(year => $y, month => $m, day => $d))
|| die "Cannot parse date $!\n";
open(STDOUT, ">", "output.unl") || die "Unable to create output file.";
my ($date, $end) = #dates;
while( $date < $end ){
my #row = ($date->mdy('-')); # start with pk_date
for my $mth ( qw[ 1 2 3 ] ){
my $fut_d = $date->clone->add(months => $mth);
until (
($fut_d->month == $date->month + $mth
&& $fut_d->year == $date->year) ||
($fut_d->month == $date->month + $mth - 12
&& $fut_d->year > $date->year)
$fut_d->subtract(days => 1); # step back until criteria met
push(#row, $fut_d->mdy('-'));
print STDOUT join("|", #row, "\n");
$date->add(days => 1);
Save that as, chmod +x it and execute like this:
$ 04-01-2014 12-31-2020
That seems to do the trick for me.